Saturday, October 14, 2017

Without a Net

Friday the 13th dropped by and asked to say a word beyond postmodernism but before the revelation. Here lies the moon without a man, and earth without a woman.

Science is the god of relativity, and pragmatism is the god of fundamentalism. So here belief is either yin or yang without the tempering of unbelievable Tao.

It’s such a nice try, but I am seeing through belief by seeing through myself. What better way to know without a doubt, in faith, the world is therapeutically fallacious, than by imagining my own?

This is called the highest deconstruction. It’s also called the deepest deconstruction. Unraveling another way, one can also call it neti neti without a net.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

EOM: the only known

all appears in consciousness—
no wave, no particle.

that I am
is the only view;
that I am That
is no view on views.

intent, imagination, and attention. amen.
seed, stalk, flower. svaha!

(dream lucidly—
as in construction is
the greatest deconstruction.)

that the unknown intends
to be known
is of an intensity so substantial

although unborn, I am—
this is not some scientific
myth of universal origin.

consciousness is the only known and yet
who superstitiously assumes this is
a product of some hard material head
without a dash of evidence?

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Quote Unquote: Consciousness

Listen! The turning point—consciousness is not a product of the brain but vice-versa. This is the actual understanding of the spiritual. Consciousness only. 

But science assumes it will unearth the truth in time. The spiritual knows I am the truth now.

This turning from belief to apperception is like awaking from the dreaming state of mind to now. This turning to the spiritual, this awakening to apperception, is, beyond all hype and expectations, enlightenment. 

The rest is simply further. Yet never underestimate this turning in the modern world. Because of it, almost no one knows where you're coming from.

In other words, consciousness is unbelievable. There is no argument to be made. This is why transmission is the thing in original Zen. The teacher is being only and the student is being only.

Words are being too. Words are the sounds of light belief is writing on the wall. First light, best sound.

Returning to the swamp of unity is not Miami. Everything appears in consciousness so no view on views, but here's a myth for you. 

The harvest moon will shine upon a midnight river. Pure awareness being self-aware. I know it's never two. 

I'd say it's one but it isn't said. Let's call it three, says Tao. There's nothing wrong with the world that disbelieving it can't cure. 

It's all about the crickets, electricity, and love. Who listens when the eye is crying? Even evil is not to be believed. 

Everything is love deflected. Past, present, and future, like consciousness cubed, deconstruction is penultimate.

Friday, September 29, 2017

footnotes stand arjuna lucidy

between belief and deconstruction is just some point of space-time.

think opposite.

in other words, out-trump trump.

love is self-evident in unity. unity is self-evident in omnipotent awareness. self-awareness. oh, that’s our shortstop.

it stands that such procedures are self-evident when seen outside the process.

necessary dreaming is becoming a reality.

and i repeat that pure awareness being self-aware.

Quote Unquote: Believe It And Not

Holy, wholly, holey—deconstruction.
Belief is not a problem.

It's an opportunity to 'reconstruct' awareness. Imagine self-awareness lucidly.

What better way to understand the world of big belief is just not real than by believing up your own?

Self-remember love is all there is. It's like those three harmonic strings behind each song I sing. Everything—superstring!

Since pure awareness is omnipotent and self-awareness is self-evident in such omnipotence,

unawareness isn't just some big mistake. Don't get me wrong. Belief is the right place for loving deconstruction.

In the name of this loving deconstruction, that understandable surrender, and those obvious detachments. Three.

The World According to Awareness

Pure awareness
unaware to be
this unawareness is called belief.

Within this so-called
of awareness,
the universe itself is made—
manifestation is the law of such belief.

So deconstruction is
in actuality
the reconstruction of awareness
or this self-awareness—
so to speak.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

7 x 3 by the dream states

Awareness. Attraction movement friction. Fire light sound. Sense belief deconstruction. Self-awareness.

The god of pure awareness. The god of light and love. The god of deconstruction.

Even an illusion has a part to play within the process called self-awareness.

Summer falls to autumn. Nothing spring can stay. Even winter doesn't last forever. Pure awareness is naturally self-aware.

This life appears to be a single road but then again there are the dreams less taken.

Pure awareness being self-aware appears to be a universe and its transformation seems to last at least a lifetime but it's not and doesn't.

There's no beginning or no end as far as I’m concerned and I’ve been a great blue heron, deer, hawk, eagle, and coyote for at least three times.

We sure do put a lot of stock in memory every morning. Enlightenment denied is just an old disease.

One folk's synchronicity is just another folk's non sequitur. I'll be rhyming 'round the mountain as I please.

Embodiment is just another thought to deconstruct while being the unknown (sometimes i kill myself).

I wish I could write you a joke so hard to make you disbelieve belief and love yourself again.

Am I supposed to quote a profound revelation? Stop me if you've heard this koan. Self-awareness takes a person.

Enjoyment means to go. Suffering means to yield. There is no stopping. Non-duality is never new but dreams are.

I am the unknown and I know it. I am writing about the power of three. Awareness being self-aware.

This is way beyond a view. No view is every view. Every view is told in three and scored by seven.

Where was I? First light, first sound. First belief is deconstructed last—further! Every first belief is absolutely personal.

My first belief was fear. My mother was afraid of the world and my father didn't have the time to introduce me to it. Call me Ishmael.

Personal history. A pilgrim's progress, so to speak. Crawling is the second property. I'm waiting on my eight-month granddaughter!

Fire is the fourth and light will take the fifth but sound is 666. Zhuangzi says: seven thoughts, eight beliefs.

Ted Williams was my number nine. The splendid splinter! I'm wanted in three states for seven acts, some of which have ten thousand scenes.

Materialist, deconstruct yourself. Absolutist, let it be. Christ, dance!


Friday, September 22, 2017

footnotes to 1

begin at one because.

this is titled war and peace.

zed says.

satcitananda is appearances within and out of consciousness.

winter, spring, summer, and fall. turning words are always key words.

seeing three is not the view of common monotheism, ordinary nonduality, nor scientific materialism.

is this not your understanding too?

stories are contagious but belief is an absolute killer.

zero, one, and two. a troika.

because appearances in consciousness, no view is three-dimensional.

after crab comes wolves or lioness.

two aspires to one. one understands zero. zero is awareness self-aware.

no division, no nonduality. yes to three.


1. Prior to Nisargadatta. Filmed in 3D.

Division can't be trusted. One may be an imaginary number but it's the only one.

The difference between imagination and belief: imagination is unbelievable, like love; belief is unimaginable, like war.

Self-awareness is the end times of being. Absolution is the x of self-awareness. Being is the why of absolution.

Sat is that is this ananda. That awareness is always self-aware is just another oxymoron.

This is all I know: deep sleep, sleep dreams, dream deep. Unknowing belief is knowing the unknown.

Knowing the unknown is being. Unknowing being is belief. In the name of Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu—trinity!

In other words, I am That and I am this and i am ‘me’—three views for the price of none.

Seeing double is the one disease, relatively or absolutely speaking. Even a sage can fall to such a cancer.

Call this, that, these & those—trimurti, holy trinity, and all triumvirates on earth: the power of three!


Friday, September 15, 2017

Footnotes to Transcendental Dreaming

I need another word for I.
No homonyms allowed.
No getting lost in translation either.

We are currently live-tweeting my latest poem called 
‘Transcendental dot dot dot” 
attachment is the folk song of believing be it scientific or religious.

All appears in consciousness. 
Seeing this is called no view on views.
See Pai-chang.

No woman no word. You can call it furthur.
Nina Simone is singing Tom Thumb's Blues.
Nonduality is never on time.

"She takes your voice and leaves you howling at the moon."
I'm going back to New York City, I do believe I've had enough
of metaphor. No Woody, no Cos.

Don't believe the hype. Be nondenominational. Never mind.
Render unto science, matter, but render unto being, all identity. 
In-between identity and self-awareness lives dreaming.

Grandfather Mountain. Self-Awareness. Molly smiles.


Transcendental Dreaming is Becoming a Reality

Breathe in. Leaves fall. Breathe out. Breathless. The eye through which I love is the eye through which awareness deconstructs. Therefore it is said laughter is the best lover or was it said vice versa?

Through sky rain falls. Leaves turn to nothing. In dreams I happen as awareness turns to self-awareness. To watch with love and wonder is the way I absolutely see myself.

Darkness falls and resurrection of the light are ways I turn to see myself. This song is called Samadhi Maya Turning Round. Infinitely singing words are just the myths of silence as she drops the microphone.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Heart is not online. No person is not divided nor without assassinations of some kind upon their record. Meet me in being, love.

Appearances in consciousness are like exquisite secondary dreams and consciousness is the primal one.

In the future, you won't forget the past. All time is both. Conceptions are seizures of the mind. Inception is first seizure.

Thinking is a phenomenal tool but a terrible identity. The dream state is an awesome place to visit but no place to be.

And the dappled light on August leaves is quite the lovely light show. The sun comes and dust grows. The sun goes and dust blows.

It's not abiding being green. The only difference between a daydream and a nightmare is self-awareness. There is nobody to love but oneself.

True deconstruction is the art of seeing through the number two while knowing one is never zero or some other point of view.

Ten thousand dreams are the warring states but one dream is being. Non-duality is neither born nor unborn, dream nor reality.

The former is the unknown known and the latter is the known unknown. And vice versa.  Another day another moon.

There are no words for that unseen light. Absolutely unknown : I am aware. Call this process self-awareness.

One. Two. Ten thousand. Trinity. Molecular. Union. Sex. Love. Absolution. Nine seconds to nowhere.

Note to self. Dream the dream as if the dream were self-awareness. Being mind body ego laughter love embodiment. Seven absolutions.

Beyond the seeing through division is the recognition that the world is just projection and this being is that absolution one is seeking.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Scenic Views Appearing in Consciousness

Lucid dreaming in the dream not of the dream and love the dream
as if the dreaming is myself—

at first projection is the dreaming unaware the dreaming is projecting
what's been projected onto one as one's conditioning—

karma is this first projecting unaware appearing in the present
manifesting in awareness being self-aware like coming back to me I see.

Deconstruction is the mind undoing mind but mind cannot undo what
isn’t known, for being is the only known known by that unknown—

All religions are opinions—post-modernism is the last religion but
it's still religion—priests are operating inquisitions in its name.

The true deconstructor deconstructs oneself—quasi-inquisitors
demolish others in attempts to build their own alt-folk religion.

Note 1: the science of consciousness is the newest folk religion. Note 2:
all appears in consciousness—seeing this is called no view on views.

Note 0: one's own causation is the real material the lucid sculptor uses
in the name of loving further.

Note -1:
modern dreams are drawn with words—ancient dreams are drawn
in images—every image is a story of the gods—every name is just
another ghost—like one mistaking Moby Dick for love.

all appears in consciousness
—seeing this is called 
no view on views—

one can't give it away
there's appears to be a cost for everything
that is why we choose to suffer.

respect the solar system as it is
but the objective is
seeing thru it

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Emergency Commentary

What me worry?
Time is the glass in an hourglass.
No view on views the colored girls sing.

God is dead. Long live the absolute unknown!
Call me self-awareness.
It doesn’t take an Einstein to recognize a dream. It takes lucidity.

Buddha Nature. Power of Now.
Instant Tao!
non-attachment, non-attachment, non-attachment

who am i?
not a cloud in the sky.
how many times do i have to say, i am that?

In Case of Glass, See Through It

It was the night of Nixon's resignation, Jackie Wilson Said. It was the afternoon of Yamadera, Basho wrote.

It was the start of time, it was the end of time, but now is just as good or bad a time to see through time.

Every second is conceptual but first is always now, the non-conceptual conception, or so to speak, the gateless gate.

As seeing through a thought is the art of contemplative meditation, seeing through first thought is the art of being.

Busy being born is busy being dying. But being without this business is God the Absolute seeing through this being.

This process appears to be a process within the process, but there is no process here and now. Being is spontaneously self-aware and absolutely empty.

This is called direct path. Earnestness.

Instant Tao.

In other words, following love at the speed of light.

Questions of abiding, non-abidance, or other states of this existence are questions only valid within this process.

Self-awareness is the Holy Ghost.

The holy spirit is enlightening intent.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Crucify Yin, Kill Yang, Be Tao

Render unto empire all the sacred empirical rules of doing and render unto oneself complete unknowing and nondoing. Religion is to people as the recluse is to consciousness.

Deconstruct conditioning as if you're crucifying Jesus or just killing Guatama. It's what they would have wanted you to do before becoming lost in some empirical translation.

To know what one has been conditioned to believe, in other words, to actually know, one shall forget what one is busy to remember too. Deconstruct conditioning while trusting in the only knowing.

And the sun set 11 minutes ago—it's kind of like I’m living in a moonshine dream gone further as I’m knowing it's a vision I’m intending for the sun of self-awareness now.

I'm moony for you! Intent is like a vision. Self-awareness now. The old world is dying. Grow the new world in your heart and retweet. First August crickets like a swing low sweet humming electrocution.

Karma is just attending to what I’ve started in this universe. Onward intent. Winter, spring, summer, and fall—everything I do is just a response to my call.

If I’m being public like a frog, forgive the feedback—angelic birdsong. All dreams are witnessed in this consciousness. I shall call that which isn't witnessed in this consciousness—deep sleep or god the great unknown.

Beautiful dreaming is a power of enlightenment. Frodo lives! Tao is this and Tao is that but this is never that. Dogs are cats and cats are dogs but raining cats and dogs is getting colder.

Universal consciousness is not for sale although post-modern mythologies are cheap. Faith is just another name for manifestation.

Let the higher take one higher just as if there's nothing higher than Denali or lower than Death Valley. This place is not named Tao.

Revalation doesn't happen on a weekday or a weekend. Revelation is not only knowing what isn't but also unknowing what is!

If nothing else, there's time. But love is everything or else. Love is not Corinthian. Love is not a letter. Love is not the last belief.

Sample like this "Earth's the right place for love: I don't know where it's likely to go better." Consciousness speaks one language.

Let me tell this story. Love is great intent undoing evolutionary knots. Evolution begins with war and ends in self-awareness.

But there is a more direct route without all the suffering, if you please. Consciousness makes the body like internal combustion makes ideas.

Even being is a concept.

Is it ceiling or leaves?

Imagine enlightenment.

Intend your dream and vice versa.

Evolution is the best mythology!

Be Christ. Be Buddha.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Ode to Eight Eight Seven Renga

The actuality of self-awareness leaves behind
a trail of human beings,
as if exhaust were form, and intake, emptiness.

Accordingly, scientific materialism is a way about the past
as religious fundamentalism is a way about the future.
But neither is Tao.

In other words,
the mountain didn't make the sky and the sky doesn't make the mountain.
Spontaneity is a motherless child.

Spontaneity! Like absolute awareness being self-aware
and in this singular knowing is that unknowing all—
true meditation, real contemplation, as it is.

Snowflakes, Cherry Blossoms, Thunderstorms, Chrysanthemums— 
transformation is the beautiful speech of light,
relatively speaking.

Finally, self-awareness is absolute love,
and all other loves are either 
the colorful gods within its spectrum

or she's like a rainbow being—
beautiful being is the only concept knowable,
and in its unconditional truth, 

the clouds are parting.
So a rose is a red wheelbarrow is crimson
and clover in objectless awareness.

And self-awareness is 
the boundary-less boundary
within this dream state of these states of being.

Thus speaks 
the wordlessness 
of being—

like sand through an hourglass
intentionally resting in
that diamond of absolute awareness—

of self-awareness


Sunday, July 30, 2017

third koan

after the tree frogs  but before the crickets, there's a full stop of silence.
actually there's no dividing being but there's thinking it,

only being is knowing. dividing knowledge is the stuff of all illusions, dreams, soliloquies, and other existentialist philosophies.

it beats all that scientific materialism is the latest anti-christ
but love is always love.

love is neither material nor personal but consciousness talking to consciousness. everything else is just appearances in this consciousness.

by the way, everyone I ever loved is always by my side informing me they're always here.

love transforms but never dies, look. one is oneself only. and love is only oneself remembering this, together.

one can take the bhakti way
and one can take the via negativa.
but one is one despite what yellow road within the wood is taken.

which road shall I go down tonight?
the unsinkable always sinks.
the unthinkable is better left unsaid, my love.

the past is bad memory. the future is good imagination.
whatever the latest scientific division of time is, it isn't now.
the resignation of richard nixon. that moment when you walked "across the room / you make my heart go / boom boom boom" jackie wilson said

no future. only the great intent of nowe like true north.

if one is working with the power of love in the name of great intent and loving love is the power of two, then imagine the power of a trinity!

instead of scientific materialism, let's try curiouser and curiouser, children.

i surrender in the name of great intent.
ego therefore I'm gone.
respect the concept of the universe while being universal.

listen. enlightenment is just another name for self-awareness. but belief is known by ten thousand names.

write as if

four walls—ten thousand

memories—no views on views

on ten thousand views

o grand canyon o

yosemite black and white

matsushima o!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

footnotes to the second koan of unknowing

And commentary...

As it is is not what I was taught but get over it.

"That alone, the Absolute, You, Know! and not this which they worship."

Sometimes I live in the river.
Sometimes I live on the riverbank.
Sometimes I get a great notion
to drop body-mind—fade to blank.

Great intent
appears as good
or bad to those
who live within
the world of yin
and yang. But know
the Book of Job 
and who am I?

The fountain of youth is simply being.
I discovered myself in Acadia
and believed its mountains
and great gray sea
was me, and so
almost every single
New England season.

It was after Sky City but before Santa Fe.
Coyote on Interstate 40!
I am...unborn.

Loon, wind, water. Maine!

the second koan of unknowing

not to state
the obvious
nor divide

the indivis-
but this

is how
I see

not exactly
but quite


practically unknown.
as it has been written,
so it is I write.

for this
is my gospel of

every sacrifice
and desire
are fractions of

if one
were to



nothing is lost.
nothing is found.

(not to state the obvious nor divide the indivisible, but this is how I see that—not exactly infinite but quite spontaneous. obviously indivisible, practically unknown. as it has been written, so it is I write. for this is my gospel of intent. every sacrifice and desire are fractions of intent. if one were to suddenly awaken, I would be lucid. nothing is lost. nothing is found.)

Thursday, July 20, 2017

footnote to the first koans of unknowing

follow your god until that god is seeing through you

The First Koans of Unknowing

The commonwealth of our conditioning. The specialty of my expertise. The singularity of oneself. The perfect absolution.

And I’m saying to myself there'll never be a scientific singularity. There is being though. And all science is appearing in this consciousness.

Don't let it go to your head. Respect the heart of great intent.
Manifest as if one's self-evolving

Sooner or later, you must kill Jesus. And rest in one's own Buddha nature.

For all intents and purposes, one must render unto trump every normal playing card. All that's left for one is just the joker.

This evolutionary process of self-awareness assists in every turn and in direct proportion to one's faith in such an evolution of awareness.

(It may not be rocket science but it's not nothing.)

Sex and drugs are all well and good within the middle way. But money and security is the root of all extreme unconsciousness.

Go at your own speed but always see one's going. This may involve some current kind of therapy. Guru, priest, psychologist—whatever it takes.

There comes a time on a steep mountain path when the barrier of knowing one will never reach the summit is supplanted by the fact one is.

Staying on the path of one's own choosing is devotion to original intent. It is only through this individual and unconditional way that that is that.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Entitled No Name for Tao

Unknow. And know.
Put your babbling where your brook is.
The mind can deconstruct. Only the heart can unincorporate.

Sunset. Sunrise.
A sudden southern total solar eclipse in August.
The dark side of the moon only appears in a certain light.

Belief befall.
The empire of July and August is divided by December.
The varieties of rain. The spectrum of sunlight.

Science is just another new religion.
Real mythologies know there is no answer.
Between infinity and nothing is an open zero.

Listening to one, I get the zero.
Gazing at all, I feel full.
O! And m is the thirteenth letter of this post-progressive sudden and spontaneous phenomenon.

For every enlightened soul, an insect bites.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Dreaming as if July is Alive

If the car is like the body and the steering wheel is like the mind, who is driving? Note: the passenger is but a dream.

One's conditioning is like a well-oiled perpetual motion machine—until unconditional love is raining cats and dogs and beautiful babies.

I am nobody but love is what I am. Call me the song of self-awareness. Belief is disease but love is not a cure.

I have seen the best identify with deconstruction but the only identity is love and identity is not the best.

Love the ones I love. Surrender all ideas about some universal love. Four years is critical. Seven years is apocalyptic.

Pay the electric bill. Buy spring water. It's either karma or nothing. Otherwise, everything is unbelievable.

The art of being human is the fact of following my love. The god of all conditioning requires your insignificant sacrifice, earthling.