Saturday, June 20, 2020

Summer Solstice Sutra

From thirteen minutes to solstice, reality dreams. Emptiness is dream etcetera.

Pure-awareness being self-aware unifies myth with theory. Like Dogen and Darwin.

A person doesn't have consciousness. The noumenal has consciousness and consciousness has a person.

The summer solstice is implying leaves will fall, trees die, earth erode, the sun implode, black hole of winter.

Sudden enlightenment requires thought as survival of the fittest requires prophecy. Bilbo loves.


any omnipotent godhead of pure awareness is also self-aware. naturally, this self-awareness appears to be an evolutionary process as viewed from a conceptual point of view. but from circumference, not really.
consciousness is the language of the noumenon as self-awareness is nondual expression of absolute awareness 
never try to reason with a paradox. consciousness and pure awareness are nondual like an ouroboros is the one.
self-awareness is a dream as pure awareness is not experiential as form is unborn and emptiness is transformation
lucid dreaming is true dreaming. although nirvikalpa samadhi is always an alternative.

conception is not a bad thing. like the world is not wrong.
the world hurts because the one divided wants to own what it loves. greed is not knowing love is not a thing to be possessed. fear is not knowing one is love.
the present is the future projected on the past
one rests in idleness as nirvana. one sits and stands as samsara.
the world is my projection as it is according to my deconstruction
without the noise, i never would have known the silence
if consciousness is genesis, self-awareness is apocalypse

meditation is tricky. like life or death.
many people will catch meditation but only a few will die from it
belief doesn't kill. it sleeps.
if you see through the world, the world won't see you
deconstructing the world is the very point of a liberal arts education
the business of business school is business
be true to the school that doesn't postulate you be true to it

feel it. don't try to reason with it.
to tame a horse, one is one with it. who is teaching whom?
most inspiration is mistaken as skill
planning is to effect as cause is to spontaneity
all people rationalize whatever happens
it's called taking a side
most people would rather die for a cause than to live as an effect
make affect not effect

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