Wednesday, July 31, 2019

am 190731wd hearken!

One conditioning is infinitely different from another and this is why no one way fits all. And the more popular it is, the more fundamentally conditioned it becomes. Don't waste your breath on some religion great or small, democracy is the greatest cult.

One is both absolutely universal while being individually responsible for self-awareness, however. The lowest common denominator is two and one is the primordial prime number. The language of empire is constantly changing as love is the only universal means of communication.

Lately I see rabbits and not the wonderland kind. There's something about a rabbit in the grass. As if consciousness is there in both vast ears and listening. Hearkening only, full of intent and prime for spontaneity. Hearkening only.


1. and the zen of quality not quantity.

2. neither philosophical nor mathematical but lovical

3. oh dear! oh dear! consciousness is the witness of the false and self-awareness is the rest. consciousness is the witness of the false and self-awareness is the rest. 

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