Friday, July 17, 2020

talking being healing number one

if i identify with a body, who is the i identifying, why does one identify with something in the past, and how does one identify with transformation? can a concept conceptualize conception? being sees through every thought, see? as the great edward g. robinson says.

if spirit, being, consciousness is the one identifying with the body-mind, then why not skip the middleman and identify with consciousness instead? the mind is made for deconstruction. consciousness is all about self-inquiry. only i can ask who am i. this is the heart of the paradox called non-duality.

consciousness is the nondual expression of the great unknown, noumenon, absolute godhead. self-awareness is god's poetry. and how crazy is it that the flame doesn't know it's the flame but thinks it's the wood instead on fire? truth is beauty and love is the first law of self-awareness.

the mind just hates the fact that love knows more than it does. emphasis on mind as hate and love as knowledge, beauty, fact, truth. not division. does deconstruction come before love or does love deconstruct? got moon. intuition is real memory.

never forget intuition. consciousness is self-healing. deconstruction is anti-bacterial. social conditioning is the original virus. your myth may vary. pain is a message from the body to the mind for attention. suffering is the mind keeping the message to itself. only consciousness heals. your medicine may vary.

Kabir Helminski on Translating Rumi

"Although Rúmí was one of the first of the major Persian poets to receive the attention of the West and numerous translations have been completed, it has been about seventy years since the publication of the English translations on which we depend. With all respect for James Redhouse, the great R.A. Nicholson, and his student, A.J. Arberry, what they gave us in English were accurate word for word versions in Victorian prose. Even Arberry, the most recent of the three has confessed: "These versions, being in the vast majority the first renderings into a Western language, and intended primarily for nonspecialists, have been made as literal as possible, with a minimum concession to readability."

We have also seen "versions" of Rumi's work, i.e. renderings that use a literal translation of the text as a starting point for a poet to recreate a poem based on the original. Coleman Barks and Robert Bly, among others, have worked in this way, not only with Rúmí, but with other spiritual writers as well. Some of these versions have been very successful as poetry and have been helpful in introducing Rúmí to the modern world. It deserves to be mentioned, however, that versions, whatever their value, grant more license to the personal voice and imagination of the writer creating the versions.

The problem of translating Rúmí has two aspects that I would like to mention. First, the translator must not only acquaint himself with the cultural background of the work but should have some affinity or experience with the esoteric traditions out of which the poetry grew. Secondly, he must find or create equivalent terms for experiences that might themselves be almost anachronistic to the modern mentality. I agree wth the poet and critic Kathleen Raine who has said that the work of any serious artist our time is "to recreate a common language for the communication of knowledge of spiritual realities, and of the invisible order of the psyche.”"

~Kabir Helminski

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

On Unicorns

The mind just hates the fact that love knows more than it does.

Love is the original unicorn—first to be made extinct by the mind.

Deconstruction is gradual, love sudden. Like Thor and lightning!

Saturday, July 11, 2020

The Way of Consciousness

Love is the groove in the heart of consciousness.

Love is like the core of unconditioned consciousness

shining through the ashes of conditioned consciousness.

Love is selfless, love is headless, love is the yawp of ouroboros.

Everything appears in consciousness including all dimensions and their mathematics.

The astrology of all emotion is universal consciousness veiled by a planetary thought.

As form is childish, belief is adolescent. As personal deconstruction is psychological maturity, self-awareness is the mystic.

While on the way, be on the lookout for political opportunists, spiritual nihilists, and other forms of western science.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Personal Deconstruction 101

A person is a thought wrapped in a thought inside a thought.

The conceptual replacement of experiential being is called one's belief system.

An emotion is the light of being filtered by a thought believed.

Shadows appear in consciousness. First the mind believes them,

then measures out their story. Into the well of mind, memory, time, shadows dive

like frogs—suddenly the world is written on the walls in a splash of color!

Saturday, July 4, 2020

enlightenment 101

consciousness is experiential only.

after experience, memory.

memory. belief. deconstruction. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva.

experience is 200 proof.

self-awareness necessitates watering down.

light, cameras, deconstruction.

now is where i footnote Jimi Hendrix.

like clambering the western slope of Mount Champlain:
a long moving close-up of pink cadillac mountain granite suddenly vanishes into the two close blues of open sea and crystal sky.

like looking in a mirror and suddenly identifying with the infinite space in-between is enlightenment 101.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

seeing through ego

ego kills. ego can't be killed.

as consciousness talks to consciousness, consciousness understands and sees through ego.

love, forgiveness, and compassion is the trinity of understanding.

all politics is local. all politics is ego. ego kills. et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Monday, June 29, 2020

in no name

the body is in the time of the mind called memory.

the mind is in the space of consciousness called universe.

consciousness is in the unknown black hole of awareness called

noumenon, godhead, parabrahman, absolute, self, no name for tao.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Surrealistic Topiary

Self-awareness is like the light bulb
and it's cartoon speech balloon
exclaiming self-awareness—
and all the letters are boldly imagining
they are doing the talking.

The leaves of the trees are forming
my green projection of Ganesha
caressing my old third eye
with cures from the hundred acre wood.

When living in the land of three,
there's emperor, ice cream,
and being one with thee.


absolute awarenesss is naturally self-aware. this self-awareness appears to be an evolutionary universe within its being.

one is love and one is projecting love. but belief is the funhouse mirror.

there are thirteen ways way of one being raven

being the unknown is written in the stars

the mind is made to deconstruct itself

doctors born from doctors only know the rituals

Yuan de Yepes y Álvarez is before the cross

jesus was not a christian as albert einstein was not a materialist

neither took a side

as soon as they think you are born, they condition universal consciousness, nondual expression of the unborn absolute, to believe it was born, too

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Dancer Knows the Dance

Transformation is default, where emptiness meets form and so on and so on. As consciousness is the song of the godhead, transformation is the dance.

After the dance descends into its worldly stance, it must return as dance again, before reviving as the dancer. Else the stance usurps an absolute position.

But jump blues are not about the suffering. They're all about the joy of being after seeing through the suffering. Calling the whirling dervishes of self-awareness.

Belief usurps the absolute but thought can't dance. Surrender to the siren song of consciousness.

Get lost in the dance of transformation. Self-awareness is this ecstasy of ouroboros.

The dance of idleness is the crown of creation. Silence is the name of the dancer.