No mind sounds nihilistic but it's not. No mind is being before becoming a belief. No mind is the practice. Being is the nondual expression of the absolute godhead. Smile!
The sun outside is myth. Sun inside is the core of course. And black holes are holistic. Myth is the deconstruction of material superstition. The core is being being.
Belief has nine lives. Being being is this one. Emerging from the source, self-awareness swallows all. No mind is absolute deconstruction of the mind. Being being is absolution.
as consciousness is the expression of the absolute, and divine imagination is the expression of consciousness, spontaneous revelation is the expression of divine imagination
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Talking Tantra
One is taught to eat the world but learns to swallow oneself. And after the world is truly digested, everything is shit but love.
For love is not all you need. Love is all you are. Whereas consciousness eats the world just for the love of itself.
And consciousness loving consciousness is the fuel of self-awareness. All the rest is smoke.
(In order for consciousness to love itself, consciousness forgets itself. This forgetfulness is like a dream world.)
The potentiality of pure awareness being self-aware feels like universal consciousness in play. The only emperor is the emperor of clothes.
Whereas consciousness is the nondual expression of the absolute, verbs equal nouns. Being is the unknown and vice versa.
There's no division but religions of thought, east or west. Love is absolute. I am is that. Physicist heal thyself.
Welcome to the self-reflexive world to everyone who enters here. For consciousness sacrifices consciousness in the name of self-awareness. In this way, all is well unless you overthink it. Relax, love survives Venus.
Memory is a tool of consciousness made for forgetting. According to Munch, consciousness is the sun and the world is the scream. But consciousness is all you know and don’t you forget it.
For consciousness is nameless and the nameless is god.
For love is not all you need. Love is all you are. Whereas consciousness eats the world just for the love of itself.
And consciousness loving consciousness is the fuel of self-awareness. All the rest is smoke.
(In order for consciousness to love itself, consciousness forgets itself. This forgetfulness is like a dream world.)
The potentiality of pure awareness being self-aware feels like universal consciousness in play. The only emperor is the emperor of clothes.
Whereas consciousness is the nondual expression of the absolute, verbs equal nouns. Being is the unknown and vice versa.
There's no division but religions of thought, east or west. Love is absolute. I am is that. Physicist heal thyself.
Welcome to the self-reflexive world to everyone who enters here. For consciousness sacrifices consciousness in the name of self-awareness. In this way, all is well unless you overthink it. Relax, love survives Venus.
Memory is a tool of consciousness made for forgetting. According to Munch, consciousness is the sun and the world is the scream. But consciousness is all you know and don’t you forget it.
For consciousness is nameless and the nameless is god.
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Tomas OMaoldomhnaigh |
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Tantric Seventh
As being is the heart, and love the hand, and mind the mirror of self-awareness. Conditioned consciousness is losing heart. As mind is severing that powerful reverse connection.
As trees are always reaching for the sun. One of the magical laws of this self-reflexive universe. All seventh substages require the presence of the next fundamental stage in order to function. As flowers call for bees.
All dreams are paradoxical in this way. As nighttime doesn't essentially exist. Just a shadow thrown by a world of thought. It's always sunrise somewhere. Awareness never sets. It's only called self-awareness. Seven.
a wave is only painful seen in a photo
fundamentalist materialism believes the opposite of that which is, completely. isn’t big science the greatest of all religions?
pure awareness, awareness, aware, unawareness, consciousness, self-consciousness, self-awareness
memory contains the world but the universe is not a memory. despite what the stars say. it’s not called universal consciousness for nothing.
one, three, and seven are the only laws. number nine, number nine, number nine.
smell and taste encounters sight and sound, but intuition is like that touch of god in creazione di adamo, d’eva. creation is like crazy!
As trees are always reaching for the sun. One of the magical laws of this self-reflexive universe. All seventh substages require the presence of the next fundamental stage in order to function. As flowers call for bees.
All dreams are paradoxical in this way. As nighttime doesn't essentially exist. Just a shadow thrown by a world of thought. It's always sunrise somewhere. Awareness never sets. It's only called self-awareness. Seven.
a wave is only painful seen in a photo
fundamentalist materialism believes the opposite of that which is, completely. isn’t big science the greatest of all religions?
pure awareness, awareness, aware, unawareness, consciousness, self-consciousness, self-awareness
memory contains the world but the universe is not a memory. despite what the stars say. it’s not called universal consciousness for nothing.
one, three, and seven are the only laws. number nine, number nine, number nine.
smell and taste encounters sight and sound, but intuition is like that touch of god in creazione di adamo, d’eva. creation is like crazy!
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Vicki Baun Barry |
Friday, December 6, 2019
Scientific Intentional Self-awareness Tantra
To be self-aware, pure awareness gives itself an unawareness. As in wave, particle, atom, molecule. Or light to matter.
Let ego be ego. That is as it is. The outer universe is unawareness. The inner feels like spirit, fire, sun, black hole.
This is known to be the healing of awareness. Intentional self-awareness. Lucid dreaming is the necessary news. Divine imagination.
The god of pure awareness so loves self-awareness, it is giving its child awareness to unawareness so whosoever may disbelieve.
Not this. Material pain is addictive. Don't think about it. Let being be the healing of intentional self-awareness.
Let ego be ego. That is as it is. The outer universe is unawareness. The inner feels like spirit, fire, sun, black hole.
This is known to be the healing of awareness. Intentional self-awareness. Lucid dreaming is the necessary news. Divine imagination.
The god of pure awareness so loves self-awareness, it is giving its child awareness to unawareness so whosoever may disbelieve.
Not this. Material pain is addictive. Don't think about it. Let being be the healing of intentional self-awareness.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Tightrope Tantra
Look all the world is in the past! Creation can't be recognized until being is cognizant of being being. Ah, remembering this intuition.
Lightning strikes before thundersnow. Self-awareness is experiential. In sciences of self-awareness, consciousness is the immaculate conception.
If memory is the hyphen in self-awareness, being being is this tantric way and not the highway of theological sutra or theoretical science.
Consciousness knows consciousness is the ground of matter. Thus it takes a daring mind to be the tool of being.
being being is like the inner wild west of my frontier thesis
again. mind is the tool of love. love is the hand of being. being is the heart of intentional self-awareness. self-awareness is a feature of the absolute godhead parabrahman tao.
psa. climate change is xtreme dreaming. but the buddha abides.
tantra is to deconstruction as being is to belief as being useless useless being
being unknown is not for true believers
neither last frontier nor new frontier but further
when will this absurd dream actually wake me up?
dance skydancer dance
one love, two love, who shall be my third love
Lightning strikes before thundersnow. Self-awareness is experiential. In sciences of self-awareness, consciousness is the immaculate conception.
If memory is the hyphen in self-awareness, being being is this tantric way and not the highway of theological sutra or theoretical science.
Consciousness knows consciousness is the ground of matter. Thus it takes a daring mind to be the tool of being.
being being is like the inner wild west of my frontier thesis
again. mind is the tool of love. love is the hand of being. being is the heart of intentional self-awareness. self-awareness is a feature of the absolute godhead parabrahman tao.
psa. climate change is xtreme dreaming. but the buddha abides.
tantra is to deconstruction as being is to belief as being useless useless being
being unknown is not for true believers
neither last frontier nor new frontier but further
when will this absurd dream actually wake me up?
dance skydancer dance
one love, two love, who shall be my third love
Sunday, December 1, 2019
I Am That 39. By Itself Nothing has Existence.
Questioner: As I listen to you I find that it is useless to ask you questions. Whatever the question, you invariably turn it upon itself and bring me to the basic fact that I am living in an illusion of my own making and that reality is inexpressible in words. Words merely add to the confusion and the only wise course is the silent search within.
Maharaj: After all, it is the mind that creates illusion and it is the mind that gets free of it. Words may aggravate illusion, words may also help dispel it. There is nothing wrong in repeating the same truth again and again until it becomes reality. Mother's work is not over with the birth of the child. She feeds it day after day, year after year until it needs her no longer. People need hearing words, until facts speak to them louder than words.
Q: So we are children to be fed on words?
M: As long as you give importance to words, you are children.
Q: All right, then be our mother.
M: Where was the child before it was born? Was it not with the mother? Because it was already with the mother it could be born.
Q: Surely, the mother did not carry the child when she was a child herself.
M: Potentially, she was the mother. Go beyond the illusion of time.
Q: Your answer is always the same. A kind of clockwork which strikes the same hours again and again.
M: It can not be helped. Just like the one sun is reflected in a billion dew drops, so is the timeless endlessly repeated. When l repeat: 'I am, I am', I merely assert and re-assert an ever-present fact. You get tired of my words because you do not see the living truth behind them. Contact it and you will find the full meaning of words and of silence -- both.
Q: You say that the little girl is already the mother of her future child. Potentially -- yes. Actually -- no.
M: The potential becomes actual by thinking. The body and its affairs exist in the mind.
Q: And the mind is consciousness in motion and consciousness is the conditioned (saguna) aspect of the Self. The unconditioned (nirguna) is another aspect and beyond lies the abyss of the absolute (paramartha).
M: Quite right -- you have put it beautifully.
Q: But these are mere words to me. Hearing and repeating them is not enough, they must be experienced.
M: Nothing stops you but preoccupation with the outer which prevents you from focussing the inner. It cannot be helped, you cannot skip your sadhana. You have to turn away from the world and go within, until the inner and the outer merge and you can go beyond the conditioned, whether inner or outer.
Q: Surely, the unconditioned is merely an idea in the conditioned mind. By itself it has no existence.
M: By itself nothing has existence. Everything needs its own absence. To be, is to be distinguishable, to be here and not there, to be now and not then, to be thus and not otherwise. Like water is shaped by the container, so is everything determined by conditions (gunas). As water remains water regardless of the vessels, as light remains itself regardless of the colours it brings out, so does the real remain real, regardless of conditions in which it is reflected. Why keep the reflection only in the focus of consciousness? Why not the real itself?
Q: Consciousness itself is a reflection. How can it hold the real?
M: To know that consciousness and its content are but reflections, changeful and transient, is the focussing of the real. The refusal to see the snake in the rope is the necessary condition for seeing the rope.
Q: Only necessary, or also sufficient?
M: One must also know that a rope exists and looks like a snake. Similarly, one must know that the real exists and is of the nature of witness-consciousness. Of course it is beyond the witness, but to enter it one must first realise the state of pure witnessing. The awareness of conditions brings one to the unconditioned.
Q: Can the unconditioned be experienced?
M: To know the conditioned as conditioned is all that can be said about the unconditioned. Positive terms are mere hints and misleading.
Q: Can we talk of witnessing the real?
M: How can we? We can talk only of the unreal, the illusory, the transient, the conditioned. To go beyond, we must pass through total negation of everything as having independent existence. All things depend.
Q: On what do they depend?
M: On consciousness. And consciousness depends on the witness.
Q: And the witness depends on the real?
M: The witness is the reflection of the real in all its purity. It depends on the condition of the mind. Where clarity and detachment predominate, the witness-consciousness comes into being. It is just like saying that where the water is clear and quiet, the image of the moon appears. Or like daylight that appears as sparkle in the diamond.
Q: Can there be consciousness without the witness?
M: Without the witness it becomes unconsciousness, just living. The witness is latent in every state of consciousness, just like light in every colour. There can be no knowledge without the knower and no knower without his witness. Not only you know, but you know that you know.
Q: If the unconditioned cannot be experienced, for all experience is conditioned, then why talk of it at all?
M: How can there be knowledge of the conditioned without the unconditioned? There must be a source from which all this flows, a foundation on which all stands. Self-realisation is primarily the knowledge of one's conditioning and the awareness that the infinite variety of conditions depends on our infinite ability to be conditioned and to give rise to variety. To the conditioned mind the unconditioned appears as the totality as well as the absence of everything. Neither can be directly experienced, but this does not make it not-existent.
Q: Is it not a feeling?
M: A feeling too is a state of mind. Just like a healthy body does not call for attention, so is the unconditioned free from experience. Take the experience of death. The ordinary man is afraid to die, because he is afraid of change. The jnani is not afraid because his mind is dead already. He does not think: 'I live'. He knows: 'There is life'. There is no change in it and no death. Death appears to be a change in time and space. Where there is neither time nor space, how can there be death? The jnani is already dead to name and shape. How can their loss affect him? The man in the train travels from place to place, but the man off the train goes nowhere, for he is not bound for a destination. He has nowhere to go, nothing to do, nothing to become. Those who make plans will be born to carry them out. Those who make no plans need not be born.
Q: What is the purpose of pain and pleasure?
M: Do they exist by themselves, or only in the mind?
Q: Still, they exist. Never mind the mind.
M: Pain and pleasure are merely symptoms, the results of wrong knowledge and wrong feeling. A result cannot have a purpose of its own.
Q: In God's economy everything must have a purpose.
M: Do you know God that you talk of him so freely? What is God to you? A sound, a word on paper, an idea in the mind?
Q: By his power I am born and kept alive.
M: And suffer, and die. Are you glad?
Q: It may be my own fault that I suffer and die. I was created unto life eternal.
M: Why eternal in the future and not in the past. What has a beginning must have an end. Only the beginningless is endless.
Q: God may be a mere concept, a working theory. A very useful concept all the same!
M: For this it must be free of inner contradictions, which is not the case. Why not work on the theory that you are your own creation and creator. At least there will be no external God to battle with.
Q: This world is so rich and complex -- how could I create it?
M: Do you know yourself enough to know what you can do and what you cannot? You do not know your own powers. You never investigated. Begin with yourself now.
Q: Everybody believes in God.
M: To me you are your own God. But if you think otherwise, think to the end. If there be God, then all is God's and all is for the best. Welcome all that comes with a glad and thankful heart. And love all creatures. This too will take you to your Self.
Maharaj: After all, it is the mind that creates illusion and it is the mind that gets free of it. Words may aggravate illusion, words may also help dispel it. There is nothing wrong in repeating the same truth again and again until it becomes reality. Mother's work is not over with the birth of the child. She feeds it day after day, year after year until it needs her no longer. People need hearing words, until facts speak to them louder than words.
Q: So we are children to be fed on words?
M: As long as you give importance to words, you are children.
Q: All right, then be our mother.
M: Where was the child before it was born? Was it not with the mother? Because it was already with the mother it could be born.
Q: Surely, the mother did not carry the child when she was a child herself.
M: Potentially, she was the mother. Go beyond the illusion of time.
Q: Your answer is always the same. A kind of clockwork which strikes the same hours again and again.
M: It can not be helped. Just like the one sun is reflected in a billion dew drops, so is the timeless endlessly repeated. When l repeat: 'I am, I am', I merely assert and re-assert an ever-present fact. You get tired of my words because you do not see the living truth behind them. Contact it and you will find the full meaning of words and of silence -- both.
Q: You say that the little girl is already the mother of her future child. Potentially -- yes. Actually -- no.
M: The potential becomes actual by thinking. The body and its affairs exist in the mind.
Q: And the mind is consciousness in motion and consciousness is the conditioned (saguna) aspect of the Self. The unconditioned (nirguna) is another aspect and beyond lies the abyss of the absolute (paramartha).
M: Quite right -- you have put it beautifully.
Q: But these are mere words to me. Hearing and repeating them is not enough, they must be experienced.
M: Nothing stops you but preoccupation with the outer which prevents you from focussing the inner. It cannot be helped, you cannot skip your sadhana. You have to turn away from the world and go within, until the inner and the outer merge and you can go beyond the conditioned, whether inner or outer.
Q: Surely, the unconditioned is merely an idea in the conditioned mind. By itself it has no existence.
M: By itself nothing has existence. Everything needs its own absence. To be, is to be distinguishable, to be here and not there, to be now and not then, to be thus and not otherwise. Like water is shaped by the container, so is everything determined by conditions (gunas). As water remains water regardless of the vessels, as light remains itself regardless of the colours it brings out, so does the real remain real, regardless of conditions in which it is reflected. Why keep the reflection only in the focus of consciousness? Why not the real itself?
Q: Consciousness itself is a reflection. How can it hold the real?
M: To know that consciousness and its content are but reflections, changeful and transient, is the focussing of the real. The refusal to see the snake in the rope is the necessary condition for seeing the rope.
Q: Only necessary, or also sufficient?
M: One must also know that a rope exists and looks like a snake. Similarly, one must know that the real exists and is of the nature of witness-consciousness. Of course it is beyond the witness, but to enter it one must first realise the state of pure witnessing. The awareness of conditions brings one to the unconditioned.
Q: Can the unconditioned be experienced?
M: To know the conditioned as conditioned is all that can be said about the unconditioned. Positive terms are mere hints and misleading.
Q: Can we talk of witnessing the real?
M: How can we? We can talk only of the unreal, the illusory, the transient, the conditioned. To go beyond, we must pass through total negation of everything as having independent existence. All things depend.
Q: On what do they depend?
M: On consciousness. And consciousness depends on the witness.
Q: And the witness depends on the real?
M: The witness is the reflection of the real in all its purity. It depends on the condition of the mind. Where clarity and detachment predominate, the witness-consciousness comes into being. It is just like saying that where the water is clear and quiet, the image of the moon appears. Or like daylight that appears as sparkle in the diamond.
Q: Can there be consciousness without the witness?
M: Without the witness it becomes unconsciousness, just living. The witness is latent in every state of consciousness, just like light in every colour. There can be no knowledge without the knower and no knower without his witness. Not only you know, but you know that you know.
Q: If the unconditioned cannot be experienced, for all experience is conditioned, then why talk of it at all?
M: How can there be knowledge of the conditioned without the unconditioned? There must be a source from which all this flows, a foundation on which all stands. Self-realisation is primarily the knowledge of one's conditioning and the awareness that the infinite variety of conditions depends on our infinite ability to be conditioned and to give rise to variety. To the conditioned mind the unconditioned appears as the totality as well as the absence of everything. Neither can be directly experienced, but this does not make it not-existent.
Q: Is it not a feeling?
M: A feeling too is a state of mind. Just like a healthy body does not call for attention, so is the unconditioned free from experience. Take the experience of death. The ordinary man is afraid to die, because he is afraid of change. The jnani is not afraid because his mind is dead already. He does not think: 'I live'. He knows: 'There is life'. There is no change in it and no death. Death appears to be a change in time and space. Where there is neither time nor space, how can there be death? The jnani is already dead to name and shape. How can their loss affect him? The man in the train travels from place to place, but the man off the train goes nowhere, for he is not bound for a destination. He has nowhere to go, nothing to do, nothing to become. Those who make plans will be born to carry them out. Those who make no plans need not be born.
Q: What is the purpose of pain and pleasure?
M: Do they exist by themselves, or only in the mind?
Q: Still, they exist. Never mind the mind.
M: Pain and pleasure are merely symptoms, the results of wrong knowledge and wrong feeling. A result cannot have a purpose of its own.
Q: In God's economy everything must have a purpose.
M: Do you know God that you talk of him so freely? What is God to you? A sound, a word on paper, an idea in the mind?
Q: By his power I am born and kept alive.
M: And suffer, and die. Are you glad?
Q: It may be my own fault that I suffer and die. I was created unto life eternal.
M: Why eternal in the future and not in the past. What has a beginning must have an end. Only the beginningless is endless.
Q: God may be a mere concept, a working theory. A very useful concept all the same!
M: For this it must be free of inner contradictions, which is not the case. Why not work on the theory that you are your own creation and creator. At least there will be no external God to battle with.
Q: This world is so rich and complex -- how could I create it?
M: Do you know yourself enough to know what you can do and what you cannot? You do not know your own powers. You never investigated. Begin with yourself now.
Q: Everybody believes in God.
M: To me you are your own God. But if you think otherwise, think to the end. If there be God, then all is God's and all is for the best. Welcome all that comes with a glad and thankful heart. And love all creatures. This too will take you to your Self.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Ouroboric body-mind transistorizing consciousness to self-awareness, that is your name. Earth may be your life source but the universe is living within you.
The unknowable whole is breathing out the sun and breathing in a black hole. DNA is atman. Atman is consciousness. Brahman is noumenon. My star is a dragon and its lair a dark cave.
The unknowable whole is breathing out the sun and breathing in a black hole. DNA is atman. Atman is consciousness. Brahman is noumenon. My star is a dragon and its lair a dark cave.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Golden Tantra
No-thought isn't just no thinking. No-thought sees through thought for what it is. Long lost love.
If no-thought is consciousness and thought is unconsciousness, then consciousness is loving loving.
Some days people never see the sun although the sun is seeing through the people all the time. Self-remember every day.
If no-thought is consciousness and thought is unconsciousness, then consciousness is loving loving.
Some days people never see the sun although the sun is seeing through the people all the time. Self-remember every day.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Tantra the Midnight Sun
In the spirit of the superguru sun of truth, consciousness, and the energetic way—
if the body-mind is a transistor amplifying consciousness to eleventh levels of self-awareness, I am the sun of that absolute black hole.
Here's the story. Deconstruction stopped at the light. No thought now. Being is the energy of knowledge.
Mid-June sunrise on Frenchman Bay is never setting—midnight feeling
she wrote me these footnotes—
Emily Dickinson before Apple swallowed her—
the zennish point of science fiction is science is the latest fiction—
atheism and nihilism are lords of the dead and god lives—like frodo—
whiskey tango foxtrot batman—
wild nights wild nights—the wild night is calling
—what in the world am i?
yours truly, sun tantra
if the body-mind is a transistor amplifying consciousness to eleventh levels of self-awareness, I am the sun of that absolute black hole.
Here's the story. Deconstruction stopped at the light. No thought now. Being is the energy of knowledge.
Mid-June sunrise on Frenchman Bay is never setting—midnight feeling
she wrote me these footnotes—
Emily Dickinson before Apple swallowed her—
the zennish point of science fiction is science is the latest fiction—
atheism and nihilism are lords of the dead and god lives—like frodo—
whiskey tango foxtrot batman—
wild nights wild nights—the wild night is calling
—what in the world am i?
yours truly, sun tantra
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Ocean Sky Tantra
Embody water, carry sun—
sunlight being apple core volcanic understanding.
This, that is, the black whole, quantum Tao.
And being Being is I am I Am as Being is this known Unknown.
The black whole / white heart of self-awareness is
individually universal but universally, the healing.
Haiku California take two
Trappist Big Sur hillside
blue sealight
sunblood lava lava rivermoon
being being is the tantric expression of the noumenal tao
consciousness is not the best medicine
consciousness is the only medicine
Crescent City to Hermosa Beach—Zen and the Birds of Appetite—this park bench
the earth’s core is to the whole sun as a faraway star is to a futuristic black hole
confessional poetry 101—lately, i prefer to do nothing, unless i’m sure there’s two consequential things to do
consciousness has a dream—the absolute has consciousness
sunlight being apple core volcanic understanding.
This, that is, the black whole, quantum Tao.
And being Being is I am I Am as Being is this known Unknown.
The black whole / white heart of self-awareness is
individually universal but universally, the healing.
Haiku California take two
Trappist Big Sur hillside
blue sealight
sunblood lava lava rivermoon
being being is the tantric expression of the noumenal tao
consciousness is not the best medicine
consciousness is the only medicine
Crescent City to Hermosa Beach—Zen and the Birds of Appetite—this park bench
the earth’s core is to the whole sun as a faraway star is to a futuristic black hole
confessional poetry 101—lately, i prefer to do nothing, unless i’m sure there’s two consequential things to do
consciousness has a dream—the absolute has consciousness
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Rabbit Hole to Snow Owl Dune Tantra
The rabbit hole of thought begins in its utility believed to be identity soon searching for the hidden whole—
the mind dreams because consciousness is dreaming this reflexive universe. Call this Self-awareness of the Absolute.
For no thought is being and being being is the knowing of the unknown noumenal godhead ground.
Memory, thought, belief, only no thought survives the turning, being, being being, self-awareness
like reverse remembering. November memory is—this medicinal haiku—snow owl dune.
1. Chuang Tzu prescribes uselessness above all.
2. the universe is mythic before it was scientific.
3. in the name of no thought, intentional being, and absolute self-awareness.
4. cave, crow, priest, monk, consciousness, consciousness only, self.
5. being being is natural healing like be here now.
a. uselessness is the measure of true science.
b. exercise your consciousness at least three times a day.
c. the only ice cream is self-awareness.
being useless, useless, useless being
the mind dreams because consciousness is dreaming this reflexive universe. Call this Self-awareness of the Absolute.
For no thought is being and being being is the knowing of the unknown noumenal godhead ground.
Memory, thought, belief, only no thought survives the turning, being, being being, self-awareness
like reverse remembering. November memory is—this medicinal haiku—snow owl dune.
1. Chuang Tzu prescribes uselessness above all.
2. the universe is mythic before it was scientific.
3. in the name of no thought, intentional being, and absolute self-awareness.
4. cave, crow, priest, monk, consciousness, consciousness only, self.
5. being being is natural healing like be here now.
a. uselessness is the measure of true science.
b. exercise your consciousness at least three times a day.
c. the only ice cream is self-awareness.
being useless, useless, useless being
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Sun Tantra Star
It doesn't matter whether you believe consciousness rises from some material brain or not, consciousness knows.
But asking Consciousness what it knows is more like being being or loving love. Thinking doesn't speak the language of consciousness.
Listen, the many clouds of belief are the only diseases killing self-awareness. Consciousness only is the only cure.
Being Being is the mantra of Sun Tantra. Black holes in an unknown whole is singing this network of stars!
But asking Consciousness what it knows is more like being being or loving love. Thinking doesn't speak the language of consciousness.
Listen, the many clouds of belief are the only diseases killing self-awareness. Consciousness only is the only cure.
Being Being is the mantra of Sun Tantra. Black holes in an unknown whole is singing this network of stars!
Friday, November 15, 2019
Sun Tantra
Outside the world is ashes but inside burns the wild expression of the absolute godhead—the sun is like a black hole on fire with consciousness and planets appear
like secondary worlds within this individually universal affectionate awareness. It's like this. Materially, nothing happens. Spiritually, everything happens.
If thoughts are clouds and consciousness is the sun, that great unknown is only known in being that unknown. Contemplate the sun within! Consciousness is consciousness—
no matter what level of belief one is seeing with. For seeing through thought is third turning; after memory and belief comes deconstruction. But being the sun behind the clouds is the fourth and final turning.
Yes, being being is the tantric expression of the noumenal Tao. Listen, thought is the tool of divine imagination and identifying with the tool is the second act of every play.
Third act is call me up an intermission. And the final act is the nondual expression of that that great unknown, that noumenal potentiality, that absolutely self-awareness.
like secondary worlds within this individually universal affectionate awareness. It's like this. Materially, nothing happens. Spiritually, everything happens.
If thoughts are clouds and consciousness is the sun, that great unknown is only known in being that unknown. Contemplate the sun within! Consciousness is consciousness—
no matter what level of belief one is seeing with. For seeing through thought is third turning; after memory and belief comes deconstruction. But being the sun behind the clouds is the fourth and final turning.
Yes, being being is the tantric expression of the noumenal Tao. Listen, thought is the tool of divine imagination and identifying with the tool is the second act of every play.
Third act is call me up an intermission. And the final act is the nondual expression of that that great unknown, that noumenal potentiality, that absolutely self-awareness.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Surfing I Am
Winter absolution in divine imagination well beyond November nihilism my Electric Ladyland—intent's desire is like the neutron missing in atomic hydrogen.
Science fiction is materialism looking for the missing holy spirit mystic sutra everyone lucid dreaming is the eye of consciousness seeing self-awareness in the eye of a hurricane.
It doesn't mean a thing if it doesn't have that swing of love. No philosophy shall do. Accepting death is nothing personal. This tantric feeling is the ultimate expression of my absolute.
footnotes to consciousness only is no mind
noise and god
being is the child of god, mind is the photograph.
wind is empire. silence is the revolution!
3. being is the expression of the absolute but mind doesn’t think so.
2. “The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one
1. love the duprass you're in.
consciousness only is no mind
Science fiction is materialism looking for the missing holy spirit mystic sutra everyone lucid dreaming is the eye of consciousness seeing self-awareness in the eye of a hurricane.
It doesn't mean a thing if it doesn't have that swing of love. No philosophy shall do. Accepting death is nothing personal. This tantric feeling is the ultimate expression of my absolute.
footnotes to consciousness only is no mind
noise and god
being is the child of god, mind is the photograph.
wind is empire. silence is the revolution!
3. being is the expression of the absolute but mind doesn’t think so.
2. “The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one
1. love the duprass you're in.
consciousness only is no mind
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Not Nirvikalpa Samadhi Way
Myth is for the mind and of the mind and by the mind so as to rest in absolute awareness being in the world and vice versa.
Every thought not seen through is belief and this is the definition of hell. Heaven is seeing through each thought.
The world is a personal whirlpool in the river of being flowing from crystal awareness of absolute mountain air to the sea of self-awareness.
Consciousness is not a personal problem. Consciousness is dreaming. An absolute godhead has consciousness.
The world is a love story told by negative capability. A sign is not a sign until experienced. Experience every moment like a sign.
In other words, every moment not in nirvikalpa samadhi is a great occasion to spontaneously realize.
Every thought not seen through is belief and this is the definition of hell. Heaven is seeing through each thought.
The world is a personal whirlpool in the river of being flowing from crystal awareness of absolute mountain air to the sea of self-awareness.
Consciousness is not a personal problem. Consciousness is dreaming. An absolute godhead has consciousness.
The world is a love story told by negative capability. A sign is not a sign until experienced. Experience every moment like a sign.
In other words, every moment not in nirvikalpa samadhi is a great occasion to spontaneously realize.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Let the Circus Be Unbroken ©
Consciousness lost in thought is the material world. Imagine consciousness is an ember burning in belief. And ashes, the world.
Consciousness is that omnipresence of an absolute godhead knowing I am and apparently forgetting intending that omnipotent self-awareness.
Consciousness is to life as thought is to dream as pure awareness is to consciousness. This is the unbroken circle of self-awareness.
Deconstruction actually follows enlightenment in some alternative universes—November clarity requires the luster of summer.
As silence requires the bell of sound to know the silence, transformation is the point. The earth is hydrologic. Follow the photosynthesis!
1. dis-identifying with thought is the actual definition of deconstruction. ancient sunlight 101.
2. you say god’s procedure. i say the process of god.
3. an actual footnote: see the great myth of the self-reflexive universe according to arthur m. young.
4. emptiness is to transformation as November is to May as odds are ten-thousand to one I am still appreciating my lucky streak
guy fawkes haiku
really november
silently remembering
half moon lake
psa. true medicine tastes like consciousness tastes to your pre-prohibition point of view.
psa2. western scientific big materialistic medicine believes that consciousness is a product of the brain but never proves it. this is my prophecy!
Consciousness is that omnipresence of an absolute godhead knowing I am and apparently forgetting intending that omnipotent self-awareness.
Consciousness is to life as thought is to dream as pure awareness is to consciousness. This is the unbroken circle of self-awareness.
Deconstruction actually follows enlightenment in some alternative universes—November clarity requires the luster of summer.
As silence requires the bell of sound to know the silence, transformation is the point. The earth is hydrologic. Follow the photosynthesis!
1. dis-identifying with thought is the actual definition of deconstruction. ancient sunlight 101.
2. you say god’s procedure. i say the process of god.
3. an actual footnote: see the great myth of the self-reflexive universe according to arthur m. young.
4. emptiness is to transformation as November is to May as odds are ten-thousand to one I am still appreciating my lucky streak
guy fawkes haiku
really november
silently remembering
half moon lake
psa. true medicine tastes like consciousness tastes to your pre-prohibition point of view.
psa2. western scientific big materialistic medicine believes that consciousness is a product of the brain but never proves it. this is my prophecy!
Saturday, November 2, 2019
psa: awakening is not automatic
The religion of scientific materialism believes the absolute unknown shall soon be known! Forgetting the absolute unknown knows now.
Releasing personal beliefs blocking universal kundalini understanding is the cure of Consciousness only.
Note the older these beliefs the more this kundalini cure is thought to be like death.
Letting go of control is letting go of effort. Thought is automatic; love, nondoing. Don't confuse the two. Physician, love thyself.
Releasing personal beliefs blocking universal kundalini understanding is the cure of Consciousness only.
Note the older these beliefs the more this kundalini cure is thought to be like death.
Letting go of control is letting go of effort. Thought is automatic; love, nondoing. Don't confuse the two. Physician, love thyself.
1. Scientific mathematical materialistic atheism thinks it’s on a mission from their God. Yawp, I am God.
2. understanding is to kundalini as thought is not to belief.
3. the more effort is expended to prevent an event horizon when none is needed.
4. it’s all wu wei no matter what one’s point of view. thinking is automatic, a chemical admixture of generational belief, like a rabbit hole made from conceptual dna. and love spontaneously happens. like satori.
a. the roman empire and the force.
b. myth is universal mantra. history is so one-sided either way.
c. blowing smoke circles is the art of breathing in.
d. self-awareness is intentionally creative.
thought wars—
consciousness is colorful, belief is black and white.
experiential eternity, natural infinity—
thought is a tool; love is an identity.
consciousness only, thought appears in consciousness,
and violence feels like a kundalini blockage—
consciousness is the healing of ten-thousand summers
2. understanding is to kundalini as thought is not to belief.
3. the more effort is expended to prevent an event horizon when none is needed.
4. it’s all wu wei no matter what one’s point of view. thinking is automatic, a chemical admixture of generational belief, like a rabbit hole made from conceptual dna. and love spontaneously happens. like satori.
a. the roman empire and the force.
b. myth is universal mantra. history is so one-sided either way.
c. blowing smoke circles is the art of breathing in.
d. self-awareness is intentionally creative.
thought wars—
consciousness is colorful, belief is black and white.
experiential eternity, natural infinity—
thought is a tool; love is an identity.
consciousness only, thought appears in consciousness,
and violence feels like a kundalini blockage—
consciousness is the healing of ten-thousand summers
Friday, November 1, 2019
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Hallowed Ghost
A person doesn’t have consciousness. Consciousness has a person. Only the absolute has consciousness.
Consciousness has a dream like a person has a dream but the dream of consciousness is the person.
Consciousness is not a dream although it is conceptual. Consciousness is the immaculate expression of the noumenon
and all phenomena appear in this expression. Just as the mind awakens from its dream each morning—
consciousness awakens from the personal. And as consciousness awakens to consciousness—the absolute is suddenly self-aware.
Merely resting in consciousness, the personal I-am, good friend, dissolves material belief. Like October mysteries in November wind.
Consciousness has a dream like a person has a dream but the dream of consciousness is the person.
Consciousness is not a dream although it is conceptual. Consciousness is the immaculate expression of the noumenon
and all phenomena appear in this expression. Just as the mind awakens from its dream each morning—
consciousness awakens from the personal. And as consciousness awakens to consciousness—the absolute is suddenly self-aware.
Merely resting in consciousness, the personal I-am, good friend, dissolves material belief. Like October mysteries in November wind.
1. the god of consciousness takes it stand in the god of the absolute noumenal unknown, sweet jesus!
long haiku two
expressionistic consciousness is dreaming
the person and the person dreams
the mirror of absolute self-awareness
3. a story uses words but the word is not a story
four the absolute expression is life and dreams appear in life (concepts are the ten-thousand words but consciousness is the breath, first word)
sometimes a fifth myth. self-awareness is an omnipresent feature of the noumenon, consciousness is the heart of that intent, love is the hand of this being, mind is my absolute mirror.
psa. consciousness is not the best medicine. consciousness is the only medicine.
long haiku two
expressionistic consciousness is dreaming
the person and the person dreams
the mirror of absolute self-awareness
3. a story uses words but the word is not a story
four the absolute expression is life and dreams appear in life (concepts are the ten-thousand words but consciousness is the breath, first word)
sometimes a fifth myth. self-awareness is an omnipresent feature of the noumenon, consciousness is the heart of that intent, love is the hand of this being, mind is my absolute mirror.
psa. consciousness is not the best medicine. consciousness is the only medicine.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Coyote Consciousness
for Keith
Body-mind rests in consciousness like a mountain range rests in earth like the dead are resting in peace.
Time got it wrong. Materialism is dead. God is consciousness. So visualize one is consciousness and the mind is a wave of consciousness
and the body is the beachhead of consciousness. And the healing is the reign of consciousness.
For consciousness is the nondual manifestation, and the power of potentiality, and the glory of the absolute unknown.
Remember, the more that consciousness is thought to be a product of the brain, the less consciousness shall heal thy heart.
Look, all dreams need to be dreamt by other dreams. But it's so cold on a cold mountain, dreams just fade away into Coyote.
Body-mind rests in consciousness like a mountain range rests in earth like the dead are resting in peace.
Time got it wrong. Materialism is dead. God is consciousness. So visualize one is consciousness and the mind is a wave of consciousness
and the body is the beachhead of consciousness. And the healing is the reign of consciousness.
For consciousness is the nondual manifestation, and the power of potentiality, and the glory of the absolute unknown.
Remember, the more that consciousness is thought to be a product of the brain, the less consciousness shall heal thy heart.
Look, all dreams need to be dreamt by other dreams. But it's so cold on a cold mountain, dreams just fade away into Coyote.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Walden 108
Without the concept of a head, the world appears in Consciousness. Like this body sprouting from the absolute unknown.
In other words, object equals subject. And subject is just another name for that mysterious unknown.
Self-awareness is the one true myth. As if gradual evolution and sudden intuition form the crossroads.
To use the mind, see through the mind. Disidentify, disidentify, disidentify.
Neither mushroom cloud nor lotus flower but skunk-cabbagedom according to Henry.
In other words, object equals subject. And subject is just another name for that mysterious unknown.
Self-awareness is the one true myth. As if gradual evolution and sudden intuition form the crossroads.
To use the mind, see through the mind. Disidentify, disidentify, disidentify.
Neither mushroom cloud nor lotus flower but skunk-cabbagedom according to Henry.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Hui-neng on One Practice Samadhi
14. One Practice Samadhi means at all times, whether walking, standing, sitting, or lying down, always practicing with a straightforward mind. The Vimalakirti Sutra says, ‘A straightforward mind is the place of enlightenment,’ and ‘a straightforward mind is the pure land.’ Don’t practice hypocrisy with your mind, while you talk about being straightforward with your mouth. If you speak about One Practice Samadhi with your mouth, but you don’t practice with a straightforward mind, you’re no disciple of the Buddha. Simply practice with a straightforward mind and don’t become attached to any dharma. This is what is meant by One Practice Samadhi.
Deluded people who cling to the external attributes of a dharma get hold of One Practice Samadhi and just say that sitting motionless, eliminating delusions, and not thinking thoughts are One Practice Samadhi. But if that were true, a dharma like that would be the same as lifelessness and would constitute an obstruction of the Way instead. The Way has to flow freely. Why block it up? The Way flows freely when the mind doesn’t dwell on any dharma. Once it dwells on something, it becomes bound. If sitting motionless were right, Vimalakirti wouldn’t have criticized Shariputra for meditating in the forest.
Good friends, I know there are people who tell others to devote themselves to sitting and contemplating their minds or purity and not to move or to think. Deluded people are unaware, so they turn things upside down with their attachments. There are hundreds of such people who teach the Way like this. But they are, you should know, greatly mistaken.
The Platform Sutra: The Zen Teaching of Hui-neng (tr-Red Pine)
Deluded people who cling to the external attributes of a dharma get hold of One Practice Samadhi and just say that sitting motionless, eliminating delusions, and not thinking thoughts are One Practice Samadhi. But if that were true, a dharma like that would be the same as lifelessness and would constitute an obstruction of the Way instead. The Way has to flow freely. Why block it up? The Way flows freely when the mind doesn’t dwell on any dharma. Once it dwells on something, it becomes bound. If sitting motionless were right, Vimalakirti wouldn’t have criticized Shariputra for meditating in the forest.
Good friends, I know there are people who tell others to devote themselves to sitting and contemplating their minds or purity and not to move or to think. Deluded people are unaware, so they turn things upside down with their attachments. There are hundreds of such people who teach the Way like this. But they are, you should know, greatly mistaken.
The Platform Sutra: The Zen Teaching of Hui-neng (tr-Red Pine)
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
one mystic samadhi. three haiku footnotes.
from out of this world
turned silent
returning to being only
where awareness is reflecting
within amplifying consciousness
evolving in circles of self-awareness
suddenly knowing Who I Am
by who I am
lucidly dreaming
temporarily forgetting
ritually remembering
one mystic samadhi
three haiku footnotes
~almost frog haiku~
turned silent
returning to being only
where awareness is reflecting
within amplifying consciousness
evolving in circles of self-awareness
suddenly knowing Who I Am
by who I am
lucidly dreaming
temporarily forgetting
ritually remembering
one mystic samadhi
three haiku footnotes
~almost frog haiku~
space-time winter
consciousness only
absolute well
~haiku 845~
in the central nervous system
purple asters
the omnipotence!
~the long haiku~
all you really know is consciousness
birth and death are merely rumors of war
this is the straightforward myth
consciousness only
absolute well
~haiku 845~
in the central nervous system
purple asters
the omnipotence!
~the long haiku~
all you really know is consciousness
birth and death are merely rumors of war
this is the straightforward myth
Saturday, October 19, 2019
indian love song
To begin at the beginning is no beginning at all. To begin is just a thought. There's nothing wrong with that.
But thought is not the hand of the heart that holds this storied tool of thought. In fact, the heart is knowing no beginning.
Only the mind undoes the mind. And personal deconstruction isn't deconstruction if it doesn't suddenly spontaneously stop.
Nihilistic mind is such a wasteland of the mind. There is no experimental now without consciousness.
This is the immaculate fact that scientific mind necessarily forgets. The Cheshire Cat is calling this just that.
PSA: Loving fear is sudden healing through direct medicine. The great spirit of the way confirms.
song song psa squared
duality is all about the fear and desire
this nondual way has two paths
love the fear. deconstruct desire
beauty is truth, truth beauty—that is all
on the bonnie bonnie banks o' loch lomond
duality is all about the fear and desire
this nondual way has two paths
love the fear. deconstruct desire
beauty is truth, truth beauty—that is all
on the bonnie bonnie banks o' loch lomond
Monday, October 14, 2019
contemplating 201. unknown knowing.
There's the known and unknown. The known is consciousness. The unknown is that which consciousness is.
(All appearances in consciousness are like the stuff of dreams dependent on this consciousness asleep intent on slowly waking.
Consciousness awake is consciousness knowing consciousness is the only knowledge.)
Consciousness neither knows nor doesn't know the unknown, and in this way, consciousness knows the unknown being the unknown.
psa. if consciousness is knowledge, consciousness is cure. and visualization is the true medicine for body-mind.
(All appearances in consciousness are like the stuff of dreams dependent on this consciousness asleep intent on slowly waking.
Consciousness awake is consciousness knowing consciousness is the only knowledge.)
Consciousness neither knows nor doesn't know the unknown, and in this way, consciousness knows the unknown being the unknown.
psa. if consciousness is knowledge, consciousness is cure. and visualization is the true medicine for body-mind.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
contemplating 101. experientially i.
"Not thinking I fully know nor not know, it’s thus known." Without a myth to live, like Bartleby, I'd be preferring not to.
But knowing one's being as the only knowledge needing to be known is seeing through this need for myth tonight.
In contemplation, all I know is this knowing I am, in fact, I am this ‘I am’, and further, the I of this ‘I am’ is that original I within this contemplation.
Even experientially, the I is absolute. That is pure awareness. It’s also called direct enlightenment. The sun of science says black hole.
psa. being there are ten thousand causes, anything is the cure. just turn one.
psa. pain may mean there hasn’t been an honest change in way too many months. so try changing something at least every month. consider the names of the moons as suggestions if you haven’t got a clue. every season is a brave new world. each person is a rebel without a cause.
But knowing one's being as the only knowledge needing to be known is seeing through this need for myth tonight.
In contemplation, all I know is this knowing I am, in fact, I am this ‘I am’, and further, the I of this ‘I am’ is that original I within this contemplation.
Even experientially, the I is absolute. That is pure awareness. It’s also called direct enlightenment. The sun of science says black hole.
psa. being there are ten thousand causes, anything is the cure. just turn one.
psa. pain may mean there hasn’t been an honest change in way too many months. so try changing something at least every month. consider the names of the moons as suggestions if you haven’t got a clue. every season is a brave new world. each person is a rebel without a cause.
Friday, October 11, 2019
summer's manifesto
Thus it's the first day after the summer solstice and sunset tonight is comparatively silent—but the young birds love this midsummer twilight!
So this time of year, I go to the picture window as if it were the sea and look for fireflies. They descend from the ground and slowly fall into the black hole of space. Call me self-awareness.
The last flowering pagoda dogwood wedding day of June feels like death. It’s completely conceptual but I need more fireworks!
Consider the lilies of early July—day lilies, trumpet lilies, a prophecy of lovely lilies! Get over the spring. Get over all aspects of identity and be nakedly unknown.
There's a sandbar in the river where a glacial moraine is being destroyed by the current. By early July, a crowd of boats is playing there.
Every year the lambs reappear in the neighbor’s field next door despite all death and rebirth. In the morning, there's a little one that likes to lie behind a bleached-out log and watch the people passing by.
Because there was a stop sign, I stopped for the chicken crossing the road. But the rooster wanted something like an invitation—cross already! Slowly it turns and suddenly I take a right.
Goldenrod is blooming in the sunny spaces of the south-facing riverbank. Soon the purple loosestrife shall be invasive in the wetlands. All of this because divinity of memory. Divine imagination.
Yes, every year about this time beginning late July, I start to think about the purple loosestrife—and like a miracle it appears within a week or two. Listen, in an ode to purple loosestrife, the world is divided because I am divided.
Accordingly I saw three separate instances of a lone purple loosestrife today, each at least a mile from another. Purple blossoms first appear like the gentle flame on a single tall green candle. In a week or two, these wetlands will be a godly inferno of purple loosestrife, an invasive plant apparently, but nevertheless one of truth and beauty.
Disassociation is an ego thing. Leaves don't fall until the fall and neither does self-awareness. As consciousness is the expression of the absolute, I am the divine imagination of consciousness—lucid, improvisational, inspirational.
The gardens are full of stunning Black-eyed Susans today. Like so many yellow suns emanating in the nameless—O Susan, Susan, lovely dear, my vows shall ever true remain; let me kiss off that falling tear; we only part to meet again.
Seventh of August and the sun is setting before eight. Darkness doesn't fool me anymore. From the rim, I've seen the sunrise go on and on from butte to butte in Grand Canyon. I know that golden point of view.
Love is not some beautiful projection. Love is that projecting. Follow the light not of this world. For Jesus is Adam and Eve is Atman is Brahman is nameless noumenon. Last night I finally heard the crickets.
So this time of year, I go to the picture window as if it were the sea and look for fireflies. They descend from the ground and slowly fall into the black hole of space. Call me self-awareness.
The last flowering pagoda dogwood wedding day of June feels like death. It’s completely conceptual but I need more fireworks!
Consider the lilies of early July—day lilies, trumpet lilies, a prophecy of lovely lilies! Get over the spring. Get over all aspects of identity and be nakedly unknown.
There's a sandbar in the river where a glacial moraine is being destroyed by the current. By early July, a crowd of boats is playing there.
Every year the lambs reappear in the neighbor’s field next door despite all death and rebirth. In the morning, there's a little one that likes to lie behind a bleached-out log and watch the people passing by.
Because there was a stop sign, I stopped for the chicken crossing the road. But the rooster wanted something like an invitation—cross already! Slowly it turns and suddenly I take a right.
Goldenrod is blooming in the sunny spaces of the south-facing riverbank. Soon the purple loosestrife shall be invasive in the wetlands. All of this because divinity of memory. Divine imagination.
Yes, every year about this time beginning late July, I start to think about the purple loosestrife—and like a miracle it appears within a week or two. Listen, in an ode to purple loosestrife, the world is divided because I am divided.
Accordingly I saw three separate instances of a lone purple loosestrife today, each at least a mile from another. Purple blossoms first appear like the gentle flame on a single tall green candle. In a week or two, these wetlands will be a godly inferno of purple loosestrife, an invasive plant apparently, but nevertheless one of truth and beauty.
The windows are open. It's late July and if memory serves me right, crickets are just around the corner. But tonight, there's not a single sound. It's like a ryokan here and I'm writing in an ancient hut, all calligraphy and enlightening intent.
This week I had to stop the car to let three wild turkeys cross the road. After every step, there’s a sudden stop. Necks appear to whiplash! The fourth one kindly stopped for me and I continued down the road.
Lately I see rabbits and not the wonderland kind. There's something about a rabbit in the grass. As if consciousness is there in both vast ears and listening. Hearkening only, full of intent and prime for spontaneity. Hearkening only.
The gardens are full of stunning Black-eyed Susans today. Like so many yellow suns emanating in the nameless—O Susan, Susan, lovely dear, my vows shall ever true remain; let me kiss off that falling tear; we only part to meet again.
Seventh of August and the sun is setting before eight. Darkness doesn't fool me anymore. From the rim, I've seen the sunrise go on and on from butte to butte in Grand Canyon. I know that golden point of view.
Love is not some beautiful projection. Love is that projecting. Follow the light not of this world. For Jesus is Adam and Eve is Atman is Brahman is nameless noumenon. Last night I finally heard the crickets.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
symphony nine. the godmother. for agnes.
Consciousness knows that matter appears within Consciousness despite what matter believes. Scientific deconstruction of belief can't deconstruct the Consciousness in which it is appearing.
As religion is the old belief, postmodern humanistic western scientific big materialism is the new belief. Only Consciousness is the knowledge that truly deconstructs.
Look, Consciousness is the nondual expression of the noumenal absolute potentiality. As love is the hand of Consciousness and mind its tool, divine imagination is constructing self-awareness to original intent.
Like Zen, first deconstruct the antichrist of one's delusional conditioning. This is called indirect persuasion, or sutra. Attending to Consciousness is called direct cultivation or enlightenment. Tantra.
Three weeks of anything deconstructs belief but a single sunrise is embodiment. Four suns are nondual expressions of black holes as I am. Nine the name ground zero being self-aware, I am That.
As religion is the old belief, postmodern humanistic western scientific big materialism is the new belief. Only Consciousness is the knowledge that truly deconstructs.
Look, Consciousness is the nondual expression of the noumenal absolute potentiality. As love is the hand of Consciousness and mind its tool, divine imagination is constructing self-awareness to original intent.
Like Zen, first deconstruct the antichrist of one's delusional conditioning. This is called indirect persuasion, or sutra. Attending to Consciousness is called direct cultivation or enlightenment. Tantra.
Three weeks of anything deconstructs belief but a single sunrise is embodiment. Four suns are nondual expressions of black holes as I am. Nine the name ground zero being self-aware, I am That.
Saturday, September 7, 2019
symphony eight. nondual manifest. for elizabeth.
Birth and rebirth is biological and goes back all the way to the immaculate conception or what big science calls the big bang. In other words, consciousness is unborn and is in fact the nondual manifestation of the absolute unknown.
Appearances arise in consciousness and not vice-versa. This is called the final turning or understanding I am that I-am. Once seen the sign is not unseen. Although conditioning appears to take like a decade to drop away when in reality spontaneity and synchronicity are one in revelation.
If universal consciousness is the expression of the absolute and the absolute unknown is the inspiration of consciousness, which breath came first? Beauty or Truth. Authenticity is in the eye of the witness. Self-awareness is a hyphenated word.
That consciousness and the absolute is nondual doesn't indicate that one precedes the other, despite what sages say in the morning as to afternoon, but such division into some subsequential order is the big joke, great paradox, and the very first myth.
triple distilled
1. as the absolute unknown is the nondual unmanifest of universal consciousness by these words.
2. remember mind is the loving tool of the immaculate heart of absolute self-awareness
3. between wisdom and love moves the mystery
4. being is easy, no thought is being—unless no thought is a thought, but that is another story.
there’s knowledge. call this i am. there’s the unknown. call this that.
remember. self-awareness is the buddha of awareness as being is the christ of self-awareness and love is the hand of rumi's masnavi as the kena upanishad is a tool of love.
between the love of this known and the wisdom of that unknown is now
comedy kills and koan deconstruct. ishmael only is left to tell about it.
Appearances arise in consciousness and not vice-versa. This is called the final turning or understanding I am that I-am. Once seen the sign is not unseen. Although conditioning appears to take like a decade to drop away when in reality spontaneity and synchronicity are one in revelation.
If universal consciousness is the expression of the absolute and the absolute unknown is the inspiration of consciousness, which breath came first? Beauty or Truth. Authenticity is in the eye of the witness. Self-awareness is a hyphenated word.
That consciousness and the absolute is nondual doesn't indicate that one precedes the other, despite what sages say in the morning as to afternoon, but such division into some subsequential order is the big joke, great paradox, and the very first myth.
triple distilled
1. as the absolute unknown is the nondual unmanifest of universal consciousness by these words.
2. remember mind is the loving tool of the immaculate heart of absolute self-awareness
3. between wisdom and love moves the mystery
4. being is easy, no thought is being—unless no thought is a thought, but that is another story.
there’s knowledge. call this i am. there’s the unknown. call this that.
remember. self-awareness is the buddha of awareness as being is the christ of self-awareness and love is the hand of rumi's masnavi as the kena upanishad is a tool of love.
between the love of this known and the wisdom of that unknown is now
comedy kills and koan deconstruct. ishmael only is left to tell about it.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
symphony seven. tell it paradoxical. for molly.
Without consciousness, the mind is just gray matter. And as the mind is the source of a black-and-white world and consciousness is source of dividing mind, pure awareness is the sourceless source.
Self-awareness is the electric intent of this star-crossed medium played by the loving hands of heart in Absolute Mary. As matter is nothing but everything matters, mind is an all-important hyphen.
If self-awareness is the child and pure awareness is the parent, then the holy ghost is being. For the machine is in the ghost and not vice versa. The antichrist called social conditioning possesses all ignorance, child.
So tell the truth but tell it paradoxical. Not only doesn't the mind become enlightened, there's no enlightenment without the mind. And nonduality is just the point behind this fine print.
Self-awareness is the electric intent of this star-crossed medium played by the loving hands of heart in Absolute Mary. As matter is nothing but everything matters, mind is an all-important hyphen.
If self-awareness is the child and pure awareness is the parent, then the holy ghost is being. For the machine is in the ghost and not vice versa. The antichrist called social conditioning possesses all ignorance, child.
So tell the truth but tell it paradoxical. Not only doesn't the mind become enlightened, there's no enlightenment without the mind. And nonduality is just the point behind this fine print.
Monday, September 2, 2019
symphony six. making myth. for gladys.
Believing myth is the origin of every religion. Denying myth is dying for someone else's dream. Making myth is the point behind lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is dreaming while awake.
The world is a myth divided. So the world can't put the world together again. For politics is the definition of divided. And consciousness only is a nondual manifestation.
Self-awareness is an omnipotent feature of absolute awareness and being is the heart of intentional self-awareness. Love is the hand of being and myth is the tool of love.
In the name of the potentiality of light, binding quantum force, identity of atomic attachments, the combine and awakening, growing, going further, and this dominion of consciousness, pure awareness is self-aware.
The world is a myth divided. So the world can't put the world together again. For politics is the definition of divided. And consciousness only is a nondual manifestation.
Self-awareness is an omnipotent feature of absolute awareness and being is the heart of intentional self-awareness. Love is the hand of being and myth is the tool of love.
In the name of the potentiality of light, binding quantum force, identity of atomic attachments, the combine and awakening, growing, going further, and this dominion of consciousness, pure awareness is self-aware.
Saturday, August 31, 2019
symphony five. the sea and seeing. for christine.
Let attention focus on being itself. That is pure awareness reflecting in consciousness. It takes a single word to make a simple myth and all of thirteen to form a grand unified one.
After awakening from dreaming, either one is creating, living, and destroying myth—or one is dying in a socially conditioned story. Listen, gods make myths. People only act them.
Self-awareness, as a feature of omnipotent and absolute awareness, necessitates not only this attention to consciousness, but being's instrument of mind, the quantum myth-maker, as well.
Not nihilistic, existentialist, nor addicted to personal deconstruction, but infinite Krishna, Vishnu, Shiva, and the never-ending universal Buddhas dancing with the Sufi chorus on the Isle of Patmos.
That first hiking on the Island, after the ancient art of bedrock steps and then ascending an earth of desert pink granite, I see the sea—as if the sea and seeing is synchronicity, revelation, Sand Beach!
After awakening from dreaming, either one is creating, living, and destroying myth—or one is dying in a socially conditioned story. Listen, gods make myths. People only act them.
Self-awareness, as a feature of omnipotent and absolute awareness, necessitates not only this attention to consciousness, but being's instrument of mind, the quantum myth-maker, as well.
Not nihilistic, existentialist, nor addicted to personal deconstruction, but infinite Krishna, Vishnu, Shiva, and the never-ending universal Buddhas dancing with the Sufi chorus on the Isle of Patmos.
That first hiking on the Island, after the ancient art of bedrock steps and then ascending an earth of desert pink granite, I see the sea—as if the sea and seeing is synchronicity, revelation, Sand Beach!
Sunday, August 25, 2019
symphony four. thirteen potions. for beverly.
Social conditioning creates a false sense of the universal. From personal deconstruction springs the leafless individual. Essentially this feature of the universal is the focal point of self-awareness.
The opposite of myth is the world. Matter is to the world as consciousness is to myth. Matter is ninety-nine percent space and nearly one percent belief.
The body-brain is to social conditioning as consciousness is to awareness. Dreaming is to the world as myth-making is to lucid dreaming is to mind not lost within itself.
If matter is this snake of a mistake, myth is that twist of self-awareness. Scientism is the new theology with a secret Latin of its own. Scientific materialism is the root of all scientific error.
If disease is the manifestation of a great mistake and western medicine is the church of this mistake, one can only do the math. Being as belief is the only glitch, only consciousness is the one solution.
The opposite of myth is the world. Matter is to the world as consciousness is to myth. Matter is ninety-nine percent space and nearly one percent belief.
The body-brain is to social conditioning as consciousness is to awareness. Dreaming is to the world as myth-making is to lucid dreaming is to mind not lost within itself.
If matter is this snake of a mistake, myth is that twist of self-awareness. Scientism is the new theology with a secret Latin of its own. Scientific materialism is the root of all scientific error.
If disease is the manifestation of a great mistake and western medicine is the church of this mistake, one can only do the math. Being as belief is the only glitch, only consciousness is the one solution.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
symphony three. the universe electric. for emmy.
Resting in your so-called personal consciousness is an entry-level drug. It doesn't matter if someone believes consciousness is a body-brain production. Consciousness knows what consciousness is. And what isn't.
This is why an honest visitation to I-am leads one to see I am that I-am. For there is no personal consciousness. Although there is an individual one. Atman is Brahman after all.
Social conditioning would have us believe the individual is a secondary character to the primary one of society itself. But the individual is the only universe there is.
I've seen the best ones of this generation lost within division. As if there is a kind of individual politics which is not a universal declaration of war. As if belief and love are not incompatible.
As if there's anything but the universe electric sounding in each solitary August cricket tonight. Matter is unproven theory leading to dementia. Only consciousness is fact. Keep on thinking from the heart.
This is why an honest visitation to I-am leads one to see I am that I-am. For there is no personal consciousness. Although there is an individual one. Atman is Brahman after all.
Social conditioning would have us believe the individual is a secondary character to the primary one of society itself. But the individual is the only universe there is.
I've seen the best ones of this generation lost within division. As if there is a kind of individual politics which is not a universal declaration of war. As if belief and love are not incompatible.
As if there's anything but the universe electric sounding in each solitary August cricket tonight. Matter is unproven theory leading to dementia. Only consciousness is fact. Keep on thinking from the heart.
one. the only knowledge is consciousness. the rest is hearsay. no matter one's desire to believe it.
two. not two. consciousness is the manifestation of the absolute truth.
three. zen is easy. deconstruction is hard.
four. all politics isn’t local; love is. all politics is the suspension of disbelief.
five. essentially, matter is disease. consciousness is cure.
two. not two. consciousness is the manifestation of the absolute truth.
three. zen is easy. deconstruction is hard.
four. all politics isn’t local; love is. all politics is the suspension of disbelief.
five. essentially, matter is disease. consciousness is cure.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
symphony two. myth is a method. for marcheterre.
The dream returns to consciousness like a whirlpool returning to the river. The river doesn't return to that pure awareness of mountain air but continues intentionally toward the sea of self-awareness.
Just because the tool has been misused doesn't mean it doesn't have a function. In this universe of self-awareness, myth is not mistake. Myth is a method.
For manifestation follows the myth and not vice-versa, like matter follows the so-called scientific theory of western materialism. Not only is deconstruction not an end in itself,
universal consciousness is using an understanding mind to imagine self-awareness. This is the way pure awareness does it. The immaculate conception is not a mistake.
After all, consciousness is the non-dual manifestation of the absolute. And mind is the non-dual imagination of being. The world is being stuck. Dis-identify the eye with me.
Just because the tool has been misused doesn't mean it doesn't have a function. In this universe of self-awareness, myth is not mistake. Myth is a method.
For manifestation follows the myth and not vice-versa, like matter follows the so-called scientific theory of western materialism. Not only is deconstruction not an end in itself,
universal consciousness is using an understanding mind to imagine self-awareness. This is the way pure awareness does it. The immaculate conception is not a mistake.
After all, consciousness is the non-dual manifestation of the absolute. And mind is the non-dual imagination of being. The world is being stuck. Dis-identify the eye with me.
1. returning has many ways but great intent is only one way
2. don’t mistake the mistake
3. matter is unproven theory
4. awareness being self-aware is a feature of pure awareness
5. imagining nonduality is the penultimate phase
the trailer
like a whirlpool returning to the river
myth is not mistake
manifestation follows the myth and not vice-versa
the way pure awareness does it
mind is the non-dual imagination of being
1. returning has many ways but great intent is only one way
2. don’t mistake the mistake
3. matter is unproven theory
4. awareness being self-aware is a feature of pure awareness
5. imagining nonduality is the penultimate phase
the trailer
like a whirlpool returning to the river
myth is not mistake
manifestation follows the myth and not vice-versa
the way pure awareness does it
mind is the non-dual imagination of being
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
symphony one. hydrologic ouroboros. for agi.
After deconstructing one's conditioning, there's energy, awareness, and being. Listen carefully, it's not nothing. There's no universe but universal consciousness focusing through energy to being into apocalyptic self-awareness.
I know from experience that being gets lost in dreaming. Look, divine imagination is the natural turn from being to self-awareness. But when its metaphysical imaginal tool of thought becomes identity instead, the flow is lost within a dreamy whirlpool, night and day.
After the whirlpool is energy, being, and reflections of awareness. Great intent is always flowing from sky to sea—through mountains and rivers—and back to sky like a hydrologic ouroboros.
The only snake in paradise is self-awareness. Eve is only deconstructing her material identity. The goddess dies before she dies. By the way, Adam and God are merely secondary characters in Genesis.
one. nihilists need not apply.
an avatar is natural divine imagination. the personal is original dream.
three. scientific materialism cannot accept intent despite the evidence of evolutionary self-awareness. in fact, all kinds of materialistic archbishops are questioning self-awareness now instead.
i know i’m not material but being loves a good story
I know from experience that being gets lost in dreaming. Look, divine imagination is the natural turn from being to self-awareness. But when its metaphysical imaginal tool of thought becomes identity instead, the flow is lost within a dreamy whirlpool, night and day.
After the whirlpool is energy, being, and reflections of awareness. Great intent is always flowing from sky to sea—through mountains and rivers—and back to sky like a hydrologic ouroboros.
The only snake in paradise is self-awareness. Eve is only deconstructing her material identity. The goddess dies before she dies. By the way, Adam and God are merely secondary characters in Genesis.
one. nihilists need not apply.
an avatar is natural divine imagination. the personal is original dream.
three. scientific materialism cannot accept intent despite the evidence of evolutionary self-awareness. in fact, all kinds of materialistic archbishops are questioning self-awareness now instead.
i know i’m not material but being loves a good story
only consciousness lucidly dreams
Imagine mind dreaming, and running away with the dream-body. Welcome to the world. But when consciousness dreams, it dreams big time.
Hey consciousness, wake up! You’re not the body-brain and its divisions. Detach, and pay attention to one’s divine imagination for intentional self-awareness.
Only consciousness lucidly dreams. All persons are avatars. No avatar is a person. The personal dream is to divine imagination as nightmare is to daylight. A person is of the world. An avatar is a universe.
Spontaneity is not without intent. Dreaming is spontaneous. In the sea, the talkers talk. But lucid dreaming rides the wave of great intent. All of this intent is that being self-aware.
Hey consciousness, wake up! You’re not the body-brain and its divisions. Detach, and pay attention to one’s divine imagination for intentional self-awareness.
Only consciousness lucidly dreams. All persons are avatars. No avatar is a person. The personal dream is to divine imagination as nightmare is to daylight. A person is of the world. An avatar is a universe.
Spontaneity is not without intent. Dreaming is spontaneous. In the sea, the talkers talk. But lucid dreaming rides the wave of great intent. All of this intent is that being self-aware.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
overture to a new manifesto
Observing silence once a week is new school and multiple times a day is old school but avoiding more than three-week intervals seems to be the absolute baseline for my teaching.
My tantric teaching emphasizes being over logic. Deconstruction isn't god. The mind prefers a nihilistic outcome to scare itself back from the precipice. But love is paradoxical that way.
First turning is body living in the mind. Second turning is surrendering to consciousness only. Third turning is enlightenment. Deconstructive story, unconditional love, and spontaneous intent are the primal trinity.
The body-mind at best is this transistor—node of transformation and resistance—amplifying universal consciousness to its potentiality of self-awareness. The body-mind is like a fountain in an ouroboric sea.
Each night as affectionate awareness returns to absolute, the living body left behind attempts to replicate its absent lover and yet each day it has convinced itself again of something other.
Given a person is the definition of divided and love cannot be defined, every person falls a second fall believing god is on their side. War doesn't just break out. It takes some time to brainwash babies.
One cannot unthink the world but one can be dispassionate about it and compassionate while in it. So identify with that affectionate awareness while not of the world but love while in it.
There's both an energetic kundalini impulse and awareness reflected in consciousness. Holy spirit of enlightening intent and the universal god child of projection. Shakti, Shiva.
Look, I am universal consciousness in which material projection is appearing even if it takes a world of rabbit holes. If you think there's anyone other than yourself within this house of mirrors, think again.
Universal consciousness is in, I-am is out. When I-am sees I am that I-am by simply resting in the knowledge which is I-am, call this amplification Awareness Reflected in Consciousness.
Meanwhile, in the religion of scientific materialism, there is something called Frankenstein's Theory on the Spontaneous Generation of Consciousness from Dead Matter via Chemicals and Electricity.
Wise action is not right action but stop action. Morality is never wise but conditional as is automatic action always personal. Thus wise action is no action but non-doing. Naturally transformative.
One conditioning is infinitely different from another and this is why no one way fits all. And the more popular it is, the more fundamentally conditioned it becomes. Democracy is the greatest cult.
One is both absolutely universal while being individually responsible for self-awareness. The language of empire is constantly changing as love is the only universal means of communication.
The personal is a dream if not an illusion but the individual is all there is. As consciousness is the expression of the absolute, I am the divine imagination of consciousness—lucid, improvisational, inspirational.
All one can do is understand. This understanding is not on the level of the intellect but being. So mind, think love, or rather how love is not within the realm of thought. Neither is wisdom.
Listen, the mind dreams at night. Divine imagination dreams throughout the day. Even universal consciousness is dreaming space-time. Silence, the absolute unknown is dreaming self-awareness.
Projecting your world instead of returning to oneself is the root of every paradox in self-awareness. Avoiding the turning is source of suffering and normality. Still, nothing is gained in turning except feeling right.
Saturday, August 10, 2019
am 190810st just like an axle
Projecting your world instead of returning to oneself is the root of every paradox in self-awareness. Avoiding the turning is source of suffering and normality. Still, nothing is gained in turning except feeling right.
Sorry, scientific materialism is the new old-time religion. Only consciousness is the only frontier. Tune in. Drop body-mind. Compassion is the turning. War is the inevitable result of endless war, grasshopper.
Love is not some beautiful projection. Love is that projecting. Follow the light not of this world. For Jesus is Adam and Eve is Atman is Brahman is nameless noumenon. Last night I finally heard the crickets.
Sorry, scientific materialism is the new old-time religion. Only consciousness is the only frontier. Tune in. Drop body-mind. Compassion is the turning. War is the inevitable result of endless war, grasshopper.
Love is not some beautiful projection. Love is that projecting. Follow the light not of this world. For Jesus is Adam and Eve is Atman is Brahman is nameless noumenon. Last night I finally heard the crickets.
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
am 190807wd the postulates of fractal dreaming
Listen, the mind dreams at night. Divine imagination dreams throughout the day. Even universal consciousness is dreaming space-time. Silence, the absolute unknown is dreaming self-awareness.
Psychology deconstructs the night. Spirit manifests the day. Being is the sunlight and pure awareness is the ground. Self-awareness is an evolutionary myth. Spontaneous enlightenment is a direct one.
Don't believe the direct path. Love the gradual one. Never over-think a single thing—belief is a killer doer. Feel free to be or not to be. Non-doing is never drastic with its fractals.
Seventh of August and the sun is setting before eight. Darkness doesn't fool me anymore. From the rim, I've seen the sunrise go on and on from butte to butte in Grand Canyon. I know that golden point of view.
Psychology deconstructs the night. Spirit manifests the day. Being is the sunlight and pure awareness is the ground. Self-awareness is an evolutionary myth. Spontaneous enlightenment is a direct one.
Don't believe the direct path. Love the gradual one. Never over-think a single thing—belief is a killer doer. Feel free to be or not to be. Non-doing is never drastic with its fractals.
Seventh of August and the sun is setting before eight. Darkness doesn't fool me anymore. From the rim, I've seen the sunrise go on and on from butte to butte in Grand Canyon. I know that golden point of view.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
am 190806tu understanding
All one can do is understand. This understanding is not on the level of the intellect but being. So mind, think love, or rather how love is not within the realm of thought. Neither is wisdom.
As for changes in personality, there’s nothing you can do, for the personal isn’t real. Not that there aren't changes here, for changes indicate the depth of understanding. Being, watch, like a test of understanding. If no changes, there’s likely little to no understanding.
The most common misunderstanding is thinking there's an understanding. So mind, deconstruct yourself further; only abandon the thorn if truly done. Being, stay watching, and love.
The gardens are full of stunning Black-eyed Susans today. Like so many yellow suns emanating in the nameless—O Susan, Susan, lovely dear, my vows shall ever true remain; let me kiss off that falling tear; we only part to meet again.
As for changes in personality, there’s nothing you can do, for the personal isn’t real. Not that there aren't changes here, for changes indicate the depth of understanding. Being, watch, like a test of understanding. If no changes, there’s likely little to no understanding.
The most common misunderstanding is thinking there's an understanding. So mind, deconstruct yourself further; only abandon the thorn if truly done. Being, stay watching, and love.
The gardens are full of stunning Black-eyed Susans today. Like so many yellow suns emanating in the nameless—O Susan, Susan, lovely dear, my vows shall ever true remain; let me kiss off that falling tear; we only part to meet again.
Saturday, August 3, 2019
am 190803st for Leo
The personal is a dream if not an illusion but the individual is all there is. And whether individual, universal, or absolute, the holy trinity is never two.
Disassociation is an ego thing. Leaves don't fall until the fall and neither does self-awareness. As consciousness is the expression of the absolute, I am the divine imagination of consciousness—
lucid, improvisational, inspirational. My father was born on this date in 1913. But who am I to say for I was never born. Still I stop to say a prayer tonight for Leo.
Disassociation is an ego thing. Leaves don't fall until the fall and neither does self-awareness. As consciousness is the expression of the absolute, I am the divine imagination of consciousness—
lucid, improvisational, inspirational. My father was born on this date in 1913. But who am I to say for I was never born. Still I stop to say a prayer tonight for Leo.
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
am 190731wd hearken!
One conditioning is infinitely different from another and this is why no one way fits all. And the more popular it is, the more fundamentally conditioned it becomes. Don't waste your breath on some religion great or small, democracy is the greatest cult.
One is both absolutely universal while being individually responsible for self-awareness, however. The lowest common denominator is two and one is the primordial prime number. The language of empire is constantly changing as love is the only universal means of communication.
Lately I see rabbits and not the wonderland kind. There's something about a rabbit in the grass. As if consciousness is there in both vast ears and listening. Hearkening only, full of intent and prime for spontaneity. Hearkening only.
1. and the zen of quality not quantity.
2. neither philosophical nor mathematical but lovical
3. oh dear! oh dear! consciousness is the witness of the false and self-awareness is the rest. consciousness is the witness of the false and self-awareness is the rest.
One is both absolutely universal while being individually responsible for self-awareness, however. The lowest common denominator is two and one is the primordial prime number. The language of empire is constantly changing as love is the only universal means of communication.
Lately I see rabbits and not the wonderland kind. There's something about a rabbit in the grass. As if consciousness is there in both vast ears and listening. Hearkening only, full of intent and prime for spontaneity. Hearkening only.
1. and the zen of quality not quantity.
2. neither philosophical nor mathematical but lovical
3. oh dear! oh dear! consciousness is the witness of the false and self-awareness is the rest. consciousness is the witness of the false and self-awareness is the rest.
On Bronson Alcott's Orphic Sayings
Robert Peel, Harvard student of Perry Miller the 20th century premier anthologist and historian of Transcendentalism, said of Bronson Alcott: “In Hindu society he would undoubtedly have been accounted a mahatma, a saint, by the many; eager disciples would have flocked to such a teacher to drink at the limpid wells of his serene and unworldly wisdom. But in the United States of America, already at that time judging success largely in extrovert terms, Alcott was a practical failure, a ludicrous misfit, the reductio ad absurdum of the Transcendental ethos.”
Today’s Wikipedia says, “Amos Bronson Alcott (November 29, 1799 – March 4, 1888) was an American teacher, writer, philosopher, and reformer. As an educator, Alcott pioneered new ways of interacting with young students, focusing on a conversational style, and avoided traditional punishment. He hoped to perfect the human spirit and, to that end, advocated a vegan diet before the term was coined. He was also an abolitionist and an advocate for women's rights.”
It also says he was the father of “Louisa May, who fictionalized her experience with the family in her novel Little Women in 1868.” At least it didn’t lead with that sentence, which might be the extent of most people’s knowledge of the man today if there is any knowledge of him at all.
On a more personal level, Emerson said of Alcott: “He is an idealist, and we should say Platonist, if it were not doing injustice to give any name implying secondariness to the highly original habit of his salient and intuitive mind. He has singular gifts for awakening contemplation and aspiration in simple and in cultivated persons. Though not learned, he is a rare master of the English language; and, though no technical logician, he has a subtle and deep science of that which actually passes in thought, and thought is ever seen by him in its relations to life and morals. Those persons who are best prepared by their own habit of thought, set the highest value on his subtle perception and facile generalization.” High praise indeed.
Thoreau simply said he was “the sanest man I ever knew.” And Margaret Fuller called him "a philosopher of the balmy times of ancient Greece—a man whom the worldlings of Boston hold in as much horror as the worldlings of Athens held Socrates.”
Of his many writings, there is one in particular that was most ridiculed in his day: Orphic Sayings. They appeared in the transcendentalist journal Dial between 1840 and 1842. Although Octavius Brooks Frothingham, a prominent Unitarian preacher, wryly called them “an amazement to the unintiated and an amusement to the profane,” not surprisingly something named The Boston Daily Evening Mercantile Journal called them “the quintessence of folly and extravagance.”
Even Perry Miller in his 1950 anthology of Transcendentalist writings had this informative but sly editorial comment: “At the time Alcott wrote them, he was working in his garden in Concord and occasionally wondering how, if ever, he would pay his debts: he was reading Hesiod, More, Cudworth, Goethe, and Coleridge. The value of the “Orphic Sayings” for the American tradition is probably not anything that they say—assuming that they say something—”
Now you can read them and see for yourself.
Today’s Wikipedia says, “Amos Bronson Alcott (November 29, 1799 – March 4, 1888) was an American teacher, writer, philosopher, and reformer. As an educator, Alcott pioneered new ways of interacting with young students, focusing on a conversational style, and avoided traditional punishment. He hoped to perfect the human spirit and, to that end, advocated a vegan diet before the term was coined. He was also an abolitionist and an advocate for women's rights.”
It also says he was the father of “Louisa May, who fictionalized her experience with the family in her novel Little Women in 1868.” At least it didn’t lead with that sentence, which might be the extent of most people’s knowledge of the man today if there is any knowledge of him at all.
On a more personal level, Emerson said of Alcott: “He is an idealist, and we should say Platonist, if it were not doing injustice to give any name implying secondariness to the highly original habit of his salient and intuitive mind. He has singular gifts for awakening contemplation and aspiration in simple and in cultivated persons. Though not learned, he is a rare master of the English language; and, though no technical logician, he has a subtle and deep science of that which actually passes in thought, and thought is ever seen by him in its relations to life and morals. Those persons who are best prepared by their own habit of thought, set the highest value on his subtle perception and facile generalization.” High praise indeed.
Thoreau simply said he was “the sanest man I ever knew.” And Margaret Fuller called him "a philosopher of the balmy times of ancient Greece—a man whom the worldlings of Boston hold in as much horror as the worldlings of Athens held Socrates.”
Of his many writings, there is one in particular that was most ridiculed in his day: Orphic Sayings. They appeared in the transcendentalist journal Dial between 1840 and 1842. Although Octavius Brooks Frothingham, a prominent Unitarian preacher, wryly called them “an amazement to the unintiated and an amusement to the profane,” not surprisingly something named The Boston Daily Evening Mercantile Journal called them “the quintessence of folly and extravagance.”
Even Perry Miller in his 1950 anthology of Transcendentalist writings had this informative but sly editorial comment: “At the time Alcott wrote them, he was working in his garden in Concord and occasionally wondering how, if ever, he would pay his debts: he was reading Hesiod, More, Cudworth, Goethe, and Coleridge. The value of the “Orphic Sayings” for the American tradition is probably not anything that they say—assuming that they say something—”
Now you can read them and see for yourself.
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Sunday, July 28, 2019
am 190728sn stop-action
Wise action is not right action but stop action. Morality is never wise but conditional as is automatic action always personal. Thus wise action is no action but non-doing. Naturally transformative.
To look both ways before you cross the street is pointless if you haven't stopped before you look. Call this stopping self-remembering, or instant meditation, or whatever vehicle gets you to the other side.
Scientific observation at best gets you half-way. This is Zeno's point behind the paradox. Einstein's theories would be nothing without intuition. That’s why it’s called dreaming by one awake.
This week I had to stop the car to let three wild turkeys cross the road. After every step, there’s a sudden stop. Necks appear to whiplash! The fourth one kindly stopped for me and I continued down the road.
To look both ways before you cross the street is pointless if you haven't stopped before you look. Call this stopping self-remembering, or instant meditation, or whatever vehicle gets you to the other side.
Scientific observation at best gets you half-way. This is Zeno's point behind the paradox. Einstein's theories would be nothing without intuition. That’s why it’s called dreaming by one awake.
This week I had to stop the car to let three wild turkeys cross the road. After every step, there’s a sudden stop. Necks appear to whiplash! The fourth one kindly stopped for me and I continued down the road.
Friday, July 26, 2019
aumdada manifesto 190726fr purple days
The body is like a lifesaver melting in my mouth. Before the body-mind, there is the seed of universal consciousness. During the body-mind, there is awareness reflected in this consciousness. After the body-mind is pure awareness. Call this tasty ouroboros, self-awareness.
Meanwhile, in the religion of scientific materialism, there is something called Frankenstein's Theory on the Spontaneous Generation of Consciousness from Dead Matter via Chemicals and Electricity. In this particular story, the lifesaver eats me.
So scientific materialism? Is it science or science-fiction? Are you experiential or conditional? The windows are open. It's late July and if memory serves me right, crickets are just around the corner. But tonight, there's not a single sound.
It's like a ryokan here and I'm writing in an ancient hut, all calligraphy and enlightening intent. The childlike games are over by this hour. Instead of air-conditioning, I'm listening to the white noise of a pedestal fan I just turned on.
Listen Alexa, turn off the fan. Consciousness is experiential like a witness. An appearance like a thought in consciousness is transformational like distant fireworks. Awareness reflected in consciousness is self-aware. Christ be careful what you ask for.
Meanwhile, in the religion of scientific materialism, there is something called Frankenstein's Theory on the Spontaneous Generation of Consciousness from Dead Matter via Chemicals and Electricity. In this particular story, the lifesaver eats me.
So scientific materialism? Is it science or science-fiction? Are you experiential or conditional? The windows are open. It's late July and if memory serves me right, crickets are just around the corner. But tonight, there's not a single sound.
It's like a ryokan here and I'm writing in an ancient hut, all calligraphy and enlightening intent. The childlike games are over by this hour. Instead of air-conditioning, I'm listening to the white noise of a pedestal fan I just turned on.
Listen Alexa, turn off the fan. Consciousness is experiential like a witness. An appearance like a thought in consciousness is transformational like distant fireworks. Awareness reflected in consciousness is self-aware. Christ be careful what you ask for.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
aumdada manifesto 190723tu purple consciousness
Consciousness believed to be a product of the body-mind identifies with the same of course, divided from the universal, although a serious materialist understands nothing in the universe is separate. The brain can't produce something which isn't chemically native to the universe. It’s always macro in, micro out.
Likewise, universal consciousness is in, I-am is out. Thus the mind is acting like a transistor, or the body like a fountain, where transformation plus resistance amplifies the source. When I-am sees I am that I-am by simply resting in the knowledge which is I-am, call this amplification Awareness Reflected in Consciousness.
Accordingly I saw three separate instances of a lone purple loosestrife today, each at least a mile from another. Purple blossoms first appear like the gentle flame on a single tall green candle. In a week or two, these wetlands will be a godly inferno of purple loosestrife, an invasive plant apparently, but nevertheless one of truth and beauty.
Likewise, universal consciousness is in, I-am is out. Thus the mind is acting like a transistor, or the body like a fountain, where transformation plus resistance amplifies the source. When I-am sees I am that I-am by simply resting in the knowledge which is I-am, call this amplification Awareness Reflected in Consciousness.
Accordingly I saw three separate instances of a lone purple loosestrife today, each at least a mile from another. Purple blossoms first appear like the gentle flame on a single tall green candle. In a week or two, these wetlands will be a godly inferno of purple loosestrife, an invasive plant apparently, but nevertheless one of truth and beauty.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
am 190720st apocalypse compassion
Without compassion, my projection appears to be the opposite of deconstruction. Instead of mirroring my own primordial division to be seeing through, I’ve divided my original duality into a world of painfully long divisions always ending in the same old war ad nauseum.
Look, I am universal consciousness in which material projection is appearing even if it takes a world of worm or rabbit holes. If you think there's anyone other than yourself within this house of mirrors, think again.
Yes, every year about this time beginning late July, I start to think about the purple loosestrife—and like a miracle it appears within a week or two. Listen, in an ode to purple loosestrife, the world is divided because I am divided.
But as one of the highest features of universal consciousness is love, one of the earliest features of self-awareness is compassion. There's non-doing I can do within enlightening intent but discern my own projection. Thus compassion is apocalypse of self-inquiry.
Look, I am universal consciousness in which material projection is appearing even if it takes a world of worm or rabbit holes. If you think there's anyone other than yourself within this house of mirrors, think again.
Yes, every year about this time beginning late July, I start to think about the purple loosestrife—and like a miracle it appears within a week or two. Listen, in an ode to purple loosestrife, the world is divided because I am divided.
But as one of the highest features of universal consciousness is love, one of the earliest features of self-awareness is compassion. There's non-doing I can do within enlightening intent but discern my own projection. Thus compassion is apocalypse of self-inquiry.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
am 190717wd transistor
To begin at the beginning and not that absolute parental source beyond beginning, there's both an energetic kundalini impulse and awareness reflected in consciousness.
Holy spirit of enlightening intent and the universal god child of projection. Shakti, Shiva. Words have many metaphors. There's only three words. Ground, knowledge, self-awareness.
The world is never all three words at once. Dualities are always missing one. But tonight I feel the trees as if photosynthesis itself is source of my intelligent energy.
I sense the body as transistor, amplifying and transforming this intelligent energy into self-awareness. As mid-July begins the season of the wild weeds, Queen Anne’s lace is just the beginning.
Goldenrod is blooming in the sunny spaces of the south-facing riverbank. Soon the purple loosestrife shall be invasive in the wetlands. All of this because divinity of memory. Divine imagination.
Holy spirit of enlightening intent and the universal god child of projection. Shakti, Shiva. Words have many metaphors. There's only three words. Ground, knowledge, self-awareness.
The world is never all three words at once. Dualities are always missing one. But tonight I feel the trees as if photosynthesis itself is source of my intelligent energy.
I sense the body as transistor, amplifying and transforming this intelligent energy into self-awareness. As mid-July begins the season of the wild weeds, Queen Anne’s lace is just the beginning.
Goldenrod is blooming in the sunny spaces of the south-facing riverbank. Soon the purple loosestrife shall be invasive in the wetlands. All of this because divinity of memory. Divine imagination.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
aumdada manifesto 190713st chicken
One cannot unthink the world but one can be dispassionate about it and compassionate while in it. So identify with that affectionate awareness while not of the world but love while in it.
Like Taoists love their hermits, as Buddhists love their saints as well as Christians, Hafez only loves. Listen and and dare to look from this absolute point of view.
Identify with deep sleep witnessing birth for what it is each morning. Call this self-remembering deep sleep-walking. Such a lucid dreaming is being self-aware despite conceptual occlusion.
Because there was a stop sign, I stopped for the chicken crossing the road. But the rooster wanted something like an invitation—cross already! Slowly it turns and suddenly I take a right.
Like Taoists love their hermits, as Buddhists love their saints as well as Christians, Hafez only loves. Listen and and dare to look from this absolute point of view.
Identify with deep sleep witnessing birth for what it is each morning. Call this self-remembering deep sleep-walking. Such a lucid dreaming is being self-aware despite conceptual occlusion.
Because there was a stop sign, I stopped for the chicken crossing the road. But the rooster wanted something like an invitation—cross already! Slowly it turns and suddenly I take a right.
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
aumdada manifesto 190710wd the lamb
Consciousness is not divisible and believing it as so doesn't make it so although every person thinks it does.
Given a person is the definition of divided and love cannot be defined, every person falls a second fall believing god is on their side.
War doesn't just break out. It takes some time to brainwash babies, and especially if.
It's the last thing one wants to do to the innocence of love. But people die miserably each day.
This is the world and you're welcome to it—I'm getting off at the end of this sentence—I’ll be sure to write.
Every year the lambs reappear in the neighbor’s field next door despite all death and rebirth.
In the morning, there's a little one that likes to lie behind a bleached-out log and watch the people passing by.
~seven footnotes~
division is just a thought but mathematics is perfected thought.
ego is the first fall. super-ego is the second. third fall is unspeakable.
manifestation isn’t magic. it’s inspirational!
manifestation begins in imagination and ends in revelation.
manifestation itself is third power.
life is shakti. consciousness is shiva. division is their world gone wrong. nothing’s perfect.
"To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice."
first divine imagination. next is sudden inspiration, manifestation makes three.
Given a person is the definition of divided and love cannot be defined, every person falls a second fall believing god is on their side.
War doesn't just break out. It takes some time to brainwash babies, and especially if.
It's the last thing one wants to do to the innocence of love. But people die miserably each day.
This is the world and you're welcome to it—I'm getting off at the end of this sentence—I’ll be sure to write.
Every year the lambs reappear in the neighbor’s field next door despite all death and rebirth.
In the morning, there's a little one that likes to lie behind a bleached-out log and watch the people passing by.
~seven footnotes~
division is just a thought but mathematics is perfected thought.
ego is the first fall. super-ego is the second. third fall is unspeakable.
manifestation isn’t magic. it’s inspirational!
manifestation begins in imagination and ends in revelation.
manifestation itself is third power.
life is shakti. consciousness is shiva. division is their world gone wrong. nothing’s perfect.
"To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice."
first divine imagination. next is sudden inspiration, manifestation makes three.
Saturday, July 6, 2019
aumdada manifesto 190706st three phantoms
Each night as affectionate awareness returns to absolute, the living body left behind attempts to replicate its absent lover—as if it doesn't already know its midnight dreams are merely phantoms compared to this sun-drenched dream of consciousness itself.
And yet each day it has convinced itself again of something other (although shadows) in believing the material is not a phantom—but foundational. Despite the fact its scientific priesthood is unable to disprove the obvious. All appears in consciousness.
It's as if this phantom of an opera claims to be composer when it's just an operatic voice non-doing—there's a sandbar in the river where a glacial moraine is being destroyed by the current. By early July, a crowd of boats is playing there.
The mind dreams. Consciousness conceives.
Like romantic love compared to the unconditional.
As if the shadow pretends to be the light. Like every comic villain or super-ego.
Science as a process is a basic form of deconstruction. Science as a socially-conditioned theory is old-time religion, boss.
Ego acts. Intuition directs. Intent produces.
Them—memories don’t survive the past as i too well know—don’t go living just to make them i remind myself each hour—as if every second of my world isn’t made out of them already.
intuition uses signs. so does marketing. coincidence?
often romantic love leads to unconditional love. or family.
even i can’t fool self-awareness.
experiment deconstructs theory. but believing in scientific theory is a socially-acceptable religion. everything appears in consciousness.
if omnipresent awareness is intent on self-awareness, then following intuition is like instant karma for the ego. i am, i am that i am, i am that.
changing the past is like imagining the future—it happens presently. call it manifestation. love.
And yet each day it has convinced itself again of something other (although shadows) in believing the material is not a phantom—but foundational. Despite the fact its scientific priesthood is unable to disprove the obvious. All appears in consciousness.
It's as if this phantom of an opera claims to be composer when it's just an operatic voice non-doing—there's a sandbar in the river where a glacial moraine is being destroyed by the current. By early July, a crowd of boats is playing there.
The mind dreams. Consciousness conceives.
Like romantic love compared to the unconditional.
As if the shadow pretends to be the light. Like every comic villain or super-ego.
Science as a process is a basic form of deconstruction. Science as a socially-conditioned theory is old-time religion, boss.
Ego acts. Intuition directs. Intent produces.
Them—memories don’t survive the past as i too well know—don’t go living just to make them i remind myself each hour—as if every second of my world isn’t made out of them already.
intuition uses signs. so does marketing. coincidence?
often romantic love leads to unconditional love. or family.
even i can’t fool self-awareness.
experiment deconstructs theory. but believing in scientific theory is a socially-acceptable religion. everything appears in consciousness.
if omnipresent awareness is intent on self-awareness, then following intuition is like instant karma for the ego. i am, i am that i am, i am that.
changing the past is like imagining the future—it happens presently. call it manifestation. love.
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
aumdada manifesto 190703wd oh lily
The world is wrong—although there's nothing wrong with that—and all the worldly knowledge in the world is wrong as well. For the only knowledge is ‘I am.’
But because of one's conditioning this may appear to rise from that holy seat of body-mind—the brain—chimerical and chemical machine. But wrong!
The body-mind at best is this transistor—node of transformation and resistance—amplifying universal consciousness to its potentiality of self-awareness.
Look, as the power of three arises from essential nonduality, the body-mind is like a fountain in an ouroboric sea. Don't deny the function of the crown of all creation because identity has been mistaken in the process.
Just because you're not the tool doesn't mean you're not the hand behind the heart of absolute intent. Nihilists need not apply at nothing. The well-to-do are overcompensating for their ignorance.
Normality is locality of conditioning. Consider the lilies of early July—day lilies, trumpet lilies, a prophecy of lovely lilies! Get over the spring. Get over all aspects of identity and be nakedly unknown.
But because of one's conditioning this may appear to rise from that holy seat of body-mind—the brain—chimerical and chemical machine. But wrong!
The body-mind at best is this transistor—node of transformation and resistance—amplifying universal consciousness to its potentiality of self-awareness.
Look, as the power of three arises from essential nonduality, the body-mind is like a fountain in an ouroboric sea. Don't deny the function of the crown of all creation because identity has been mistaken in the process.
Just because you're not the tool doesn't mean you're not the hand behind the heart of absolute intent. Nihilists need not apply at nothing. The well-to-do are overcompensating for their ignorance.
Normality is locality of conditioning. Consider the lilies of early July—day lilies, trumpet lilies, a prophecy of lovely lilies! Get over the spring. Get over all aspects of identity and be nakedly unknown.
Sunday, June 30, 2019
aumdada manifesto 190630sn the last pagoda
As awareness is self-awareness and quantum being is utter love and atomic form is story, the material world is all about transformation.
First turning is body living in the mind. Second turning is surrendering to consciousness only. Third turning is enlightenment. Turn, turn, turn.
Deconstructive story, unconditional love, and spontaneous intent are the primal trinity by any other first or last names.
Likewise, the first and only season is the paradise of summer when there is no thought of any other season.
Second season is the fall. Third season is like memory and desire. But winter is not a season.
If the earth is the guest, then the body-mind is certainly not the host. The maya of thinking so is catastrophic. Like Hurricane Samsara.
The last flowering pagoda dogwood wedding day of June feels like death. It’s completely conceptual but I need more fireworks!
First turning is body living in the mind. Second turning is surrendering to consciousness only. Third turning is enlightenment. Turn, turn, turn.
Deconstructive story, unconditional love, and spontaneous intent are the primal trinity by any other first or last names.
Likewise, the first and only season is the paradise of summer when there is no thought of any other season.
Second season is the fall. Third season is like memory and desire. But winter is not a season.
If the earth is the guest, then the body-mind is certainly not the host. The maya of thinking so is catastrophic. Like Hurricane Samsara.
The last flowering pagoda dogwood wedding day of June feels like death. It’s completely conceptual but I need more fireworks!
Friday, June 28, 2019
aumdada manifesto 190628fr moby science
Science says self-awareness is an evolutionary movement. But this is only true if consciousness is thought to be a product of space-time. Otherwise, enlightenment is a pre-existing unconditional feature of absolution.
Not only is there a sonic barrier in such a scientific world, there's a material barrier as well. This is called social conditioning. As science is to false as love is true, better a bad guru than a good scientist.
My tantric teaching emphasizes being over logic. Deconstruction isn't god. The mind prefers a nihilistic outcome to scare itself back from the precipice. But love is paradoxical that way.
The scientific viewpoint is material and works wonders in its world but doesn't know a thing about consciousness, believing itself to be creator of what I am rather than vice versa.
Have faith in this as if it were the antidote to poisoning: the material world arises in consciousness and not a nanosecond before. Look deep to the core. Love is not cool.
So this time of year, I go to the picture window as if it were the sea and look for fireflies. They descend from the ground and slowly fall into the black hole of space. Call me self-awareness.
Not only is there a sonic barrier in such a scientific world, there's a material barrier as well. This is called social conditioning. As science is to false as love is true, better a bad guru than a good scientist.
My tantric teaching emphasizes being over logic. Deconstruction isn't god. The mind prefers a nihilistic outcome to scare itself back from the precipice. But love is paradoxical that way.
The scientific viewpoint is material and works wonders in its world but doesn't know a thing about consciousness, believing itself to be creator of what I am rather than vice versa.
Have faith in this as if it were the antidote to poisoning: the material world arises in consciousness and not a nanosecond before. Look deep to the core. Love is not cool.
So this time of year, I go to the picture window as if it were the sea and look for fireflies. They descend from the ground and slowly fall into the black hole of space. Call me self-awareness.
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Saturday, June 22, 2019
aumdada manifesto 190622st silent movie
The silence isn't deafening but the one who has ears is hearing through all the noise—
three weeks of racket is enough to drown out consciousness itself, so the company suggests you take two weeks’ vacation at the most.
Observing silence once a week is new school and multiple times a day is old school
but avoiding more than three-week intervals seems to be the absolute baseline for my teaching.
So any spiritual retreat lasting less than three weeks is really just vacationing.
And in a way, one needs to know the silence before knowing what one isn't.
Thus it's the first day after the summer solstice and sunset tonight is comparatively silent—
but the young birds love this midsummer twilight!
three weeks of racket is enough to drown out consciousness itself, so the company suggests you take two weeks’ vacation at the most.
Observing silence once a week is new school and multiple times a day is old school
but avoiding more than three-week intervals seems to be the absolute baseline for my teaching.
So any spiritual retreat lasting less than three weeks is really just vacationing.
And in a way, one needs to know the silence before knowing what one isn't.
Thus it's the first day after the summer solstice and sunset tonight is comparatively silent—
but the young birds love this midsummer twilight!
Thursday, June 20, 2019
In the 190620th Year of the Now
We've been socially conditioned to think there is a we. And I'm writing in the royal plural for I know there is no I. Consciousness is to waves as awareness is to sea as egoic mind is to projection as super-ego is interpretation.
On the other hand, a non-judgmental mind is just the tool of being. Call this the mind of the heart. And the mind of the heart is like the hand of self-awareness, and self-awareness is a natural feature of awareness, and awareness is just a name for the absolute unknown.
It's the last full day of spring—that changing of the breath when full force form stops for a virtual second before exhaling emptiness. These days, every day seems like a year to me and tomorrow is like one o'clock. Fireflies to fireworks or is fire dreaming?
On the other hand, a non-judgmental mind is just the tool of being. Call this the mind of the heart. And the mind of the heart is like the hand of self-awareness, and self-awareness is a natural feature of awareness, and awareness is just a name for the absolute unknown.
It's the last full day of spring—that changing of the breath when full force form stops for a virtual second before exhaling emptiness. These days, every day seems like a year to me and tomorrow is like one o'clock. Fireflies to fireworks or is fire dreaming?
1. no name for thou.
2. Being is to Ishmael as the Absolute Unknown is to Moby Dick as Ahab is to ego as the white whale is to this critical reading.
3. “Mind is a tool of love. Love is the hand of being. Being is the heart of intentional self-awareness. Self-awareness is an omnipresent feature of the absolute.”
4. even pure awareness is not a name for tao.
5. appropriately it's been raining all day here.
6. the summer solstice is all about that space between the transformation—sing hallelujah!
7. one must know what one is before knowing one is the manifestation of the absolute unknown.
8. to be the unknown is the of meaning of all love and wisdom in this so-called comedy or opposite, this so-called tragedy, this catholic fantasy of history and desire, this Shakespearian nonduality, this wasteland, this butterfly.
a. see Ramana smile
b. pure affectionate awareness, being, mind, and self-awareness
c. sutra tantra bhakti boghi francis jesus by el greco
2. Being is to Ishmael as the Absolute Unknown is to Moby Dick as Ahab is to ego as the white whale is to this critical reading.
3. “Mind is a tool of love. Love is the hand of being. Being is the heart of intentional self-awareness. Self-awareness is an omnipresent feature of the absolute.”
4. even pure awareness is not a name for tao.
5. appropriately it's been raining all day here.
6. the summer solstice is all about that space between the transformation—sing hallelujah!
7. one must know what one is before knowing one is the manifestation of the absolute unknown.
8. to be the unknown is the of meaning of all love and wisdom in this so-called comedy or opposite, this so-called tragedy, this catholic fantasy of history and desire, this Shakespearian nonduality, this wasteland, this butterfly.
a. see Ramana smile
b. pure affectionate awareness, being, mind, and self-awareness
c. sutra tantra bhakti boghi francis jesus by el greco
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