Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Consciousness, Pure Consciousness, and Mind

Identifying with consciousness is natural

but identifying with pure consciousness is delusional.

Identifying with consciousness is the best the mind can do

but identifying with pure consciousness is the worst.

I am, says the former.

I am something else, says the latter.

a. Naturally I Am

Ego identifying with reflected consciousness is natural; both manifestations in the subtle body are simultaneous.

Nisargayoga is all about this natural identity of ego with reflected awareness as expressed in 'I am'.

That 'I am' is like Vidyaranya's fiery iron ball.

b. A Labyrinth in Santa Fe

We are walking the labyrinth at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe.

St Francis is the patron saint of this New Mexico city. Archbishop Jean-Baptiste Lamy oversaw the building of the church in 1869 and beyond. Willa Cather wrote the book. I am writing this with a Lamy pen. Los Alamos is 33 miles away.

I could keep on going with these interconnections forever. Here’s one: I’m walking the labyrinth with my daughter and she bought me this fountain pen for Christmas.

Some say a labyrinth symbolizes the interior journey towards Christ consciousness. The original Greek labyrinth was constructed to hide the Minotaur from sacrifice. Nothing happens in the past. Everything is appearing in consciousness now.

c. On Drg 8 and Beyond

Egoic mind identifies with three entities: consciousness, the body, and the absolute. The first is natural, the second is karmic or evolutionary if you prefer, and the third is purely delusional. Let's investigate this last one for a minute.

Individual consciousness identifying with absolute consciousness is to cry. Free will is to laugh. This ignorant ego hasn't even understood universal consciousness yet, my love.

For universal consciousness may be an illusion but individual consciousness is absolutely unrealistic. This is the key to differentiating maya from avidya: enlightenment is in maya but not of avidya.

d. Effing Antichrist

Never deconstruct anything before knowing love. If necessary, let your god be love.

Love is not a science. That should tell you something.

Individual consciousness is the Antichrist. Isn't that obvious?

e. Love is not a science

Never deconstruct anything before knowing love. If necessary, let your god be love itself.

Love is not a science. That should tell you something.

Individual consciousness is the Antichrist. Isn't that fucking obvious by now?

The only thing you may truly do is love. Anything other than love is a virus.

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