Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Hail Goddess

The flower doesn’t grow itself. 
It takes a seed to raise the stem. 
Without the sovereign ground, 
how would the root appear? 
Water, water, everywhere, 
and who will taste its truth? 
Sunshine is our superwoman, 
fear our only kryptonite. 
All history belongs to her 
despite a battle’s latest lie. 
She’ll always win the war 
because she never has to fight. 
Hail Mary! Hail Parvati! 
All are always hailing love! 
Every flower in the floral 
circle of this wondrous world 
is singing in her laurels.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Ouroboric Samadhi

The yin and yang of snow coats the crazy 
wisdom of ten thousand branches 
and I feel the trees are energetic 
natural appendages of myself. 
This is revelation of a native kind. 
Verily the universe is my body 
and I am the eye of the universe. 
These words are what I see. 

The sky is lit. 
The space around me is a waterfall. 
The ground is opening to unveil 
a fearless dragon swallowing its tail. 
Yes, I am the eye of all 
and all is my intent to see myself. 
Holy alchemy of realization, 
with this poem, all disappears.