Saturday, December 7, 2024

On the Ground of Awareness

Senses see the world, mind sees the senses, and awareness witnesses everything.

Awareness is not attention. Attention is mind superimposed on awareness. Awareness is the ground.

I think I am the mind but in reality I’m that awareness. But this is easier said than done.

This is not about belief, the mind’s religion. This is simple self-awareness. And there’s nothing you can do about it.

2. the light of awareness

Awareness is not only the ground of the self, awareness is the ground of the universe. Thus, I minus Avidya equals That minus Maya.

That awareness is like a screen and this universe is like a movie which that screen also illumines. Like television.

Thus the light of awareness is the ground, the omnipresence of existence is the principle, and holistic infinity of bliss is the essence.

3. when

When the mind is turned off, it's called deep sleep. When the mind is turned on, it's called the dream state.

When beginningless ignorance is turned on, it's dreaming or deep sleep. When avidya is turned off, it's samadhi.

Avidya off with mind on is savikalpa, jivanmukti. And with mind off is nirvikalpa samadhi.

4. god

Everyone has a god. Even no god is a god.

Not knowing your god is not knowing yourself

Beyond god is atman and atman is brahman.

5. sitting

Sitting in a sequoia tree singing out raw poetry.

I was a labyrinth in Santa Fe. I was the loneliest road in America.

By the time I got to Woodstock, there's a forest for the trees.

Self-awareness is the big bang. Self-awareness is what's happening. 

Pure consciousness is the movie screen. Reflected consciousness is the movie.

a. greatest hits 241207

This is not about belief, the mind’s religion. This is simple self-awareness. And there’s nothing you can do about it.

Awareness is not only the ground of the self, awareness is the ground of the universe. Thus, I minus Avidya equals That minus Maya.

When the mind is turned off, it’s called deep sleep. When the mind is turned on, it’s called the dream state.

Everyone has a god. Even no god is a god. Not knowing your god is not knowing your self.

Self-awareness is the big bang. Self-awareness is what’s happening.

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