Monday, February 19, 2018

Reading the Directions

The shaman is the one imagining for all. Stop yelling at my projections! There's no one but my self. Jesus dyed himself white for you. Quoting a translation without acknowledging the translator is like mistaking a painting for a photograph. Or an Ansel Adams for my eyes. Be aware of Nopperabo or you'll end up with original face. Or waiting for Kitaro. Beyond the world is where the wild things are. Truth is never ugly no matter how much I believe it. The world is divided into two. There are these believing this and there are those believing that.

Belief is like imagination without love. Whether the door is closed or open is no matter to the hinge. Memory at its essence is just a smell. Oh the stories that we tell to understand a smell! To rhyme is why we learn to spell. If the known is called the universe, who is the unknown? For the absolute unknown has come to know the known so that the absolute unknown may know this that which is unknowable. Meanwhile the red-winged blackbirds are anticipating my annual discovery. Perennial discovery?

In bread we trust. In the universe, what is a nature poem? Horse piss and the theory of relativity. Blood is not birth. Shit is not death. After a hard day's night, I love myself some absolute deep sleep. Sally dreaming on the seashore. The brain is manifested for imagination but believes otherwise. Note to self. Thought is the high technology of universal imagination. Wanting love, it's the hell of ten thousand beliefs. Physician heal thyself. Spirit love thyself. As if imagination is love minus belief.

I don't believe in nothing but I do imagine myself. Imagine one's intent as if there is no space-time. In other words, everyone is who I love them to be. This is why the great tantric practitioners are emphasizing Love Like Jesus and Mary Magdalene (although the patriarchy believes in the Virgin Mary). When I was an actor, I believed like an actor. But when I became director, I put the ways of doing behind me and imagined my love. As if body-mind is an amplifier transforming pure awareness into self-awareness but believing it's distortion.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

footnotes to imagine being in nirvana

If the focus of one's attention is the world, then religion.

If the focus is oneself, self-awareness.

Imagine being in nirvana rather than believing in samsara.

Science is an ignorant myth.

Manifestation is only practice for imagination.

Imagination is the highest deconstruction because I am.

Imagine Being in Nirvana


Four hot takes. Samsara will be samsara. There's no complaint department. Projection is a bastard. Look within.

If the focus of one's attention is the world, then religion. If the focus is oneself, self-awareness.

One day in 2018 equals 2018 years in year one currency. From written word to internet is thirteen billion years but I don't feel a day over one.

Biblical time is psychological time so there's a lot of truth in it. But the penultimate lie is others. Their biggest lie is space-time.


Imagine being in nirvana rather than believing in samsara. Imagine being in nirvana rather than believing in samsara.

Imagine I am the Absolute being self-aware. Thought is the dawning of creation. Belief is the fog of war. Deconstruction is imagination.

Science is an ignorant myth. Scientific materialism is the last refuge of belief, although the next stage in evolution is imagination.

Manifestation is only practice for imagination. Dreaming is only the dress recital of imagination.


As pure awareness is the absolute unknown, imagination is self-awareness. All myth is imagination.

Science and religion are like the yin and yang of belief. On the other hand, science is the language needed for a perfect myth these days.

Law of three. Law of seven. Wave-particle duality. Reflexive evolution. Imagine three is the new two where seven is the four directions.

Imagine being on a mystery trip to there and back again in the name of self-awareness. Imagination is the highest deconstruction because I am.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


The Birth of Kitaro. Shigeru Mizuki.

There's something about reading manga from the back, and right to left, that invites right-brain intuition.

Maybe write with my left hand tonight?

Every word deserves its fifteen seconds. Every word ends in a life sentence. First word is only word.

“I too am not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable. I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.”

If first word is prophecy, is revised word rationalization? All translation is actually transcreation. Stephen Mitchell knows this. The Tao is my Tao. Projection. No words for Tao; words are for things, to quote myself.

There are words that are not words. Koan. Mantra. And in-between.

Like the right brain is left-handed. Onomatopoeia. The pivot, axle, hinge, fulcrum, hub, heart, turning point of Tao.

Imagination is a certain kind of deconstruction. Mindfulness of lucid dreaming is the turning of the third wheel. Neti neti. Gateless gate.

The natural Perfection of the Supreme source. Cognition is pure pleasure in this spontaneity. As the waves of fear are seen through, sea of joy!

The unborn, the wonder of birth, and the evolutionary revelation of divine imagination in the manifestation of self-awareness. Despite people thinking it's samsara, there is nothing wrong with nirvana. Sure, political words are lying words but words spontaneously imagined are like paradise!

Let love be my guide and wisdom my heart. Is truth dreaming beauty? Or is beauty dreaming truth? Absolute awareness. Absolute awareness intends to know oneself. Thirteen billion years of space-time. Being. Mindfulness. Imagination. Self-awareness.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Secret Footnotes to My New Age Reading

Don't throw out my being with your ego. Seeing the world in the light of wu-wei shortens division.

This with no name is the wildest card. Play it. See through the past. It's harmless.

A god named pure awareness is becoming self-aware. Welcome to my universe.

My New Age Reading

Ingratiation is not gratitude like sacrifice is not self-denial. Nothing is not synchronicity but sometimes it appears to happen faster.

Iconic yokai. Kasa obake. Discarded umbrella. Like a day dream left by the way side returns one night to paint my tarot in wu wei.

Not going against my self is not egoic action. You can't buy authenticity with a name. The butterfly isn't Taoist.

The dream is past—no need to harm it. Love is in the present—keep on opening it. Awareness is beyond all time so be it—self-awareness.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

*Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That

Conditioning is enforced imagination. Imagine something wrong and fix it. Revision: imagine all is wrong and fix it.

I say to you tonight there's nothing wrong and everything one thinks is wrong is only wrong because one thinks there's something wrong.

So first undo that stale imagination* and imagine now there's nothing wrong, and soon one knows there's nothing wrong.

O Corinthians, knowledge is partly stale and even every prophecy is partly stale, but when the great perfection is imagined, the partial disappears.

When I was a child asleep, I dreamt like a child asleep. But now that I'm awake, I put aside such childish conditioning and imagine as it is.

For while asleep one sees projections, but when awake one is self-aware. The material world is like ashes on sunshine. Feel it and it falls away.

When the screech owl flew into the picture window like the great big sea banging on the shore, did the walls come tumbling down?

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Talking Earthling

Dear Young One, subjective consciousness (the personal) equals universal consciousness (being vision speaking in the language of the dream-state) divided (filtered) by the mind.

Earthling, why are more than seven billion nodes of high potential self-awareness unaware of indivisibility within the universal matrix of absolute intent? Aren't your oceans deep enough?

One of one, they're deep enough but just not hot enough. So operation global warming is begun although they know not what they do. The absolute intent of pure awareness is awareness of awareness, naturally.

So self-awareness is the height of evolution, the crown of creation, myth of myths. For self-awareness starts with monkey do and ends with Doctor Wu. And being busy being busy is being never being being.

In the space-time dream state, space is just a place to own and time is something to be spent. So do no harm—there is no space nor celestial bodies. Always be being further—time is just a memory.

Thus space-time is just a thought. Being is the immaculate conception. Self-awareness is what it is. Like do your job. ‘What is the way to the abode of light?’ 'Have you reckoned the earth much?'


"What is the way to the abode of light? And where does darkness reside? Can you take them to their places? Do you know the paths to their dwellings? Surely you know, for you were already born! You have lived so many years!" [Job 38:19-21 (NIV)]

"Have you reckoned a thousand acres much? Have you reckoned the earth much? Have you practiced so long to learn to read? Have you felt so proud to get at the meaning of poems? Stop this day and night with me and you shall possess the origin of all poems..." [SoM 2 ~WW]

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Mummy Cave

So much division exponentially dividing nothing into smaller microcosms of oneself and others—

Jesus says there are no others; Buddha says there is no one; Zhuangzi says it's three in the morning.

There is no difference in their sayings: love, detachment, this and that. It's never what I think it is.

For I am dance! And love. Love is not relationship between oneself and another. And detachment doesn't mean a thing.

A black bear surprises in the night! An elephant is standing in the wings. Desolation power is waiting in the blue lagoon.

Here's the revelation of divine imagination in the manifestation of self-awarenessI am nothing, but nothing is.

So they say it isn't easy being nothing. This is why a newborn baby finds oneself always living in samsara.

And don't misunderstand my meaning of nothing. It's the scientific name for the absolute unknown.

One. Divine imagination is my self-awareness. This is why I am. I can't deny the undeniable.

Two. Never mind. It's really nothing. Three. A. Be. Seeing that a crystal stream is flowing

through the canyon of the dead is undeniable, it strikes me. Yes, I am. And nothing is not two.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Transcreating Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu) 2:1

On to Inner Chapter 2:

What does the Way rely upon that we have true and false? What do words rely upon, that we have right and wrong? How can the Way go away and not exist? How can words exist and not be acceptable? When the Way relies on little accomplishments and words rely on vain show, then we have the rights and wrongs of the Confucians and the Mo-ists. What one calls right the other calls wrong; what one calls wrong the other calls right. But if we want to right their wrongs and wrong their rights, then the best thing to use is clarity.


How has the Way become so obscured that there are true and false? How has speech become so obscured that there are right and wrong? Could it be that the Way has gone off and is nolonger present? Could it be that speech is present but has lost it sability to validate? The Way is obscured by partial achievements; speech is obscured by eloquent verbiage. Thus there are controversies between Confucians and Mohists over what's right and what's wrong. They invariably affirm what their opponents deny and deny what their opponents affirm. If one wishes to affirm what others deny and deny what others affirm, nothing is better than lucidity,


How could courses be so obscured that there could be any question of genuine or fake among them? How could words be so obscured that there could be any question of right or wrong among them? Where can you go without it being a course? What can you say without it being affirmable? Courses are obscured by the small accomplishments already formed and completed by them.9 Words are obscured by the ostentatious blossoms of reputation that come with them. Hence we have the rights and wrongs of the Confucians and Mohists, each affirming what the other negates and negating what the other affirms. But if you want to affirm what they negate and negate what they affirm, (2:15) nothing compares to the Illumination of the Obvious


Tao is obscured when men understand only one of a pair of opposites, or concentrate only on a partial aspect of being. Then clear expression also becomes muddled by mere wordplay,
affirming this one aspect and denying all the rest. Hence the wrangling of Confucians and Mohists; each denies what the other affirms, and affirms what the other denies. What use is this struggle to set up "No" against "Yes," and "Yes" against "No"? Better to abandon this hopeless effort and seek true light!


How can the Way be so concealed there’s any question of factual and fake? How can words be so unintelligible there’s any question of right and wrong? How can the Way be somewhere else and not be here? How can words endure and not be genuine? The Way is hidden in little insights and words are lost in wordplay. Thus there is debate between the Left and Right about what's right and wrong. Each denies the other’s affirmations and affirms the other’s deep denials. But to right such wrongs and wrong such rights, nothing compares to seeing through it all with clarity, lucidity, illumination.

~Z (tr-SR)