Tuesday, October 14, 2014

He’s Walt Whitman; Who Am I?

The absolute unknowable
is such the subject there’s no object
in that absolute subjective.

Since one can only know an object,
the absolute subjective doesn’t
even know itself. There’s nothing

but the empty mirror of an eye
with not even nothing to be seen—

there’s absolute intent to know oneself.
Don’t you have that selfsame yearn to know yourself?
This universe is being subdivided for exactly that.

Have you reckoned with reckoning much?
Have you practiced to know the false as false?
Have you felt so proud to see you’re not the process

but the process is intent to know yourself?
Stop acting yin and yang and in that freeing
one possesses knowing of one’s being.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Mind’s Creation Isn’t Really Two

A blackbird on a live thin wire is vibrant 
with its Kwai Chang Caine Kung Fu. 
A great blue heron, like some prehistoric 
statue, is standing in the shallows that ensue. 
That one big bang is a brainstorm 
of the mind conjecturing this two. 
Which came first, the question or the answer? 
It's true the great blue heron isn’t really blue. 
Thoughts of fish begin to stir within 
an energy of water made anew. 
Again, the great blue heron isn’t really blue. 
The fork runs away with the spoon 
and the fool jumps over the moon, mon dieu! 
One last time, the great blue heron isn’t really blue.