Showing posts with label tantras. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tantras. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Middle Samadhi. The Ninth.

You are pure awareness being self-aware. After thirteen billion years of evolution and this universe of space, you're almost there.

But here lies Zeno's Paradox. Imagine that!

As inspiration is the great surrender of the material, lucid dreaming is the revelation of all the prophets.

Science can lead you to the water, but it can't help you cross it.

Imagine there's no paradox. There's no doing otherwise. Look, this is direct koan.

Note one: a dream without love is like evolution without creation.

Note two: a dream not following Intent is like desire not following love

is like a piece of driftwood not drifting in the current is like a surfer with no perfect wave.

Note three: as this is essentially a tantric practice, compassion is the safe word.

Monday, December 18, 2017

The Concentrated Tantra of Luminous Dreaming


Manifestation is the deepest deconstruction in awakening as contemplative meditation is the deepest sleep of absolution.

I am manifesting this world now to remind myself I’m not the mirror of the mind but pure awareness as reflecting in this being only.

Manifestation is not an error nor is it evil, as failure to learn is also neither. Just teach your parents better in the next light of day.

John Keats beautifully says, beauty is truth. Truth, beauty. But here and now I say this art of manifesting is the law of self-inquiry—

one calls it negative capability or says it's positive deconstruction. Luminous dreaming works in mysterious ways.


Projection is the world. Manifestation is my self. Projection is obscure. Manifestation, lucid. Projection tries to teach the ignorant but manifestation reflects the wise.


Bliss is the default mode of universal consciousness. It's really nothing special. Unless one has been conditioned to think otherwise. Bliss misunderstood is pain and suffering and all kinds of stress.

Self-awareness is the source of bliss as pure awareness is the ground. Bliss is the ground loop between awareness and self-awareness. Being. Consciousness. Love. Etc.

One in a million is a teacher. The rest is just a puzzle to be deconstructed. After projection is prophecy. Before self-awareness is lucid dreaming—"al shal be wel, and al shal be wel, and al manner of thyng shal be wele."


All the world's a past like intent's desire leaving the world in its wake.

No mind is not no love unless no mind is just all mind.

Some like to keep the world around them sparse because the past is such a nightmare.

Some like to keep the world around them half because of love and wisdom.

In other words, denial still is in the world. Imagination is out of this world.


All hail the great and powerful cause. Belief is everything but love is something else. And severe renunciation is the zen of zen if zen is everything and zen is never something else.

Kissing the projection makes it manifestly mine. Self-awareness takes an evolutionary and reflexive universe according to Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, and Arthur M. Young. Respect the process.

Turning projection into manifestation is just a matter of imagination. Go ahead. Squeeze the shaman. No thoughts, no prayers, no renunciation. No doing. Just intent's desire and a little imagination will do.


Absolute awareness. Intent. Being. Body-mind. Ego and other as the world. After the projection is the revelator. Self-awareness.

Embodiment is like manifesting self-awareness. Imagine self-awareness three times.

Footnote. Embodiment is not embodiment of the body-mind but embodiment of the universal—

both universal consciousness and its manifestation as the universe. Point a finger. Make a moon.

One learns from the world. Self-awareness makes the world. It all depends upon which side of the mirror I’m looking at or being through.

Projection is like owning a home but renting the world. Baby steps goes the teacher. I make the universe. Who needs to own?


First, the mind divides universal consciousness into the universe and then attempts to find the mathematical equations for how it did so as if it's something other than its violence in reverse.

Thus science is nothing more than reverse engineering.

Kiss projection. Embody the manifestation. Wait for absolute Godot. The chorus sings.

Zhuangzi says there's no good without the bad. The way to nirvana is samsara says the Diamond Sutra. Christ is dying for my sins the Desert Fathers and Desert Mothers say. For every conceptual birth there is conceptual death. Or cherry blossoms.

Love is the light between division. Light is before the thunder and after the unknown. I am the unknown. Here's what I love. Voila!


It's like there was a house but now I see it only in my dreams with walls to walk through and everything is coming up self-awareness.

In this floating world, I'm not a person but people swim within me, for every yang there is a yin and every tower there's a fault—

for samsara is actively nirvana, depending on one's point of view, that is, imagination.

As Newtonian physics answers to quantum mechanics, quantum mechanics answers to intense desire, like William Blake’s Jerusalem.


I thought I was an actor! But now I know I'm just the audience, producer, and director.

Every picture tells a story. Dreaming is becoming a reality. Cutting down an apple orchard takes forever. Eating an apple is returning to forever.

There's nothing wrong with the world a little love can't cure because love knows there's nothing wrong with the world.

S/he not going further is misunderstanding.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

the spirit of the eighth

there's nothing wrong with maya.

i remember something being wrong

but now i know there isn't.

i’ve hiked mountains and played tennis.

imagine that.

Quoth the 8th

my word.

a lower state cannot effect a higher state 

but the higher state can redirect the lower state. 

my myth.

Free Haiku for 4 Footnotes to 8 Tantra

It’s all account of love but it’s intent that counts.

Watering down the truth is like adding

water to water.

4 Footnotes to 8 Tantra

The Milky Way reflecting in Ten Thousand Lakes and Jesus as the Buddha—

a lower state cannot effect a higher state, but the higher state can redirect the lower state.

Dreams are not illusions. Somewhere there’s a koan there.

The snow at night upon an Emerson array of branches is like another Nisargadatta sunrise staring across the sky.

8 Tantra

The sleds of Ted and Samuel—they’re waiting for the snow because the snow is waiting for Godot

and Godot is waiting for the first caws of Crow. It's not haiku but it's not exactly rocket science either.

It's like there was a house but now I see it only in my dreams with walls to walk through and everything is coming up self-awareness.

In this floating world, I'm not a person but people swim within me, for every yang there is a yin and every tower there's a fault—

for samsara is actively nirvana, depending on one's point of view, that is, imagination.

As Newtonian physics answers to quantum mechanics, quantum mechanics answers to intense desire, like William Blake’s Jerusalem.



Enlightening Intent!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Seventh Tantra of a Seventh Sutra

My lineage is non-linear.

First, the mind divides universal consciousness into the universe and then attempts to find the mathematical equations for how it did so as if it's something other than its violence in reverse.

Thus science is nothing more than reverse engineering.

Come forth sweet despots of the Tao—

Therefore lift up thy love to that cloud: rather, if i shall say thee sooth, let god draw thy love up to that cloud.

Relax and watch the 'I Am'. Reality is just behind it. Keep quiet, keep silent; it will emerge, or, rather, it will take you in.

There's no telling what you are.

As if the water table slowly grows into an open fountain that swallows the earth.

Each transformative and evolutionary droplet of water rising further or is it falling further. No matter.

Ah Zatoichi! Zatoichi Ah! Ah Zatoichi!

If horror is early deconstruction and comedy is the middle ages, what's the age of enlightenment in deconstruction? Koan.

I'd say more like one in a million. So you're telling me there's a chance?

quiet on the set
it may be just a movie
listen do no harm

Kiss projection. Embody the manifestation. Wait for absolute Godot. The chorus sings.

This wonderful universe is never-ending genesis, coincidence, and revelation. At best, the world is a fog of two in deconstruction. Rock beats scissors. Copy that consciousness.

The sword of koan sees through the slash and blood of two. In other words, last sword first sword. Zatoichi and the Sword of Koan.

Zhuangzi says there's no good without the bad. The way to nirvana is samsara says the Diamond Sutra. Christ is dying for my sins the Desert Fathers and Desert Mothers say. For every conceptual birth there is conceptual death. Or cherry blossoms.

By the way, the turn occurs after the power of three but before the power of seven.

Is being serious good or bad? Does self-inquiry lead to self-awareness or vice versa?

It’s not black and white. It’s north and south.

Love is the light between division. Light is before the thunder and after the unknown. I am the unknown. Here's what I love. Voila!

Sunday, December 3, 2017

six secret footnotes to the sixth tantra

first. western medicine doesn’t mix with heart.

second. i am and the universal. not two.

if you love the dream, make the dream. third.

teachers sell knowledge. students are knowledge. thank god for poetry.

i was told about my birth. and only hear about my death. just imagine self-awareness!

unborn but eternal. in the name of pure awareness, self-awareness is the word of god.

Sixth Tantra. Christmas at Eleven.

Absolute awareness. Intent. Being. Body-mind. Ego and other as the world. After the projection is the revelator. Self-awareness.

Embodiment is like manifesting self-awareness. Imagine self-awareness three times.

Science is fiction but fantasy is as real as it gets before and after absolution. In other words, I am.

Footnote. Embodiment is not embodiment of the body-mind but embodiment of the universal—

both universal consciousness and its manifestation as the universe. Point a finger. Make a moon.

The difference between projection and manifestation is viewers like me and you and an artist like my self.

One learns from the world. Self-awareness makes the world. It all depends upon which side of the mirror I’m looking at or being through.

Projection is like owning a home but renting the world. Baby steps goes the teacher. I make the universe. Who needs to own?

Every wild projection is bested by an ace of hearts. Or a fifth of being. Or Jane of the absolute.

When the going gets weird, the weird turn manifestly self-aware. Like out of nowhere, Santa Claus!

If sex divides and love unites, what are you looking at? Don't believe in the kingdom of heaven. Be s/he.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Tantra Number Five in Seeing Through

belief is everything but love is something else
All hail the great and powerful cause. Belief is everything but love is something else. And severe renunciation is the zen of zen if zen is everything and zen is never something else.

it's like self-remembering
This Tantra says to kiss the idiot or is that Arthur Miller in After the Fall. It's like self-remembering except self is not a memory so there is no question of remembering. Gurdjieff was quite the trickster.

kissing the projection makes it manifestly mine
Kissing the projection makes it manifestly mine. Self-awareness takes an evolutionary and reflexive universe according to Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, and Arthur M. Young. Respect the process.

squeeze the shaman
Turning projection into manifestation is just a matter of imagination. Go ahead. Squeeze the shaman. No thoughts, no prayers, no renunciation. No doing. Just intent's desire and a little imagination will do.

jesus is all my imagination
And Jesus didn't die for my sins because Jesus never dies. Plus there is no sin. Jesus is all my imagination. Thus Jesus dies so I can see through sin, belief, samsara, hell, whatever name of not nirvana, heaven, paradise

ninety-nine parts attention

love and wisdom, self-aware absolute self I name. Imagination is ninety-nine parts attention to the emptiness of transformation like a headless head aware. And one part dreaming lucidly.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

four footnotes to the fourth tantra

consciousness talking to consciousness sounds like an affirmation
but it’s just talking girl

it’s not that there’s not
pure awareness
it’s that there is
not two by half

four footnotes to eight couplets at half-time

prohibition doesn’t work because old medicines
not fade away

compassion before deconstruction
garysnyder notwithstanding
chuang tzu meeting zhuangzi on the way
no axe makes the axe

Fourth Tantra in Eight Couplets

All the world's a past
like intent's desire leaving the world in its wake.

S/he not being loving is
busy dying.

No mind is not no love unless
no mind is just all mind.

In fact, the past is resurrected by great love,
oh listen to this tantric Jesus talking.

Some like to keep the world around them sparse
because the past is such a nightmare.

Some like to keep the world around them half
because of love and wisdom.

In other words, denial still is in the world.
Imagination is out of this world.

This is called Tantra of Intrepid

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Six Footnotes to Third Tantra on One Bliss

It’s not nothing.

If pure awareness, then self-awareness. If self-awareness, then being. If being then dreaming. If dreaming then the lucid dreaming of self-awareness. If self-awareness then pure awareness.

Ah ha! Svaha!

Just imagine this as that and that as this and all is bliss.

Lucid lightning—

“in the very moment, in the natural disposition of pure being, as the original hyper-space that we cannot abandon, the natural state of pure pleasure is spontaneously arisen.”

Third Tantra

Bliss is the default mode of universal consciousness. It's really nothing special. Unless one has been conditioned to think otherwise. Bliss misunderstood is pain and suffering and all kinds of stress.

Self-awareness is the source of bliss as pure awareness is the ground. Bliss is the ground loop between awareness and self-awareness. Being. Consciousness. Love. Etc.

In the waves appear distortion. This is called samsara. Like reflections in a mirror. Or thinking otherwise. Seeing thru the looking glass—
          In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
          A stately pleasure-dome decree:
          Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
          Through caverns measureless to man
          Down to a sunless sea.
I am manifesting this. I never not was manifesting this.

One in a million is a teacher. The rest is just a puzzle to be deconstructed. After projection is prophecy. Before self-awareness is lucid dreaming—"al shal be wel, and al shal be wel, and al manner of thyng shal be wele."

Self-awareness already happened so to speak. This is just the sound and fury of thunder—and chain lightning. It's little understood that Buddha is telling Buddha what to do if Buddha meets Buddha on the road.

It's called loving deconstruction. Also, after Buddha kills Buddha there is—only Buddha. Like after Sutra is Tantra.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Footnotes to Second Tantra. Koan of Myself.

Every word a king, every line a footnote.

Listen, Shakespeare deconstructed all the classics, including all of Shakespeare.

Like the opening of Lankavatara. Like the resurrection of Christ Consciousness.

Focus. Belief is to religion as love is to self-awareness.

Alice in Wonderland, Four Agreements, Einstein, Nisargadatta, Longchenpa. What is The Second Tantra of Manifestation?

A prophet without honor is like an actor in some movie, but every prophet is producer and director, so never mind.

Manifestation without self-awareness is like believing in a yin of projection or the law of attraction.

Synchronicity is to happening as desire is to ~absolute intent of pure awareness being self-aware~ shining through the early morning fog, bare trees, harlequin moon.

Second Tantra of Manifestation

Projection is the world. Manifestation is my self. Projection is obscure. Manifestation, lucid. Projection tries to teach the ignorant but manifestation reflects the wise.

Projection is the world of my conditioning, the comedies and histories of tragedy, the whole samsara of it all.

Manifestation is nirvana like the seven billion golden Buddhas reigning over seven billion universes of one consciousness alone, each the Christ of gloria in excelsis deo.

Projection thinks like some religious reincarnation doing the same thing over and over again expecting unbelievable Einstein. Manifestation feels like instant self-awareness.

Curiouser and curiouser that one realizing what the world involves continues thinking in a worldly way of thinking while wholly knowing that this way of thinking is insanity according to that same Einstein.

There's more than one way to skin a samadhi.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Secret Footnotes to First Tantra

The Red River parts itself

and there is one John Wayne—

it’s all an inside joke.

Dreams die a thousand deaths but live just one.

I never tell a story I can translate. So

ten thousand inarticulate mystical words of the one and only

heart. Emptiness is story and vice versa, November.

First Tantra of Manifestation

One of the benefits of a leafless season starting in November is the woods across the way empty—and thru lucidity the river sparkles! Part one.

The sirens of the world enticing me with all their advantageous knowledge in exchange for unavailing love and wisdom—

they promise wealth or possibly world peace, whatever floats your boat. For war and peace is equally delusional.

Awakening of deconstruction is the only worthwhile wealth of mind. Only resting in that meditative and contemplative sky of absolution is

there tranquility of silence. Opposite, pacifists and warriors create the yin and yang of such duality.

This is actually the dance of Maya called Samsara—don’t be fooled again says Who. Part two.

I remind myself there's just myself again and again and again. This is called versification. 

And in the world of temporality, tonight is the longest night. And full frost moon to boot!

O November night as daylight savings time is deconstructed and the meta-paradigm of a scientific and material world 

is dropped for one sacred hour, science is conceptual only, as economics is material only, and both are but appearances 

in Consciousness only. I cannot emphasize this fact enough. Consciousness is the only knowledge known.

What passes for knowledge in the world is knowledge of the world. That is the joke behind every koan.

Do not ask what is the meaning of life. Ask what is the grass? For Joshu answers dogshit! Part three.

Yes, no view on views, but on this longest night with full frost moon, what about a revelation?

Manifestation is the deepest deconstruction in awakening as contemplative meditation is the deepest sleep of absolution.

Part four.

I am manifesting this world now to remind myself I’m not the mirror of the mind but pure awareness as reflecting in this being only.

Call this Alice Through the Looking Glass or The Platform Sutra. I call it Consciousness Only. I am that I am.

Manifestation is not an error nor is it evil, as failure to learn is also neither. Just teach your parents better in the next light of day.

Part five.

Listen. Fake worlds have real news. William Carlos Williams calls it poetry. William Blake calls it prophecy. Christ calls it tantra, love.

John Keats beautifully says, beauty is truth. Truth, beauty. But here and now I say this art of manifesting is the law of self-inquiry—

one calls it negative capability or says it's positive deconstruction. Lucid dreaming works in mysterious ways.

Part seven.