Thursday, November 17, 2022

The Unknown Koan

Only the unknown deconstructs the known. The mind deconstructs the mind in the way a screwdriver unscrews a screw, but what drives the screwdriver? In the art of self-awareness, the unknown is destined to forget itself first. This forgetting is called the known.

True Information

The satguru informs the body-mind.

Be quiet, reality is contacting you

The force is with you. There’s no maybe about it.

Feel the prana from head to toe, or rather vice versa

Like an electric ouroboros, this prana is being swallowed by its prajna

The known appears in the unknown. 

The known is not true knowledge. Only the unknown is.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The Real Satcitananda

Note to myself. Satcitananda doesn’t mean intelligence, being, bliss. 

Satcitananda points to that which is not unintelligent, not nonexistent, and not divided.

Intelligence and being are not difficult concepts to digest, but bliss is. Bliss doesn’t mean what you think.

Bliss as a whole is a word for that which is not divided, not suffering, not samsara.

In other words, that which is brahman is not unintelligent, not nonexistent, and not in a state of suffering.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Talking Mahavakyas

Lightning. Thunder. Revelation speaks. Intuition hears.

The Mahavakyas begin at the beginning. Consciousness is that.

(The little lower layer. Consciousness is the immaculate conception.

The material universe appears in consciousness and not vice versa.

One is consciousness and not the body-mind.)

And so it goes. Consciousness is that, thou this is that, this self is that, for I am that.

True Science

Scientific materialists speaking of stars collapsing into black holes but never touching upon that black whole manifesting stars in the first place tells a lot about scientific materialism but nothing else of note.

I’m not calling out scientific materialism in particular. It’s no different than any other religious cult. True believers love belief and not the truth. Forgive them for they know not what nondoing is to do. Let them without extended childhoods throw the first cheap shot. 

True science. Absolute awareness plus maya is universal consciousness. Universal consciousness plus avidya is individual consciousness. Individual consciousness plus deconstruction is self-awareness. Thus absolute awareness is self-aware. That is all.

Revelations in the Key of Brahman

Don’t think about it. Just be the unthinkable.

I don’t think I know brahman. I know I know brahman.

Brahman reveals to the mind, in what the mind calls intuition,

you are not the mind, and further, that i am brahman.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

On Avidya

Realization is not rocket science. The world is rocket science.

Realization is natural. Avidya is not.

Avidya is unwise. Avidya is conditioned consciousness.

Avidya is not vidya. Vidya is unconditioned knowledge.

Without avidya, who knows what vidya is? Vidya, of course.

Not a Haiku, Part 2

Absolute consciousness is a myth.

Universal consciousness is a fact.

Individual consciousness is a fiction.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Myth Is, Is Myth

Myth is like that proverbial sculpture. Myth is the aftermath of deconstruction. Myth is the manifestation of negative capability. Myth is dream minus belief, myth is lucid dreaming.

Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water is myth. Don’t throw out satcitananda with the neti neti is myth. Don’t mistake atheistic materialistic nihilism for perennial nonduality is myth.

Myth is in samsara but not of samsara. Myth is all the stage and myth is all the players in the play. Myth is the skeleton of consciousness and the heart of self-awareness. Myth is, is myth.

Not a Haiku

Self-awareness is happening.

Awareness? It never happened.

Brahman is not atman.