Monday, July 27, 2020

Formula One

The koan may be the easiest example of this formula: as consciousness is the expression of the absolute, divine imagination is the expression of consciousness, and spontaneous revelation is the expression of divine imagination.

The same formula holds true for other forms of divine imagination such as sutra, myth, parable, psalm, and poetry in general. Beside written poetries, there are talks, discourses, semons, dialogues, and other oral poetry.

It is said Rumi spoke his verse spontaneously and it was recorded by a scribe. Beyond the technical details of rhyme and meter, this is not different than all Nisargadatta’s dialogues.

In effect, the great turning of personal deconstruction, divine imagination, and spontaneous revelation is the trinity of self-awareness in this ouroboric universe of enlightening intent.


After writing this I see this Nisargadatta quote: “The talks are spontaneously flowing out. I am not framing them. I myself am often amazed as to why these types of profound expressions are emerging, and people who listen to my talks are also nonplussed because they are not able to frame any questions based on my talks.”

Synchronicity is not occasional but nonstop. Conditioned consciousness doesn't recognize that fact. This is a feature of such conditioning.

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