Wednesday, August 14, 2019

only consciousness lucidly dreams

Imagine mind dreaming, and running away with the dream-body. Welcome to the world. But when consciousness dreams, it dreams big time.

Hey consciousness, wake up! You’re not the body-brain and its divisions. Detach, and pay attention to one’s divine imagination for intentional self-awareness.

Only consciousness lucidly dreams. All persons are avatars. No avatar is a person. The personal dream is to divine imagination as nightmare is to daylight. A person is of the world. An avatar is a universe.

Spontaneity is not without intent. Dreaming is spontaneous. In the sea, the talkers talk. But lucid dreaming rides the wave of great intent. All of this intent is that being self-aware.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

overture to a new manifesto

Observing silence once a week is new school and multiple times a day is old school but avoiding more than three-week intervals seems to be the absolute baseline for my teaching.

My tantric teaching emphasizes being over logic. Deconstruction isn't god. The mind prefers a nihilistic outcome to scare itself back from the precipice. But love is paradoxical that way.

First turning is body living in the mind. Second turning is surrendering to consciousness only. Third turning is enlightenment. Deconstructive story, unconditional love, and spontaneous intent are the primal trinity.

The body-mind at best is this transistor—node of transformation and resistance—amplifying universal consciousness to its potentiality of self-awareness. The body-mind is like a fountain in an ouroboric sea.

Each night as affectionate awareness returns to absolute, the living body left behind attempts to replicate its absent lover and yet each day it has convinced itself again of something other.

Given a person is the definition of divided and love cannot be defined, every person falls a second fall believing god is on their side. War doesn't just break out. It takes some time to brainwash babies.

One cannot unthink the world but one can be dispassionate about it and compassionate while in it. So identify with that affectionate awareness while not of the world but love while in it.

There's both an energetic kundalini impulse and awareness reflected in consciousness. Holy spirit of enlightening intent and the universal god child of projection. Shakti, Shiva.

Look, I am universal consciousness in which material projection is appearing even if it takes a world of rabbit holes. If you think there's anyone other than yourself within this house of mirrors, think again.

Universal consciousness is in, I-am is out. When I-am sees I am that I-am by simply resting in the knowledge which is I-am, call this amplification Awareness Reflected in Consciousness.

Meanwhile, in the religion of scientific materialism, there is something called Frankenstein's Theory on the Spontaneous Generation of Consciousness from Dead Matter via Chemicals and Electricity.

Wise action is not right action but stop action. Morality is never wise but conditional as is automatic action always personal. Thus wise action is no action but non-doing. Naturally transformative.

One conditioning is infinitely different from another and this is why no one way fits all. And the more popular it is, the more fundamentally conditioned it becomes. Democracy is the greatest cult.

One is both absolutely universal while being individually responsible for self-awareness. The language of empire is constantly changing as love is the only universal means of communication.

The personal is a dream if not an illusion but the individual is all there is. As consciousness is the expression of the absolute, I am the divine imagination of consciousness—lucid, improvisational, inspirational.

All one can do is understand. This understanding is not on the level of the intellect but being. So mind, think love, or rather how love is not within the realm of thought. Neither is wisdom.

Listen, the mind dreams at night. Divine imagination dreams throughout the day. Even universal consciousness is dreaming space-time. Silence, the absolute unknown is dreaming self-awareness.

Projecting your world instead of returning to oneself is the root of every paradox in self-awareness. Avoiding the turning is source of suffering and normality. Still, nothing is gained in turning except feeling right.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

am 190810st just like an axle

Projecting your world instead of returning to oneself is the root of every paradox in self-awareness. Avoiding the turning is source of suffering and normality. Still, nothing is gained in turning except feeling right.

Sorry, scientific materialism is the new old-time religion. Only consciousness is the only frontier. Tune in. Drop body-mind. Compassion is the turning. War is the inevitable result of endless war, grasshopper.

Love is not some beautiful projection. Love is that projecting. Follow the light not of this world. For Jesus is Adam and Eve is Atman is Brahman is nameless noumenon. Last night I finally heard the crickets.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

am 190807wd the postulates of fractal dreaming

Listen, the mind dreams at night. Divine imagination dreams throughout the day. Even universal consciousness is dreaming space-time. Silence, the absolute unknown is dreaming self-awareness.

Psychology deconstructs the night. Spirit manifests the day. Being is the sunlight and pure awareness is the ground. Self-awareness is an evolutionary myth. Spontaneous enlightenment is a direct one.

Don't believe the direct path. Love the gradual one. Never over-think a single thing—belief is a killer doer. Feel free to be or not to be. Non-doing is never drastic with its fractals.

Seventh of August and the sun is setting before eight. Darkness doesn't fool me anymore. From the rim, I've seen the sunrise go on and on from butte to butte in Grand Canyon. I know that golden point of view.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

am 190806tu understanding

All one can do is understand. This understanding is not on the level of the intellect but being. So mind, think love, or rather how love is not within the realm of thought. Neither is wisdom.

As for changes in personality, there’s nothing you can do, for the personal isn’t real. Not that there aren't changes here, for changes indicate the depth of understanding. Being, watch, like a test of understanding. If no changes, there’s likely little to no understanding.

The most common misunderstanding is thinking there's an understanding. So mind, deconstruct yourself further; only abandon the thorn if truly done. Being, stay watching, and love.

The gardens are full of stunning Black-eyed Susans today. Like so many yellow suns emanating in the nameless—O Susan, Susan, lovely dear, my vows shall ever true remain; let me kiss off that falling tear; we only part to meet again.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

am 190803st for Leo

The personal is a dream if not an illusion but the individual is all there is. And whether individual, universal, or absolute, the holy trinity is never two.

Disassociation is an ego thing. Leaves don't fall until the fall and neither does self-awareness. As consciousness is the expression of the absolute, I am the divine imagination of consciousness—

lucid, improvisational, inspirational. My father was born on this date in 1913. But who am I to say for I was never born. Still I stop to say a prayer tonight for Leo.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

am 190731wd hearken!

One conditioning is infinitely different from another and this is why no one way fits all. And the more popular it is, the more fundamentally conditioned it becomes. Don't waste your breath on some religion great or small, democracy is the greatest cult.

One is both absolutely universal while being individually responsible for self-awareness, however. The lowest common denominator is two and one is the primordial prime number. The language of empire is constantly changing as love is the only universal means of communication.

Lately I see rabbits and not the wonderland kind. There's something about a rabbit in the grass. As if consciousness is there in both vast ears and listening. Hearkening only, full of intent and prime for spontaneity. Hearkening only.


1. and the zen of quality not quantity.

2. neither philosophical nor mathematical but lovical

3. oh dear! oh dear! consciousness is the witness of the false and self-awareness is the rest. consciousness is the witness of the false and self-awareness is the rest. 

On Bronson Alcott's Orphic Sayings

Robert Peel, Harvard student of Perry Miller the 20th century premier anthologist and historian of Transcendentalism, said of Bronson Alcott: “In Hindu society he would undoubtedly have been accounted a mahatma, a saint, by the many; eager disciples would have flocked to such a teacher to drink at the limpid wells of his serene and unworldly wisdom. But in the United States of America, already at that time judging success largely in extrovert terms, Alcott was a practical failure, a ludicrous misfit, the reductio ad absurdum of the Transcendental ethos.”

Today’s Wikipedia says, “Amos Bronson Alcott (November 29, 1799 – March 4, 1888) was an American teacher, writer, philosopher, and reformer. As an educator, Alcott pioneered new ways of interacting with young students, focusing on a conversational style, and avoided traditional punishment. He hoped to perfect the human spirit and, to that end, advocated a vegan diet before the term was coined. He was also an abolitionist and an advocate for women's rights.”

It also says he was the father of “Louisa May, who fictionalized her experience with the family in her novel Little Women in 1868.” At least it didn’t lead with that sentence, which might be the extent of most people’s knowledge of the man today if there is any knowledge of him at all.

On a more personal level, Emerson said of Alcott: “He is an idealist, and we should say Platonist, if it were not doing injustice to give any name implying secondariness to the highly original habit of his salient and intuitive mind. He has singular gifts for awakening contemplation and aspiration in simple and in cultivated persons. Though not learned, he is a rare master of the English language; and, though no technical logician, he has a subtle and deep science of that which actually passes in thought, and thought is ever seen by him in its relations to life and morals. Those persons who are best prepared by their own habit of thought, set the highest value on his subtle perception and facile generalization.” High praise indeed.

Thoreau simply said he was “the sanest man I ever knew.” And Margaret Fuller called him "a philosopher of the balmy times of ancient Greece—a man whom the worldlings of Boston hold in as much horror as the worldlings of Athens held Socrates.”

Of his many writings, there is one in particular that was most ridiculed in his day: Orphic Sayings. They appeared in the transcendentalist journal Dial between 1840 and 1842. Although Octavius Brooks Frothingham, a prominent Unitarian preacher, wryly called them “an amazement to the unintiated and an amusement to the profane,” not surprisingly something named The Boston Daily Evening Mercantile Journal called them “the quintessence of folly and extravagance.”

Even Perry Miller in his 1950 anthology of Transcendentalist writings had this informative but sly editorial comment: “At the time Alcott wrote them, he was working in his garden in Concord and occasionally wondering how, if ever, he would pay his debts: he was reading Hesiod, More, Cudworth, Goethe, and Coleridge. The value of the “Orphic Sayings” for the American tradition is probably not anything that they say—assuming that they say something—”

Now you can read them and see for yourself.

click on pic for link to amazon

Sunday, July 28, 2019

am 190728sn stop-action

Wise action is not right action but stop action. Morality is never wise but conditional as is automatic action always personal. Thus wise action is no action but non-doing. Naturally transformative.

To look both ways before you cross the street is pointless if you haven't stopped before you look. Call this stopping self-remembering, or instant meditation, or whatever vehicle gets you to the other side.

Scientific observation at best gets you half-way. This is Zeno's point behind the paradox. Einstein's theories would be nothing without intuition. That’s why it’s called dreaming by one awake.

This week I had to stop the car to let three wild turkeys cross the road. After every step, there’s a sudden stop. Necks appear to whiplash! The fourth one kindly stopped for me and I continued down the road.

Friday, July 26, 2019

aumdada manifesto 190726fr purple days

The body is like a lifesaver melting in my mouth. Before the body-mind, there is the seed of universal consciousness. During the body-mind, there is awareness reflected in this consciousness. After the body-mind is pure awareness. Call this tasty ouroboros, self-awareness.

Meanwhile, in the religion of scientific materialism, there is something called Frankenstein's Theory on the Spontaneous Generation of Consciousness from Dead Matter via Chemicals and Electricity. In this particular story, the lifesaver eats me.

So scientific materialism? Is it science or science-fiction? Are you experiential or conditional? The windows are open. It's late July and if memory serves me right, crickets are just around the corner. But tonight, there's not a single sound.

It's like a ryokan here and I'm writing in an ancient hut, all calligraphy and enlightening intent. The childlike games are over by this hour. Instead of air-conditioning, I'm listening to the white noise of a pedestal fan I just turned on.

Listen Alexa, turn off the fan. Consciousness is experiential like a witness. An appearance like a thought in consciousness is transformational like distant fireworks. Awareness reflected in consciousness is self-aware. Christ be careful what you ask for.