Showing posts with label ag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ag. Show all posts

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Janaka Charges (AG6)

Janaka charges: 

I am limitless like space. The world is a so-called container like a clay pot. This is the knowledge. There is nothing to surrender, accept, or absolve.

I am like the ocean and the universe is like a wave. This is the knowledge. There is nothing to surrender, accept, or absolve.

I am like the mother of pearl seashell and this apparitional universe is like its silver. This is the knowledge. There is nothing to surrender, accept, or absolve.

I am in all beings and all beings are in me. This is the knowledge. There is nothing to surrender, accept, or absolve.

~my unbound transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 6.1-4 using the translations of Chinmayananda, Nityaswarupananda, Richards, Byrom, et al.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Ashtavakra Speaks (AG5)

Ashtavakra speaks: One has no contact with anything. What can the pure one wish to renounce? Having dissolved the body-mind, enter into absolution.

The universe arises from you like a bubble from the sea. Having known the nondual Self in this way, enter into absolution.

Although visible, the universe is insubstantial. Like the snake in the rope, it’s an appearance and not a manifestation of one’s wholeness. In this way, enter into absolution.

To one who is perfectly whole, pain and pleasure are the same. Hope and despair are the same. Life and death are the same. Being this way, enter into absolution.

~my unbound transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 5.1-4 using the translations of Chinmayananda, Nityaswarupananda, Richards, Byrom, et al.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Janaka Rejoins (AG4)

Janaka rejoins: Oh! The wise one with self-knowledge plays the game of life and isn’t burdened with the world of samsara like an ignorant beast.

The god of gods and all the gods unhappily desire that state in which the yogin now abides without any sense of gratification.

The heart of one who realizes That is not disturbed by good or bad, just as space isn’t smudged by smoke although appearing to be.

The wise one knows this entire universe is the Self. So who else is there to preclude oneself from doing as one is inclined to do?

In all beings of the four categories of existence from Brahma down to a blade of grass, only the one with knowledge has the power of indifference to desires and dislikes.

Rarely does one know the nondual Self as God of the world. Knowing that, one has no fear anywhere.

~my unbound transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 4.1-6 using the translations of Chinmayananda, Nityaswarupananda, Richards, Byrom, et al.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Ashtavakra’s Counterpoint (AG3)

1. The Self

The one indestructible Self: having known that as your true nature, how does this knower of the Self stabilized in wisdom remain attached to accumulating wealth?

From ignorance of the Self arises an attachment to the illusory world of the senses. As from ignorance of the mother of pearl arises greed for its illusory silver.

But this universe arises like waves in the sea that I am. Thus realized, why are you running around like some hopeless individual?

After truly hearing the Self is pure consciousness and gloriously beautiful, why reap the impurity of a deep attachment to sensual things?

2. How Strange

The Self in all beings and all beings in the Self: in the wise one knowing that, how strange self-interest should continue.

Dwelling in absolute nonduality and fixed upon the great intent of liberation: how strange that such a one is subject still to sexual desire, languishing in erotic play.

Sensuality is the enemy of knowledge and weakens the spirit: how strange that someone who understands this would welcome sensuous pleasures while nearing the end of one’s life.

Dispassion towards all objects of the world and discernment between the permanent and impermanent: how strange that such a one striving for liberation from ignorance fear liberation from the body.

3. Wise One

The wise one whether glorified or persecuted is ever seeing the Self alone and thus may neither be pleased nor pained.

Seeing the actions of one’s own body like those of another, how could a wise one be bothered by praise or blame?

Seeing this universe as sheer illusion and being without any interest in it, how can the steady-minded one feel fear even as death approaches?

Whose mind is indifferent and without expectation, the great sage is at ease in self-knowledge. To whom can that one be compared?

Knowing this visible world by its very nature isn’t anything substantial, how could the steady-minded one prefer one thing or deny another?

In the final view, unbound from attachments, beyond divisions, and free from desires, all ordinary experience brings neither pleasure nor pain.

~my free transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 3.1-14 using the translations of Chinmayananda and Nityaswarupananda et al.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Janaka Exclaims. Part Two.

1. pure consciousness

Knowledge, knower and the knowable — this trinity does not exist in reality. I am that stainless Self in which, through ignorance, this triad is appearing. Janaka declares.

O duality is the root of misery. There is no remedy except the realization that this visible world is not real and I am the One Pure Consciousness.

Yes, I am pure Consciousness. Through ignorance I have projected these limitations, like the body-mind, upon my Self. Contemplating constantly this way without the activity of thought, I abide in the Absolute.

2. on bondage

Janaka says, I have neither bondage nor liberation. For having lost its reinforcement, the illusion has ended. O! The universe although appearing in myself does not in fact exist.

Along with this body, the universe isn’t anything. Thus I know for certain that pure Consciousness alone is the Self. So upon what can imagination make its stand now?

Body and mind, heaven and hell, bondage and freedom, misery and fear: all of this is mere imagination. What purpose has it with myself whose nature is pure Consciousness?

O! Even in the multitudes of human beings, no duality is seen, their having now become like a forest. To whom should I feel an attachment?

I am not the body nor is the body mine. Nor am I a finite living being. For I am Consciousness. And the only bondage is the desire for life.

3. the limitless sea

Janaka utters O! Diverging waves of worlds spontaneously generate in me, the limitless sea, as the mental storm arises.

In me, the limitless sea, the storm of the mind has ceased to be. And woe to the merchant individual whose ship of world is wrecked and drowned.

In me, the limitless and shore-free sea, how marvelous as waves of individuals arise and collide, jostle and play, and then re-enter into me according to their nature.

~my free transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 2, 15-25 using the translations of Chinmayananda and Nityaswarupananda et al.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Janaka Exclaims. Part One.

1. through the guidance of wisdom

Janaka exclaims, O, spotless, peaceful, Pure Consciousness, I am. Beyond the natural world! For so long I’ve been bewildered by an illusion.

I alone illumine this body as I alone reveal this universe. Therefore this universe is mine, or truly, nothing is mine.

Thus having disowned both body and universe, O! I now see my Supreme Self through the guidance of that Wisdom.

2. some similes

As waves, whitecaps, and bubble plumes are no different than ocean water, so the universe emanating from the Self is no different than the Self.

As cloth, when inspected, is found to be nothing but thread, so this universe, when investigated, is seen to be nothing but the Self. Janaka continues.

As sugar generated from sugarcane is wholly pervaded by its juice, so the universe manufactured in myself is permeated by myself within and without.

3. imagine

From ignorance of the Self, the world appears. With knowledge of the Self, the world is not. Similarly, a snake appears through non-apprehension of the rope. With the apprehension of the rope, there is no snake.

Light is my own nature and I am no different than light. When the universe manifests, I alone am shining. Janaka goes on 

O imagine! The universe through ignorance mistakenly appears in me. Like the silver in a mother of pearl. Like the snake in a rope. Like the water in sunlight.

From myself the universe has emanated and into myself it will dissolve. Like a pot into clay. Like a wave into water. Like a bracelet into gold.

4. hymn to the self

Janaka sings. How breathtaking am I! I bow down to my Self who knows no decay and is ever existent, even in the dissolution of the universe from Brahma the Creator down to a blade of grass.

How breathtaking am I! I bow down to my Self, who, although appearing with a body, is the One who neither goes anywhere nor comes from anywhere, but pervades the universe, ever existent.

How breathtaking am I! I bow down to my Self. There is none so competent as I, who holds this universe forever without ever bodily touching it.

How breathtaking am I! I bow down to my Self who has nothing, or has it all which may be thought or spoken.

~my free transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 2, 1-14 using the translations of Chinmayananda and Nityaswarupananda

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Ashtavakra Says. Part Three. Really.

You've been caught in the rope of the body-mind, dear child. Sever it with your sword of knowledge, “I am Pure Intelligence.” And be happy.

You are unattached, actionless, self-luminous, and without stain. Your practice of meditation is your bondage. Says Ashtavakra.

You pervade this universe and this universe appears in you. Really, your nature is Pure Consciousness. Don't be small-minded.

~Ashtavakra Says, Part Two. (my free transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 14-16 in one paraverse using the translations of Chinmayananda and Nityaswarupananda)

Ashtavakra Says. Part Two. Illusion.

Ashtavakra says the one regarding oneself to be free is free and the one regarding oneself to be bound is bound. Like the saying goes, as one thinks so one becomes.

The Self is witnessing, pervasive, impeccable, nondual, free, still, unattached, dispassionate, silent, Pure Consciousness. That it appears to be of this world is just an illusion.

Contemplate immutable consciousness as the nondual Self while one is letting go the changeable illusion, both external and internal, of a reflected self.

~Ashtavakra Says, Part Two. (my free transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 11-13 in one paraverse using the translations of Chinmayananda and Nityaswarupananda)

Friday, July 12, 2024

Ashtavakra Says. Part One. Be Happy.

1. Pure Consciousness (Awareness)

Ashtavakra says. First, avoid objects of the senses like poison. And seek forgiveness, compassion, honesty, joy, and truth like honied remedies. (And that’s all he would say on such matters.)

Look, you are neither earth, water, fire, air, nor even space. Know your Self as the witness of this universe, as Awareness itself.

Detach yourself from this body-mind and rest in that Awareness. Be happy, peaceful, and free.

2. One Seer

You belong to no class and no church. You are imperceptible by the senses. You are unattached, formless, and witness of all. Be happy, says Ashtavakra.

Good and bad, pleasure and pain, these belong to the mind and not you. You are neither doer nor enjoyer but forever free.

Yes, you are the one seer of all and you are absolutely free. That you do not see yourself as seer but as something seen is your only bondage.

3. Like a Snake

You've been bitten by the great black serpent of the ego hissing “I am the doer.” “I am not the doer;” drink this nectar faithfully. Further Ashtavakra says.

"I am the One Pure Consciousness." Burn down the forest of ignorance with that fire of conviction. Let go your grief and be happy.

You are that upon which this universe appears superimposed like a snake upon a rope, that bliss, that holistic bliss infinity, that Consciousness, happily existing.

~Ashtavakra Says, Part One. (my free transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 2-10 in three paraverses using the translations of Chinmayananda and Nityaswarupananda)

~The Direct Path of Ashtavakra~

You are neither earth, water, fire, air, nor even space. 

Know your Self as the witness of this universe, as Awareness itself.

Detach yourself from this body-mind and rest in that Awareness. 

Be happy, peaceful, and free. 

~Ashtavakra (my trx)

~Ashtavakra on Avidya~

You belong to no class and no church. You are imperceptible. In fact, you are the formless witness of all. Be happy.

Good and bad belong to the mind and not you. You are neither the doer nor end-user but completely karma free.

You are one seer absolutely free. Seeing yourself as something seen is the definition of ignorance.


I am not the doer.

I am One Consciousness

Holistic Bliss Infinity

Happily Existing.