nonduality is more myth than belief system, but most choose to believe it anyway.
myth is more a map than religion. most make myth their religion anyway.
maps are made to assist fellow travelers in traversing the great unknown, made by those who know the territory, and confirmed by users.
trust a map as long as your experience confirms it. never believe a map no matter how many times you've used it. things change. only you don't.
reality is not ordinary. ordinary indicates sequentially arranged. reality is beyond the space of arranged and the time of sequentially.
but neither is reality extraordinary, and that's really the point here. it's just badly worded.
reality is not extraordinary; ordinary life is. ordinary life is purely conceptual; consciousness isn't.
consciousness is consciousness is consciousness. reflected consciousness is still consciousness. colored light is still light.
in conclusion, nonduality is a map. consciousness isn't ordinary nor extraordinary. consciousness is all there is.
also, language is an explosive thing, the real big bang—use it carefully, my friend.
the dreamer knows the dream but the dream doesn't know the dreamer. transmigration is a lot like this, i think.
in my experience of dreaming, dreams reincarnate several times each night.