Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Acadian Consciousness

In deep sleep is the absence of duality but in awakening is the presence of non-duality.

In duality, there are ten thousand concepts. In personal misconception, there’s identification with one of them.

In the sudden presence of non-duality, there’s an absence of such identity. Some call this awakening, profound revelation, kensho, savikalpa samadhi.

It’s why I started hiking mountains in the middle of the journey of my life. It’s why Acadia became exclusive to those efforts. There’s something about

that first glimpse of horizon-wide deep-blue Atlantic Ocean after scrambling up the slope of desert-like pink granite mountainside scree

like love at first sight. It smells like meditation.


open head, spill identity.

awareness. deep sleep. dreaming. waking. spiritual exercise. awakening. self-awareness. the magnificent seven.

it's not about the ten thousand objects. it's all about the one with which i identify.

taking care of someone other than yourself is good exercise too.

do not dismiss your roots. either tell them a bedtime story or go to sleep.

don't bite off more than you know.

and don't believe what you don't know. don't forget what you can't believe. that's my myth but i'm not sticking to it.

let this be made perfectly clear. true meditation is like hiking ten thousand mountains.

materialism is the new fundamentalist belief.

political ideology is the new apostle's creed.

thank god mysticism is the same old heresy.

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