Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Distillations from Meditations

Pain and suffering doesn't prove
the reality of the material world—

it disproves any concept one holds
that the body-mind is permanent or real.

One understands the illusionary aspect
of the material only by being burnt.

In other words, suffering is a valid
instruction in the awakening process.

One was once a two-year-old
asking others why

and never got an answer.
There are no others. Ask your self.

Being is the only action
necessary for self-awareness.

And self-awareness is
the only reason for being.

Self is the source of all.
Needing nothing and beyond all measure—

I give water to the river of space
and light to the earth of time.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Meditations on the End of Nisargadatta 55:
On Helping the World

Q1. How can I find peace when the world suffers?

1. The world suffers for very valid reasons.
The suffering of the world is valid and not an issue of right and wrong. There is no political solution.
Politics are divisional and division is the cause of suffering.
In the spirit of the Reflexive Awareness Mythology, within the universal process of Absolute Self-Awareness,
consciousness appears to have descended into the material,
and the human being, the last procedure of this process, is consciousness fully ascending from the material.
Within the process, this appears as suffering.
In other words, suffering is a valid work instruction of the awakening process.
2. If you want to help the world, you must be beyond the need of help.
Helping the world is not of the world. The usual suspects of all the world’s attempts to help itself end in more suffering.

In every story in history, there are few exceptions to this rule. Even the great avatars
who have helped many discover their true nature: their teachings become beliefs, become sectarian, religions, war!
And science is not an exception to this rule. The scientific process is a valid deconstructive procedure,
but the blind belief in scientific theory is just another religion, world belief, war.

The only way to help the world is to be beyond the world. Being beyond the world begins
by asking what I truly am, not blindly accepting the social conditioning of the world.

In other words, who am I?
3. Then all your doing as well as not doing will help the world most effectively.
Knowing what I truly am, its non-doing as well as doing, helps the world most effectively.
For doing is no longer personal action of the world. And non-doing is no longer personal inaction or avoidance,
but absolute action in the world. Silent self-awareness, the pure potentiality of affectionate awareness, is
the wise dominion and the loving power and the real glory.

Q2. How can non-action be of use where action is needed?

1. Where action is needed, action happens. Man is not the actor. His is to be aware of what is going on. His very presence is action.
Action is universal. The butterfly effect is like a law of nature. Thought is only a tool of universal consciousness.
The person is a misconception, the material misuse of that tool. The human being is the evolutionary apex
of absolute self-awareness and looking at this science through the lens of that Reflexive Awareness Mythology,
being is the only action necessary for self-awareness. And self-awareness is the only reason for being.
2. The window is the absence of the wall and it gives air and light because it is empty. Be empty of all mental content, of all imagination and effort, and the very absence of obstacles will cause reality to rush in.
Thought in its guise of belief and doing is the origin of the personal dream. The personal dream is like a wall
in the sea of reality. And although the wall isn’t real, it’s thought to be so. But the wall becomes a window
when it’s seen through. Therefore, without the mental content of the wall, the sea of reality rushes in to where it always is.
3. If you really want to help a person, keep away. If you are emotionally committed to helping, you will fail to help.
A person wants to help, but it’s that personal desire which is the seed of failure.
Again, the world cannot help the world. The best thing a person can do to help is stay away.
One doesn’t bring a match into a burning building.
4. You may be very busy and be very pleased with your charitable nature, but not much will be done.
Personal acts of charity stroke the ego more than truly help another. The same can be said for environmental action.
Hybrids and paper bags are just status symbols in any earnest game of climate change.
Such busy-ness keeps one away from the real business at hand. As poetry is not about selling truth to others.
It’s the documentation of an inner dialogue. One was once a two-year-old asking others why and never got an answer.
There are no others. Ask your self.
5. A man is really helped when he is no longer in need of help. All else is just futility.
A person is only helped when the personal is seen through. Personal deconstruction is not the job of another person.
In fact, it is not personal at all. Deconstruction is actually the work of being—using the tool of thought upon belief.
All else is just mere vanity, absurdity, futility.

Q3. There is not enough time to sit and wait for help to happen. One must do something.

1. By all means—do. But what you can do is limited; the self alone is unlimited. Give limitlessly—of your self. All else you can give in small measures only. You alone are immeasurable.
The person is a limited concept and thus is limited in its doing. Its nature is division and division is its action.
Even the universality of love becomes limited and measurable to friends, lovers, and family,
or distorted in its allegiances to such beliefs as associations, nations, and religions.
But the absolute self is pure potentiality: undivided, universal, and real.
2. To help is your very nature. Even when you eat and drink you help your body. For yourself you need nothing. You are pure giving, beginningless, endless, inexhaustible.
Love is the nature of being. One takes care of the body. If injured, one attends to the injury.
A mother loves the child. The self is the source of all. Needing nothing and beyond all time,
I give water to the river of space and light to the earth of time.
3. When you see sorrow and suffering, be with it. Do not rush into activity. Neither learning nor action can really help.
Suffering and its sorrow requires nothing but being. Personal action arrives from the place of desire
and wants immediate action. Unconditional love is patient. Neither specialized knowledge nor targeted striving can help.
4. Be with sorrow and lay bare its roots—helping to understand is real help.
Only being silent with sorrow as compassionate love deconstructs the roots of an occluding belief
revealing an understanding light, true medicine of wisdom.

Monday, April 25, 2016

My Practice

It's come to this. The world is mind, and being in the world is like a dream, its forces being memory, transformation, love, and karma.

Everyone is just a secondary character, most of whom exhibit great divisional peculiarities, the worst of which is selfishness,

a manipulative attempt to manifest their personal desires. It is, in essence, what black magic really is. I know this to be true because

each one is just a mirror of myself, and though I know the mathematics of division, when I interact with people in this play,

I feel those age-old forces tugging at me too. And so I stay in Pleasant Valley like a recluse Chinese poet drinking wine or playing with myself

like Ikkyu of Kyoto does, writing what becomes revealed while going further in this forest toward the sky. I try to leave most everyone alone

but love them like the living pieces of my great mosaic mirror when I allow myself to play within this dream of me and you.

The Diamond Sutra says a bodhisattva saves the world by knowing there's no world to save. So that intention is my latest practice on the way.