Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Our Tantric Meditation

Thoughts appear in being this is why no words can circumscribe this space of consciousness—in other words, as objects appear in consciousness, consciousness can’t be objectified.

One is nothing but being so to speak. Similarly, although being is experienced in this world as love, forgiveness, and compassion, being is beyond experience.

Being is. Being is what? That is unknown but being is that. Feeling it is healing it—can I get an amen for our tantric meditation!


pre-socratic philosophy is not philosophy. plato is the fall of wisdom. neo-platonism is actually old school pre-socratic wisdom. sounds real to me.

what's so wrong about love, forgiveness, or compassion, i forget them every day?

there's two ways out of duality, naturally. either think your way out of thought or feel your way to being.

and/or both and

but you can't think your way into being.

what a piece of work is wo/man! how difficult is it to deconstruct?

feeling your way into being is like unconditional love. bhakti is all about going all in.

thinking your way out while feeling your way in is paradoxical, illogical, and true too.

i'm a little bit Shiva, i'm a little bit Krishna, i'm a little bit Alexis the Great.

to la la la or not to la.

stream of consciousness as to consciousness dammed

for the time being, i shall refer to love, forgiveness, and compassion as agape, in the western style, meaning unless I don't

my catechism:

A. being is.

J. being is what?

A. that is unknown but being is that.

J. feeling it is healing it!

being, consciousness, and bliss in. self-awareness out.

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