Sunday, November 1, 2020

Self-awareness and the Proper Use of Tools

A tool is never a problem. Misusing a tool may be an issue. And identifying with a tool will lead to a world of hurt. So get a grip on yourself.

Without the mind, there is no realization, self-awareness, or reflexive universe. Give it some love.

The mind is just the mirror. It’s the steam of consciousness mistaking ones identity obscuring things.

The last refuge of that misidentity called ego is in minimizing mind and thereby halting neti-neti deconstruction.

Consciousness is talking to consciousness. This is why there’s something called mind training and the proper use of hand tools.

As consciousness is the expression of the absolute noumenon, and divine imagination is the expression of consciousness, evolutionary sudden self-awareness is the expression of divine imagination.


The mind is a tool to be used with love. Love is the hand of being. Being is the heart of self-awareness. Self-awareness is a feature of absolute awareness.

The mind is like a shiny car.

Consciousness identifying with the mirror. Been there.

Sleep blames the dream.

Like Zen and the art of looking in a mirror.

The self of awareness + the mirror of divine imagination = self-awareness.

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