Saturday, May 9, 2020

First Love, First Word

Consciousness is cause and consciousness is the result. The rest is causelessness. Sun flurry May Ninth Symphony New England butternut translucent green leaf folk song.

Nothing is just another name for the nameless. Being is the only knowledge and that knowledge is nameless. Names are made to classify universal consciousness.

No classification is universal. Every classification is a language unto itself. For social conditioning is a matter of time, classification, and survival of the fittest memory.

The fittest memory is the one intending love. Those that don't are soon forgotten or repressed if necessary. God bless the child who never knew. And forgive them.

True poetry declassifies. There's a reason why taxonomy is in the language of the empire. And not indigenous to place. The indigenous names for nature are yet classifying love.

The classification of species is all about the classes. Plantae tracheophytes angiosperms eudicots rosids rosaceae rosoideae roseae rosa is a rose. What is the Algonquin name for fiddlehead, Dorothy Parker?

Love is the union of love with love. This is the greatest paradox ever told. Being is only consciousness. Love is the only knowledge. Child consciousness is the teacher.

As pure consciousness is the immaculate conception and awareness is no mind, unconditional love is now without a thought. Venus is further northwest tonight.

without consciousness, where am I?

only consciousness is the name of the nameless

the memory of love is not a memory.

when the going gets shaman, the guru gets reaL

geronimo is geronimo. jesus is jesus.

no guru, no scientist, no shaman.

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