Thursday, December 31, 2020


If consciousness is the sun and sunlight is the stuff of dreams,

then the furthest experience to be known is that which the high priests of scientific materialism call the black hole of the unknown unknown.

Woe are they who do not know I am that.

Happy new year!

Take one. Consciousness is the aura of the absolute's self-awareness.

Take two. Consciousness is the aura of my impersonal self-awareness.

Bonne année!

And as the absolute, I cannot emphasize enough that all is well.

You be you, my love.

Feliz navidad!

This is the key to western paradox. 

From the outside, it looks like fate. 

From the inside, it feels like free will. 

Felix sit annus novus!

There are no sides. There's just belief.

And as belief is disbelieved, belief becomes one-sided. 

Self-righteousness is the antichrist of self-awareness. 

Akeome! Kotoyoro!

Self-awareness is a pre-existing condition.

Shana tova!

Repeat after me,

I am...

unborn .

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