Sunday, March 13, 2016

Awakening Grand Canyon

It was just before the dawn and I was standing on the south rim of Grand Canyon waiting for the sun to rise. I wasn't sure just what there was to see but whatever it might be I thought to see the sunrise at Grand Canyon was a worthy thing to see.

I was fifty-three and for more than forty years I had dreamed of visiting this wonder of the world. It had even grown to an important status in my life involving some potential anti-suicide attempt. In other words, I had promised to myself if ever such an impulse were to dawn on me with fever pitch, I would make my way to this exact mind-blowing vista and let it talk me down from such a limited point of view. 

And here I was, at the second destination in our great southwestern whirlwind tour, awaiting what it had to tell me just for the sake of listening. One by one, the buttes and mesas lit afire, depending on their height or westerly direction, and I was lit as well with such an obvious understanding, but something never felt in such a raw experiential way.

The sun doesn't ever really rise. But like awareness, for example, it's always there, right here, right now, and I am nothing but its cosmic earthly unbelievably magnificent manifestation. As if I were a thing to be extinguished! I watched and laughed in universal joy.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Hey Jack Kerouac! It's Canyon de Chelly.


This body's like an amplifier and my love is like the music of I am; this amplifier is like electricity and I am water falling; my lightning is like a mirror and my thunder is like this dream reflecting words.


Hiking in the Whites, I fell into a waterfall and turned into a river. I then remembered playing World War Two with plastic soldiers hiding in-between the ancient roots of Jesus trees.

chapter one

The next thing that I knew was tripping over Lucy in the sky with LSD. I was later interrupted for an all-expenses-paid vacation to a transformational experience.


Ten years ago today in Canyon del Muerto before Ancient Pueblo cliffside ruins across a running canyon desert brook like lightning exiting a bottle,
the magic and the perfection and the glory!


As if this universal consciousness is kissing thee, my most beloved absolute, nearby an endless hidden summer pond so many thousand dreams ago.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

A Walk Through Maudslay Park 160309

Hawks be with me…

Through the bent birch gate and into the wood. Young Blake carved his name on an old ash tree. As did Ra. Into the meadow walks the purple condor t-shirt.

The last slush of winter hiding in the swamp. New boots don't fail me now! Broken arrow, fallen trees. Summer Breeze On a Winter's Day. The last great hill before the Empire of the sea.

The new blue bridge is lurking in the distance. Teardrops of snow on the northern slope. Across the river, history is busy building new condominium construction.

The Abenaki still own this land because they never claimed its ownership. The Great White Pines of Eagle Territory. An old bridge wrapping around Flotsam Cove.

The real peak of this path are these bare rocks on the great open point of river…where the southwest wind is briskly shimmering in this glittering world.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Being the Revelator

Being is knowledge; being the unknown is truth; only the unknown is real; reality is... It's only a rabbit hole if you believe it. Otherwise, it's instant mythology.

Right thinking deconstructs belief but being sees the truth. Deconstruction without being is the tragic error of all postmodernist thinking. And Atheism is simply pre-postmodernism.

Nisargadatta's first teaching is 'I am,' as consciousness speaks to consciousness. Only being truly deconstructs. Thinking is the tool. This is sometimes called right thinking.

Faith in the satguru is transmission of being to being. Buying water by the river lifts the fog. Grace intends faith; lightning is birdsong. Everything is intention; nothing is desire.

Intent. Grace. Faith. Transmission. Wisdom. Truth. Reality. The seven states of sudden enlightenment! Like chain lightning. And true practice is as thunder remembering its default position and resetting there.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Ode to Self-awareness

O the wonder of this self-awareness!
the Unknown knowing it is that great Unknown,
like fourteen-billion years of what is named the known
disappearing into brilliant now.

O the happenstance of self-awareness!
in-between the absolute unknown
of a nominal unborn and an epithetic afterlife is
this being that unknown.
O the great illusion in this self-awareness!
in attempting to be known when nothing is sincerely known
befalling to the one disease affecting
psychological distress and suffering.
O this natural, innate, spontaneous, and fundamental self-awareness! unobstructed by the mists of thought and tempest of belief,
the splendid goddess knows herself
and such a knowing seems to be an evolutionary universe—

but is simply, purely, plainly, only Self-awareness.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Voluminous Fantasia of Forgiveness

The poor girl thinks her heart is wicked but the rub is in the thinking.

Arthur Miller said to love the idiot but marry Marilyn Monroe.

John Keats said truth is beauty after he said beauty is truth; that is all.
Unconditional and absolute forgiveness, both of the other and oneself, is the bridge of gods.

Take two. Forgive the known and be the unknown. End scene.

Stephen Stills sang love the one you're with. It's an ancient Christian hymn. Like Hare Krishna.
Forgiveness is the bridge of gods. Forgiveness is the bridge of gods. Forgiveness is the bridge of gods. It's like a one hit wonder.

If it wasn't for misunderstanding, there is no understanding further.

After living the dream, be the myth. Long division is black magic; love and zero is the power and the glory.
It's a mirror until you see straight through it, and only light sees through the light.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Reality’s Ninth

All is as clear as desert air.

The streetcar is desire but all the streets are in the past.

The only difference between the gods and someone mortal is appearing in this universe of self-awareness.

Coyotes howl at the moon while daytrippers stare into the mirror of the sun.

Experience cannot be memorized. Intent knows no desire.

Transformation is apparently the answer to all questions.

The night is darkest before the dawn; the mirage seems brightest at high noon.

Look. Everything is perfect as it is. There is no real thing.

Comedy, tragedy, history. Imagine not knowing your self.

Stop action. Forget cameras. See through the light.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

A Fantasia in Here and Now

No creation story needed. No apocalypse required.

No shoes, no mind, no effort.

The past is spotty; wear it lightly. Enjoy the perfect breeze.

Mythology and deconstruction are two sides of an empty coin.

Understanding and manifestation are synchronous. It is written.

A child of three sees through the terrible twos. She's like a rainbow.

The holy experiential matrix of here and now is the gospel. Truth.

Presence is the perfect meeting of sea and sky. Hallelujah!

Picture oneself as the god of the river with whitewater splash and rainbow trout.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

untitled song

all is birdsong
tern tern tern
and piping plovers

the sun is my metaphor
the sea shall be
think outside the story

choose your illusion
play the unknown
be unknown

all is absurdly perfection
beyond conception I am
self-awareness I am

Venus and Mars are Vishnu tonight
don't buy the hype Jesus lives
Nisargadatta lives

beyond quote
I am

Monday, February 22, 2016

Three Ways of Looking at Vishnu

We are like Frankenstein awakening from the material.

Sex and deconstruction are like taxis to nowhere if you don't know when to get off. Both Brahma and Shiva need their Vishnu.

Sometimes I laugh. Sometimes I cry. Sometimes I'm Vishnu.

Love and deconstruction are like my yin or yang roads, but Vishnu is Tao.

Deconstruction is to death as sex is to love; mere translations of Vishnu.

Vishnu is speaking to and from me when I am silent.

Gone beyond this Tao of Vishnu is going gone altogether beyond.

Tao is to intent as Vishnu is to evolution as science is to story and the chorus sings mythology.

Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu

dear me, it's as if there is a God, and God in its omnipotent power knows God the God, and I am that self-awareness, yours truly, i vishnu.

Great artists paint that what's not there. Great singers sing the silence. Great gods walk the earth. It is always that way.

This moment here and now exists forever in all of space-time as consciousness the universe and the black verb of self-awareness.

Dreaming self-awareness is self-awareness and that's the other truth.

Neither Tibet nor California but the natural state of Tantra.

See the story of my life as one of evolving self-awareness. That is the intent of transformation. My Tantra of Mythology. Song of Myself.

Dreaming self-awareness is self-awareness. Everything else is karmic.

Visualization is the vision.

The eye of seeing perfection is the eye of perfect seeing. Natural perfection.

A Shiva is a Brahma is a Vishnu is a rose.

In the beginning as it is in the end, DNA is to the Satguru as thought is to visualization. Remember the great perfection!

Absence, openness, spontaneity, unity. In other words. Freedom, liberty, life, love. And don't forget love.