Monday, January 3, 2022

On Dream and Illusion, Ghazals and Sonnets. On Abiding and Non-abiding, Lightning and Thunder.

All transmission is depending

on a point of view.

If that point of view is absolute,

nothing is ever born

and the world is

like a lucid dream.

If this point of view is relative,

then the world is an appearance.

One may ask then what’s the difference

between a dream and an illusion.

I only know a dream

as I'm awakened from it.

I know illusion

when I'm not.


knowers know, teachers teach.

no method, no brick in the wall.

a dream is not a dream if not awake.

it's only magic if i don't know the trick.

on a technical note, advaita becomes religion when ajativada is vivartavada.

on a mythological level, ramana maharshi represents the return of the force.

on another technical note, shankara without gaudapada is not shankara.

on another mythological level, nisargadatta maharaj represents the further tantric illiteratization of the force.

Friday, December 31, 2021

Self-awareness in So Many Words

Some call self-awareness—realization, enlightenment, awakening, or other words of wisdom, all of which will fade in time with some semantic change or other.

To further clarify, self-consciousness is to self-awareness as a snake is to the proverbial rope.

Self-awareness is the simple knowing what one, as the absolute self, is. This isn’t the psychological self-assertion of an egoic self, nor the philosophic nihilism of some selfless self.

Also, self-awareness is neither scientific nor religious. It’s not about the terminology of your belief. It’s all about experiential understanding, in so many words.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Of Alienation and Mind, Ghazals and Sonnets

The time has come to talk of mind.

The so-called experience of self-awareness is the immediate and direct understanding

that I am absolute awareness.

Without the mirror of the mind, there is no suchlike understanding.

Shen-hsiu says the mind is like a mirror; keep it clean.

Hui-neng counters that the mirror is so innately clean, there’s not a place for dust to land.

Awareness, consciousness, and mind are not three separate entities

but the nondual trinity of self-awareness.

Such an obvious mistake in understanding is to be expected

in an immature mind still in the adolescent throes of identifying with itself.

There are one-hundred billion stars in this galaxy alone.

By my calculations, one million of them have at least one planet with life upon it.

But of all of these, there is just one with intelligent life.

They’ve been contacting us for quite some time.

Monday, December 27, 2021


There’s nothing but

awareness being

self-awareness is

the mind of being

seeing that.


the mind of being


being of the mind.


the words of being


the words of mind.

That’s all she wrote.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

On Christmyth Night

To identify with the mind is to identify with a dividing apparatus. O eternal one, to live by the mind is to die by the mind.

Again, grasshopper, the mind is a tool to be used by love. For love is the hand of being, and being is the heart of intentional self-awareness.

Tonight, the myth is strong with this one. Don’t believe what’s being said. If an arrow strikes, there’s the heart to follow. But if it doesn’t, then as you were, private.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

This is Neither Nihilism nor New Age

Postmodern nihilism is negation without indication

and indication without negation is the essence of the new age.

Negation is self-explanatory.

Indication can be a pointer, paradox, or myth, to name the basic trinity.

This is that one hand clapping at the play.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

At the Revelation Station

Sleeping-dream to dreaming-self is like a daily reincarnation.

And sleeping-dream is like the city station where being asleep goes to catch the next train out.

O mama, at the city station, there’s a diverse population of visions, phantoms, and ghosts awaiting to be born again.

This melody is all about one being asleep, sleeping dream, dreaming self, and self-awareness, sugar.

Some say god is the absolute limited by eternal wisdom.

Some say deep sleep is where the goddess goes to lose this wisdom in the lotus rose of self-awareness.


if there's only one being asleep, there's only one dream for the living and the dead.

no one ever dies. there's just a new dream waking.

one being asleep is to molecular structure; as sleeping dream is to growth and organization; as dreaming self is to action satisfaction understanding irony, absurdity, and detachment; as self-awareness is not this, not this.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

A Day in the Way

Creation is belief.

Belief can’t be denied but it can be deconstructed.

Rome didn’t fall in a day.

The world is god.

Some call their god a god. Some call their god the world.

Either way, if you meet the way on the way, kill the way.


self-awareness is true recreation.

belief is this times this. deconstruction is not this, not this.

consciousness is manifestation.

omg, my conditioning is my god!

the business of america is not business. the business of america is belief.

nonduality is unbelievable. that's why we dress it up.

for lack of a better word, experiential is the word.

billy preston makes all the difference!

i vote god is love.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Stay Tuned for Self-awareness

Awakening from the waking state is like waking from the dream state turned up eleven.

It’s like inarticulate knowledge of the absolute self, or self-awareness.

For as long as there’s a mind to be embodied, self-awareness is the best embodiment to be.

Neither ordinary nor extraordinary, self-awareness is like east of nothing and west of enlightenment.

Self-awareness is neither intellectual theory nor fundamental belief, but observational being.

Picture a boat on a river at the mouth of the river in slack high tide by dead calm noontime. This is that.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Duality Coupe (A Birthday Present)

Apparently, deep sleep identifies with universal consciousness

and talks to the world in dreams:

universal consciousness is not the one unconscious;

the world is.

To identify with a conceptual construct is to be


Look, there’s nothing wrong with a conceptual construct;

just drive it.