Monday, October 21, 2024

Shadow God

1. superimposed on the ground of consciousness

This life force is but a shadow of the immortal source

like Saguna Brahman superimposed on the ground of consciousness.

There’s only one absolute light and one conditional shadow.

People are like dreams superimposed on that Shadow God.

2. consciousness cannot be divided

Contrary to popular opinion, consciousness cannot be divided.

Rivers are names and forms. Even the one sea has been given many names and forms.

But the hydrologic is the hydrologic. It doesn't matter what you call it.

3. undivided consciousness

Nondoing is

the highest wisdom of Maya,

the irresistible will of God,

and the greatest magic show

appearing in Nirguna Brahman.

Effortless nondoing is existence unbound.

Intuitive nonknowing is undivided consciousness.

Unconditional nonloving is loving whatever.

4. rebirth

Mixing color with death,

October is the kindest month.

Oak trees are turning gold today—

that is the peak of my geography.

October is great. November is sublime.

November is the rebirth of space in time.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Prasna Creation Story

1.4 To him the teacher said: Prajapati, the Creator, was desirous of progeny. He performed austerities, and having performed austerities, created the pair, the moon (rayi) and the sun (prana). He said to Himself: “These two should produce creatures for Me in manifold ways.”

1.5 The sun Is, indeed, prana, life; the moon is rayi, food. Food is, indeed, all this—what has form and what is formless.

2.2 To the disciple he said: Space, akasa, verily is that god—the wind, fire, water, earth, speech, mind, eye, and ear, as well. These, having manifested their glory, said boastfully: “We [each of us] support this body and uphold it.”

2.3 To them prana, the chiefmost said: “Do not fall into delusion. I alone, dividing myself into five parts, support this body and uphold it.

3.3 This prana is born of Atman. As a shadow is cast by a person, so this prana is, by Atman. Through the activity of the mind it comes into this body.

4.9 He, verily, it is who sees, feels, hears, smells, tastes, thinks, and knows. He is the doer, the intelligent self, the purusha. He is established in the Highest, the imperishable Atman.

4.10 He who knows that imperishable Being, bright, without shadow, without body, without colour, verily attains the Supreme, the undecaying Purusha. O my good friend, he who knows Atman becomes all-knowing, becomes all. About it there is the following verse:

4.11 He, O friend, who knows that imperishable Being wherein rests the intelligent self, together with the gods, the pranas, and the elements —he becomes all-knowing and enters into all.

~Prasna Upanishad (tr-Nikhilananda)

Friday, October 18, 2024

God, Maya, & Wu Wei Walk Into a Bar

1. ignorance wrapped in a dream inside a mind

God is universal existence wielding the power of the dream state.

Individual existence is ignorance wrapped in a dream inside a mind.

Effortless existence is the wisdom of the dream state intuiting the will of God.

2. like a movie

Beyond the Big Bang Dream is that substrate of Pure Existence like a movie screen.

Now playing is I minus Ignorance equals That Substrate minus Maya. I Am That for short.

As if I'm this open head of pure awareness and a universe is playing on me like a movie.

3. all planets must pass

The world is a ghost of course and I’m that pure existence within which it is ghosting.

In truth, ignorance is the enemy. Maya is like the Swiss Alps.

Darkness is like a shadow in the sun. All planets must pass. Happy Halloween!

a. deep sleep is that

In-between the waking dream and the sleeping dream are many dreams.

Between the sleeping dream and the waking dream is deep sleep.

Deep sleep is that in which sleeping and waking appear.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Looking for Ananda

1. names and forms appear in pure existence

Before identifying with the body-mind, ignorance is bliss.

Now it’s like people are looking for bliss in all the wrong places.

It’s not as much that ignorance is bliss, as it is bliss is that in which ignorance is appearing.

Ice appears in a crystal northern lake like names and forms appear in pure existence.

Ice is never not water as the body-mind is never not existence, awareness, bliss.

In conclusion, dreams appear in the mind; the mind appears in satcitananda.

2. earnest about self-inquiry

One person’s karma is another’s DNA.

This is then. That is now.

If you’re earnest about self-inquiry, it doesn’t matter how you got here. 

You ain’t going nowhere.

3. beyond the causal

There are three states of ignorance: the waking dreamstate, the sleeping dreamstate, and the state of pure sleep. Remember, deep sleep is next to godliness.

In the Mandukya, Turiya is not a state. It’s called the fourth because it’s beyond the causal power of three.

Samsara is like a benighted dream sleepwalking. Self-inquiry is the real waking state.

4. mind waves

Lessen your mind waves and the sea is yours!

Never try to stop a wave—ride it out to the shoreless shore.

If deep sleep is godlike, going to sleep is like an act of worship.

5. the power of one

Rivers do not turn to ice. Only their breath freezes over.

I learned this the hard way on Canon Mountain.

No reflection is real including your so-called self.

Maya is the power of three. The power of two is samsara.

Nonduality is the power of one.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Sculptors, Brahman, and Tattooists

1. feels real

No matter how great the sculptor is, a figure sculpted out of rock feels real because of the rock. 

That’s why figures sculpted out of air don’t.

In this way the waking world feels real because it’s an appearance in Brahman.

Not only is Brahman the great tattoo artist, Brahman is that existence being tattooed.

And they call the tattoo Maya.

2. suddenly there’s Brahman

Maya is the power of Nirguna Brahman. Saguna Brahman wields the sword of Maya.

Ignorance and projection are two of the three powers of Maya. Revelation is its third.

First there is no mountain, then there is a mountain, and suddenly there’s Brahman.

a. of would

A figure sculpted out of rock feels real because of the rock. The waking world feels real because it’s an appearance in Brahman.

They call the tattoo Maya. Saguna Brahman wields the sword.

Ignorance and projection are two of three powers of Maya. I love that I know that I am!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

A Gaudy Appearance

The mind sees the mind, a gaudy appearance within reality signifying nothing. Zen slap!

People are victims of their own nondoing surfing the big kahuna that is the real you. 

Lucid dreaming survives the sure thing. Awareness is Pure C.

Saguna B is filtered by the Gunas. Nondoing is what happens while you’re planning.

Zen is Next to Gaudiness

1. a gaudy appearance within reality

The eyes see the world. The mind sees the eyes, and in its own circuitous way, the mind sees the mind.

The pure light of consciousness witnesses the mind as a gaudy appearance within reality signifying nothing.

Like a zen slap!

2. the big kahuna that is the real you

People are victims of their own nondoing.

Pay attention as if you’re surfing the big kahuna that is the real you.

Only lucid dreaming survives the sure thing of the crash of the wave.

3. Doing, Not Doing, and Nondoing

Awareness is Pure C. Reflected C is the Body-mind Complex.

Pure C is Nirguna B. Saguna B is the Light of B filtered by the Gunas of Doing, Not Doing, and Nondoing.

Nondoing is what happens while you’re planning what to do or not to do. Have a good day.

a. the power of three

The mind sees the mind, a gaudy appearance within reality signifying nothing. Zen slap!

People are victims of their own nondoing surfing the big kahuna that is the real you. Lucid dreaming survives the sure thing.

Awareness is Pure C. Saguna B is filtered by the Gunas. Nondoing is what happens while you’re planning what to do or not to do.

Nikhilananda on Deep Sleep per Prasna Upanishad

BECAUSE IT ETC: Ordinarily there are three states of consciousness: (1) the waking state, during which one is conscious of the physical world outside; (2) the dream state, when one is conscious of the inner world and of objects created from the impressions of the waking state; (3) the state of dreamless sleep, when consciousness is free from the duality of subject and object and one experiences a feeling of undifferentiated awareness. Vedanta speaks of Turiya, or Pure Consciousness, which permeates the three states and is immortal and undifferentiated. Turiya is Brahman. Often the Upanishads compare the Consciousness of Brahman to the consciousness experienced in deep sleep. Both are characterized by an absence of pain and of the subject-object relationship. But the state of dreamless sleep, which is mechanically attained, is impermanent, and the consciousness experienced during it is covered by a thin layer of ignorance. Hence an ordinary person, after waking from deep sleep, leads the normal life of ignorance. But the knower of Brahman never forgets his real nature at any time. Though all persons attain the bliss of oneness in dreamless sleep, yet only the knower of Brahman realizes it as the Bliss of Brahman.

In deep sleep the illumined person experiences the Knowledge of Brahman. For the ignorant, deep sleep bears no such fruit. The three states of waking, dreaming, and deep sleep are common to both. In the ignorant person, as in the illumined, the sense-organs do not function in deep sleep, the prana fires keep watch, and the mind, free from the conditions of waking and dreaming, remains inactive. Therefore the purpose of this verse is to eulogize the Knowledge of Brahman

~Nikhilananda on Prasna Upanishad 4.5

Sunday, October 6, 2024

That Truth

1. the revelation of That

That consciousness does not appear in the brain is not a hard problem.

That the brain appears in consciousness is the solid truth.

Materialists are looking for a scientific solution to that which is impossible.

Nondualists are intuiting the revelation of That.

According to Vedanta, That is Satyam, Jnanam, Anantam.

According to myself, I am the truth, the knowledge, the infinite.

2. the third power of Maya

Maya is the original AI. Like Maya OG.

Just as Maya is believed to be real by most people, AI will be believed to be real by most people. It is what it isn't.

Remember the third power of Maya! Not only does it veil and project, it reveals.

3. Revelation is beyond science

As Truth is beyond the scientific realm of the Big Bang, Revelation is beyond science.

Science knows the Big Bang. That beyond the Big Bang knows science.

If it quacks like Samsara, it’s Samsara.

a. Nondualists are intuiting the revelation

The brain appears in consciousness. Nondualists are intuiting the revelation of That. I am the truth, the knowledge, the infinite.

Maya is the original AI. It is what it isn’t. Remember the third power of Maya!

Revelation is beyond science. That beyond the Big Bang knows science. If it quacks like Samsara, it's Samsara.

a2. revelation

Nondualists are intuiting the revelation of That. Remember the third power of Maya! Revelation is beyond science.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Looking at Maya through a Telescope

1. Hydrogen is the proverbial snake

The universe is relative, uncertain, and impossible. It’s all like energy and gravity and electricity of a single hydrogen atom 

transforming into more than one-hundred-eight other elements in this dance of Maya. Look, hydrogen itself is not caused by transformation

but is of apparitional causation. Hydrogen is the proverbial snake imagined in the Vedantic rope, the elementary superimposition on Parabrahman.

2. Deep sleep is the self.

Identification with the body-mind requires eight hours deep sleep in order to recover. Disidentification with the body-mind is timeless.

In other words, an ego needs to revisit its truth one out of every three seconds it is appearing here. Outrageous!

As one awakens, that time will lessen. Deep sleep is the self. Keep that in mind while you’re dreaming.

3. Satcitananda is the word.

Satcitananda is the word for the power of three looking at itself.

I formulate the principle of existence. I stand on the ground of consciousness. I worship holistic bliss infinity.

In the name of effortless nondoing, intuitive nonknowing, and unconditional nonloving, aum.

a. H is the proverbial snake imagined in the Vedantic rope.

The universe is relative, uncertain, and impossible. Hydrogen itself is not caused by transformation. H is the proverbial snake imagined in the Vedantic rope.

Disidentification with the body-mind is timeless. Ego needs to revisit its truth one out of every three seconds it is appearing here. Deep sleep is the self. Keep that in mind while you’re dreaming.

Satcitananda is the word for the power of three looking at itself. I stand on the ground of consciousness in the name of effortless nondoing.

x. the word

H is the snake. Deep sleep is the self. Satcitananda is the word.