Monday, April 7, 2014

the pseutra of revelations

accepting body-mind as one’s foundational identity is accepting separation, division, suffering and war as one’s natural environment

every person is a fictitious entity inherently recognizing its inauthenticity and trying everything in its power to rectify the situation

free will is just conditioning we get to make us think we're unconditioned

one who seeks the proof of truth needs first to seek the proof of one who seeks the proof

without personal consciousness there's nothing—but we're not persons but impersonal Consciousness—which at total rest is Absolute Awareness

the usurpation of the absolute subjective and the division of consciousness

the tyranny of intellect and the insurrection of intuition

if you think you were born, you’ll think you will die—but you were only told you were born and no one has told you they died

in deep sleep there's an absence of the sense of presence—in pure awareness there's an absence of presence itself

science chasing its tail—searching for how consciousness appears in a world which appears in consciousness

first i am conscious the mountain exists and then it doesn’t—ultimately the mountain exists as an appearance in consciousness that i am

when an appearance disappears—that in which the appearance appears—does not disappear

consciousness is clear existential clouding of pure subjective awareness in which all objectification, identification, and revelation appear

pure subjectivity must objectify itself before it can know itself—but gets lost in the object until it hears itself calling

a process contains three simple steps—but each step is a process which contains three simple steps and so on—some get lost in the and-so-on

objectification, identification, and revelation is an integral process


anyone identified with the unnaturally stopped will oppose a turning and naturally call opening a form of nihilism

the process inevitably happens

the best you can do—intellectually—is simply see—there’s nothing you can do

all is done by that which does so let it do


Saturday, March 29, 2014

B2 - Nisargadatta Maharaj is my guru

Nisargadatta Maharaj is my guru. I never met the man.

Some will think that’s absurd. They may be correct—I’m not speaking for them or others.

Thirty years ago, a psychological therapist summed up my personal conditioning this way: your mother taught you to be absolutely afraid of the world and your father completely failed to introduce you to the world.

I was obsessed in knowing the world. I didn’t trust the world to teach me about itself.

So I read books. I became obsessed with certain viewpoints until ultimately I discovered their weakness. I moved on to another book. Another viewpoint.

The first time I read Nisargadatta’s I Am That, I was enthralled, but I stopped midway at some point—I was appalled at something I had read. But his words kept haunting me. Six months later, I had forgotten why I had been horrified, reread the chapter in question, and couldn’t find anything repulsive—only wisdom. So, in my second attempt, I finished reading the book.

For a third act, I read Ramesh Balsekar’s Pointers from Nisargadatta, the Jean Dunn translations, and the Robert Powell translations. Meanwhile I was rereading I Am That and tweeting phrases under my @Nisargadatta_M avatar—which continues to this day. To paraphrase one of my earlier teachers: something is happening but I don’t know what it is. Exactly! There is no viewpoint.

I still read books for recreation as well. It was in such a manner I began reading Gurdjieff’s Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson. It wasn’t pleasurable, so I stopped. Of course, that’s Gurdjieff’s point. So I’m not speaking for him or others.

One thing I did appreciate from the first page of Gurdjieff’s three-volume Coyote tale is the first page, Friendly Advice, in which he advises one should read his “written expositions thrice.” The first is in a mechanized way. The second is as one person to another. And the third is to “fathom the gist.” I did read his Friendly Advice three times.

Nisargadatta says to his listeners, and therefore to the reader, that he, Nisargadatta Maharaj, is Consciousness speaking to Consciousness.
