Thursday, June 16, 2022

2022 Https for Blogger Blogspot Blog - with Custom Domain needing CAA Record for Let's Encrypt - in DNS Updater of namesilo Domain Manager and Others

I couldn't find instructions for this on one nice page, so I'm making this one. This might not be the only way to do it but it is a way that worked. I'm listing the pages that worked for me as a thanks to them.

First I had set up the A record in the DNS as namesilo suggested. But I then changed to the actual Google IP numbers as found on this page:

This may be overkill. But it was part of my complete process so I include it here. Remember, the CNAME records come from Blogger when you set up the custom domain there. When obtained, enter them in to DNS Updater.

Second, I generated CAA records using this site, clicking Google and Let's Encrypt as the Authorized Certificate Authorities (step 3 on page)

This site was a huge find for me!

and entered them as CAA's in the DNS Updater on the Domain Manager as illustrated here (for Google Domains but basically the same for namesilo as well).


The Https Availability in Blogger Settings does not work until the CAA for Let's Encrypt is added to the DNS Updater in the Domain Manager (the Google CAA is probably overkill, but again, it was part of the scheme that worked).

The Https Redirect was the last thing to work. Turn it on, try it, and if not working, turn it off, until it does work.


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Mahavakyas 3: Ayam Atma Brahma

 Ayam Atma Brahma (अयम् आत्मा ब्रह्म) - "This Self (Atman) is Brahman" (Mandukya Upanishad 1.2 of the Atharva Veda)

sarvaṁ hyetad Brahma ayam-ātmā Brahma.

All this is verily Brahman. This Ᾱtman is Brahman.


All this is surely Brahman. The Self is Brahman. The Self, such as It is, is possessed of four quarters.


1. Hariḥ Om. Om, the word, is all this. A clear explanation of it is (the following) – all that is past, present and future, verily, is Om. That which is beyond the three periods of time is also indeed, Om.

2. All this is verily Brahman. This Ᾱtman is Brahman.


Tuesday, June 14, 2022


Another name for space-time is Maya.

This universe of universal consciousness, named the lord god,

Isvara, equals the absolute conditioned by Maya.

This method called Advaita is creation myth at heart.

The individual is universal consciousness conditioned by more Maya.

Based on the data from the body which has been confirmed by empires for ages,

what the mind thinks to be reality is not what consciousness knows.

This central disconnect is the essential backdrop behind

all paradox from zeno to zen and all of maya.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Meditation Three

Belief is all about thought. Myth is more about experience.

Myth looks at the moon while religion looks at the myth.

But religion is to myth as myth is to paradox; all roads lead to Nome.

Belief is to symptoms as the myth of nonduality is to the disease.

Like e=mc², maya equals three states of consciousness 

by five superimpositions by seven stages of self-awareness.

Please note three states, five superimpositions, and seven stages equal 

the waking dream, dreaming sleep, deep sleep; outer, inner, thinker, doer, lover;

potential, substance, form, combination, organization, mobility, dominion.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Meditating Two

While zen has countless koans,

advaita has this one of Maya.

Because the unmanifest absolute is

by definition unchanging,

Maya is the main myth used

to illustrate a paradoxical

universe of phenomenal change.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Mahavakyas 4: Aham Brahmāsmi

Aham Brahmāsmi (अहम् ब्रह्मास्मि) – “I am Brahman” (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.10 of the Yajur Veda):

brahma vā idamagra āsīt, tadātmānamevāvet, aham brahmāsmīti | tasmāttatsarvamabhavat; tadyo yo devānām pratyabubhyata sa eva tadabhavat, tathārṣīṇām, tathā manuṣyāṇām; taddhaitatpaśyannṛṣirvāmadevaḥ pratipede, aham manurabhavaṃ sūryaśceti | tadidamapyetarhi ya evaṃ veda, aham brahmāsmīti, sa idaṃ sarvam bhavati, tasya ha na devāścanābhūtyā īśate, ātmā hyeṣāṃ sa bhavati; atha yo'nyāṃ devatāmupāste, anyo'sāvanyo'hamasmīti, na sa veda, yathā paśurevam sa devānām | yathā ha vai bahavaḥ paśavo manuṣyam bhuñjyuḥ, evamekaikaḥ puruṣo devān bhunakti; ekasminneva paśāvādīyamāne'priyam bhavati, kiṃu bahuṣu? tasmādeṣām tanna priyam yadetanmanuṣyāvidyuḥ || 10 ||

This [self] was indeed Brahman in the beginning. It knew itself only as “I am Brahman.” Therefore it became all. And whoever among the gods had this enlightenment, also became That [Brahman]. It is the same with the seers (rishis), the same with men. The seer Vamadeva, having realized this [self] as That, came to know: "I was Manu and the sun." And to this day, whoever in a like manner knows the self as "I am Brahman," becomes all this [universe]. Even the gods cannot prevent his becoming this, for he has become their Self.


Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Meditation Number One

If awareness equals consciousness minus Maya,

then the original sin is the concept of consciousness itself, I am;

meditate on a concept long enough and suddenly it disappears

into the pure potentiality that is consciousness, n'est-ce pas?

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Fountains of Consciousness


In the land of seven billion fountains,

there’s only water.

This fountain apparatus is here for just one purpose—


turning the life force of consciousness

into a shimmering sky of self-awareness:

clay/pot, rope/snake, silver/mother of pearl!


Fountain/water is just more metaphor

in the name of self-awareness.

You’re welcome.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Love, Nonduality 13


The world is made of definitions—

invoking one reality, indivisible, with nondualty for all.


Neither the outer, inner, thinker, doer,

nor even lover, be.


But love is the empress of duality.

Love is the one in the land of two.


Love doesn’t own its own doing.

Love doesn’t think before love does.


There is no 'in love' and there is no 'out of love'.

There’s only whole love.


Yes, there is no love in nonduality,

but there’s nonduality in love.




shankara called this world of definitions, namarupa, name-forms;

between namarupa and brahman is maya.


some call maya 'unevolved namarupa'; 

that's fine by maya.


advaita talks about the five sheaths 'covering' atman;

i shall be calling them the five great superimpositions.


they say the inner, the outer, and the thinker dies, while the doer transmigrates.

but the lover neither dies nor transmigrates.



yes, between nonduality and duality is maya.


from pov duality, maya is the goddess of paradox;

but from pov nonduality, maya is love.


Saturday, April 23, 2022

Tattva Ah-ha!


The absolute reflecting in the dream is like a sky of awareness.

The absolute permeating the dream is like an ocean of consciousness.

The absolute deconstructing the dream is like a mountain of mind.


Awareness witnesses self-awareness. Self-awareness is a reflexive universe, unmanifest to manifest to realization.

Consciousness is conditioned by the three states, the five superimpositions, the seven stages, the nine natural numbers, and eleven.

The mind thinks reality is nothing because the mind thinks the mind is everything. Oh, mind, you don’t know nothing.


Darkness for the sake of darkness is unconscious materialism.

If awareness is unconditioned consciousness, conditioned consciousness is the ten thousand points of view.

After the molecular stage of total material subjugation, conditioned consciousness begins to wiggle its organic light fantastic.


I-am is this conditioned consciousness escaping the hyphen in self-awareness.

Relax, I am, and float upstream. I-am is like the light of awareness burning through the rock of space-time. 

Call this latency, this organic actuality, this growing is-ness, this vehicle of self-awareness, this outbreak, onset, uprising, energy, je suis, jesus, animation, anime, anima, animus, aham, ah-ha!


That’s the nondual absolute. The absolute reflecting in the dream is this one godhead, three gods, seven powers, and ten thousand points of view. In order to neti neti, one must first this this.

Unevolved name and form is the unmanifest. Evolutionary name and form is the manifest. The nondual absolute is beyond the manifest and unmanifest.

I think I am, I think I am, I think I am. I know I am, whatever. Aham yoga is like advaita tantra for the masses. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

I’m not


For no principle

Cherry blossom time

In Northeast Massachusetts

April Twenty-three

Awareness reflects,

Permeates, and deconstructs

Each maya blossom