Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Talking Gods and Godhead

Satcitananda are not attributes of Brahman. Brahman with attributes is God the Isvaraverse. Brahman without attributes is the Godhead. Satcitananda are not the Holy Trinity. Satcitananda is nondual. Satcitananda is the principle, ground, and essence of Brahman.

If you think of yourself as a person, you have a God whether you know it or not. People come with gods as matched sets. The God of the Church of Scientific Materialism is called the Grand Unified Theory. Although unobserved and unproven, it’s believed to be true. 

The God of the People of the New Age is the Universe and the God of Advaita Vedanta is Isvara. Both are matters of faith. I am, I know, I love are its manifestations in primordial Maya. And the proof of the Godhead Nirguna Brahman is oneself.

2. Gods and Guts

Materialists of the western world, know thy God is GUT! And Maya is another name for the Theory of Everything. Look, consciousness is not a problem. Problems appear in consciousness.

3. The Power of Three

In Maya, nonduality is manifesting as the Power of Three. The Power of Three is Supreme Being, Absolute Awareness, and Unconditional Love. Reverse engineering the Power of Three reveals Satcitananda.

4. Three Eyes

It takes two ears to see through avidya. It takes three eyes to see through Maya. Seeing through avidya is the great awakening of our Buddha nature. Seeing through Maya is gone, gone beyond, transcendentally gone.

5. Faster Buttes

Peggy's Cove and fog is lifting like light is dawning on Marblehead. Grand Canyon and the sun is rising faster buttes an hour. What do space needles, golden gates, and rodeos drive?

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Some Thoughts on Consciousness

Consciousness transcends the universal as Parabrahman transcends your highest deity.

Spacetime appears in consciousness as waves appear in oceans as reflections appear in lakes.

These thoughts appear in consciousness—the reflection of consciousness is nothing but consciousness.

As moonlight is nothing but sunlight, I am not conscious. I am consciousness.

Reflections in the water aren’t really the images portrayed. They are nothing but water.

Water, water, everywhere and not a drop is actually a thought.

Thoughts describe thoughts but consciousness is not a thought and that is indescribable.

Like the sea knows every inch of a coastline but the coastline knows only the waves.

In God's Maya is nondoing. And intuitive nonknowing. That's how consciousness is known.

& More Thoughts on Immortality

Consciousness is not a product of the brain as immortality will never be a product of scientific materialism.

Immortality means endless-time in materialistic medicine. In real medicine, immortality is timelessness.

And timelessness is to personal deconstruction as satcitananda is to as it is.

& Consciousness Is

All the world is consciousness. Every dream is the mind. Consciousness is not a dream.

Consciousness is existence. The mind is a dream. Consciousness is holistic bliss infinity.

Consciousness is smaller than a mustard seed and greater than the multiverse.

& One Is

One is beyond two but nonduality transcends two

in effortless nondoing, intuitive nonknowing, and unconditional nonloving.

The wisdom of maya equals the will of god equals our faith in a grand unified theory.

& Postcards

Timelessness in Canyon del Muerto 2006

The Immortality of Basho in Yamadera Temple 2007

St Francis and Our Labyrinth of the Gods 2008

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Real Satcitananda

Advaita is not a belief. At best, it’s an hypothesis for you to experientially prove or disprove. Pratibodha-viditam matam. Atman equals attention minus thought. Awareness is the witness and Atman is Brahman.

Some look to a grand unified theory. Some look to a god. Neither can be proved. That’s the Law of Maya. Reflections in the water of these castles in the sky may be mere dreams but the water is absolutely real.

Call it the grand unified theory or the new age universe, the great mysterious or god, basically it's absolute Satcitananda walking on the street where you and Maya live.

In Advaita, Isvara is name for all the names attributed to Brahman with attributes, from Brahma to Shiva, from Grand Unified Theory to God. Call this the Isvaraverse. Let us pray.

Isvaraverse, universe, quantum name for all the gods combined. I am, I know, I love. The principle of existence, the ground of consciousness, holistic bliss infinity.

Everything I recognize is in the past. There's no future without the past. Past and future appear in the omnipresent. Dreams are not void of existence. Existence is void of dreams.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

For Brahmavidya and Self-realization

1. For Brahmavidya and Self-realization

It’s the metaphysics of Advaita which makes it work for me. The foundational focus on existence (I am) and consciousness (I know), along with that holistic bliss infinity of ananda, as the nondual trinity of satcitananda, is genius.

And Maya! That magic wand of the Brahman-god-with-attributes creating this fantasy, this play, this dream, this grand illusion, merely an appearance in the nondual absolute like a movie on a movie screen.

I’m not in it for the moksha but for brahmavidya and self-realization: seeing through this beginningless ignorance to the truth of who I really am and stopping there—they say reality takes you in.

2. In Nonduality

Scientific materialism isn’t scientific. Scientific materialism is just as much a religion as the big three. Thus consciousness is a problem for the church of scientific materialism.

In Advaita, pure consciousness is the ground. Ordinary attention equals the substrate of pure consciousness plus the superimposition of thought: Brahma’s Equation.

3. I That Am

If Brahman without attributes, Nirguna Brahman, satcitananda, the nondual absolute, is timeless, infinite, and unchanging, then, by definition, spacetime is not.

It's not a matter of ghosts being real but people being ghosts. The idea of a person dies in deep sleep. Its resurrection is completely dependent on memory.

Beyond this conceptual superimposition is the the principle of existence, the ground of consciousness, and the essence of undefinability. I That am.

4. New Hampshire II

Loon Mountain / Waterville Valley / Pemigewasset Wilderness

Half Moon Lake / Blueberry Hill / Midnight Perseids

Rockingham Park Racetrack / Canobie Lake Untamed / America’s Stonehendge

Friday, February 7, 2025

Brahma's Equation

1. Brahma's Equation

The reflection of pure consciousness in the subtle body of the complex nervous system is called consciousness.

It’s called consciousness because people think it’s the pure stuff but it’s not. The mind doesn’t produce consciousness.

Even the greatest of minds is merely appearing within its nondual omnipresence like the stuff of dreams.

The ordinary consciousness of attention equals the substrate of pure consciousness plus the superimposition of thought.

a. Of the Gods, Brahmā – the Creator and the protector of the universe – was self-born, first gave out the knowledge of Reality (Brahmavidyā), the Knowledge of all knowledges, the foundation for all sciences, to his own eldest son Atharvā.
~Mundaka 1.1.1 (tr-Chinmayananda)

2. This Country of Maya

In this country of Maya, the phenomenon usurps the noumenon. The reflection of consciousness usurps pure consciousness. Consciousness is thought to be attention. Attention minus thought equals I, the witness consciousness.

3. Advaita is Neither

When the dream becomes myth, print the myth—because scientific materialism has not been able to (nor ever will) prove its theory that consciousness is a product of the body-mind—and because all religious-isms appear in consciousness fool—advaita is neither science nor belief.

4. A Snake Appears

Pure consciousness is the ground in which a snake appears. Adam eats an apple. Eve surrenders. The mind is a superimposition. To know the truth, you must see through the superimposition. Maya is going nowhere.

Monday, February 3, 2025

On Non-Knowing

1. on minds

The mind of an ant cannot know Brahman. Neither can the mind of a human being.

Minds know objects, conceptual or otherwise. Brahman is not an object, believe it or not.

Knowing Brahman is an intuitive non-knowing. It’s like knowing yourself but really.

2. on knowing

There is no reason for you to know yourself. But it does explain a lot.

Not knowing yourself hurts. Knowing yourself alleviates. That is all.

3. on satcitananda (ode to unconditional love)

I am the principle of existence. Life is meaningless without me.

I am the ground of pure consciousness. Worlds are living and dying in me.

I am that holistic bliss infinity into which unconditional love is born.

The Ballad of Atman and Brahman

Because the mind is a product of original ignorance, ignorance is beyond its reach. The mind is like an island in the middle of the beginningless avidya sea.

The wise ones say forget about this original ignorance you can never know, and know the truth you can and do know. For ultimately it’s thee.

Atman is inner as all forms of thought appear to be inside you. Brahman is outer as all external forms of a phenomenal world appear to be out there.

Don’t overthink it one way or the other. Atman is Brahman. That ultimate realization removes all sides, the wise and nondual ones say.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Selling Brahman


Being all that I can be is the nondual absolute self. Just do it!

This minus ignorance equals that minus maya. You know it!

Fire hurts and even kills me but it cannot burn my real self. Get real!


To just do it is effortless nondoing.

That you know it is intuitive nonknowing; it's neither knowable nor unknowable.

Every day in every way is getting real.


There are three kinds of ignorance but seven states of maya.

The seventh stage of every state depends upon the first stage of the next state.

This is the last stage of maya. Let's get really self-aware.

On One Nondual Teaching

That I think I am an individual dissolves in I am Brahman. I am the all-knowing and ever-pervading Parabrahman

always witnessing the waking and sleeping dreamstates and even the deep sleep state like a movie screen.

The world of objects only manifests in the mind when the mind is manifestly dreaming, waking or sleeping.

In deep sleep, mind isn't manifest and this world has no existence. I witness deep sleep too. Duality has no existence. I am nondual.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Jazz Symphony Number One in C²

Loving Isvara

In reality, there are no persons. So how is there a personal God?

The universal reflection of pure consciousness is to Maya as individual reflections of awareness are to ignorance.

This is what the sages say. But as long as you are acting like a person, love the God you’re with.

Atheists Are People Too

What if an atheist is a person in-between gods but doesn't know it?

Such avidya is of the same principle as the one behind this reflexive universe—

it’s a long strange trip from awareness to self-awareness.

My Meta Myth

Love the God you're with.

It's a long strange trip from awareness to self-awareness.

Your metaparadigm contains a god or goddess whether you like it or not.