Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Personal Deconstruction 101

A person is a thought wrapped in a thought inside a thought.

The conceptual replacement of experiential being is called one's belief system.

An emotion is the light of being filtered by a thought believed.

Shadows appear in consciousness. First the mind believes them,

then measures out their story. Into the well of mind, memory, time, shadows dive

like frogs—suddenly the world is written on the walls in a splash of color!

Saturday, July 4, 2020

enlightenment 101

consciousness is experiential only.

after experience, memory.

memory. belief. deconstruction. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva.

experience is 200 proof.

self-awareness necessitates watering down.

light, cameras, deconstruction.

now is where i footnote Jimi Hendrix.

like clambering the western slope of Mount Champlain:
a long moving close-up of pink cadillac mountain granite suddenly vanishes into the two close blues of open sea and crystal sky.

like looking in a mirror and suddenly identifying with the infinite space in-between is enlightenment 101.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

seeing through ego

ego kills. ego can't be killed.

as consciousness talks to consciousness, consciousness understands and sees through ego.

love, forgiveness, and compassion is the trinity of understanding.

all politics is local. all politics is ego. ego kills. et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Monday, June 29, 2020

in no name

the body is in the time of the mind called memory.

the mind is in the space of consciousness called universe.

consciousness is in the unknown black hole of awareness called

noumenon, godhead, parabrahman, absolute, self, no name for tao.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Surrealistic Topiary

Self-awareness is like the light bulb
and it's cartoon speech balloon
exclaiming self-awareness—
and all the letters are boldly imagining
they are doing the talking.

The leaves of the trees are forming
my green projection of Ganesha
caressing my old third eye
with cures from the hundred acre wood.

When living in the land of three,
there's emperor, ice cream,
and being one with thee.


absolute awarenesss is naturally self-aware. this self-awareness appears to be an evolutionary universe within its being.

one is love and one is projecting love. but belief is the funhouse mirror.

there are thirteen ways way of one being raven

being the unknown is written in the stars

the mind is made to deconstruct itself

doctors born from doctors only know the rituals

Yuan de Yepes y Álvarez is before the cross

jesus was not a christian as albert einstein was not a materialist

neither took a side

as soon as they think you are born, they condition universal consciousness, nondual expression of the unborn absolute, to believe it was born, too

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Dancer Knows the Dance

Transformation is default, where emptiness meets form and so on and so on. As consciousness is the song of the godhead, transformation is the dance.

After the dance descends into its worldly stance, it must return as dance again, before reviving as the dancer. Else the stance usurps an absolute position.

But jump blues are not about the suffering. They're all about the joy of being after seeing through the suffering. Calling the whirling dervishes of self-awareness.

Belief usurps the absolute but thought can't dance. Surrender to the siren song of consciousness.

Get lost in the dance of transformation. Self-awareness is this ecstasy of ouroboros.

The dance of idleness is the crown of creation. Silence is the name of the dancer.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Summer Solstice Sutra

From thirteen minutes to solstice, reality dreams. Emptiness is dream etcetera.

Pure-awareness being self-aware unifies myth with theory. Like Dogen and Darwin.

A person doesn't have consciousness. The noumenal has consciousness and consciousness has a person.

The summer solstice is implying leaves will fall, trees die, earth erode, the sun implode, black hole of winter.

Sudden enlightenment requires thought as survival of the fittest requires prophecy. Bilbo loves.


any omnipotent godhead of pure awareness is also self-aware. naturally, this self-awareness appears to be an evolutionary process as viewed from a conceptual point of view. but from circumference, not really.
consciousness is the language of the noumenon as self-awareness is nondual expression of absolute awareness 
never try to reason with a paradox. consciousness and pure awareness are nondual like an ouroboros is the one.
self-awareness is a dream as pure awareness is not experiential as form is unborn and emptiness is transformation
lucid dreaming is true dreaming. although nirvikalpa samadhi is always an alternative.

conception is not a bad thing. like the world is not wrong.
the world hurts because the one divided wants to own what it loves. greed is not knowing love is not a thing to be possessed. fear is not knowing one is love.
the present is the future projected on the past
one rests in idleness as nirvana. one sits and stands as samsara.
the world is my projection as it is according to my deconstruction
without the noise, i never would have known the silence
if consciousness is genesis, self-awareness is apocalypse

meditation is tricky. like life or death.
many people will catch meditation but only a few will die from it
belief doesn't kill. it sleeps.
if you see through the world, the world won't see you
deconstructing the world is the very point of a liberal arts education
the business of business school is business
be true to the school that doesn't postulate you be true to it

feel it. don't try to reason with it.
to tame a horse, one is one with it. who is teaching whom?
most inspiration is mistaken as skill
planning is to effect as cause is to spontaneity
all people rationalize whatever happens
it's called taking a side
most people would rather die for a cause than to live as an effect
make affect not effect

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Featuring the Summer

Almost summer solstice green the sun is rising later in the morning consciousness focuses photosynthesis in the twilight's cobalt turning.

The great intent of consciousness is focusing awareness back upon itself in self-awareness dreaming this quicksilver mirror in the summertime.

The fall is not wrong as spring is not right. Winter is the ground of wisdom as summer is the god of love. Being is the heart of evolution.

Saturday, June 13, 2020


Pure awareness reflecting in focusing consciousness is to space-time, as body-mind is to hard memory.

They say the bodhisattva saves the world by knowing there's no world. God knows I'm not a bodhisattva. I know there's no one but myself.

Identifying with the space between and not the face of Gregory Samsara in the mirror is happening one morning.

The revelation that the world is only in my head and all I know is this knowing space I name myself, is like the thunder.

After the abyss reclaims itself, there's an echo like ecstatic wine, good loving and song on the northern rim of the canyon.

In this streaming play of consciousness, there's sleepwalking, lucid dreaming, and inhabiting the character. Inquire within.

Pascal Dagnan-Bouveret

as absolute awareness retracts consciousness, there's an ecstasy

call this ecstasy self-awareness

can self-awareness be induced. this is the secret behind all alchemy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Love River

There's nothing bad about desire. There's nothing wrong about explosives. Handle everything with love.

No one sells their soul. People buy securities. Like the psychological equivalent of opium, you can never build your high high enough.

Desire lost within a world of thought is highly explosive. This desire in being called enlightening intent is the sword of self-awareness.

More money is spent on marketing than the military. They say a good defense is a good offensive line.

Forgiving oneself is like the sacrament of rebirth. One is born into conditioning now reborn to that which is never born.

There's so much green June along this river of desire I can hear the people of the Merrimack naming it swift space of consciousness.

Here’s non-doing as it works in human beings. You've already decided what you're going to do. In fact, it’s already done.

People spend the so-called space-time in-between rationalizing why. Being stays in the lane of love and follows its direction.


desire is a dirty word in any empire, be it religious or scientific

even true desire is subject to its selling out like any objective billionaire

kerouac called his bodhisattva dean moriarty and not some nameless holmes because desire in postwar america is exploding like james dean clear off the silver screen

political speech is ninety-nine percent conditioning and one percent repeat

universal consciousness is naturally compassionate towards all conditioned consciousness. sometimes we cry.

the summer solstice takes forty days and forty nights. day five is learning this by nightfall.

the free in free will is actually a verb

unfollowing rationalization, one follows oneself