Thursday, May 15, 2014

ps2 – naked universe

naked truth

at first, one wants to tell everyone—then, one notices no one wants to hear it—last, one realizes there’s nothing to say anyways

naked awareness—clothed in the sheer concept of being—filigreed with inflexible thoughts of sparkling identity

dark truth

when the body runs at peak performance, there is no body

the greatest power in the universe is self-awareness

indescribably pointless—light of universal dna—sees the dark truth

no dissolution, no desolation, no disregard

dark spirit

everybody wants to keep on living and nobody knows exactly why

death assumes the universe goes on without you—it doesn’t

before there was a river—there is that valley spirit

i was so enlightened then—i’m darker than that now

unthinkable spirit

thinking you know is further from the truth

and the ordinary is just another trap

some words are worn too easily

i'm thoroughly unthinkable

unthinkable existence

ordinary is the new extraordinary

the miraculous rises and sets every more than nanosecond—just watch but don’t believe it

the greatest show on earth is the show

grounded wonderful witnessing of constant arising developing unfolding in newfound and never seen patterns in patterns of constant arising

desert existence

it’s not comfort as much as its multifarious ways to enjoy existence—it’s not security as much as its beguiling offer to preserve existence

existence loves existence—not that there’s anything wrong with that

for the mind of existence has divided existence—and existence identifies with a dismembered member of its disremembered undivided self

there is no cactus—there’s only cacti

desert universe

scientists work in the big bang and think it’s matter—religionists work in the big bang and think it matters—the big bang plays in me, no matter

phenomenal powers in the universe reveal mutability of form in space-time—the power of self-awareness reveals immutability beyond space-time

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