Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Love River

There's nothing bad about desire. There's nothing wrong about explosives. Handle everything with love.

No one sells their soul. People buy securities. Like the psychological equivalent of opium, you can never build your high high enough.

Desire lost within a world of thought is highly explosive. This desire in being called enlightening intent is the sword of self-awareness.

More money is spent on marketing than the military. They say a good defense is a good offensive line.

Forgiving oneself is like the sacrament of rebirth. One is born into conditioning now reborn to that which is never born.

There's so much green June along this river of desire I can hear the people of the Merrimack naming it swift space of consciousness.

Here’s non-doing as it works in human beings. You've already decided what you're going to do. In fact, it’s already done.

People spend the so-called space-time in-between rationalizing why. Being stays in the lane of love and follows its direction.


desire is a dirty word in any empire, be it religious or scientific

even true desire is subject to its selling out like any objective billionaire

kerouac called his bodhisattva dean moriarty and not some nameless holmes because desire in postwar america is exploding like james dean clear off the silver screen

political speech is ninety-nine percent conditioning and one percent repeat

universal consciousness is naturally compassionate towards all conditioned consciousness. sometimes we cry.

the summer solstice takes forty days and forty nights. day five is learning this by nightfall.

the free in free will is actually a verb

unfollowing rationalization, one follows oneself

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