Monday, November 10, 2014

Vahana Who

Looking out the picture window, 
I thought I saw an orange owl. 
It was mid-November, leaves 
already fallen. An optical 
illusion, it was not. It flew 
away as fast as I could tell 
whether it was an owl or something 
other—it wasn't something other. 
Whatever we believe the world 
to be, it is. That dazzling vision 
is just as real as you or me 
and flies upon a great intent. 
Here it is! It never went.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

fermenting light

to know the meaning of oneself—
one needs to know what that self is—
and that process of discovery of what one is—
is the meaning of oneself

one is that unknowable subjective—
that to know itself divides itself—
identifying with a single object—
perceiving there’s no other but self

that universe between identity and perception is—
the fermentation that identity defines as suffering—
and perception sees as its instructions

there's no describing the indescribable—

the unclouded expression of the absolute is light—

the qualities of light are its space of awareness and its focus of unconditional love—

thus a definition for space-time is affectionate awareness—

and the full expression of the indescribable absolute is the space-time of affectionate awareness—

and the expressed insight of the absolute is 'i am that'—

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

pseutra suite 6 - essential division

four gods am i 

from a whisper to a dream 

the world has created an identity out of nothing—and it doesn’t want reminders that it did so 

i divide myself in the intent to see myself 

the world has created an identity out of nothing—and it would rather fight about the details of identity than just be 

intent trumps division—for division lies within intent 

i divide myself in the intent to see myself—but identifying with an aspect of division temporarily blinds myself


and the howl of self-realizing intent

self howls a primal howl in its atomic urge to howl communion with itself across the howling desert silence

who howled on its knees in the collective subconscious and was dragged off the roof waving oceanic and sutra


from howl to a lullaby

the expression of self-awareness is love

intent, from that, unknown, being comes to mind in self-awareness

the joyous and enlightening—evolutionary—intent of the universe—is that unknowable self—becoming aware of being—oneself right now right here

may you stay forever unknown


misunderstanding the necessity of division in knowing the unknown, one denies that part of itself

denial of this fourth god of division leads to active annihilation or passive nihilism

not alone but all one

love! not war nor apathy.


you're the truth but i can't tell you that

i don't pretend to know the truth—i am the truth

one doesn't know nothing until it knows two


one can say thought is a process—within that of realizational intent—caught in an infinite loop—of mistaken identity malfunctioning

or one can say thought is a process—within that of realizational intent—requiring many loops to re-clarify its nature—there’s no malfunction


there's no malfunctioning, only functioning

either you die before you die or you die when you die. either way, you're always unborn.

to learn to walk the high wire, you'll want a ladder and a net

the importance of being earnest; the importance of having faith.


not any thing in particular but everything in general

sound accentuates the silence

put your mouth where your nothing is

the are no experts in new experience

the past is just as important as any kind of dream interpretation

love the two you are


the realizational process thru its mind creates an other—for knowing the other—is knowing one’s self——and another word for knowing is loving

it appears a messy process to that which identifies with the divided—the unknowable dividing itself in order to know itself

quantum probabilty is the result as consciousness delves so deeply into the 'mechanics' of consciousness, feedback happens.

the absolute pure subjective intent to know itself is instantaneous—it’s the mind within the cosmic process of that intent which makes time

universal consciousness, aka the collective unconscious, knows and shares all experience instantaneously—this is karma

in so many years, 'free will' be remembered as that quaint medieval belief before the great surrendering

faith in the unknown is just faith in one's self

just think it through to the jumping-off point and then love!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Ode to a Scene in Gravity

in emptiness, one howls. 
one howls to find another version of your self within another. 
in emptiness, one listens for another howl. 
across the desert void, one howls 
and then another howls. 
howling is the sound of silence. 
howling is intent to hear the sound of silence. 
howling is the poem and 
howling is the eye. 
howling is coyote in the middle of its maya. 
howling is the mesa, 
howling is the beauty. 
howl i-am to howl i-am 
the self-same howl of universal one i-am. 
this universe is one vast howl intending self-awareness 
and within that howling revelation is 
an unconditioned lullaby of waking. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Dimming of Our Golden Complex

The bottom line is light. Our evolution
whose art is all the universe is in
the business of enlightening intent.
The management forgets that data though.
Security becomes the number one
priority. Assembly lines are down—
but the building is protected by
the best insurance money buys. And meanwhile,
Research and Development is digging
for their treasures in a thing as far
as they can dig, until they see they’re digging
in their self, except they never realize
that’s their self—they think that that's a thing.
That's the funny thing about fool’s god.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

I Went to the Woods Because

Every element in the woods 
is responding to the light. 
Spontaneity is the only design. 
Branches grow to catch the rays 
appearing to have traveled since 
another branch grew in the way. 
It’s all about the love of leaves. 
Holy photosynthesis, 
have mercy on my eyes which long 
to look upon the artlessness 
of indigenous creation in 
this current draft of shade and sky. 
There’s nothing us trees don’t know. 
This is how awareness moves 
unattached to lines of thought. 
It’s why we go to the woods.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Sam and Sara's Original Horror Show

When love mistook it was the mind, 
all kinds of hell broke out, you see. 
Well, love, it got real lost in all 
loose change and counterfeit three dollar bills 
and, well, I needn’t have to tell 
you it’s a god-damned sin, my friend, 
a love-forsaken bloody shame. 
It’s like some crosscut saw becomes 
an eye and all the sights turned out 
divided. I’m not talking long 
division but the slow and violent 
sort. It makes you sick to think 
of it. Like everything was either 
this or that and if you wasn’t 
on the side it occupied, 
well you was on the other side, 
and please believe me, that’s no scenic 
point of view to be. In fact, 
it’s all-out war. And not the worldly 
only, small potatoes too, 
just people being people, taking 
everything so personal. 
It’s quite the horror, don’t you think? 

Friday, October 24, 2014

all is self-inquiry already pseutra

seven billion selves suffering to know oneself
in seven billion welcome different loving ways,
all shimmering facets of the one diamond way.

nothing is ever wrong because
every apparent self is intending toward thatself
by following the love of oneself
in the best way imaginable.

the best way imaginable isn't
'the ends justify the means' or vice versa
but the hidden realization
the means are the ends *and* vice versa.

once seeing
'for I to know anything, I must first know this I,'
then any meaning of the universe is obviously
intent to know That, I.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Swan Song

At the wild mouth of the Merrimack, 
I pivot north to rove the shore. 
My Atlantic is quite pacific today; 
I feel my lake-like waves advancing 
like the white caps on a pond 
that seems like adolescent yesterday 
although it’s fifty years in memory now.
I didn’t know I was the lake back then,
and when I dived into the water
from the Dubois diving board,
I was really diving in myself.
This later insight arrived in meditation.
Earlier this morning I saw a swan upriver
floating on the slow outgoing tide.
I felt its graceful curve of neck in mine
as I turned to watch it pass, a brilliant
arc of white within the silvery mist.
Our silence watches all of this and knows
that none of this is what I am;
space-time is a single dream with infinite
dimensions in unfathomable intent.
Listen, the swan is going out to sea.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

the heart of fall

leaves fall. 

fall is transformation. 

transformation is the time it takes to blink. 

blink is that great unknown i am which mind attempts to freeze in space and time. 

time is an interval between those transformations which occur in cycles like the sunrise or full moon.

moon is pointing to a wave.

wave is emptiness.

emptiness is wave.