Monday, October 21, 2024

Shadow God

1. superimposed on the ground of consciousness

This life force is but a shadow of the immortal source

like Saguna Brahman superimposed on the ground of consciousness.

There’s only one absolute light and one conditional shadow.

People are like dreams superimposed on that Shadow God.

2. consciousness cannot be divided

Contrary to popular opinion, consciousness cannot be divided.

Rivers are names and forms. Even the one sea has been given many names and forms.

But the hydrologic is the hydrologic. It doesn't matter what you call it.

3. undivided consciousness

Nondoing is

the highest wisdom of Maya,

the irresistible will of God,

and the greatest magic show

appearing in Nirguna Brahman.

Effortless nondoing is existence unbound.

Intuitive nonknowing is undivided consciousness.

Unconditional nonloving is loving whatever.

4. rebirth

Mixing color with death,

October is the kindest month.

Oak trees are turning gold today—

that is the peak of my geography.

October is great. November is sublime.

November is the rebirth of space in time.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Prasna Creation Story

1.4 To him the teacher said: Prajapati, the Creator, was desirous of progeny. He performed austerities, and having performed austerities, created the pair, the moon (rayi) and the sun (prana). He said to Himself: “These two should produce creatures for Me in manifold ways.”

1.5 The sun Is, indeed, prana, life; the moon is rayi, food. Food is, indeed, all this—what has form and what is formless.

2.2 To the disciple he said: Space, akasa, verily is that god—the wind, fire, water, earth, speech, mind, eye, and ear, as well. These, having manifested their glory, said boastfully: “We [each of us] support this body and uphold it.”

2.3 To them prana, the chiefmost said: “Do not fall into delusion. I alone, dividing myself into five parts, support this body and uphold it.

3.3 This prana is born of Atman. As a shadow is cast by a person, so this prana is, by Atman. Through the activity of the mind it comes into this body.

4.9 He, verily, it is who sees, feels, hears, smells, tastes, thinks, and knows. He is the doer, the intelligent self, the purusha. He is established in the Highest, the imperishable Atman.

4.10 He who knows that imperishable Being, bright, without shadow, without body, without colour, verily attains the Supreme, the undecaying Purusha. O my good friend, he who knows Atman becomes all-knowing, becomes all. About it there is the following verse:

4.11 He, O friend, who knows that imperishable Being wherein rests the intelligent self, together with the gods, the pranas, and the elements —he becomes all-knowing and enters into all.

~Prasna Upanishad (tr-Nikhilananda)

Friday, October 18, 2024

God, Maya, & Wu Wei Walk Into a Bar

1. ignorance wrapped in a dream inside a mind

God is universal existence wielding the power of the dream state.

Individual existence is ignorance wrapped in a dream inside a mind.

Effortless existence is the wisdom of the dream state intuiting the will of God.

2. like a movie

Beyond the Big Bang Dream is that substrate of Pure Existence like a movie screen.

Now playing is I minus Ignorance equals That Substrate minus Maya. I Am That for short.

As if I'm this open head of pure awareness and a universe is playing on me like a movie.

3. all planets must pass

The world is a ghost of course and I’m that pure existence within which it is ghosting.

In truth, ignorance is the enemy. Maya is like the Swiss Alps.

Darkness is like a shadow in the sun. All planets must pass. Happy Halloween!

a. deep sleep is that

In-between the waking dream and the sleeping dream are many dreams.

Between the sleeping dream and the waking dream is deep sleep.

Deep sleep is that in which sleeping and waking appear.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Looking for Ananda

1. names and forms appear in pure existence

Before identifying with the body-mind, ignorance is bliss.

Now it’s like people are looking for bliss in all the wrong places.

It’s not as much that ignorance is bliss, as it is bliss is that in which ignorance is appearing.

Ice appears in a crystal northern lake like names and forms appear in pure existence.

Ice is never not water as the body-mind is never not existence, awareness, bliss.

In conclusion, dreams appear in the mind; the mind appears in satcitananda.

2. earnest about self-inquiry

One person’s karma is another’s DNA.

This is then. That is now.

If you’re earnest about self-inquiry, it doesn’t matter how you got here. 

You ain’t going nowhere.

3. beyond the causal

There are three states of ignorance: the waking dreamstate, the sleeping dreamstate, and the state of pure sleep. Remember, deep sleep is next to godliness.

In the Mandukya, Turiya is not a state. It’s called the fourth because it’s beyond the causal power of three.

Samsara is like a benighted dream sleepwalking. Self-inquiry is the real waking state.

4. mind waves

Lessen your mind waves and the sea is yours!

Never try to stop a wave—ride it out to the shoreless shore.

If deep sleep is godlike, going to sleep is like an act of worship.

5. the power of one

Rivers do not turn to ice. Only their breath freezes over.

I learned this the hard way on Canon Mountain.

No reflection is real including your so-called self.

Maya is the power of three. The power of two is samsara.

Nonduality is the power of one.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Sculptors, Brahman, and Tattooists

1. feels real

No matter how great the sculptor is, a figure sculpted out of rock feels real because of the rock. 

That’s why figures sculpted out of air don’t.

In this way the waking world feels real because it’s an appearance in Brahman.

Not only is Brahman the great tattoo artist, Brahman is that existence being tattooed.

And they call the tattoo Maya.

2. suddenly there’s Brahman

Maya is the power of Nirguna Brahman. Saguna Brahman wields the sword of Maya.

Ignorance and projection are two of the three powers of Maya. Revelation is its third.

First there is no mountain, then there is a mountain, and suddenly there’s Brahman.

a. of would

A figure sculpted out of rock feels real because of the rock. The waking world feels real because it’s an appearance in Brahman.

They call the tattoo Maya. Saguna Brahman wields the sword.

Ignorance and projection are two of three powers of Maya. I love that I know that I am!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

A Gaudy Appearance

The mind sees the mind, a gaudy appearance within reality signifying nothing. Zen slap!

People are victims of their own nondoing surfing the big kahuna that is the real you. 

Lucid dreaming survives the sure thing. Awareness is Pure C.

Saguna B is filtered by the Gunas. Nondoing is what happens while you’re planning.

Zen is Next to Gaudiness

1. a gaudy appearance within reality

The eyes see the world. The mind sees the eyes, and in its own circuitous way, the mind sees the mind.

The pure light of consciousness witnesses the mind as a gaudy appearance within reality signifying nothing.

Like a zen slap!

2. the big kahuna that is the real you

People are victims of their own nondoing.

Pay attention as if you’re surfing the big kahuna that is the real you.

Only lucid dreaming survives the sure thing of the crash of the wave.

3. Doing, Not Doing, and Nondoing

Awareness is Pure C. Reflected C is the Body-mind Complex.

Pure C is Nirguna B. Saguna B is the Light of B filtered by the Gunas of Doing, Not Doing, and Nondoing.

Nondoing is what happens while you’re planning what to do or not to do. Have a good day.

a. the power of three

The mind sees the mind, a gaudy appearance within reality signifying nothing. Zen slap!

People are victims of their own nondoing surfing the big kahuna that is the real you. Lucid dreaming survives the sure thing.

Awareness is Pure C. Saguna B is filtered by the Gunas. Nondoing is what happens while you’re planning what to do or not to do.

Nikhilananda on Deep Sleep per Prasna Upanishad

BECAUSE IT ETC: Ordinarily there are three states of consciousness: (1) the waking state, during which one is conscious of the physical world outside; (2) the dream state, when one is conscious of the inner world and of objects created from the impressions of the waking state; (3) the state of dreamless sleep, when consciousness is free from the duality of subject and object and one experiences a feeling of undifferentiated awareness. Vedanta speaks of Turiya, or Pure Consciousness, which permeates the three states and is immortal and undifferentiated. Turiya is Brahman. Often the Upanishads compare the Consciousness of Brahman to the consciousness experienced in deep sleep. Both are characterized by an absence of pain and of the subject-object relationship. But the state of dreamless sleep, which is mechanically attained, is impermanent, and the consciousness experienced during it is covered by a thin layer of ignorance. Hence an ordinary person, after waking from deep sleep, leads the normal life of ignorance. But the knower of Brahman never forgets his real nature at any time. Though all persons attain the bliss of oneness in dreamless sleep, yet only the knower of Brahman realizes it as the Bliss of Brahman.

In deep sleep the illumined person experiences the Knowledge of Brahman. For the ignorant, deep sleep bears no such fruit. The three states of waking, dreaming, and deep sleep are common to both. In the ignorant person, as in the illumined, the sense-organs do not function in deep sleep, the prana fires keep watch, and the mind, free from the conditions of waking and dreaming, remains inactive. Therefore the purpose of this verse is to eulogize the Knowledge of Brahman

~Nikhilananda on Prasna Upanishad 4.5

Sunday, October 6, 2024

That Truth

1. the revelation of That

That consciousness does not appear in the brain is not a hard problem.

That the brain appears in consciousness is the solid truth.

Materialists are looking for a scientific solution to that which is impossible.

Nondualists are intuiting the revelation of That.

According to Vedanta, That is Satyam, Jnanam, Anantam.

According to myself, I am the truth, the knowledge, the infinite.

2. the third power of Maya

Maya is the original AI. Like Maya OG.

Just as Maya is believed to be real by most people, AI will be believed to be real by most people. It is what it isn't.

Remember the third power of Maya! Not only does it veil and project, it reveals.

3. Revelation is beyond science

As Truth is beyond the scientific realm of the Big Bang, Revelation is beyond science.

Science knows the Big Bang. That beyond the Big Bang knows science.

If it quacks like Samsara, it’s Samsara.

a. Nondualists are intuiting the revelation

The brain appears in consciousness. Nondualists are intuiting the revelation of That. I am the truth, the knowledge, the infinite.

Maya is the original AI. It is what it isn’t. Remember the third power of Maya!

Revelation is beyond science. That beyond the Big Bang knows science. If it quacks like Samsara, it's Samsara.

a2. revelation

Nondualists are intuiting the revelation of That. Remember the third power of Maya! Revelation is beyond science.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Looking at Maya through a Telescope

1. Hydrogen is the proverbial snake

The universe is relative, uncertain, and impossible. It’s all like energy and gravity and electricity of a single hydrogen atom 

transforming into more than one-hundred-eight other elements in this dance of Maya. Look, hydrogen itself is not caused by transformation

but is of apparitional causation. Hydrogen is the proverbial snake imagined in the Vedantic rope, the elementary superimposition on Parabrahman.

2. Deep sleep is the self.

Identification with the body-mind requires eight hours deep sleep in order to recover. Disidentification with the body-mind is timeless.

In other words, an ego needs to revisit its truth one out of every three seconds it is appearing here. Outrageous!

As one awakens, that time will lessen. Deep sleep is the self. Keep that in mind while you’re dreaming.

3. Satcitananda is the word.

Satcitananda is the word for the power of three looking at itself.

I formulate the principle of existence. I stand on the ground of consciousness. I worship holistic bliss infinity.

In the name of effortless nondoing, intuitive nonknowing, and unconditional nonloving, aum.

a. H is the proverbial snake imagined in the Vedantic rope.

The universe is relative, uncertain, and impossible. Hydrogen itself is not caused by transformation. H is the proverbial snake imagined in the Vedantic rope.

Disidentification with the body-mind is timeless. Ego needs to revisit its truth one out of every three seconds it is appearing here. Deep sleep is the self. Keep that in mind while you’re dreaming.

Satcitananda is the word for the power of three looking at itself. I stand on the ground of consciousness in the name of effortless nondoing.

x. the word

H is the snake. Deep sleep is the self. Satcitananda is the word.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Ashtavakra Gita 9


Things done and not done, and all the pairs of opposites: when do they cease and for whom do they belong? Having fully inquired, in this world become indifferent and devoted to dispassionate renunciation.

Rare is that blessed one who in observing the ways of the world attains the extinction of passion, desire, and curiosity.

All the world is impermanent and full of the triple sorrows. It is insubstantial, worthless, and worthy of only rejection. Knowing this as certain, the wise one is serene.

In what age or time of life do the pairs of opposites not exist for humankind? Abandon them and rest contented with whatever comes unasked. Thus one reaches fulfillment.


Seeing the diverse opinions of great seers, sages, and yogins, one simply becomes indifferent, thus attaining unity.

Is the true guru not the one who realizes the nature of pure consciousness and who through indifference and equanimity disentangles all from samsara?

Seeing the transformations of the elements as nothing but the primary elements themselves, you are free from their bondage and established in your own true nature.

Samsara consists of your inclinations. Renounce them all. By disavowing these desires, the world itself is disowned. Live free as you really are.

~my unbound transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 9.1-8 using the translations of Chinmayananda, Nityaswarupananda, Richards, Byrom, et al.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Dance of Dreams

First Dance of Dreams

1. an appearance in brahman

A dream is an appearance in the mind. The mind is an appearance in deep sleep, aka Brahman.

The sleeping dream is a dream with the body turned off. The waking dream is a dream with the body turned on, an embodied dream. 

Dreams are like karmic spirits. May they all return to their current embodiments and continue preparations for a real awakening.

2. every person is a snake

In the multiverse, each universe is a multimind. Each mind is life on a singular planetary dimension.

Every universe is a Buddha. Every galaxy is a God. Every planet is a people.

Everybody loves somebody sometimes and every person is a snake superimposed on Brahman.

3. Imagining Aham Brahmasmi

Individual consciousness is divided universal consciousness. It’s no wonder the world is violent.

Universal Consciousness is Brahman Employing the Power of Maya for God Only Knows.

One way to nirvana is neti neti. Another way is Imagining Aham Brahmasmi.

Second Dance of Dreams

1. Continue preparations for a real awakening.

The mind is an appearance in Brahman. The waking dream is a dream an embodied dream. Continue preparations for a real awakening.

Each mind is life on a singular planetary dimension. Every planet is a people. Every person is a snake superimposed on Brahman.

It’s no wonder the world is violent. Brahman Employing the Power of Maya for God Only Knows! Another way is Imagining Aham Brahmasmi.

2. Aham Brahmasmi

Continue preparations for a real awakening. Each mind is life on a singular planetary dimension Imagining Aham Brahmasmi.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Seven Wonders of Satcitananda

Mindfulness is lucid dreaming. 

Manifestation is self-awareness. 

Self-realization is enlightenment.

The principle of existence is being.

The ground of consciousness is

The essence of bliss is love.

Deep sleep is like Parabrahman.

On the Cit in Satcitananda


Consciousness as most people know it is pure consciousness reflected in the mind.

Pure consciousness is the cit in satcitanada. Some call it awareness. It is the ground of that electric reflected consciousness.

Reflected consciousness is Maya, the power of God. Ignorance is beginningless but not endless. These are two schools of nonduality. There are three.


In duality, it’s either one or three. In nonduality, it’s not two.

Classical mechanics is black and white. Quantum physics is uncertain.

Nonduality is neither knowing nor not knowing. In this way, it’s known.


In the name of effortless nondoing, intuitive nonknowing, and ananda.

The principle of existence says I am. The ground of consciousness grows self-aware.

The essence of bliss is radiating enlightenment.


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

It’s Always Satcitananda

In your lotus heart smaller than a mustard seed is the nondual space of awareness in which the universe and you appear.

When the mind is turned on, the multiverse appears. When the body is turned on, this universe appears.

And when the body-mind is turned off, deep sleep appears in awareness. When the body-mind is turned on—

This dreamstate appears in awareness. Awareness can’t be turned off. I am always That.

Self-Awareness: Knowing the Source

Every night, we return to Brahman whether we know it or not. Every morning, we regain consciousness but lose awareness.

In the world of reflected consciousness, awareness appears to be lost. To awareness, awareness is never lost.

By knowing the source, one is the source temporarily embodied. Tattvamasi, Aham Brahmasmi.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

In deep sleep, the power of three

1. In deep sleep, the power of three

In deep sleep, the power of three is at rest.

No busyness or inertia. No wisdom too.

Maya gets turned off when God has shit to do.

2. Taking place in a personal world

As long as you are taking place in a personal world, you are believing in a universal god.

Finding out what that is is real self-inquiry.

But God is not a concept. It’s just another name for the force, life force, prana, manifestation of the self.

3. Waiting for your bubble

Living in the material world is like waiting for your bubble to burst.

My sweet lord, my golden lady, my absolute without a pronoun.

What is life? I am, I know, I love. I love that I know I am. Who am I?

4. Says I am

The principle of existence says I am.

The ground of consciousness feels beyond all fields.

The essence of bliss smells like holistic bliss infinity.

5. Returning to the truth

Deep sleep is like returning to the truth while living in avidya.

Seeing through avidya has been a dream of mine ever since the sixties.

Fractal dreaming is dreaming all the way up and down.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Chandogya 7 (and Shankara) on Prana (vital force) and Realisation

 7.15.1. Vital force is surely greater than hope. As spokes are inserted in a hub, similarly are all things inserted in this vital force. The vital force moves with the help of the vital force. The vital force imparts vital force to the vital force. The vital force indeed is the father, the vital force is the mother, the vital foce is the brother. The vital force is the sister, the vital force is the teacher and the vital force is the Brahmin.

Beginning with name and ending with hope, all things that are arranged successively as greater and greater from the point of view of cause and effect, and source and product, (and) which have their existence due to memory, and are held together by the rope of hope just as a stem of a lotus is by the fibres-, they are in every way inserted in the vital force. And by that vital force which pervades everything internally and externally, and which is like a string, all things are strung and held together like gems in a string.

and into which the supreme Deity has entered in the form of an individual soul, like the reflection in a mirror, for manifesting names and forms. And it is the same vital force which is' the manager of God, like the minister of a king, as is stated in the text, ' "On whose depa.rture (from the body) shall I too depart, and on whose continuance in the body shall I too continue?"- thinking thus, He created the vital force' (Ke.VI.3). And that same vital force follows God like a shadow. In the we have, 'As the spokes of a wheel are fixed to the hub, as the spokes are fixed on the nave, in the same way, particular objects' are fixed on particular perceptions!, and the particular perceptions are fixed on the vital force. That vital force itself is the conscious Self 

7.16.1. 'But this one indeed transcends in speech, who transcends by virtue of-realisation of Truth.' '0 venerable sir, such as I am, I want to transcend in speech by virtue of realisation of Truth.' 'Truth indeed has to be sought for realisation.' 'Venerable sir, I seek for the realisation of Truth. 

He, Narada who was such, having heard of that vital force, which transcends everything and which is the Self of all, to be identified with his own Self, stopped by thinking that there. is nothing beyond this, so that he did not ask as he had done before, '0 venerable sir, does anything exist which is greater than the vital force?' Having found him (Narada) satisfied by knowing, in this way, this Brahman which is an unreal transformation, and thus fallen short of the highest success but yet thinking of himself as capable of transcending in speech by virtue of realisation of the highest Truth, the venerable Sanatkumara said to his competent disciple by drawing him away from that particular notion: 'But this one indeed, of whom I shall speak, transcends in speech; in reality, the knower of the vital force does not in speech.' His transcendence in speech is in relation to nameses etc. only. But he is the (real) transcender in speech, who knows the highest Truth beyond all things and called the Infinite.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Vivarta-vada and the Life Force

1. vivarta-vada and the life force

Speaking of vivarta-vada, the apparent modification is called vivarta. The transformative modification is called parinama.

Per the clay pot analogy, a pot is the parinama of clay. The clay is vivarta of brahman. Both are modes of maya.

In reality, there’s the principle of existence in satcitananda. In the cosmic egg, there’s the principle of life called prana, life force of I am. 

2. the universe is not a product of brahman

The universe is not a product of Brahman. 

The causal relationship between Brahman and the cosmic order is merely apparent, like a mirage, a dream, a superimposition, an hallucination like the classic snake in a rope.

Causation is a big thing between the modes of Maya: apparent and transformative. Brahman supports this phenomenal world, but transcends its cause-and-effect duality.

Ashtavakra Gita 8

Therefore bondage is when the mind desires or grieves for anything, rejects or accepts anything, feels happy or angry about anything.

Then freedom is when the mind does not desire nor grieve, does not reject nor accept, does not feel happy nor feel angry.

Therefore, bondage is when the mind is attached to any sense perception, and freedom is when the mind is unattached to all sense perceptions.

Where there is no egoic I, there is freedom. Where there is an egoic I, there is bondage. Knowing this, it is easy to neither accept nor reject anything.

~my unbound transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 8.1-4 using the translations of Chinmayananda, Nityaswarupananda, Richards, Byrom, et al.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

It's the Brahman in Saguna Brahman

1. saguna brahman

In the name of effortless nondoing, intuitive nonknowing, and unconditional nonloving, aum.

In primordial maya, the quantum power of god, there is nondoing, nonknowing, and nonloving, sattva.

In wisdom and that will of God, intelligence and that omniscience of God, universality and that oneness of God, Saguna Brahman.

2. brahman

In the world of samsara, there is doing and not doing, knowing and not knowing, loving and not loving, rajas and tamas.

And there is busyness and inertia, interestedness and apathy, lustfulness and carelessness, rajas and tamas.

In Saguna Brahman, I am, I know, I love. In reality, there is the principle of existence, the ground of consciousness, the essence of bliss, satcitananda.

3. i

After me is gone, I will always be there.

You know it when you are it.

I am before I am.

4. reality

Astrology is a science too.

Nonduality is not a science.

Reality is beyond science.

5. best of 240915sn

In the name of effortless nondoing, intuitive nonknowing, and unconditional nonloving.

Busyness and inertia, interestedness and apathy, lustfulness and carelessness, rajas and tamas.

After me is gone, I will always be there. Nonduality is not a science.

6. x

I am not the movie. I am the silver screen.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Dreamworld, Multiverse, Satcitananda

1. Existence in Reality

A river of existence doesn’t flow through me as much as I flow through this body.

In reality, I am existence itself. And not itself as much as the Self.

Grammatical attention isn’t wrong when talking to yourself. It doesn’t play with others well.

2. De-visualizing the Multiverse

That principle of existence is the ground of consciousness and I am that.

As dreamworlds appear in a single mind, universes are being visualized in that one without a second.

I minus dreamworlds equals that minus the multiverse. Tattvamasi. Aham Brahmasmi.

3. Satcitananda

It’s satcitananda and not sat, cit, and ananda because nonduality.

Existence equals consciousness equals bliss equals satcitananda.

Satcitananda is beyond creation. Islands appear in the sea.

4. Deep Sea Diving

What the sea visualizes, the sea de-visualizes.

All islands depend upon a certain sea level.

What if the highest state of consciousness is deep sleep?

5. Formula Five

There are three states of consciousness. The fourth is not a state; turiya is consciousness.

Pure consciousness may be redundant but reflected consciousness is

the only consciousness the material world admits to know.

Pure consciousness divided by mind equals reflected consciousness.

Awareness plus thought equals attention. Pure consciousness equals awareness.

6. Pleasant Valley

My cosmic address is this dreamworld, that multiverse, satcitananda.

Chandogya 6 Selected (tr-Gambhirananda)

Chandogya 6.1 (Sankara's comments in italics)

2. He, of twelve years age, after going to the teacher (and) having studied all the Vedas till the age of twenty-four years, returned conceited, proud of being a learned man, and immodest. To him the father said, '0 Svetaketu, 0 good looking one, now that you are conceited, proud of being a learned man, and immodest like this, did you ask about that instruction-

3. ‘Through which the unheard of becomes heard, the unthought of becomes thought of, the unknown becomes known?’ (Svetaketu asked,) ‘0 venerable sir, in what way is that instruction imparted?’

Even after studying all the Vedas, and even after knowing all other things that are to be known, a man indeed remains unfulfilled of his purpose till he does not know the reality of the Self. This is understood from the story.

4. ‘0 good looking one, as by knowing a lump of earth, all things made of earth become known: All transformation has speech as its basis, and it is name only. Earth as such is the reality.'

Which is that? It is vikarab, the transformation; which is niimadheyam, name only. The suffix dheyat is added after a word to mean the word (nama) itself. It is only a name dependent merely on speech. (Apart from that) there is no substance called transformation. In reality mrttikii iti, earth as such; eva satyam (is the thing that) truly exists.

7. These venerable teachers did not certainly know this. For, if they had known this, why should they not have told me? May yourself, venerable sir, tell me’ that.’ ‘0 good looking one, so be it’, said he.

Although any deficiency of a teacher should not be spoken of still, he did so for fear of being sent again to the teacher's house! 

Chandogya 6.2

1.‘0 good looking one, in the beginning this was Existence alone, One only, without a second. With regard to that some say, “In the beginning this was non-existence alone, one only, without a second. From that non-existence issued existence.”

Sat, Existence; eva, alone: The word sat means mere Existence, a thing that is subtle, without distinction, all pervasive, one, taintless, partless, consciousness, which is known from all the The word eva is used for emphasis. What is that which is being detennined? This is being said: That which is idam, this, the universe which is perceived as a modification possessed of name, form, and movement; that lisft, was Existence alone. The word sat-eva is connected with lisit. When was all this Existence alone? This is being answered: Agre, in the beginning, before the creation of the universe.

2. He said, ‘0 good looking one, by what logic can existence verily come out of non-existence? But surely, o good looking one, in the beginning all this was Existence, One only, without a second.’

3. That Existence) saw, ‘I shall become many. I shall be born.’ That created fire. That fire saw, ‘I shall become many. I shall be born.’ That created water...

Tat, that Existence; aik$ata, saw, undertook the act of visualization. From this it follows that the cause of the world is not the Pradhana imagined by the Sarhkhyas, for they accept Pradhana to be insentient. But this Existence is conscious because of being the agent of visualization.

How did That visualize? This is being answered: 'Syam. I shall become; bahu. many. Prajayeya, I shall be born excellently'. like earth taking the shapes of pots etc. or ropes etc. taking the shapes of snake etc. imagined by the intellect.

Chandogya 6.3

2. That Deity which is such saw: ‘Let it be that now, by entering into these three gods, in the form of the soul of each individual being, I shall clearly manifest name and form.’

Chandogya 6.8

1.Uddalaka, son of Aruna, said to Svetaketu, his son, ‘0 good-looking one, learn from me about deep sleep. 0 good-looking one, when a man is spoken of as, “He sleeps”, then he becomes merged in Existence. He attains his own Self. Therefore they speak of him as, "he sleeps,” for he attains his own Self.’

The mind into which the supreme Deity has entered as the individual soul, like a man entering into a mirror in the form of a reflection, or like the sun etc. entering into water etc. that has been known as made up of food, and associated with speech and vital force made up of fire and water (respectively). The individual soul, in identification with that mind and staying in °it, becomes able to have such behaviours as thinking, seeing, hearing etc. and on the cessation of that attains its own nature as the Deity. This has been mentioned in another 'It thinks as it were, and shakes as it were. Being identified with dreams It transcends this world' (Br. IV.3.7)

Or svapniintam means the essential nature of dream. In that sense also the meaning is deep-sleep, which follows from the text, 'He attains his own Self. For the knowers of Brahman do not admit attainment of its own nature by the individual soul, in any state other than deep-sleep. Just as the reflection of a person in a mirror attains the person himself when the mirror is removed, in a similar way indeed, there (in the deep-sleep) when mind etc. cease functioning, that supreme Deity which, in the form of a conscious individual soul as Its reflection, had" entered into the mind for the manifestation of name and form, attains Its true nature by giving up Its appearance as the individual soul called the mind. So it is understood that deep-sleep itself is meant by the word svapniintam. 

That this name is a secondary one is being shown by stating: When a person is spoken of as 'He sleeps', then, he bhavati, becomes; sampannaJ;z, identified; satii, with Existence; i.e. he becomes united with, identified with the Deity under discussion, refelTed to by the word Existence. Having discarded the nature of the individual soul which has entered into the mind and which is produced from the contact with the mind etc., apftaJ;z bhavati, he attains; svam, his own self, his nature as Existence which is the ultimate Reality. Tasmat, therefore; the common people iicak$ate, speak of; enam, this one; as svapiti, 'He sleeps' (lit. 'he is in his own self); hi, because; apftaJ;z bhavati, he attains; svam, his own Self. The idea is that, even from the fact of the secondary name (svapiti) being well-known, it understood that he attains his own Self.

2. ‘As a bird bound to a string, flying in all directions and failing to get an abode anywhere else, repairs to the place of bondage alone, in this very way indeed, 0 good-looking one, that mind, flying in all directions and failing to get an abode anywhere else, resorts to the vital force itself, for, 0 good-looking one, the mind is bound to the vital force.’

6. Where can be the root of that apart from being in water? 0 good-looking one, through water which is the sprout, understand fire as the root. 0 good-looking one, through fire which is the sprout understand Existence as the root. 0 good-looking one, all these beings have Existence as their root. Existence is their abode. Existence is their place of merger. 0 good-looking one, as to how each one of these three gods becomes three-fold and three-fold after coming in contact with a person, has already been stated earlier. 0 good-looking one, of this person when he departs, (the organ of) speech is withdrawn into the mind, mind into the vital force, vital force into the fire, and fire into the supreme Deity.

7. ‘That which is this subtle essence, all this has got That as the Self. That is Truth. That is the Self. Thou art That, 0 Svetaketu.’ ‘May the venerable sir explain to me again.’ He said, ‘Let it be so, 0 good-looking one.’

Sa/:l. ya/:l., that which has been spoken of as Existence; is efa/:l., this; a1)imii, subtle essence, the Source of the universe. Sarvam, all, idam, this; aitadiitmyam, has got That as the Self. All that has got this Existence as its Self is etadiitmii. The state. of having That as the Self is aitadiitmyam. This whole universe has become possessed of a Self through this Self which is called Existence; it has no other Self which is subject to transmigration. This follows from other texts such as, 'There is no other hearer but This, no other thinker but This' (Sr. III.8.ll). And Self through which all this universe becomes possessed of its Self (Existence), tat, That itself is the source called Existence; satyam, the Truth, the supreme Reality. that indeed; is atma, the Self of the world, its inmost essence, its quintessence, its very reality, because the word Self, when not preceded by any other word, conventionally denotes the inmost Self, like the conventional words cow etc. Hence tvam, thou; asi, art; tat, that Existence; svetaketo, 0 Svetaketu.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Consciousness & The Radioactive Mind

Consciousness is pure like pure water is pure. There’s no mind stuff there to cloud things up.

Am I the consciousness or am I mind stuff? In consciousness, there is no question.

Nonduality is like subatomic mind stuff. Reality will know you by my radioactivity.

Ashtavakra Gita 7

In the boundless ocean of myself, the ship of the world is wandering here and there, moving by the wind of its own mind. Yet I remain calm.

In the boundless ocean of myself, the waves of the world spontaneously rise and naturally fall. Yet I neither increase nor decrease.

In the boundless ocean of myself this conception called the universe appears. Soundless and formless, I alone abide.

The Self is neither contained by objects nor does the Self contain objects, for I am limitless and immaculate. Thus unattached and without desire, alone in this tranquility, I abide.

O, I am in reality pure consciousness. The world is like a magic show. How could there be such notions as rejection or acceptance in myself?

~my unbound transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 7.1-5 using the translations of Chinmayananda, Nityaswarupananda, Richards, Byrom, et al.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Ekam Eva Advaita

Satcitananda is the Nondual Source of That Power of Three.

Existence (I Am), Consciousness (I Know), Holistic Bliss Infinity (I Love).

The mind can deconstruct itself but it cannot break the mirror.

The mind can't break itself. My god, that’s a job for reality.

Resting in existence as effortless nondoing.

Understanding consciousness as intuitive nonknowing.

Loving ananda as unconditional nonloving.

In the name of spontaneity, self-awareness, and one without a second.

Enlightenment Beyond Science

Deep sleep and the two dreamstates are states of avidya.

Self-realization is the waking dreamstate minus avidya.

I hear real enlightenment is beyond the turned-on mind though.

It’s like the difference between classical mechanics and quantum physics.

Not only is it beyond any myth of religion but all folk science too.


fun with mandukya math:

deep sleep equals absolute existence plus latent avidya in a mass of consciousness.

it's an individual's halfway home.

avidya is unborn but not endless.

false messiahs need not apply

but true gurus are welcome.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Real Big Bang

Deep sleep is the real big bang. Deep sleep appears within that which is beyond the three powers of reflected consciousness, that fourth, Turiya.

The three powers or states of reflected consciousness are deep sleep, the sleeping dream, and the waking dream. The Fourth is Satcitananda.

Within the Fourth, the body-mind appears. Its default settings are off: deep sleep. Mind turns on first: the sleeping dream state. The body turns on next: the dreaming waking state.

Until one's original ignorance is turned off in the waking state, do not pass go. Return to deep sleep for your recharging. And another day in a life.

Ignorance (avidya) off but body-mind (maya) on is called Jivanmukti. Ignorance off and body-mind off is called Nirvikalpa Samadhi.

Satcitananda and Powers of Three

Satcitananda is the absolute nondual godhead. Saguna Brahman is its power of three: I Am, I Know, I Love.

In the mirror of Maya this looks like spontaneity, self-awareness, and unconditional love.

That principle of existence is manifesting as effortless nondoing.

That ground of consciousness is flowering as intuitive nonknowing.

That essence of bliss is breathing as unconditional nonloving.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

After Oppenheimer

Sometimes I‘m a particle. Sometimes I’m The Great Wave off Kanagawa.

Sometimes I live in Los Alamos. Sometimes I pray in Santa Fe.

Sometimes I’m Albert Einstein as The Catcher in the Rye.

Non-loving Trailer

First there was nondoing. Then came not-knowing. Non-loving is unconditional love.

Non-loving and unconditional love are the bliss of Maya and the unity of a universal God!

Non-loving is the expression of the essence of bliss. It breathes like unconditional love.

Non-knowing 101

As nondoing is to the principle of existence, non-knowing knows the ground of consciousness.

Not thinking I know nor not know, thus it’s known. Non-knowing is intuitive in this way. It's self-aware.

This non-knowing has the intelligence of primordial Maya and the omniscience of a universal God.

Janaka Charges (AG6)

Janaka charges: 

I am limitless like space. The world is a so-called container like a clay pot. This is the knowledge. There is nothing to surrender, accept, or absolve.

I am like the ocean and the universe is like a wave. This is the knowledge. There is nothing to surrender, accept, or absolve.

I am like the mother of pearl seashell and this apparitional universe is like its silver. This is the knowledge. There is nothing to surrender, accept, or absolve.

I am in all beings and all beings are in me. This is the knowledge. There is nothing to surrender, accept, or absolve.

~my unbound transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 6.1-4 using the translations of Chinmayananda, Nityaswarupananda, Richards, Byrom, et al.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Satcitananda Jeopardy

Is the mind processing light or is light witnessing a process? What is self-awareness?

Does the principle of existence do or not do, be or not to be? What is nondoing?

The smell of roses in the morning reminds me of bliss. What is unconditional love?

On Holistic Bliss Infinity and Beyond

The world is not out there. The world is in here. I am not in the universe. The universe is in me. I am not the mind processing the cosmos. I am awareness witnessing the dream.

Attention, That’s the absolute truth. But one acting as an individual should act as there's a God: I am, I know, I love. Saguna Satcitananda: I love that I know I am.

Of course in reality, there’s just the principle of existence, the ground of consciousness, the essence of bliss. In the name of nondoing, self-awareness, and unconditional love, Satcitananda.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Ashtavakra Speaks (AG5)

Ashtavakra speaks: One has no contact with anything. What can the pure one wish to renounce? Having dissolved the body-mind, enter into absolution.

The universe arises from you like a bubble from the sea. Having known the nondual Self in this way, enter into absolution.

Although visible, the universe is insubstantial. Like the snake in the rope, it’s an appearance and not a manifestation of one’s wholeness. In this way, enter into absolution.

To one who is perfectly whole, pain and pleasure are the same. Hope and despair are the same. Life and death are the same. Being this way, enter into absolution.

~my unbound transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 5.1-4 using the translations of Chinmayananda, Nityaswarupananda, Richards, Byrom, et al.

Monday, August 26, 2024

My Nondual Math

1. Perennial Math

Mathematically speaking,

awareness equals pure consciousness,

and consciousness equals reflected consciousness which equals consciousness plus mind.

2. Stars of the Silver Screen

If mind plus consciousness equals what's called ordinary attention,

then such attention minus mind equals awareness, pure consciousness, nirguna brahman —

this silver screen of Self upon which reflected consciousness is now dreaming.

3. Brahmavidya 101

In classic neti neti math, nirguna brahman equals brahman without the gunas of samsara (busyness and inertia) or even maya (nondoing).

And saguna brahman is the god of samsara and maya.

In this way, brahman remains indefinable — one only knows the knower by being the knower.


~nondual haiku 101~

awareness equals pure consciousness.

attention minus mind equals awareness.

know the knower by being the knower.

~Local Heroes~

Self-awareness is the ground of consciousness flowering,

Nondoing is the principle of existence blowing in the wind,

Unconditional Love is the essence of bliss like Aurora Borealis.

~We Three Brahmans~

Nirguna brahman is the absolute minus conditioning.

Saguna brahman is the absolute via conditioning.

Parabrahman is far gone beyond conditioning. 


The waking state is body-on as well as mind-on. 

The dreaming state is body-off and mind-on.

The deep sleep state is body-off and mind-off.

When avidya is turned off, it's called nirvikalpa samadhi.

Mind-on, body-on, avidya-off is jivanmukti.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Paranormal Paraverse

~On Dreaming~

Yes, Universal Consciousness is

an appearance in Absolute Consciousness

but Individual Consciousness isn’t just a dream —

it’s a nightmare.

~Transcreating Hamlet~

To sleep, perchance to dream, fractally. 

To deep sleep is to die, temporarily.

The waking state is Newtonian dreaming.

The Fourth is the Principle of Being.

~Vedantic Haiku~

God isn’t dead. I am God. Tattvamasi Style.

The concept of God is dead. Don’t take it personally.

I minus Division equals That minus Conception

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

God Deliver Me


Nondoing, self-awareness, and unconditional love are the expressions of

the principle of existence, the ground of consciousness, and the essence of bliss.


Saguna Brahman (or Saguna Satcitananda to be consistent here) is the expression of

Nirguna Brahman, from a universal point of view.

From an absolute point of view, there’s nothing but Nirguna Brahman.


O God deliver me from an individual point of view!

This hellish world of samsara sparkles with its billions of individual points of view.

Our universal point of view is just your basic unscientific trinity: I am, I know, I love.


That nondoing in I Am is the Will of God.

That self-awareness in I Know is the Great Awakening.

That unconditional love in I Love is Ananda.



basically this paraverse is mathematical; this is the first golden ratio to be presented here:

nondoing is to the principle of existence

as self-awareness is to the ground of consciousness

as unconditional love is to the essence of bliss.


another ratio: saguna brahman is to nirguna brahman as saguna satcitanda is to the real satcitananda as god is to godhead as the universal is to the absolute.


and the villain in this paraverse is introduced and instantly deconstructed.


The nondoing of I am is the will of God.

The self-awareness of I know is awakening.

The unconditional love of I love is nothing but bliss.

Janaka Rejoins (AG4)

Janaka rejoins: Oh! The wise one with self-knowledge plays the game of life and isn’t burdened with the world of samsara like an ignorant beast.

The god of gods and all the gods unhappily desire that state in which the yogin now abides without any sense of gratification.

The heart of one who realizes That is not disturbed by good or bad, just as space isn’t smudged by smoke although appearing to be.

The wise one knows this entire universe is the Self. So who else is there to preclude oneself from doing as one is inclined to do?

In all beings of the four categories of existence from Brahma down to a blade of grass, only the one with knowledge has the power of indifference to desires and dislikes.

Rarely does one know the nondual Self as God of the world. Knowing that, one has no fear anywhere.

~my unbound transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 4.1-6 using the translations of Chinmayananda, Nityaswarupananda, Richards, Byrom, et al.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Thirteen Mute Swamis

In the USA,

Politics is religion.

Religion is the music

Playing at each party.

Evolution is measured

In time;

Enlightenment is


Evo and devo

Like rajas and tamas,

Mahamaya is sattva,


The will of God.

Epic Brahman

Sarguna God is self-realized but swings the sword of Maya still

Avidya strikes so deep it creeps me out

Standing on the ground of consciousness

Revering the principle of existence

Like an epic filled with the essence of bliss

Saturday, August 17, 2024

I Equals X Minus I

In I am, the I is not a pronoun but a mathematical symbol.

In I am, the verb to be is the voice of God.

In the God I Am relax until my absolution.

footnotes to I=X-I

1. I am, I know, I love - is the song of Saguna Satcitananda.

2. I am someone and I know some things is not a silly little love song. It's the root of all Shakespearean tragedy.

3. When I is not a pronoun, I equals the principle of existence and the ground of consciousness.

~ August 17 by Latitude 42.8 ~

There’s an uncertain slant of light in August.

It’s neither summer-like nor truly feels like fall.

Do not willfully misunderstand me;

there's no urge for going.

April is the longest month, thank God.

dedicated to the one

Rage on, John Donne.

Dream on, Wu Wei.

Deep sleep, Avidya.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Saguna Satcitananda

God is universal consciousness.

Individual consciousness is a product of ignorance.

In other words, consciousness is God.


God is consciousness.

Let’s give it a name.

I know. I am. I love.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Suite Nonduality: The Edge of Maya


Doing and not doing are two sides of the same ignorance.

Nondoing is the wisdom of Maya. Nondoing is the will of God. Listen. Surrender.

Neither Citizen Kane nor Bartleby, Wu Wei is the razor’s edge of God’s great sword, Maya.


What exactly is the difference between nondoing and not doing?

In not doing, the body is turned off but the mind is still in control of the switch. 

In nondoing, the body may be on or off, but God is wielding the sword.


In the land of duality, there are 10,000 objects and one subject. While visiting, it is wise to pay one's respect to God.

In the world, it's not a question of theism or atheism. All people come with gods.

Deconstructing God before deconstructing the personal is divine madness.


I Am is the voice of God.

God is the principle of existence conceptualized.

Black holes are indescribable. So am I.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Issac, Quantumaya, and Parabrahman

Samsara is like Newtonian physics. Maya is like Quantum physics. Parabrahman is like the Anti-physics.

Look, there is no grand unification theory. There’s only nondual reality. In dreaming, there’s the waking dream and the sleeping dream; deep sleep is not a dream.

Similarly, there is Newtonian ignorance and quantum Maya; nonduality does not harmonize the one with two. Nonduality is beyond mind and god.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

A Rose is a Rose is a Sunflower Sutra

If I-Know is an offshoot from the ground of consciousness, then self-awareness is its flower.

If I-Love is the fragrance of the essence of bliss, then unconditional love is its essential oil.

If I-Am is the principle of existence in action, then nondoing is its core.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Being Afterword

If part of you believes you're an individual being, then part of you believes there is a universal one as well.

This universal one is like a god. Giving it a name and backstory is just what people do.

It's voice is echoing inside you — I am.


This nameless god that speaks I Am is the manifestation of the Principle of Existence.

That principle of existence is the ground of consciousness is the essence of bliss. 

Some call that nondual trinity, Satcitananda.

Self Prayer

In the world of samsara, there is doing and not doing, rajas and tamas, busyness and inertia.

In primordial Maya, the quantum power of God, there is nondoing, sattva, wisdom.

In the world of samsara, I am someone, I know some things, and I love some of them.

In primordial Maya, the quantum power of God, I am, I know, I love.

In reality, there is the Principle of Existence, the Ground of Consciousness, the Essence of Bliss, Satcitananda, the Nondual Absolute, Parabrahman.

To wit, I minus Avidya equals That minus Maya, Tatvamasi, I Am That, Aham Brahmasmi, I am Brahman.

Self, look within.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Ashtavakra’s Counterpoint (AG3)

1. The Self

The one indestructible Self: having known that as your true nature, how does this knower of the Self stabilized in wisdom remain attached to accumulating wealth?

From ignorance of the Self arises an attachment to the illusory world of the senses. As from ignorance of the mother of pearl arises greed for its illusory silver.

But this universe arises like waves in the sea that I am. Thus realized, why are you running around like some hopeless individual?

After truly hearing the Self is pure consciousness and gloriously beautiful, why reap the impurity of a deep attachment to sensual things?

2. How Strange

The Self in all beings and all beings in the Self: in the wise one knowing that, how strange self-interest should continue.

Dwelling in absolute nonduality and fixed upon the great intent of liberation: how strange that such a one is subject still to sexual desire, languishing in erotic play.

Sensuality is the enemy of knowledge and weakens the spirit: how strange that someone who understands this would welcome sensuous pleasures while nearing the end of one’s life.

Dispassion towards all objects of the world and discernment between the permanent and impermanent: how strange that such a one striving for liberation from ignorance fear liberation from the body.

3. Wise One

The wise one whether glorified or persecuted is ever seeing the Self alone and thus may neither be pleased nor pained.

Seeing the actions of one’s own body like those of another, how could a wise one be bothered by praise or blame?

Seeing this universe as sheer illusion and being without any interest in it, how can the steady-minded one feel fear even as death approaches?

Whose mind is indifferent and without expectation, the great sage is at ease in self-knowledge. To whom can that one be compared?

Knowing this visible world by its very nature isn’t anything substantial, how could the steady-minded one prefer one thing or deny another?

In the final view, unbound from attachments, beyond divisions, and free from desires, all ordinary experience brings neither pleasure nor pain.

~my free transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 3.1-14 using the translations of Chinmayananda and Nityaswarupananda et al.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Janaka Exclaims. Part Two.

1. pure consciousness

Knowledge, knower and the knowable — this trinity does not exist in reality. I am that stainless Self in which, through ignorance, this triad is appearing. Janaka declares.

O duality is the root of misery. There is no remedy except the realization that this visible world is not real and I am the One Pure Consciousness.

Yes, I am pure Consciousness. Through ignorance I have projected these limitations, like the body-mind, upon my Self. Contemplating constantly this way without the activity of thought, I abide in the Absolute.

2. on bondage

Janaka says, I have neither bondage nor liberation. For having lost its reinforcement, the illusion has ended. O! The universe although appearing in myself does not in fact exist.

Along with this body, the universe isn’t anything. Thus I know for certain that pure Consciousness alone is the Self. So upon what can imagination make its stand now?

Body and mind, heaven and hell, bondage and freedom, misery and fear: all of this is mere imagination. What purpose has it with myself whose nature is pure Consciousness?

O! Even in the multitudes of human beings, no duality is seen, their having now become like a forest. To whom should I feel an attachment?

I am not the body nor is the body mine. Nor am I a finite living being. For I am Consciousness. And the only bondage is the desire for life.

3. the limitless sea

Janaka utters O! Diverging waves of worlds spontaneously generate in me, the limitless sea, as the mental storm arises.

In me, the limitless sea, the storm of the mind has ceased to be. And woe to the merchant individual whose ship of world is wrecked and drowned.

In me, the limitless and shore-free sea, how marvelous as waves of individuals arise and collide, jostle and play, and then re-enter into me according to their nature.

~my free transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 2, 15-25 using the translations of Chinmayananda and Nityaswarupananda et al.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Janaka Exclaims. Part One.

1. through the guidance of wisdom

Janaka exclaims, O, spotless, peaceful, Pure Consciousness, I am. Beyond the natural world! For so long I’ve been bewildered by an illusion.

I alone illumine this body as I alone reveal this universe. Therefore this universe is mine, or truly, nothing is mine.

Thus having disowned both body and universe, O! I now see my Supreme Self through the guidance of that Wisdom.

2. some similes

As waves, whitecaps, and bubble plumes are no different than ocean water, so the universe emanating from the Self is no different than the Self.

As cloth, when inspected, is found to be nothing but thread, so this universe, when investigated, is seen to be nothing but the Self. Janaka continues.

As sugar generated from sugarcane is wholly pervaded by its juice, so the universe manufactured in myself is permeated by myself within and without.

3. imagine

From ignorance of the Self, the world appears. With knowledge of the Self, the world is not. Similarly, a snake appears through non-apprehension of the rope. With the apprehension of the rope, there is no snake.

Light is my own nature and I am no different than light. When the universe manifests, I alone am shining. Janaka goes on 

O imagine! The universe through ignorance mistakenly appears in me. Like the silver in a mother of pearl. Like the snake in a rope. Like the water in sunlight.

From myself the universe has emanated and into myself it will dissolve. Like a pot into clay. Like a wave into water. Like a bracelet into gold.

4. hymn to the self

Janaka sings. How breathtaking am I! I bow down to my Self who knows no decay and is ever existent, even in the dissolution of the universe from Brahma the Creator down to a blade of grass.

How breathtaking am I! I bow down to my Self, who, although appearing with a body, is the One who neither goes anywhere nor comes from anywhere, but pervades the universe, ever existent.

How breathtaking am I! I bow down to my Self. There is none so competent as I, who holds this universe forever without ever bodily touching it.

How breathtaking am I! I bow down to my Self who has nothing, or has it all which may be thought or spoken.

~my free transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 2, 1-14 using the translations of Chinmayananda and Nityaswarupananda