Satcitananda are not attributes of Brahman. Brahman with attributes is God the Isvaraverse. Brahman without attributes is the Godhead. Satcitananda are not the Holy Trinity. Satcitananda is nondual. Satcitananda is the principle, ground, and essence of Brahman.
If you think of yourself as a person, you have a God whether you know it or not. People come with gods as matched sets. The God of the Church of Scientific Materialism is called the Grand Unified Theory. Although unobserved and unproven, it’s believed to be true.
The God of the People of the New Age is the Universe and the God of Advaita Vedanta is Isvara. Both are matters of faith. I am, I know, I love are its manifestations in primordial Maya. And the proof of the Godhead Nirguna Brahman is oneself.
2. Gods and Guts
Materialists of the western world, know thy God is GUT! And Maya is another name for the Theory of Everything. Look, consciousness is not a problem. Problems appear in consciousness.
3. The Power of Three
In Maya, nonduality is manifesting as the Power of Three. The Power of Three is Supreme Being, Absolute Awareness, and Unconditional Love. Reverse engineering the Power of Three reveals Satcitananda.
4. Three Eyes
It takes two ears to see through avidya. It takes three eyes to see through Maya. Seeing through avidya is the great awakening of our Buddha nature. Seeing through Maya is gone, gone beyond, transcendentally gone.
5. Faster Buttes
Peggy's Cove and fog is lifting like light is dawning on Marblehead. Grand Canyon and the sun is rising faster buttes an hour. What do space needles, golden gates, and rodeos drive?