Saturday, June 12, 2021

Gone Consciousness Trilogy


Gone fishing at the edge of the silent mind—

so there’s nothing to do but seeing through my own reflection.

In real fishing, you see, the fish is catching you.

So seeing through reflection is like revealing one to oneself.

Before you know it, your identity appears to shift.

Consciousness is recovering, recovering its apparatus.

The wise shall call this embodiment. The foolish call it killing ego.


While fishing, one may whisper, here I am.

While waiting, why not deconstruct a cloud or two?

Visualisation is often a first sign.

But remember this myth is only half the story.

Don’t let it turn believable, or worse, religious, on you.

There’s tantric visualization too. That’s fun.

The mind remembers none of this. The dude abides.

Then there’s direct path.


The mind remembers none of this. The dude abides.

It's just a dream; the dude abides.

For in the big bang of self-awareness, the self abides.

Awareness and self-awareness is original nonduality.

The nonconceptual absolute is self-shining consciousness.

In case of fire, the secret to duality is the power of three.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Consciousness and the Art of Loving

Duality is the root of all disunion. All political action is reaction. Whether you like it or not, love is the only action. But everyone knows it’s impossible to love an other.

If all appears in consciousness, and seriously where else can it appear, then loving consciousness appears to be the wise solution. If there’s nothing else but consciousness, what else is there to love? In other words, consciousness is love.

Thus it’s said that one shall love the consciousness with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind, and thou shalt naturally love all appearances in consciousness as consciousness itself.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Consciousness Now!

Identifying oneself with something as unreliable as memory is quite the nightmare. Better to identify with the real unknown than an artificial one.

This mind remembers things that never even happened, never mind forgetting things that did.

Maps, like myths, are drawn in real time now. Memory alone is not a method of navigation.

Consciousness is the power of now. Don’t be intimidated by good marketing. In the name of the unity of being.

And awareness reflecting in consciousness. And joyful energy of bliss. Like bee, butterfly, and breeze.

Trying to remember everything I’m not becomes exhausting. Note to self: just remember that I am.

Being lost in memory with no Way out, the religion of scientific materialism believes in no way, period.

Paranoia is the ghost of old belief. Seeing through each feeling is like experiencing the waves at Salisbury Beach in 1959.

Who are you when you’re not thinking? Like “what’s wrong with right now if you don’t think about it?”

Remember to self-remember with a mantra each and every morning and whenever you remember through the day. Right Guard.


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Dream Journals of Consciousness

The dream state begins with deep sleep and deepens into thoughts, first, and then thought-forms.

In fact, the dream state goes so deep, the deepest dreaming state is dreamt to be the waking state.

So please listen up folks, dream states can’t be killed. Dream states must be seen through. 

Of course, a dream state cannot do the seeing through–only consciousness does. This is a law of being.

For in this very dream song, consciousness is either dreaming heavy or lucidly dreaming. Choose one.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Consciousness the Movie

It appears consciousness is conditioned but consciousness is unconditional.

On the surface, there appears to be emotional disturbances,

but these are weather-like. You don’t need a weather person.

In the depths there appear to be ancient sea monsters. Look, they’re imaginary!

Watch it like you’d watch a midnight movie. Let’s do the time warp again.

You’re not the movie; you’re the movie watcher. Drink your bliss and eat your popcorn.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

The Consciousness Directive

To begin at the beginning is to begin at consciousness without any preconception but I am.

From this immaculate concept is born all concepts including the concept of birth.

Thus the myth of reflexive self-awareness begins in I am and ends in I am.

In-between is that mirror called the universe. In other words, I am that I am.

This is all that being does. This is the extent of self-awareness.

Since self-awareness is the domain of absolute awareness, just wait here.

The Consciousness Statement

When it comes to all the great questions,

scientific materialism offers theories for others to disprove.

Even I know science doesn’t work that way.

For example, take the question of immortality.

A good materialist will say, immortality has never been proven.

But the fact is death lacks proof. Or birth, for that matter.

In other words, note to self, stop approaching inquiry from

this false perspective of religious materialism,

and see being as it is.

Don’t waste my breath on western unreality.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

The Consciousness Dissertation

People don’t have consciousness. Consciousness has people.

On the other hand, the absolute has consciousness.

So as the personal usurps the absolute, it must lay claim to consciousness.

Every religion does this in its own way; scientifical materialism

theorizes consciousness is a product of its brainy material.

Although it cannot prove its theory, the faithful buy and fund it.

At best, the central nervous system of a human being

amplifies natural awareness reflecting in consciousness

to self-awareness. That’s as good a myth as any.


thoughts appear in consciousness like dreams in deep sleep.

thought-forms appear in thought like manifestation appears within the dream-state.

self-shining consciousness is to the absolute as the deep sleep of a sun is to potentiality of its black hole.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Consciousness Papers

Consciousness does not appear from anything material.

Everything material appears in consciousness.

This is the single-most important observation to recognize and deeply understand.

For one conditioned in this western world of scientific materialism,

it is the great turning.

Therefore, all further knowledge rests in consciousness

and not any scientific observation of the universe

including its brain.

This is the foundation of actual meditation

or consciousness talking to consciousness.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

turned up to the power of seven

Memory is dead knowledge. Consciousness is the download. Instant DNA is shining on. 

Key knowledge unlocks the known. On the other side of the lockless lock is the great unknown. Like the lockless monster, no picture does me justice.

Blue triangle, white rectangle, black stripe, white stripe, black stripe, white stripe, golden rhombus,

a conclave of cardinals electing an oriole, wild turkeys, red squirrels, and eastern coyotes.

Self-shining consciousness is black-wholed awareness. No form, no null set, and no idea. Like evolution, the empire is there for you.

The power of three is my triple alliance—affirmation, deconstruction, and the ground of unanimity.

Self-awareness is like the power of three turned up to the power of seven.


untitled footnote

as soon as you're born, they feed you with resurrection.

they think they were born so they tell me i was born but who are they?

like tell me something i don't know.

math, geometry, and color is the universal language for that which can't be named.

ballad for my emily

evolution is here and now; don't buy the science—

materialism is the newest religion of a very old empire

(there always is but one invisible body—its universal name is consciousness)

and the modern sacrifice is called disease.

the new haiku

every empire has its religion.

every revolution has its new religion.

every folk religion is the truth gone underground.