Tuesday, June 4, 2019

On the Nondual One

The concept of nonduality points only to this: the total manifestation, or universal consciousness, and the absolute unknown, or pure awareness, are not two.

Nonduality does not imply there is no one, but only that the one and none aren't two.

And before the one may know it's none in that divinity of self-awareness, the one shall recollect it's not divided.

As the mirror is spontaneously standing, mind is deconstructing, consciousness is loving, and omnipresent awareness is being self-aware.

I'm not crazy, mind you, consciousness is talking to consciousness.

Leaves breathe out what I breathe in. Summer is to green what winter is to gray. After lilacs rise the mountain laurel. When June be June.

On a Nondual June?

In other words, love and wisdom are not separate,

like love deconstructs, wisdom unites,

and all math results in unreal numbers.

In other words, deconstruction, love, and self-awareness are the holy trinity of ghost, child, and parent,

and I only pray when I'm talking to myself—

if universal manifested consciousness and absolutely unknown pure awareness are not two, why are you not being June?

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