Monday, December 7, 2020

Gita Real

As immaculate awareness is naturally self-aware, beyond being big-bangs into being.

From the ground of a depthless ocean, the spout of a fountain is appearing like a hydrogen bomb.

Self-awareness is duality. Duality is division. Division is violent.

The world is war and war is hell. Arjuna prefers not to. 

The process of self-awareness requires the mirror of war in some kind of setting.

The business of America is business, says Calvin Krishna. Get to work! 

War is just a metaphor for the vice of living, Vijaya. Even Han Shan has to eat.

Friday, December 4, 2020

On Enlightening Intent Mountain

Knowledge needs translation into one’s own knowing. Otherwise, it’s only useless and pointless knowledge.

Translation is the key to one’s conditioning, unlocking that exceptional belief which locks in love.

Memorizing knowledge is like repeating the sounds of words without experiencing them.

Academics footnote every source. Even common mystics know that.

While hiking in the White Mountains, I learned the difference between a topographic map and sudden terrain.

In other words, two paths diverged upon a mountainside, and I took the one I was experiencing.

Hiking any good-sized mountain, you shall meet a wall—it’s called belief.

Neither science nor magic, you just walk through it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Righteous Stuff

If emotion is unconditional love filtered by thought, passion is enlightening intent filtered by emotion. 

Love deconstructs emotion. Intent dismantles passion. Logic is to love as passion to intent. Not Humean slaves, but certainly tools.

Emotion is like the first stage of the rocket. Drop thought. Passion is the second stage. Drop emotion. Consummation is the third stage. Drop passion. Self-awareness is the moon.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Memorizing Mantra

To identify with memory or electricity, is the fundamental question of any computer with half-a-mind.

Memory, like everything body-mind, appears in consciousness, like mercury beneath the glass of the mirror.

Memories aren’t facts. Memories are in conspiracy with the dominant memory. They are good disciples.

Trust non-conceptual being only. I am, at the most.

This is the point of every mantra. To memorize my words so they’re beyond all manipulations of memory.

In other words, my daily devotion is the dominant memory now. Mantra is the sound of the satguru!

Mantra is impervious to all disinformation; buy yours now! Look, the first secret of mantra club is mantra is secret. 

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

Welcome to Alice’s restaurant. You can get anything you want here but you can’t get what you need. You already have that. Happy Thanksgiving!

Self-awareness is like a red rubber ball. The personal is where the rubber meets the road. One is not the pavement; be the ball. The hand of the noumenal absolute awaits the return.

But how does the noumenal give thanks? My self-awareness may appear to be a universe of consciousness by work procedures somewhere in the spontaneous process, but only by your earthly standards.

Thank the big bang; thank waves and particles; thank pink granite of cadillac mountain; thank space-time, north america, and atlantic ocean; thank you my erotic lovers.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Breathing Self-Awareness

Noumenal awareness without self-awareness is just another concept. Just because the rope appears to be a snake does not imply there is no rope.

That the absolute unknown knows that unknowable self, is the knowledge. Call this knowledge universal consciousness.

The mind dreams in the mountains and rivers cross-section of universal consciousness. From out of hydrogen, atomic number one, is born

the periodic table of duality—hydrogen is to consciousness as nuclear is to being (forget it, Jacob, it’s self-awareness).

Consciousness is like the breath of noumenal awareness. This universe of self-awareness never disappears completely but is exhaled again.


awareness and self-awareness is the crux of nonduality.

people don't have consciousness; awareness has being holding a mirror which is dreaming on the surface of self-awareness.

no one talks about the h-bomb anymore; climate change is all the rage. what's next? sudden enlightenment!

i wonder where universal consciousness ends and hydrogen begins?

breathing is my metaparadigm.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Talking One to One

Only awareness is self-aware. The noumenal absolute is never not self-aware. Lack of self-awareness is the grand illusion.

Don’t fool yourself. If it isn’t love, it’s politics. One or the other. All is obviously holistic. There is no separation. Being is individually universal. Mind is social.

All religions are founded on the illusion of shared experience. A wise one doesn’t force its charismatic consciousness upon you, but talks to you as consciousness to consciousness.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Captioning Self-awareness


In a black void called noumenal awareness,

there’s a universe looking like a speech balloon.

In the speech balloon, there’s an utterance, I am.

This cartoon myth is captioned, self-awareness.


Although sudden in reality, self-awareness is a process to the mind.

The process of the self-reflexive universe is made of threes and sevens.

Arthur named the seven, light, nuclear, atomic, molecular, vegetable, animal, dominion.

Maybe call the three, ignorance, knowledge, self-awareness?

Ignorance is like the process of social conditioning.

Knowledge is like experience, belief, and deconstruction.

Self-awareness is the suddenly cloudless mirror.

Monday, November 16, 2020


Giving conscious attention to consciousness is the apocalypse of self-awareness.

If mindfulness is loving attention to mind (concepts, things),

then loving attention to consciousness (the immaculate conception, being) is consciousnessfulness.

Or beingfulness for short? Isfulness, amfulness, artfulness in Olde English. Thatfulness? Names are not the point but people need a name to point to.

Mindfulness before amfulness. Amfulness is that fullness. That fullness of thatfulness is absolute.

Amfulness ascends from mindfulness. Mindfulness is the antidote to mindlessness. Amfulness is omega spacetime.

Beyond amfulness is noumenal territory. There, the absolute unknown is the law.

Amfulness is the unconditional love of being.

As mindfulness is an antidote as all deconstruction is, amfulness is the height of health. Amfulness is thatfulness

The last bright golden leaves of mid-November do not float like fall but plummet—as if the winter ground of gravity resumes it’s absolute dominion over all expression suddenly.

Sunday, November 15, 2020


that which is aware of consciousness is awareness.

awareness is the primary witness of consciousness only. 

consciousness is a secondary witness, as that awareness is reflecting in consciousness. 

let's call this secondary witness, attention, attending to appearances of mind.

one can say there's a tertiary witness called dreaming but it's practically asleep.