Saturday, May 9, 2020

First Love, First Word

Consciousness is cause and consciousness is the result. The rest is causelessness. Sun flurry May Ninth Symphony New England butternut translucent green leaf folk song.

Nothing is just another name for the nameless. Being is the only knowledge and that knowledge is nameless. Names are made to classify universal consciousness.

No classification is universal. Every classification is a language unto itself. For social conditioning is a matter of time, classification, and survival of the fittest memory.

The fittest memory is the one intending love. Those that don't are soon forgotten or repressed if necessary. God bless the child who never knew. And forgive them.

True poetry declassifies. There's a reason why taxonomy is in the language of the empire. And not indigenous to place. The indigenous names for nature are yet classifying love.

The classification of species is all about the classes. Plantae tracheophytes angiosperms eudicots rosids rosaceae rosoideae roseae rosa is a rose. What is the Algonquin name for fiddlehead, Dorothy Parker?

Love is the union of love with love. This is the greatest paradox ever told. Being is only consciousness. Love is the only knowledge. Child consciousness is the teacher.

As pure consciousness is the immaculate conception and awareness is no mind, unconditional love is now without a thought. Venus is further northwest tonight.

without consciousness, where am I?

only consciousness is the name of the nameless

the memory of love is not a memory.

when the going gets shaman, the guru gets reaL

geronimo is geronimo. jesus is jesus.

no guru, no scientist, no shaman.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Project Wave

Being is not a thought but it's the breath of thought. Seeing through thought and focusing

on breathing are the yin and yang of this fact. And the electromagnetic property of light.

Love or deconstruction—the road not taken makes all the difference. Listen, this is my secret.

Manifestation happens after the fabric of space-time has been ripped apart. Don't fight the fruit of its quicksand.

Understand this. Surfing on the waves of love and wisdom is a third way. Make the next wave.

manifesting is a misnomer.

it’s more like recognizing new waves quicker and riding them more creatively. with love and wisdom.

and there’s always a new wave unless one’s dead or in the samadhi mystic.

learning to multi-task is all about evolving toward third way.

it’s why windows made bill gates a billionaire. that's my myth and why i'm standing by it.

karma is nothing but the mechanics of waves. surfing karma is the breeze.

better to be a nonconformist than conform. best is emptiness and form.

politics is the art of seeing through others. deconstruction is the art of seeing through oneself.

deconstruction without being is comedy. being without deconstruction is drama. history is the refrain.

feel the next wave. emotion and intuition are the guides.

drop conditioning says dogen.

love wine sings hafiz.

Saturday, May 2, 2020


O Hafiz, a cherry tree is not the bark of memory nor leaves of future virtue but blossoming being. Correspondingly, I am not the ash of body nor the mind of materialistic brain but I am.

That I am is the only currency of knowledge. All others pay with memory. Tonight there is this memory of a cherry tree, essential being, and that great unknown I am—the wholly trinity.

This morning there was anger at the world so words were said and all is now forgiven. That's the way it is with conditioned thought. It rises out of primordial memory and messes with unconditional love.

Emotion happens. Something there isn't tries to hold emotion in. Sadness is its birth. Anger is its death. On the verge of another mistake, I let my words out. My brother used to tell me to go play in traffic.

Like the morning after Ogunquit Beach 1976, Christine, when I drunkenly fell through a sliding screen door and turned to love within your secret mesh, an august sun is burning through the fog.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Consciousness Express

There is no form in nature. There's only this transforming. Form is conceptual. Transformation is natural.

If conception isn't natural, what is form? If I have never been conceived, who am I?

Consciousness is the immaculate conception. Being is my expression. Nature isn't dust to dust but seed to seed.

All concepts pass away but consciousness is the seed of self-awareness. If religion is the priest of concepts, string theory is the pope.

Consciousness identifies with form. Sadness takes effect as transformation kills this concept.

As consciousness is the expression of the absolute, love is the expression of consciousness.

Emotion is this expression filtered by the latest concept, from conception to deconstruction.

Love is not emotion but goes misidentified as such. Love is the energy of emotion. Thought is the filter and emotion is the smoke.

As consciousness is energy-intelligence-awareness and thought is neither intelligent nor aware, energy needs to go somewhere.

In the world, energy is love seeking itself, intelligence is evolutionary intent, and awareness is spontaneously self-aware.

Hafiz says deconstruction unchains love. Son says thought is lacking something of the holy trinity. This is why it's called duality, love.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Power Chord!

Knowledge is not another name for memory. Knowledge is now. Knowledge is not in a name. Knowledge is the nameless now.

Now is another name for being. Being is another name for energy, intelligence, awareness. Satcitananda is the old name.

It's not so much those names, as it's the power of three. Duality is not a problem in itself. Being stuck in duality totally is.

Unity is the greater concept. Duality is blind belief. Trinity is the code name for the great unknown. Oppenheimer knew it well.

Neither affirmation nor deconstruction but harmony makes the righteous chordenergetic affirmation, intelligent deconstruction, self-awareness!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Divining Embodiment

Not only all appears in consciousness but all is consciousness. So consciousness focuses indigenous intelligence into mind and mind conceives a body.

As the mind identifies with its concept, discernment turns to judgment, focus disperses into dissolution, and universal harmony disintegrates into individual violence.

Since this identification is with a concept, this fall is all conceptual as well. And since the mind of consciousness is intelligent discernment, the medicine for all conceptual disease is seeing through the concept.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Focusing on Consciousness

Consciousness is never lost. Losing consciousness is not the mind's to do. For all appears in consciousness—

including the scientific absurdity of looking for the source of consciousness within such said appearances in consciousness.

In other words, consciousness is the word and there is no other knowledge. Listen, consciousness is the heart of self-awareness.

Love is the hand of consciousness. And mind is the mirror this hand is holding. Look at yourself!

Mistaking the surface of the mirror for the one who's looking in the mirror is just a matter of insufficient focus.

Thus never throw away the mirror with the dream. See that. There is that which isn’t dream. Be that.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Consciousness Cures

If it isn't love, it's harmful—do no harm.
If it's divisive, it's not holistic, naturally.
Loving political others as oneself just is.

One doesn't do unto others et cetera
because of some philosophical belief
but the fact and feel of consciousness.

belief is Poison
Love is medicine
it's not exactly rocket science

Saturday, April 11, 2020


There's nothing wrong with the world but my projection makes it so.

Unwilling to accept my own conditioning as something separate from

this universal consciousness, I look for fault lines elsewhere.

Look, remembering to ask forgiveness is forgiving one's forgetfulness.

Revolution is projection too. Changing the world is easier than myself—

there's no one here to change! Thus to change the world

or be the change is not the question. One is far beyond all change.

Look, change is like a mirror, as in all that changes is not myself.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Valley Spirit Medicine

Being quietly watches while the mind runs away with its thought. The mind is always looking for some fault. Default to being.

Mind believes in dream. Being feels as witness. Being being burns off the valley clouds and not vice versa.

Focusing attention solely on one's being here and now is that omnipotent self-awareness of an absolute god.

For consciousness is the fundamental, universal, and immaculate conception of absolute awareness.