Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Sacred Matrix of Satcitananda

Namarupa is the superimposition and satcitananda is the substrate. Namarupa in translation is name and form. Satcitananda in translation is existence, consciousness, bliss. One name for namarupa is Maya. One name for satcitananda is Brahman.

In that classic Vedantic analogy of snake and rope, or raju sarpa nyaya, namarupa is the snake and satcitananda is the rope, indicating the reality matrix of Brahman is ignorantly believed to be this illusory world of samsara instead.

This inquiry, analysis, viveka is all about teasing out the golden strands of nondual satcitananda from the monolithic dualities of namarupa. In doing so, one becomes impervious to all names and forms and devoted to the underlying trinity of existence, consciousness, bliss.

a. May the Fourth be with you Luther

All beliefs have one thing in common. They're not the truth.

True myth keeps on pointing. Dead myth is believed to death.

Don't mistake faith for belief. Belief forgets the point. Faith follows it.

b. Holy Yamadera, Part One

In 2007, we ascend the thousand steps of Yamadera, or temple mountain—officially known as Mount Hoju just northeast of Yamagata City—which Basho climbed in 1689, to Risshakuji Temple constructed in 860.

Basho wrote a haiku about this place where the voices of cicadas and silence are seeping into the rocks beneath his feet but he says it better: shizukesa ya / iwa ni shimiiru / semi no koe

Just beyond the halfway point, memorial inscriptions are engraved like tombstones in the cliffside beneath the towering cedar trees. In other words, you are now entering immortality.

c. Inside the Sacred Matrix (You can’t beat a trinity. It’s one better than duality)

Existence is the first filament in the sacred matrix of satcitananda. Because of this principle, I have something to say: I am.

The next strand in the gossamer of reality is consciousness. Not only do I see and think, I see through all this thought. I know.

Ananda is the third line in this satcitananda matrix. It’s difficult to translate ananda into English. Some say bliss. Others say bliss was co-opted by the Sixties.

Some try to replace ananda with infinity. Others dumb it down to happiness. I either leave it untranslated or say ‘holistic bliss infinity’ to cover all my bases.

d. The Mass of Consciousness

If existence isn’t absolutely godly, what is? Without consciousness, what do you know? Without ananda, what is satcitananda but samsara?

Without ananda, satcitananda is existence and consciousness. Two out of three ain’t bad when majority rules. There is no majority in nonduality.

The real matrix is existence, consciousness, and ananda. The false matrix is spacetime, religion, and the pleasure-pain syndrome. Beneath every dream is the silver screen of satcitananda.

The waking and sleeping dreams are appearing in consciousness. Deep sleep is the consciousness in which their absence is appearing. This is the mass of consciousness!

The mind is dreaming whether identifying with the body or not. In consciousness, the mind appears. In the mind, the world appears. In the world, the truth appears. Look for it.

( If existence itself isn’t absolutely godly, what is?

Without consciousness, what do you know?

Without ananda, what is satcitananda but samsara.

Without ananda, satcitananda is existence and consciousness.

Two out of three ain’t bad when majority rules. There is no majority in nonduality

The real matrix is existence, consciousness, and ananda.

The false matrix is spacetime, religion, and the pleasure-pain syndrome.

Beneath every dream is the silver screen of satcitananda.

The waking and sleeping dreams are appearing in consciousness.

Deep sleep is the consciousness in which nothing is appearing.

This is the mass of consciousness!

The mind is dreaming whether identifying with the body or not.

In consciousness, the mind appears. In the mind, the world appears.

In the world, the truth appears. Look for it. )

e. Penultimately, atman is brahman

If fire is our greatest knowledge, then the Bic Lighter must be our greatest technology.

Self-awareness is the greatest fire. Nonduality is like kindling.

The heart is atman. The metaphysical is brahman.

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