Saturday, May 25, 2019

Dreaming Mountains and Revelations

If every concept is a dream and consciousness is the mother of all concepts, is the goddess dreaming me or am I dreaming goddess?

That goddess is dreaming the goddess is the end of material history and beginning of the buddhahood embodiment of self-awareness.

For believing dream and denying dream are two sides of the coin of empire, but the antidote to material conditioning is divine imagination.

First, there is belief in mountains. Then, there is denial of the mountains. Now, there's mountains dreaming mountains.

And revelations is the goddess reminding the goddess she is the goddess in her own words.

As lilacs last in Shiva dances, a butterfly is dream and deity and summer, love.

Listen, belief, even ego, aside, I've been socially conditioned to disbelieve I'm individually universal. I am.

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