Friday, August 21, 2015

The Apocalypse of a Nameless Einstein

You are your own Einstein. The only wealth is being. The only job is teaching no one. We have forgotten how to conjugate the verb, to be. Start with I am.

If x is 10,000 seconds to be, how many is y dreaming. After all the questions are answered, there are no answers. The only thing you can't believe is your self.

Being is wordless but not unspeakable. The closest translation is unconditional love. It's not a question of immortality; it's the fact of no beginning.

I can never speak to one still talking. After awakening is the revelation. Every summer, it's me, yourself, and I sitting around the apocalypse, speaking.

Confusion is always in the turning. It's not about finding someone to love; just love before you think. Know love self-correcting is just karma. Think more different. Think mystical.

Science has yet to prove itself. Of the world, translated, is serious. In the world, translated, is love. The past is right before your eyes—now is right inside you.

Writing about nothing is comedy; dying is impossible. Between the socially-conditioned and the unconditional lives the recluse. There are two ways after one way but neither is memorable.

The shaman prescribes against a future. The shaman doesn’t recognize the past. Loose ends long for re-attachment. Enlightenment is post-psychological.

The plutonium rule is just to be. Self-inquiry is both our first and last rites. One, shine the light upon yourself. Two, translate truthfully. Three is nonduality of That. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Book of Gogo-an

The picture window blinded by the light, the air conditioner acting cool, the fan is turning its own head with every breath it takes.

The dog days of August have arrived and I’m just getting over this year’s summer solstice and its subsequent Bermuda.

Dark and stormy waves of consciousness reflect divided light until they’re stilled within their own inertia. After all, it is the light.

And after visiting the world, this hermit has returned to sit within his room to read the shortwave ideograms of Robert Lax

as if
in a

The Merrimack is my Patmos and the village is an open mic. I rise to see the picture window blinded by the light.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Spoken Words on Wealth

Maybe the rich get richer because the poor don't know they're wealthy. In other words, you dream what you believe you are.

A saint is just a saint because the saint believes that all are saints. Although belief is just a lyrical red herring here.

There's more to do with love than threads the hook of words. The source may be unknown and its intent has manifest the grid

but love is this electric trip fantastic power building bones and moving blood to fill the mind with just enough imagination

to perceive itself reflected in a trembling aspen on a precipice revealing empty space and a hidden river valley.

It's not the thought I-am I am but something more experiential like this love that’s always moving one,

and if I follow it intently, I will see I am the source. There's a certain hydrologic logic to it all.

The light evaporates the sea where wind is guiding clouds upon the continent and rain is falling on the peaks

which tumble over mountainsides informing rivers of their depth and leading them as love returning to the sea.

Or maybe the rich get richer and the poor get poorer because they haven't understood the wealth they are. I am. Just That.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Apocryphon of Taxonomic Transitivity and Love

Like filling the quill to tell the world, we burst the bubble of a desert emptiness and then surrender to the wood. Yes, forgiveness is a nondual thing. It's a matter of love, and not the love of matter. Talk less. Speak more. Write lighter

You are literally the light of the big bang. Actually, in a more scientific way of conceptualizing, you're the thunder of the original lightning. Sing your yawp! The world is not your oyster. It's your mirror. You're not the mind but you reflect. Consciousness is intended by x to reflect its y.

You think you're the hills and valleys but more like that space of mist. The talk of mystery. The speech of love. Vanilla fudge, ultimate spinach, and the strawberry alarm clock. Pet sounds, rubber soul, and between the buttons. Transcendental beat meta-modernism. Also known as now.

Thinking doesn't like to be alone too long. Love knows no one is alone. I can't tell you but you can hear it through me. It doesn't require any final calculations or tellings of story, but it may use them. Think different. Think not. It’s difficult being myself when I'm not being. Genus thought, species belief.

My Domain is the Great Unknown. My Kingdom is Intent. My Phylum is this Consciousness. My Class is all of Space-time. My Order is just Matter. My Family is our Body-mind. My Genus is a Thought. My Species is Belief. My Satguru says Species is Domain. I am That.

Science is just another language requiring translation. Evolution happens suddenly or not at all. Transformation is the name of the game of life. Only the unknown knows the instructions; only the known feels them. The time between world wars is equal to higher technology minus greater bandwidth. Space is racing time. Higher consciousness is racing base belief.

Love. Begin with love. That I am love. That you are love. That we attempt to trust in love. But one of us assuredly may not. And the other faithfully follows losing faith. As sunset follows sun. As sunrise follows sunset. As absolute zero follows one.

Love is the sublime disbelief of the world. Love is why you’re where you are. The five stages of immortality are like the five stages of death where love has made the turn. In the world,  faith holds love together; in truth, love holds the world together.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

The First Apocalypse of The Matrix

Crickets and an occasional bullfrog

Thinking is creation judging. Inspiration is deconstruction stopping. Devotion is silence listening. Revelation is compassion speaking. Manifestation is 'the absolute unknown' intending.

After compassion speaks, le manifestation! And compassion speaking is silence listening—deconstruction stopping—creation judging—Unknown intending—compassion speaking—it is what it is. At the speed of intent.

Pleased to meet you, transformation is the name of my game. The transitive powers of the absolute unknown: if silence listening equals compassion speaking, then manifestation is in the mind. Attention! this is high-level bullshit. Silence is the best response to all communications.

This is all ye need to know: compassion is the crux of the absolute unknown. Karma is the stuff of dreams. Be not entranced by mind games; you are not the mind. Forty days is the change, plus five days of fiesta for the uncertainty principle. Adjust all space-time according to your current belief.

Zen is the art of blowing minds. A koan is zen porn. Mind is any thing believed. The empire is belief itself. There's no translating nonduality. Bodhisattva is another name for prophecy. The empire writes the history but the satguru knows now.

I am the matrix. You will never be experienced. Rest in creation, deconstruction, silence, compassion, or the absolute unknown. Don't overthink it but feel it as much as you can. Do your math for no one but your self. Do you wonder? I knows. Call whomever. Not identifying with the mind is beyond all gossip. Know your nodes.

Radio silence Belief is the third rail of duality. Rest in transformation. The truth will make you gasp like a fish out of water. Knowing who you are is being what you love. Learn your metamorphosis table. Nonduality isn't black or white.

P. S. I love you. Compassion speaks. Bullshit talks. Know one or know zero—not your doing.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Utter Light

In the quantum shadow world,
the light is speaking.
Every word it says is love
but every word of it is thoroughly misunderstood
and out spill walls
and weapons of mass misunderstanding
and holy wars of passionate belief.
But still the light is speaking
in creation of an infant's breath,
a baby's smile, a child's astounding laugh
with not a touch of irony or deconstruction
hidden in its unadulterated joy.
The light is speaking through
these several billion years of subatomic rubble,
reverberating through a world of high relentless evolution,
parting seven seas of clever smoke
resulting in a rush of tears
to see my self
at last. It seems to take forever
but it's just this blinking
of that wordless eye.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Journaling in Late July

In my cave, this summer morning, the fan is oscillating with a secretive white noise. But the windows are wide open.

I choose the burgundy black pen and write exactly this most noteworthy experience.

Although I have been trained to see the world outside myself, I know it's not. Don't take it personal;

this consciousness is universal. Only the mind in all its sentient interpretation sees it otherwise.

That's not insignificant. It's only through enchantment of such objectivity the absolute subjective knows itself;

the light itself is never seen. Outside the picture window is a branch of leaves already turning yellow and it's only late July.

The birds are being busy somewhere else. Humidity is high. Later when the sun shines through the window, I emphatically will feel it.

This manifest experience is unconditioned love. And when the winter knows the summer,

when the cold white void feels the humid verdant holy heat, I shall recognize myself.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

An Unlikely Allegory

There was a wave that dreamt it was the ocean. There was another wave that dreamt it was the sea.

Because not seeing eye to eye, they foamed about the mouth and sprayed invectives in the wind

ascending to grand heights of battlements and watchtowers. In the morning when the sun appeared

above the absolute Pacific, not a wave prevailed upon that silent level boundless main.

And so the message of this story isn't moral but mere fact, that separation in a universe by definition is improbable

and all this sound and fury underway is nothing but the law of probability in play.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Transpoliteration of Thomas, Logion Two

When searching,
going further,
there’s no stopping
until you fully abide

Almost here,
you’re full of paranoia
and bottomless fear—
knowing the known is
not really known.

This fear gives way
to mind-blowing
seeing the known is
the unknown.

In blissful no-mind,
here’s the sovereign revelation
I Am That—
the absolute

If you are searching, you must not stop until you find.
When you find, however, you will become troubled.
Your confusion will give way to wonder.
 In wonder you will reign over all things.
~Thomas Logion Two, translated by Lynn Baumann

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

On Poison, Love, and Fire

don't drink another's poison
and don't pass it over the table
for someone else—
just common table manners.

love is the only antidote.
but you can’t give it.
and you can’t take it.
you only see you are the antidote.

mature duality is less venomous
than immature nonduality—
taste the ashes
before playing with fire.

Monday, July 20, 2015

A Child’s Garden of Light

Once upon a time there was a child of light, transported to two apparent lights not knowing they too were light.

For they had learned to think, and more, to think about themselves, and every thought was like a colored lens

filtering clear light into emotional complexions of those optics. But, of course, they still were light and loved the light

and taught the lamb of light that came to them to think like them, for that is what they thought was right,

and soon that guiltless light no more was pure unclouded lucid light but shaded in a singular and separate pattern,

divided and benighted—

until one sees the light.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Aum Shakespeare: "thou must now know farther”

from: The Tempest; Act I, Scene II

…O, I have suffered
With those that I saw suffer: a brave vessel,
Who had, no doubt, some noble creature in her,
Dash'd all to pieces. O, the cry did knock
Against my very heart. Poor souls, they perish'd.
Had I been any god of power, I would
Have sunk the sea within the earth or ere
It should the good ship so have swallow'd and
The fraughting souls within her.

Be collected:
No more amazement: tell your piteous heart
There's no harm done.

O, woe the day!

No harm.
I have done nothing but in care of thee,
Of thee, my dear one, thee, my daughter, who
Art ignorant of what thou art, nought knowing
Of whence I am, nor that I am more better
Than Prospero, master of a full poor cell,
And thy no greater father.

More to know
Did never meddle with my thoughts.

'Tis time
I should inform thee farther. Lend thy hand,
And pluck my magic garment from me. So:
(Lays down his mantle)           
Lie there, my art. Wipe thou thine eyes; have comfort.
The direful spectacle of the wreck, which touch'd
The very virtue of compassion in thee,
I have with such provision in mine art
So safely ordered that there is no soul--
No, not so much perdition as an hair
Betid to any creature in the vessel
Which thou heard'st cry, which thou saw'st sink. Sit down;
For thou must now know farther.

You have often
Begun to tell me what I am, but stopp'd
And left me to a bootless inquisition,
Concluding 'Stay: not yet.'

The hour's now come;
The very minute bids thee ope thine ear;
Obey and be attentive. Canst thou remember
A time before we came unto this cell?

Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Waters of Bermuda

I had heard the talk about the waters of Bermuda and believed it. They were colored with the kiss of turquoise and clear like mountain springs.

But when the ship approached the eastern end, I saw the talk to be mere words and my belief a phantom of the operatic mind.

Oh sure, there is a turquoise hue in pools and places, but even turquoise isn't turquoise. It's just old French for Turkish,

and the colors range through Persian Blue, Black Spider Web, Dark Green Damale, and Yellow Ivory Tortoise,

as well as ten-thousand variations on that painter's theme. It's like the classic difference between religion and the truth,

thinking and experiential witnessing, rationale and love, the pointing finger and the bright full moon.

Here rise the waters of Bermuda, and yes, they are amazing.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Sea Legs

The ship was rolling in a Beaufort Scale of nine and I was in the bow when the center of our gravity went missing.

It took a week on land before I found it once again.

But meanwhile vertigo suggested that the world was in my mind and every movement I anticipated was met

by corresponding movement of some so-called object,

that there’s only this subjective space and gravity is magical illusion which without the waves are seen to be the sea

and all attachment is expelled like vomit.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Bermuda Illuminations

Between two massive igneous formations rests a turquoise cove with ocean waters warmed to a Bermuda summer glow.

Ten thousand years of blue incessant waves have undercut the old caldera stone to thunder crashing with each coral tidal lightning show.

I'm in the water with my thirty-something year old daughter and we're snorkeling and looking at the unknown world

beneath the surface of the sea. It's paradise revisited for me.

That's when I saw the angel fish, or what I like to call an angel fish, although a little later on I'm told it's just an everyday Bermuda sea chub.

You see they change their colors like a mood ring, silver being their default, and black their warlike tint.

But white is their harmonious and peaceable embodiment.

Amazing, like an underwater Prospero, I am conjuring a show that never happens, although I know this spontaneity is looking

through this looking glass and seeing far into the past when my Miranda came to being helping with my seeing,

like this angel fish of my imagination, focusing a world of waves into a sea of self-awareness.

Bermuda is the truth and even someone sixty-something is illuminated in its timeless youth.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Clifton of St. George

There’s a black man in Bermuda who asks each tourist he encounters this specific question:

how old should someone be before allowing them to drink?

There’s a tourist in Bermuda who answers if they’re old enough to die.

There’s a black man in Bermuda who's asked if he remembers being born and answers he recalls that original swimming.

There's a tourist in Bermuda who knows the only knowledge is I am, yet in the deeper water asks his ginger beer and black Bermuda rum:

but who am I?

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


I was nurtured on the teat of sweet belief
creating what I call myself. Unique. Good grief!
My personality is like an onion made
from all these other second-hand beliefs conveyed
to memory and accepted as a god’s own truth.
And so I fade from infancy to bitter youth.

But ask myself this question most see most naive:
do I remember being born? I can’t conceive
a moment never being. That is what I am.
The rest is just some evolutionary scam
the absolute unknown intends so I may know
I am the absolute unknown. No pain, no rhyme.

Friday, June 19, 2015

The Last Thing

Alone again but more alone than ever I have been since ever I have been me.

Most would say I wasted all my talents on obsessions, circumventions, and preoccupations.

So I’ll repeat my psychological evaluation here: my father never introduced me to the world; my mother was completely fearful of it.

This left me with one simple task while in and of this world: to tread upon the tiger's tail without alerting it to my inquiring presence.

I could write this story now as if this character possessed a choice in plot, development, or setting. But I didn't.

So let me end this introduction with my lifelong findings: there’s no world to introduce except a false one. And fear is why the world itself is false.

The world will never tell you this because it doesn't know it. And the ones who really know it know there's nothing to be told. I’d listen to them.

Oh to be sure, there are religions that will sell the sea to every wave within this ocean but religions are the world’s own fears personified and organized to hide them in some other hell.

And please do not misunderstand me. I'm still going further. The only reason why I'm writing is this entropy of poetry. This form enjoys the rhyme of dancing with the beauty of the truth it knows to date.

First, there’s only love. And if we listened to the Beatles back in nineteen-sixty-seven, we'd already know this. Then again, if John and Paul were listening, they'd never write the song, or I, of course, this poem.

Love is what we are without the need for wanting love or making love or needing to be loved and once this faith in love is truly followed, there’s no ‘we’ or 'me' remaining. Jesus Christ, just listen to his message.

Last, the only thing you need to know is there is absolutely nothing to be known. In fact, the thinking that there's something to be known is why one never knows that great unknown. The Cloud Unknowing says: unknow and know your—no, that—yes, my—unknown.

I'll end with just this other way if love is not the hard direction wired within your brain. Deconstruct the world as now you see it: tread upon the tiger's tail without alerting it to your inquiring presence.

Sometimes I'll talk to me so I will listen to myself. Like a rolling stone.

The Ballad of Long Division

In the land of long division
our denominator is the king.
And in the world of yin and yang
she may be queen. Or anything.

In the land of long division
war is our default position setting.
War may be defined as worldwide
or a little bit upsetting.

In the land of long division
answers always end with more divisions.
Taking sides will always lead
to new improved sky-high collisions.

In the land of long division
genuine nonviolence is the hero.
Long division ends when one
denominator sets to zero.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Memories in Triskaidecameter

They're cutting down the woods again to build another house upon the hill that overlooks the river valley.

They haven't reached the woods I see directly out my window but I know it's just a matter of the timing.

The world is always changing and we love it better in the memory than the one we see before us changing.

A memory is a work of art creating something out of nothing freezing form from endless transformation.

The past is always being lived again because the past that's in our memory always changes with our living.

Today the woods are lush and green and yesterday the woods were empty and tomorrow never really happens.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

mahatma summer king

in the territory of gray
squirrels, red ones
hightail branches
going sixties
steve mcqueen

dead vines
tumble down
a tamarack
like waterfalls
whipped with time

do not ask
the woods
for whom
the tree
is falling

for the benefit
of knowing
this unknown

a rose-breasted grosbeak
finally arrives
from somewhere
southern, innocent
and full of pure potentiality

every living form
appears to be obsessed
with summer’s near arrival
disregarding every clue
it comes and goes as never here

sleeping means
seeing something is happening
awakening means seeing
ever does

great ones only
go beyond
by dividing anything
by nothing

there’s nothing
to say
that needs to be heard
it’s nameless

the leaves are green
the space is green
and my interpretations of
my dream is green
that’s what i’m dreaming

the summer’s here
and time is ripe
to contemplate
the transformation’s later light
and sing what no one’s saying

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

following after poets

filling the birdfeeder 
with sunflower seed 
watching the splash 
little blackened shells 
big bang fireworks

a red-winged blackbird flies
across the empty road
a man is walking a dog
a dozen boats are floating
on the late sunday river

books of ryokan and saigyo
robert lax
on the coffee table
birdsong coming through
open windows

the light above
my shoulder lighting
purple ink on paper
reflecting in the picture

like a moon
in space between
the wall and green face
of an evening
summer wood

the translation
of revelation
into mind

the revelation
as felt
by body-mind

as evening deepens
reflection of the room
deepens in the window space
basho walking through
the woods

poetry is
the inspirational
reflection of the revelation
seen in words
and dancing

in the dark leaves
appear like clouds
shadowing deep images
although I know
they’re nothing

spoken silence
saying something

To the Purple Rose of Consciousness

It would appear, in evolution, this form of being which has called itself a human being, is the only form of being self-aware.

Instead of being, basking, in this self-awareness, the human being has discovered transformation, called it death, identifying with the form itself.

The world it builds is just the fear, forgetting self-awareness, disregarding being as its base, and practicing idolatry of form

in semi-permanent outstanding structures of its buildings, roads, and infrastructures, pyramids, cathedrals, banks of skyscrapers,

in other words, materialism, scientific and objective, praying at the feet of form to overcome the fact of form,

to fear of death and not a celebration of this awesome functioning of self-awareness, being, basking in and as this self-awareness,

being light and basking in the light, this being, basking, being, basking, crowning function of creation, crown of evolution,

noumenon of all phenomena, true revelation and apocalypse, the power and the glory, knowing all the universe is just reflection of oneself,

the mirror knowing it's the mirror, truth unborn, undying, I and nothing else.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

opening the field

it must be
summer solstice
i can smell the sweetness
of hay

the field is divided 
between tall grass 
and space 
in bales 
imagine this confluence of 
like a field of sea

(write with mind
as self
to nobody

using the mind
and not
mind using

between intuition
and inspiration
reflecting awareness
is the revelation

tree frogs must be
at their peak
i hear
a distant siren
in their harmony

further is our intent
the open road
is consciousness
dividing lines
speak to mind

a new wild voice
not one in memory
almost like a seagull
in coyote staccato
beyond dna entrusted archetypes

heighten experience
lowering experience
consort or saddhu
any experience
will do

doesn’t make
the moment empty
the moment is

reflecting on

the experience itself
touches dna
mystic third rail
there’s no archetype


the time
to speak in
is fast

the moment
without reflection
beyond archetype
the great unknown

deja vu
is stuck between
an archetype
and distant

you may remember rome
more power to you
but experience itself is how
that archetype
got milk in a day

it’s not so much
being mindful
as being

see the moment
beyond all archetype
now phantom
the noumenal

arjuna doesn’t
just arise
arjuna will
for krishna

by knowing
the great unknown
now knows
the great unknown

to know now
i need to know
what isn’t now
this is the clown
of creation

there is a window
i see the window
the window is open
there’s an open window
i am the opening

Friday, June 12, 2015

straw frogs

first there were peepers
now there are tree frogs
around the time
of crickets come

every movement takes
about fourteen billion years
if you really
wish to believe

a religion
may be
by its glorious

full moon tao

guilt or
being mindful
there's your yin
and yang
of all religions

i've never not been living
i've never been dead
i'm not guilty saying
i don't know
the difference

you're probably
at the corner of love
and I
you’re probably
within spec

my latest death
poem is
that Evolution see
there is no

i've been trying to eat
less words
and finally learning
who to copy
never mind this writing

the word
becomes the primal scroll
then it's printing the copies
later is the reading and at last is

Thursday, June 11, 2015

the grass hut

thank you
tree frogs
yin yang noise
for my grass

god is
the foundation of empire
while mind is
the foundation of dreaming

is what
the empire
as truth

truth is
and homeless
in the speech of

truth is
seeing there appears
to be two
as the world believes
in one

the act of knowing
there’s the john of revelation
mona lisa now

when the movie
leaves the screen
to walk within your world
it’s basically

my generation
the first generation
to see illusion
from behind
because wizardry of tv

the closer you
get to the end
the more I see
there’s no

we die
when the slow clock of intent
meets the fast clock of transformation
someplace other than

listen to the tree frogs
alternating stars and zeroes
ever since the big one
it’s either something
or the other

the difference
between freud and jung
is yin and yang

i will go
as long as i feel
like going

speak your truth
as if it frees
or kills you

all these words
aren’t the
of the
the grass hut

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

noumenal reflections

mountain laurel
nor azalea

neither summer
nor winter

neither yin
nor yang
but nameless

there's nothing
in this

as you
see it

let's say
the noumenal

the noumenon
and such a knowing is

We Are Kurosawa

On Kurosawa’s Throne of Blood

false ones that usurp
that great immortal god
the noumenal unknown
will now be overthrown
by their own phenomenal truth

On Kurosawa’s Great Humanity

Kurosawa is a singular visionary
but not a nondual one—
his deconstructive sun
blinded focusing his eye
on rubble of imperial delusion

Atomic Dreams

imagine being one
coming of age
in a land
by two


there is no one
nor other but
that noumenal unknown
i am

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Leaving the Remains

Approaching summer solstice,
there's a flower to be faced.

The act of getting to the edge
is not for living on the edge.

Something isn't deconstructed
just to live within its rubble.

Seeing through the false
is not the seeing in itself.

The truth is not extreme,
nor desolate, nor cynical.

Breathe in that fragrance
of a spaciousness beyond

all narrative of space.

Monday, June 8, 2015

The Beautiful Equation

what appears
to be a universe
to you
is just the process of
the absolute's intent to know myself

it's like intent
to see myself
creates a mirror
most appropriate for that doing
you see it's complicated

after the lilac are the leaves
an osprey in the sky above the river
rhododendrons in their final purple burst
a bend in the creek
yellow buttercups appearing in the grass

the mind sees beauty
as this complicated object
to explain
it's not


Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sha Ma Na Na

in the world
following awareness
may be a crime
try to make you do time

to avoid doing time
start thinking of
me as

big pharma is
especially afraid
werewolves of

the likes of Shakespeare
doesn't write a play
as much as play
is writing

more like
is forming

Basho blank verse some expansive haiku
the awful noise of holy empire

to bee
or not to be
there never is
a question of the honey

the June sun
is shining
through a seeming gap
in the leaves like

no matter
how you want to slice it
there's no way
you're doing
straight time

summer is
breathtakingly incomplete
the appearance of

Holding Hands in a Light Blue Thunderbird

From the road approaching Grand Canyon there appears to be a sudden gap in earth and nothing there but open sky.

It's true for people too. Asking who I am, if asked in earnestness, and not relying on another for an answer,

will approach an open space unoccupied by thought, belief, or all conditioning of any form,

resulting as awareness in one's free and open being, as if this universe of space and time was driving

toward this edge from its beginning. Now, the revelation has arrived. The Great Unknowing only knows itself within another.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

across the river

river at low slack tide 
strong east wind at my face 
downriver an eagle maybe a seagull 
buddha nature 

is the month 
of our summer solstice 
made glorious 
green in a synthesis of sun 

across the river
is a wilderness
of eastern white pine
across the river

in the smoke
of coming summer
everything is
appearing higher

you can lead
to water
but it won't drink
the inspiration

a dream
you play
by heart

the heart knows
divided by

zero shines
at the speed of light
some belief
shadows it
no way

the way
appears to be
but it's only

the river
there is

Friday, June 5, 2015

On 'The Wizard of Oz' / A Dream Review

the tin man 
like the truly 
empty one 
he is 
follows his heart 

the scarecrow 
with so much thought 
is being 

the lion
is in the act of using
its own thoughts
to deconstruct
belief in fear

now knows
oz is but a dream
reawakening one to

the heart writes the play
and the mind makes it
so as to see all the action as
the story of one

follow the heart
be mindful
and don't believe
for you are always home
the absolute I of one

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Adult Film

the meaning of the dream 
is knowing it's 
a dream 
or otherwise 
the dream continues on 

without a meaning—
this simple knowing
is awaking
as pure awareness

in an insubstantial
unafraid and

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

seven quintets in search of a name

already leaves 
ignite into sky 
as ravenous caterpillars 
burn in the name 
of transformation 

the fox moves
in the moonlit emptiness
silver leaves living
only in the echoing
space-time of mind

July fireflies
in the lilies of my June
imagination starring
Zhuangzi and the Amazing
Magicians of Las Vegas

transformation is
emptiness is
impermanence is
illusion is

deconstruction is
seeing no construction
ever was
including the past
tense of is

mercury apollo
carbonated water
cadillac granitic
strawberry arising
being anonymous

blossoming mountain
laurel almost seem
to grow gossamer
brightly closing
my watery eyes

Tuesday, June 2, 2015



everything is 
except I 
consciousness is 

I think
I forget
I am

fourteen billion years of
working on the night shift
and all I get to wear is
this flower saying


I write for nobody
so if anybody hears me
they'll know who
they are
I am

only you
you know
I know

I am attached
to your dream
at the body-mind's assemblage point
of Hollywood
and I


people are either
builders or
the fool has no

dream time is
the best time
to be
not to be

(i hope kids are still
long division
the solution

using 80-20
by the seventh generation
from out of one-million
there's like
a baker's dozen)


mystic experience
of the experiential
is basically
the assemblage point

touching that
assemblage point
is like being
the moon

reflecting in the river is the moon
reflecting sun
being absolutely zero
equals I