Thursday, September 11, 2014

Let Me See It Isn’t and Let What I Am Be

Let samsara be samsara.
Let the search for love
in all deluded and divided ways
discover there’s no need to search,
even if it spends its lifetime searching.
Let war be war,
international, individual, psychological.
Let the mind divide.
Let Being disidentify
with this divided mind.
Let the Absolute intend
to know its great unknown is being.
Let that fact there’s nothing you can do
do you.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

One Sees

As one sees it’s all a dream,
there’s nothing left to dream;
what’s a sunrise to the sun?

The mind desires things
to fill its bottomless abyss
but being is the space
of everything and nothing.

Living in the mind
is always looking for
another mind to live in,
born to always run.

But living in the heart
is dying to the thought
that one was ever born—

I’d never recommend
that to a single person.