Saturday, March 22, 2014

profisee 50 - lost in the dichotomy paradox

pure subjectivity must objectify itself
before it can know itself—

but gets lost in the object
until it hears itself calling—

like zeno's dichotomy paradox—

the intellect always solves
only half of what you really are—

intuition must dissolve you
with the other half…


Friday, March 14, 2014

identity, enlightenment, and non-doing pseutra

consciousness is the unmanifested absolute manifested—awareness becoming aware of its awareness

the body-mind is an instrument created by consciousness from consciousness for the functioning of consciousness—awareness aware of awareness

it is an aspect of the functioning of consciousness to misidentify itself with the body-mind, dividing itself from itself and so see itself

enlightenment is the spontaneous functioning of consciousness dis-identifying itself from the body-mind—awareness is aware of its awareness

consciousness misidentifying & disidentifying with body-mind is a spontaneous functioning of consciousness and there’s nothing ‘you’ can do

‘you’ have 2 options for doing—follow your bliss or think your way thru—surrender or fight—love or conditioning—either way you’re being done