Saturday, March 2, 2024

Symphony Number One: Me, Myself, and Atman (for Agi)

1. paraverse.

Consciousness is where the buck stops. The dream state is lit by the mind. The mind is lit by consciousness. Consciousness is self-luminous.

Strange, the mind borrows its sentience from consciousness but in some material hallucination has come to believe that consciousness owes the mind its life.

Look, in deep sleep, the mind is nowhere to be seen, yet consciousness is present witnessing this absence of duality. Further, consciousness is all there is. In fact, I am that.

And all those castles in the clouds are appearing in ‘me’. For the mind usurps the noumenal subject and mistakes its false sense of self for ‘me’, I, the true Self.

2. advaitaverse

Vidyaranya says you have to draw the line somewhere not in the ad infinitum metaphysical but that which is actually intuitive most importantly.

Ashtavakra says to Janaka, when the mind usurps consciousness, it makes its body its sole identity, and this stream of consciousness its natural by-product.

Gaudapada divides the ordinary states of mind in two: deep sleep and dreaming, whereas most suppose three. But in his karika, the waking state is

just a subset of dreaming—highlighting both deep sleeps’s absence of duality and the dreamlike quality of the waking state. Genius!

The poet Laksmidhara in Advaita Makaranda (Nectar of Nonduality) is taking one’s stand in Brahman. It’s up to you to prove that truth otherwise.

3. tantrikaverse

belief is like a rock in the middle of a stream. in other words, belief is the root of all duality. in nonduality club, no identification is required.

the only difference between dreaming and waking is the body being on or off. otherwise, dreaming is dreaming.

if this mind-on is dreaming whether the body is on or off, and mind-off and body-off is deep sleep, what is mind-off and body-on, my sweet dakini?

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