Saturday, November 11, 2017

tl;dr 2

imagine the world
as some bizarro realm,
like this reflection
in a funhouse mirror
where everything is opposite of truth.

it’s a crazy game for sure.
but now, it’s dealer’s choice;
i get to call exactly
what is trump.
imagine that.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Son River’s Seventh Sudden Symphony

Confusion begins believing there are others who impart their precious knowledge to myself—

there is no one but oneself and that is all the knowledge there is.

Without this experiential understanding, the rest is so much noise and commotion.

So a sage points a finger to the moon and the world believes it has to go there.

But listen to the little lower telling, I am Moon as You are Moon and We are All the Absolute's Reflection.

The only authenticity is consciousness. All belief is second-hand.

Not that there's anything wrong with this—

for the world—is like a Mayan auditorium—and Beethoven's Ninth is the teacher—

the violence and sirens—the lies, betrayals, ignorance—and inattention to—All the Signs of the Prophets—followed by an Ode to Joy and Kensho—

In consciousness alone is the energetic feeling of the senses before the mind creates a story all about it

—call this bliss—

and that eternal sudden insight into unborn Absolution—I am That

Every lover knows what rebirth really means.

Every single person knows that sudden sighing of well-being

in deep sleep—like Death I would imagine.


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

going prime. a sonnet.

dm while openings are available.

first consultation is always free.

i know the sidewalks of the broken-hearted.

jesus imagined all your sins already.

go in peace. pay at the exit.

buddha explains everything in exquisite code.

jesus lives it. this is my humble translation.

buy it or not. the odds are one in a million.

the joke is i am. text me already. priceless.

get in on the ground floor while you can.

options are still available. no irony necessary.

Marketing Water 101

It's not like I’m asking you to sell your soul! I just want your money.

Or maybe you still think your money is your soul. Then my bad. Turn, turn, turn!

Once I tried to give my book away because this woman really wanted it. She wouldn’t take it though. Like it had to be a bargain. Seven dollars!

So buy my latest books tonight. The price will triple maybe more tomorrow or the next. I’m practicing guerilla marketing. Beginning now.

Bottled air is the very next phase. Do you believe it or not? And bottled air is the name I call my words. Coincidence?

My words don’t come cheap. Since they’re actually bottled in space. And available only here. Avoid all other worlds.


Water for Sale

In a perfect world there are no words, but words are that which make the absolute unknown and pure awareness god buddha nature brahman tao or that, perfection.

If the god called pure awareness is omnipresent, and omnipresence is obviously and manifestly self-aware, then the storied stuff of process in-between is called 

the evolutionary self-reflexive universe, myself in being self-aware, eom. To the senses come a scent of roses, cherry blossoms, Italian-roasted coffee.

Despite philosophies that go against the grain, a vein of love runs through their breathless conversation like a fantastic movie, O Romeo. But my black light reveals a universe of psychedelic colors—

self-awareness is like now knows now without the when or then or any other sound of silence. Listen! The world is just a box of dreams I dreamt more than thirteen billion years ago.

There's nothing wrong with the world that can't be unbelieved. And unbelieving is the gist and perk of my patented contemplative meditation. Just pure awareness being self-aware. Buy it or not.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

tl;dr 1

outer desires make the world
but secret desire is most wholly desire—
call the difference suffering.
open heart, swallow story.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Secret Footnotes to First Tantra

The Red River parts itself

and there is one John Wayne—

it’s all an inside joke.

Dreams die a thousand deaths but live just one.

I never tell a story I can translate. So

ten thousand inarticulate mystical words of the one and only

heart. Emptiness is story and vice versa, November.

First Tantra of Manifestation

One of the benefits of a leafless season starting in November is the woods across the way empty—and thru lucidity the river sparkles! Part one.

The sirens of the world enticing me with all their advantageous knowledge in exchange for unavailing love and wisdom—

they promise wealth or possibly world peace, whatever floats your boat. For war and peace is equally delusional.

Awakening of deconstruction is the only worthwhile wealth of mind. Only resting in that meditative and contemplative sky of absolution is

there tranquility of silence. Opposite, pacifists and warriors create the yin and yang of such duality.

This is actually the dance of Maya called Samsara—don’t be fooled again says Who. Part two.

I remind myself there's just myself again and again and again. This is called versification. 

And in the world of temporality, tonight is the longest night. And full frost moon to boot!

O November night as daylight savings time is deconstructed and the meta-paradigm of a scientific and material world 

is dropped for one sacred hour, science is conceptual only, as economics is material only, and both are but appearances 

in Consciousness only. I cannot emphasize this fact enough. Consciousness is the only knowledge known.

What passes for knowledge in the world is knowledge of the world. That is the joke behind every koan.

Do not ask what is the meaning of life. Ask what is the grass? For Joshu answers dogshit! Part three.

Yes, no view on views, but on this longest night with full frost moon, what about a revelation?

Manifestation is the deepest deconstruction in awakening as contemplative meditation is the deepest sleep of absolution.

Part four.

I am manifesting this world now to remind myself I’m not the mirror of the mind but pure awareness as reflecting in this being only.

Call this Alice Through the Looking Glass or The Platform Sutra. I call it Consciousness Only. I am that I am.

Manifestation is not an error nor is it evil, as failure to learn is also neither. Just teach your parents better in the next light of day.

Part five.

Listen. Fake worlds have real news. William Carlos Williams calls it poetry. William Blake calls it prophecy. Christ calls it tantra, love.

John Keats beautifully says, beauty is truth. Truth, beauty. But here and now I say this art of manifesting is the law of self-inquiry—

one calls it negative capability or says it's positive deconstruction. Lucid dreaming works in mysterious ways.

Part seven.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

For Emily Nee Dickinson

as body-mind is a creation of consciousness unaware,
as consciousness becomes aware,
body-mind mutates accordingly, as kundalini is released

"oh life! oh home! how wonderful you are"
"poems are my solace for the eternity which surrounds us all"
"the liberty to die"

movie review. a quiet passion.
emily dickinson
as 2001 a word odyssey

this plate is dirty says father with disdain.
emily takes the plate he gives her breaks into pieces on the table
says it is dirty no longer

the hell of your beliefs. the heaven of my transformation.
friend says to emily you may be deepest one.
emily counters i dont demonstrate that at all

'oh my dear, you don't demonstrate. you reveal'
"we deceive ourselves. and then others. it is the worst kind of lie."
"give me something pressed from truth and that is poetry"

"it's easy to be stoic when no one wants what you have to offer"
says emily
"but posterity is as comfortless as God"

"don't resist your vices Emily. it's your virtues you should be wary of"
I create my past with every word I write
in fact the world is my creation

imagine Emily on social media
feminist in her beliefs and universalist at heart and as powerful
as the great unknown


I am,
your loving goddess,
nobody, but who are you?

"this consciousness
that is

This is dedicated to John
Dos Passos
knowledge is consciousness but story is mind

Spirit is always filthy rich on the inside where it counts
Basho was a ninja and not as public as a frog appears
If everything is appearing in Consciousness, then

Consciousness is everything.
Hey baby, do you want to be in the movies?
Oh my dear illusion,

after one has lived a life,
one lets the life live you.
If not, delusion.

And ageism is the last pride and prejudice standing.
What me die?
No. It's what, me born?

All I know is awareness.
If deep sleep is like a reset,
death is like deep sleep.

Self-awareness is the evolutionary universe
experienced as suddenly now.
After a long deep sleep,

this is the only meaning of life.

twenty last syllables

seventh secret haiku
one medicine leads to another
realization is kundalini too

secret footnotes of the seven revelations


in other words,
awakening is experientially material
but metamorphosis is not disease.

does western scientific materialistic medicine diagnose and treat
enlightenment of mind and mutation of body
as disease?

physician heal thyself!
consciousness only.

The Seven Revelations of Metamorphosis

First. The insidious nature of samsara is convincing love
the world is salvageable. So much pointless effort. Sad!

Second. Democracy is just a recent innovation. Division
always ends in the lowest common denominator. Too bad, so sad! 

Third. Nathan Jessup only says what Plato knows
about the general public—you can't handle the truth. 

Well here it comes comma here comes the turn comma there are
no people comma there's just myself comma oneself period.

This is the prophecy of William Blake beyond John Milton and beyond
America and Prophecies of Daniel, Lao Tzu, and Nisargadatta.

Let all with ears to hear, listen to my anti-koan—
if a tree falls and I don't know it, the tree didn't fall.
All I know is this one consciousness and
all appearances within this omnipresence

and this consciousness is like a great
godly reflection rounded by deep sleep

pure immaculate unsullied undiluted crystal clearly absolutely undefiled
untarnished faultless stainless spotless innocent oh true awareness! 

It's not so much enlightenment as much as
the mind being rewired—open or be closed.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

EOM: Visions of Mount Major

Imagination is the thing
but desire is the feeling creating it—
like enlightening intent
bouncing off the walls of the world.
This is why it’s well-advised to always desire higher.
Lost in thought, I once went off the trail while hiking Mount Major.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

EOM: Burning the Sage

Consciousness is indiscrete,
but in reflexive self-awareness
one comes to oneself
through this one discretely
evolutionary individual—
there is no other, there are no others.

Self-awareness is not a social movement.
In fact, the sage advice to seek inside
implies the downright opposite.
And as it's my head going headless,
I thank the sage by burning the sage,
and take my own spirited counsel further.

Monday, October 30, 2017

EOM: Politicians and Mystics

All politicians live in the belly of the beast—
most are digested within
acids of intrigue and enzymes of wealth—
becoming waste of empire.

In duality, there are two basic domains.
Politicians live in the various states of two.
Mystics travel on the interstate of one.

Division always leads to more division.
Wholeness is received in absolution.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Haiku Plus One

Reincarnation in this consciousness is such a seamless event,

I never know what hit me, says Basho.

Maple tar spots on dull red leaves says William Carlos Williams.

I die a little death with every single breath as long as memory isn't one with our desire, Jacqueline.


Footnotes and Quotes to One Delight

Once upon a time, I named my web log, Dropping a Paradigm.

I know Maurice Frydman tries his best and I'm forever grateful.

But every now and then, Jesus gets real.

This is procedure for the evolutionary but reflexive process of self-awareness,

this so-called firmament of pain, suffering, and search for meaning.

String theory is what happens when the divided mind attempts to understand nonduality.

Inspiration is forever in this world—but revelation is out of this world.

In other words, love is in the world but not of the world. Say it again.

Naturally, as mind is the definition of knowledge, mind misunderstands that great unknown.

“Love is all you need. Nothing you can know that isn't known.”

The mind is like Coyote—as it crosses I-40 outside Sky City—strolling thru the passing lane—and I am flooring it to pass the car I’m passing—

and as I instantaneously crash, burn. and die, here I am, not skipping one single heartbeat. The river knows it’s only a river and never believes it’s not a river.

“It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.”

One comes to Nirvana by way of Samsara, namaste.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Sonnet on Consciousness for Delightful One

The modern meta-paradigm that consciousness is just a product of the body-mind—drop it. And there one is. Consciousness dreams hard.

And parenthetically, wisdom doesn't say I’m nothing. That's the mind's translation for 'not mind.'

To be born of the spirit is just another way of saying one awakens to this experiential fact of consciousness only, born again to the unborn.

This world has never been material but more like temporarily unenlightened of one's immaterial lightness,

I manifest my way to re-enlighten: the school of hard knocks, tough love, and dream interpretation.

And the Newtonian Universe had been disproven, yet I hesitated in accepting that ancient, perennial and quantum truth.

Only love reminds the mind of its own secondary place, as consciousness is whispering to consciousness this sweet holistic message.

Love is what the mind calls it, as consciousness talks to consciousness. Thus it's said that love is everything because consciousness only. 

So, as the mind is busy deconstructing mind, and 'no mind' to the mind is mistakenly believed to be a nihilistic nothing,

it’s beneficial to hold on to Love, Compassion, I Am, Being, or in other words, myself as consciousness only.

Otherwise, let the mind games begin again. Do not pass direct path. Do not go back to jail.

So, as consciousness is the only view, there are no other views. This is called no view on views. I Am is only. There is no modifier.

It follows that the world is of consciousness, by consciousness, for consciousness, and in consciousness, to go our Abraham one further.

Yes, it's difficult to hear that I create my own Samsara, but if I listen, suddenly Nirvana.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Quote Unquote: there's no other, Pip

As above, so it is below. And as the world at war, so there is a person.

But as memory makes the person, suddenly is realization never forgotten!

Headless and universally with heart, this godly ghost I am—

I'm hallowing with bloodless words upon this late October half-moon night.

Darwin read the right directions but survival of the one is in reality the game.

There is no one but myself throughout this echoing so-called Big Bang, but understanding this

self-evident truth is like a Waterloo of relativity for societal conditioning.

Quote unquote: it's not the loss of ego that's important, it's the understanding there's no other.

Like thinking being good is something you can do when being only ever does you good.

Like writing to the world when every secondary character is merely in my headless head. This is called allusion—

I like the sea that's being boundless now within this clarity

as if the rockbound silvery Mount Desert Ocean is openly eroding thoughts of me.

Quote unquote the footnote: reference Pip is what Ishmael is experiencing while speaking of that one white whale

—"the intense concentration of self in the middle of such a heartless immensity, my god! who can tell it?"—

tells the universe collapsing into Self-Awareness is the Loomings, Epilogue, and Story of Reality,

is telling Herman to his woman lovingly, 

with an immensity of heart—

this is dedicated 

to the one

I love.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Nondual Couplets for Kerouac

Kerouac is like the Bodhidharma of America from French-Canadian Catholicism bringing mystic Jesus Buddha love to desolation landscapes.

Stories speak of good and bad and what each wants but what about this need for story?

I went to Big Sur to see where Jack was crucified upon those cold indifferent and uncaring rocks of Robinson Jeffers.

Don't forget the world is hard and full of want, and stories are soft like blood and guts, but only dreaming is what I need to be.

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by scientific materialism until dementia settled in, or was it worst minds?

Quote unquote, it's not easy seeing through oneself when one has faith in nothing and forgets I am.

I'm not much but I pass through the eye of a needle. To say there are no words is just a waste of words. I am the word.

God, the world itself desires cancer, all about continued growth. The spiritless are like demented zombies, William Blake.

Death is as experientially unproven as any unidentified flying object so why do you believe in it?

Whatever way I take—direct, circuitous, or some other middle path—there is only self-awareness. Dream on, pure awareness, dream on.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Quote Unquote: Deconstructing Deconstruction

As long as one thinks there are others,
one is still learning to know oneself.
The lesson of a dream is not the story of the dream
but just the fact itself of dreaming.

there are four
of deconstruction.

First down is seeing through the other.
This is called comedy.
Second down is seeing through myself.
This is called spirituality.

Third down is seeing through manifestation.
This is called luminous dreaming.
Fourth down is seeing through the light of consciousness.
This is called nirvana or the kingdom of heaven.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

EOM: dominion

As if one can take a side
while being whole—
the world is never at or in war;
the world is ever of war.

To deconstruct this house of cards
and all its kings and queens and jokers
is an endless pointless game;
to deconstruct myself is seeing through it.

I as consciousness is all there really is.
Belief alone has manifested all the world
to be this stage of self-awareness—
believe it and not.

If I don’t question my dominion
in the dreams of night,
why should I yield the issue
in this one of day?

There are secondary characters galore
who try to steal my thunder—
priests and scientists, politicians and insurgents.
Let them taste my lightning!

So is all within myself
or do I project myself as all?
Never mind; this self-awareness is
one view without a view.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Is Desire a Dirty Word?

The word is not absurd because it rhymes. I don't need a laugh track to know which way the world sucks. So do not ask for whom the world wakes.

Laughter is the best Indian. The emperor has no clothes, Dogen has no body-mind, I haven't got a clue. Non-duality is easy. Nothing is hard. As nature is all about the kill, consciousness is all.

I pause for a word from my sponsor: aumdada. The Beatles are bigger than Buddha in my book. If desire is the fire, love is the light. It is telling what I see. It's just imagination getting what I need.

Jigsaw solid Dali listen lover Venus serendipity tomato mattress salamander deconstruction tractor Rome meander wonderland will be the very next fad.

Love informs desire, emptiness is unforgettable. Desire is not a dirty word but pure as night. Politics divide and sex unites, love. Just thinking is overthinking it. Imagine her, Arjuna.

On the interstate of possibility, each exit is imagination following desire. Dropping body-mind is seeing through the politics of sex and every fucking other oblivious belief.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Without a Net

Friday the 13th dropped by and asked to say a word beyond postmodernism but before the revelation. Here lies the moon without a man, and earth without a woman.

Science is the god of relativity, and pragmatism is the god of fundamentalism. So here belief is either yin or yang without the tempering of unbelievable Tao.

It’s such a nice try, but I am seeing through belief by seeing through myself. What better way to know without a doubt, in faith, the world is therapeutically fallacious, than by imagining my own?

This is called the highest deconstruction. It’s also called the deepest deconstruction. Unraveling another way, one can also call it neti neti without a net.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

EOM: the only known

all appears in consciousness—
no wave, no particle.

that I am
is the only view;
that I am That
is no view on views.

intent, imagination, and attention. amen.
seed, stalk, flower. svaha!

(dream lucidly—
as in construction is
the greatest deconstruction.)

that the unknown intends
to be known
is of an intensity so substantial

although unborn, I am—
this is not some scientific
myth of universal origin.

consciousness is the only known and yet
who superstitiously assumes this is
a product of some hard material head
without a dash of evidence?

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Quote Unquote: Consciousness

Listen! The turning point—consciousness is not a product of the brain but vice-versa. This is the actual understanding of the spiritual. Consciousness only. 

But science assumes it will unearth the truth in time. The spiritual knows I am the truth now.

This turning from belief to apperception is like awaking from the dreaming state of mind to now. This turning to the spiritual, this awakening to apperception, is, beyond all hype and expectations, enlightenment. 

The rest is simply further. Yet never underestimate this turning in the modern world. Because of it, almost no one knows where you're coming from.

In other words, consciousness is unbelievable. There is no argument to be made. This is why transmission is the thing in original Zen. The teacher is being only and the student is being only.

Words are being too. Words are the sounds of light belief is writing on the wall. First light, best sound.

Returning to the swamp of unity is not Miami. Everything appears in consciousness so no view on views, but here's a myth for you. 

The harvest moon will shine upon a midnight river. Pure awareness being self-aware. I know it's never two. 

I'd say it's one but it isn't said. Let's call it three, says Tao. There's nothing wrong with the world that disbelieving it can't cure. 

It's all about the crickets, electricity, and love. Who listens when the eye is crying? Even evil is not to be believed. 

Everything is love deflected. Past, present, and future, like consciousness cubed, deconstruction is penultimate.

Friday, September 29, 2017

footnotes stand arjuna lucidy

between belief and deconstruction is just some point of space-time.

think opposite.

in other words, out-trump trump.

love is self-evident in unity. unity is self-evident in omnipotent awareness. self-awareness. oh, that’s our shortstop.

it stands that such procedures are self-evident when seen outside the process.

necessary dreaming is becoming a reality.

and i repeat that pure awareness being self-aware.

Quote Unquote: Believe It And Not

Holy, wholly, holey—deconstruction.
Belief is not a problem.

It's an opportunity to 'reconstruct' awareness. Imagine self-awareness lucidly.

What better way to understand the world of big belief is just not real than by believing up your own?

Self-remember love is all there is. It's like those three harmonic strings behind each song I sing. Everything—superstring!

Since pure awareness is omnipotent and self-awareness is self-evident in such omnipotence,

unawareness isn't just some big mistake. Don't get me wrong. Belief is the right place for loving deconstruction.

In the name of this loving deconstruction, that understandable surrender, and those obvious detachments. Three.

The World According to Awareness

Pure awareness
unaware to be
this unawareness is called belief.

Within this so-called
of awareness,
the universe itself is made—
manifestation is the law of such belief.

So deconstruction is
in actuality
the reconstruction of awareness
or this self-awareness—
so to speak.