Friday, April 7, 2017

Blowing in the Wind of Universal Consciousness

The mind remembers I am
and I awake from the calling to be self-aware—
the dude abides like I in New Unicity.

Repeat after me: I am being self-aware—
to consider this my mantra while I’m playing inside space-time
like an Anthony in the North End.

Meanwhile, Science has cut the Universe into two and wonders why
it can't find a universal theory combining relativity and the quantum field.
I am being self-aware.

Meanwhile the left side of the brain doesn't get
what the right side of the brain is thinking.
Yes, I am being self-aware.

The circumference of a circle destroys the concept of diameter. This is
why pi is an irrational number—some have named this myth, Ouroboros.
O I am being self-aware.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Self-awareness is the Last Good-bye

The fact of being is Knowledge.
The essence of knowledge is Knowing.
The subject of knowing is The Unknown.
Awareness of the unknown is Being.

The Ouroboros always gets its man.
Never mind, know the unknown.


That between Apocalypse and Genesis.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

commentary on grandfather transformation

always keep in touch with your base.

the practice is stopping every now and then to be unknown.

the  plus side of intent is positively being the great and wonderful unknown. the minus side was deconstruction.

always further. never not deconstructing.

like emerson. melville. whitman. nathaniel hawthorne

the old man of the mountains falls into an interstate. always further into the altogether great beyond like emptiness and emptiness is song.

deep sleep and other absolutions, like the sun and lightning and fire.

hiding from any kind of transformation is painful.

if the only knowledge is consciousness, being is the teacher.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Grandfather Transformation

From a mass of bodies to the group mind to singular being, always further, always inner, always a divergent evolution towards self-awareness.

A bright red cardinal suddenly appears amid the last faint pellets of an April Fool's snowstorm.

I learned to love myself by loving others but I learned I am by being myself. For one must love oneself before being oneself. A hermit song.

Seeing my projection as my always open always free spontaneously-appearing ally and resource and not material source nor natural enemy.

It’s kind of like the early Seventies, after working the second shift at Western Electric, taking a midnight detour to Store 24 and finding Agni.

Surrendering to non-doing, wu-wei, takes the awesome effort of following intent, like dropping body-mind—

accept the transformation, butterfly, and act accordingly.

Being. Take Two.

Even the universe is
lesser than I am.
And I would love to sing
of what I am
but I can only twitter
what I'm not.
For I am formless
and without volume,
altogether far beyond
description or impression.
I am—
she never even wrote.

Divergent Evolution

After I am,
the deluge of conception—
every single concept is a lie
but all concepts in totality is god.
Two opposing opinions are closer to the truth
combined than each one separately considered.
This is not opinion but a fact.
My story is mostly predetermined
but for love’s spontaneous determination.
The world is my projection
shining through the filters of my thoughts
from my unclouded light of being—
change the filters, change the world.
Always I am.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Awareness Being Self-Aware.
That's All She Wrote.

Evolution is not
a social science.
In solitude
the inner is the outer.
The universe is
my conspiracy
for enlightenment.
Being is my only objective.
The absolute unknown
is my sanctuary.
Self-awareness looks
like this manifestation
but feels like
that unmanifest