Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Art of Manifesting Metaparadigms

When lost in thought, one thinks the universe is an object of such thinking, despite the obvious experiential fact that all appears in consciousness, of course.

Does within swallow without or does without emerge from in within? This paradox is called The Tao of Ouroboros.

Believing that consciousness arises from the material universe is the first law of the world. But witnessing all appears in consciousness is the only knowledge, and thus not of this world. Turn, turn, turn.

The greatest deconstruction is no-mind seeing through all thought, where no-mind is an eastern variant for consciousness and thought is the western ground of scientific materialism.

If a philosopher is a fool for words, and the fool is another name for the mystical, is the mystic a philosopher without words?

Look, a covenant is between two objects, like Abraham the personal incarnate, and God the great personification of all that's unknown. A promise is the unknown being.

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