Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Project Z

The universe is like amnesia and the mind is that first remembering I am. This process of self-awareness is another name for space-time. Getting lost in such a universe is

another name for personality disorder. But seeing through this virtual reality is understanding there's no process—only absolute omnipresent awareness being self-aware.

Look, it's all projection. Love is looking lovingly to find some way through material conditioning as the world is seeing all of that as undesirable desire.

Listen, do not hurt another is the golden rule simplified. If consciousness is all, and the absolute is unknown by the knowledge of the mind, then my third gravitational body is a butterfly.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Processing Mind

The mind is not an obstacle nor a dead end but identifying with that focal point of mind is like a long hard detour on the way. As if any part of the whole could be separate from the holy spirit of the ground.

In other words, one deconstructs what's in the mind and not the process of the mind itself. For the process of the mind is dreaming, as it reminds me every night.

There are as many gods within a shaman as are universes in the buddha as are thoughts in mind. That said, my mythology has always been self-awareness. The nineteenth koan is saying mind is mirror

and the world is like the dust of a dream. Every picture tells a story written in psychedelic ink. Early April and the window is open—winter doesn't kill but deconstructs, my loving satori of the wetlands.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

On Best Translations of Hafiz—and a Controversy


From what I've determined, these are the best contemporary English translations of Hafiz to date: Peter Avery, Elizabeth Gray (my favorite selected), and Dick Davis. The 1892 translations of Gertrude Bell are still considered worthwhile although a little dated in style.

I'm currently reading the Peter Avery 30 poem selection which I am really really enjoying. He published a collected version of 400 poems but it seems to be out of print and the used copies start at like $90 so that one's on my wish list.

And here's what I'm wishing. First, Archetype should do a second printing of the Collected Lyrics of Hafiz. Second, there shall appear one used book seller not price-gouging such numinous words.

(jan 2021 update. avery's book is now available. paid $30 for a new copy.)

Meanwhile it appears Daniel Ladinsky is not a translator of Hafiz, nor even a transcreator, but offers his original poetry under the name of Hafiz, as if it were transmitted or guided correspondence. Unfortunately, many many many think this poetry is original Hafiz. Very not cool.

Here is Daniel Ladinsky's own defense published as a review of 'The Gift' on Amazon titled 'My Portrait of Hafiz:’ "based on my study of thousands of pages of stories and poems that are attributed to Hafiz...first offered to Penguin with the word VERSIONS on the cover rather than the word translations, for i have never claimed my work with Hafiz is a traditional -- scholarly -- translation"

As someone who has transcreated versions of Lal Ded and Han Shan based on others' translations, I understand his basic gist of trying to do justice to the poet's intent. Honestly, I feel Lalla and Cold Mountain both have not been completely understood by their translators.

This is not to say I necessarily do, but obviously I thought some nondual something was missing in the translations. Still, to take one's own writing and pass it on as the poet's is going down a slippery slope. Such is not a version, but at best an inspired writing, and at worst, a fraud.


More on Hafiz and other Sufi poets here:

But let’s end on a positive note. Here’s a translation of Hafiz by Peter Avery:


Again the garden has got the glitter of Spring:

The nightingale hears good news, for the rose is come.

Soft wind returning to the young plants of the meadow, Greet for us the rose, the cypress and the sweet basil.

They are spread for the wedding-feast of the wine-seller's son, And I'd sweep his floor with my eyelashes to win such grace.

For that amber-scented strand you draw across a moonlight brow

Has made a shuttlecock of my heart, and set it spinning.

I can't trust those who sneer at us drinking down to the lees: That is the kind of thing which gets a bad name for religion.

Let them learn to be friends with God's true friends; remember that Noah in his ark,

A speck of dust himself, cared not a drop for the deluge.

(a lowercase version of this review was first published spontaneously as tweets on @aumdada)

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Grand Unified Mythology

Consciousness descends into the darkness of matter via subatomic, atomic, and molecular ways. And consciousness ascends into apocalyptic self-awareness through the holy trinity of gravity, identity, and relativity.

There are ten thousand omnipotent universes in the Buddha. This is the story of that one of self-awareness and its grand unified mythology of pure awareness being self-aware.

Thought is carbon-based material but belief is diamond-hard. Big bang is another name for western civilization or an eastern sunrise. April is the holy month of plants and pollen.

Death is all about appearances. My mother wasn't ever anywhere but here, god bless her. Dreaming is the paint and waking is the canvas. Deconstruct the bath water. Release the baby!

Friday, April 5, 2019

Fountain of Being, Fountain of Self-Awareness

Where consciousness appears to arise from the material body-mind is the fountain called I-Am. Be there and be lifted to the sea of self-awareness.

And it doesn't really matter if you think that consciousness grows from matter—one knows better. (Money doesn't grow on trees; neither do you.)

So it appears consciousness ascends from body-mind, but body-mind is where consciousness descended before its focusing resurrection.

And this is the genius of resting in consciousness—such natural knowledge informs the I in I-Am who the I really is.

For I is absolute, am is consciousness, and the universal dream of body-mind is the reflexive process of self-awareness.

But don’t believe these metaphysical words when you can rest there for yourself.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Ode to April Second

Being plus belief equals emotion and emotion is the thorn for that belief. For fear and sadness are emotions but so is happiness and desire. But joyous love is that without belief!

Likewise amplified consciousness appears to be a product of the body-mind. Call this, I Am. But resting there, the I is suddenly absolute.

Thus divine imagination is one-half mindfulness and one-half lucid dreaming and one-half meditation.

And as for so-called karma, it's just intentional. There is no individual doing in a universe but the universe. Simple mindfulness tells me so.

And lucid dreaming is to divine imagination as night to day. Further, meditation is returning to my absolute point of view and not something I can do.

O April is the holy trinity of memory, desire, and illusion. Like Cynthia Forsythia!

Experiential Myth

Awareness is the ground,
infinite and eternal, spaceless and timeless.
Consciousness is being,
evolutionary and intentional in space-time.
Self-awareness is sudden
and spontaneous, non-abiding or abiding, kensho to samadhi.

If awareness is omnipresent,
then awareness is unconditionally self-aware,
that self-awareness seeming to be
an intentional and evolutionary universe
to such evolving and intending dreaming in the universe
but it’s only self-awareness and I like it—
all is well.

The shamans song—
lightning of self-awareness thundering words,
this creator consciousness, this thunderbird!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Visions of Late Maya Almost April

Although the absolute is unknown to the mind, love knows. Love knows because love is. Love is because I am. I am because I'm causeless.

But the world is all about the big bang to black hole and nothing of this lightning or the silence.

Meanwhile empires talk about the rise and fall as my universal heart is singing love and death.

If awareness is the parent and self-awareness is the child, then being is this holy maya.

Holy ice-out, holy crocuses, holy red-winged blackbirds. Spring peepers! Holy forsythia, cherry blossoms, and lilacs yet to come.