Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Featuring the Summer

Almost summer solstice green the sun is rising later in the morning consciousness focuses photosynthesis in the twilight's cobalt turning.

The great intent of consciousness is focusing awareness back upon itself in self-awareness dreaming this quicksilver mirror in the summertime.

The fall is not wrong as spring is not right. Winter is the ground of wisdom as summer is the god of love. Being is the heart of evolution.

Saturday, June 13, 2020


Pure awareness reflecting in focusing consciousness is to space-time, as body-mind is to hard memory.

They say the bodhisattva saves the world by knowing there's no world. God knows I'm not a bodhisattva. I know there's no one but myself.

Identifying with the space between and not the face of Gregory Samsara in the mirror is happening one morning.

The revelation that the world is only in my head and all I know is this knowing space I name myself, is like the thunder.

After the abyss reclaims itself, there's an echo like ecstatic wine, good loving and song on the northern rim of the canyon.

In this streaming play of consciousness, there's sleepwalking, lucid dreaming, and inhabiting the character. Inquire within.

Pascal Dagnan-Bouveret

as absolute awareness retracts consciousness, there's an ecstasy

call this ecstasy self-awareness

can self-awareness be induced. this is the secret behind all alchemy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Love River

There's nothing bad about desire. There's nothing wrong about explosives. Handle everything with love.

No one sells their soul. People buy securities. Like the psychological equivalent of opium, you can never build your high high enough.

Desire lost within a world of thought is highly explosive. This desire in being called enlightening intent is the sword of self-awareness.

More money is spent on marketing than the military. They say a good defense is a good offensive line.

Forgiving oneself is like the sacrament of rebirth. One is born into conditioning now reborn to that which is never born.

There's so much green June along this river of desire I can hear the people of the Merrimack naming it swift space of consciousness.

Here’s non-doing as it works in human beings. You've already decided what you're going to do. In fact, it’s already done.

People spend the so-called space-time in-between rationalizing why. Being stays in the lane of love and follows its direction.


desire is a dirty word in any empire, be it religious or scientific

even true desire is subject to its selling out like any objective billionaire

kerouac called his bodhisattva dean moriarty and not some nameless holmes because desire in postwar america is exploding like james dean clear off the silver screen

political speech is ninety-nine percent conditioning and one percent repeat

universal consciousness is naturally compassionate towards all conditioned consciousness. sometimes we cry.

the summer solstice takes forty days and forty nights. day five is learning this by nightfall.

the free in free will is actually a verb

unfollowing rationalization, one follows oneself

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Reality Maps

Appearance, consciousness, awareness. Two, one, zero. There are many names for this experiential trinity.

There's many symptoms but there's one cure. Know thyself. No need to overthink it.

Another name for tao is great intent. Another name for conditioning is terrain. A stream of consciousness runs through it.

If you want to make your stand in my reality, it's now or never. Bring your own myth.


father, son, and holy spirit is the old new. awareness being self-aware is new new.

If emotion is love filtered by a thought, 
and no-mind reveals the light of being, 
there’s no need to seek the psychological. 
Seeing through all thought is a direct path.

love is the hand of being. being is the heart of intentional self-awareness. self-awareness is a feature of absolute awareness.

in the land of thought, there is no now. but right now, there is no thought.

every thought believed is pathological

thought is your tool and not vice versa

i'm not leaving notes for you; they’re for me. 
my memory isn't what it used to be. 
you're welcome to them though. 
it helps me writing thinking 
they’re for someone else.
oh i find love works best that way.

if every theory is in consciousness, and awareness is the ground of everything, self-awareness is the theory of everything.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

See Change

Change appears to be gradual from great heights. But in the valley, change is the current mood of the river.

There is a time to tell it slant and a time for telling. After the sea change comes the first wave.

As one who has known deep sleep, I can tell you dreams are neither wrong nor right.

Whatever will be has already happened. Look for ripples from the so-called future and call them signs.

Thus the last world war was virtual. Spontaneity may be timeless but its manifestation makes a sound.

Memory is notoriously unreliable. Prophecy is as trustworthy as the trust I have for my heart.

June 6th is the first day of summer by my calculations. Dogwoods begin to flower. Look for Ursa Minor.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Night of Trinity

Begin at the beginning is just another way of saying consciousness is monarch. Am I awareness, being, and intent, butterfly?

If unity is necessarily fascist and duality is inherently violent, then any holy trinity is obviously magical.

This is why the best of empires are political. One who's busy taking sides is never three.

Three is parent, child, and evolution. Three is wisdom, love, and tantric in-between. Three is word, sentence, paraverse.

This is when a natural metaphor appears. I hear the motorboats along the tongue of river sandbar beneath the half moon turning full.

wearing a mask in a pandemic is like wearing clothes in society. believe me, you want me to.

any decent trinity is first sign of nonduality

no sides but sideways

666 is a manufactured trinity of mere belief. being is 333...

dreaming 101. to know a trope when you are one, know first what a damned trope is.

in other words, a figure of speech

self-awareness is my job. suffering is leisure time.

conditioned consciousness believes one is separate from the universal. first there's pain and this is why there's pain. basically, it's the second noble truth.

idleness, idleness, idleness

maintain body. entertain mind.

being be

suffering, separation, being, idleness

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Grand Junction

All-day the flowery filaments of black walnut trees go streaming through the almost-summer air. Birds are disappearing into newfound leaves of trees to birth new birds in secret.

Now is the spring of penultimate formation before the summer solstice empties out the sun. Transformation is the play of consciousness; discontent is in believing there's a finished work.

Emptiness is full of transformation. Form is empty but electrons streaming through deep space. There's nothing one can grab a hold to but this dream which grabbed its hold on me midstream.

Another crescent moon is setting in the northwest sky tonight as Venus sets to vanish in her last dance of the season. This summer is the summer of the morning star, my love. Let us go.

"Venus will continue to reign in the evening sky until June 3, when the planet reaches inferior solar conjunction, or the point in its orbit where it is almost directly between Earth and the sun.

At this time, Venus will be difficult to see, because it rises and sets at the same time as the sun and will be overpowered by the sun's powerful glare.

In the days following inferior conjunction, Venus will reappear in the dawn sky as a "morning star." The planet will reach the greatest brightness of its morning apparition on July 10..."


1a. no sooner did i see them, they were falling.
1b. first it took the grackles. then it took the goldfinch.
2a. if late may is like a runaway train, late june is like a bridge to nowhere.
2b. there’s no end to consciousness; there’s just effacing memory.
3a.  no damn cat, no damn emptiness.
3b. dreams are neither real nor unreal, yet dreams are happening, baby.
4a. as venus is the light of love, all emotion is being filtered by belief.
4b. never underestimate fate. it’s just another name for evolutionary self-awareness or enlightening intent. aka nondoing.

scientific method is like setting the odds. but don't mistake it for a sure thing.

scientific theory is like long odds. don't bet on it.

replacing gods with scientific theory only gets you though the day

the dark night of the soul can't be entertained

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

I Usurp

The defining quality of the personal is believing in a self separate from the universal.

Within the evolutionary process of absolute self-awareness, this is not a bug as much as it's a feature.

Absolute self-awareness, at last, is conceptual, and there is no usurpation of the absolute which is not conceptual.

Enlightenment isn't personal but it's certainly individual as self-awareness presupposes self.

This is not the way of love although such love is generated in its wake. I am the universe and all is my projection.

1. pain is the universal reminding the mind that it’s not personal. suffering is the mind ignoring the obvious.

2. so the mind gets lost in itself. whirlpool meet river.

3. social conditioning may be viral but being is immaculate. scientific materialist, heal thyself.

fear of transformation is the human condition. 
deriding silence is a mind trip.

to pure being, belief is disease, of course.
to an uneasy mind, simple disbelief is supernatural healing.

self-awareness is not a destination. it’s my way.
there are as many features as there are buddhas. self-awareness is one of ten-thousand. like jesus is just one of three.

render unto caesar face masks, but render unto god original face.
did donald trump save seven billion people? one shall never know.

don’t bet your birthright on anything but a sure thing.
only consciousness is sure. all things only appear in it.

honor the blessed sacrifice of empire and wake up
appreciate the indoor plumbing and wake up
annoint the body of the sacred deer and wake up

4. enlightenment. some folks hate that word. meet my myth.

love is like an ouroboros.
a tail emerges from the yawp.
self-awareness is an ouroboros
swallowing the story seeing through it.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Moonflower Moonflower

Without the mind, there is no self-awareness. To the mind, self-awareness is crown jewel of evolutionary theory.

If self-awareness isn't, nothing is. Nameless awareness being self-aware isn't myth as much as primal mind.

If all is well, then mind is too. Face it, all ways lead to self-awareness. If the ground is earth, self-awareness is the flower;

if the ground is sky, self-awareness is a super moon. And as there is no place for love like earth, there is no place for wisdom like the sky.

Consider the night-blooming moonflower. Empire calls it ipomoea. Call it both ways now.

There's no need to polish a flower. There’s not a memory of last night’s new moon.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Art of Way and Aviary Metaphor

Memory is a rabbit hole. Being is the way. Belief is like the manufacture of a way made out of memory.

Way isn't made of memory. Way is not a form. The way is natural, transformative, intentional, spontaneous, and self-aware.

The way is not a thought of some design. You cannot memorize the way but love it. You cannot objectify the way but be it.

You can’t even name the way without dividing way and the way is not divisible. Call this the first paradox.

The way is like the spring. First there is a flower. Then there is a metaphor. Last there is a name. Experience, art, and empire.

There's a bird of black and white at rest but orange flame in flight. Call it the valley spirit.

one who lives by memory dies by memory.

memory is the stuff of form. transformation is the stuff of emptiness.

instructors teach. knowing loves.

the name of original sin is any name.

art remembers experience. names forget.

empires only rise and fall. spirit is and isn’t.