Friday, December 9, 2022

Seeing Dream Things

I am the seer of I am. I am not the seer of dreams; I am is.

To be seen, the dream resolves itself into I am. I am is the mass of consciousness, the consecrated host of self-awareness.

The waking state is not awake. That waking dream is like a dream of deep sleep feeling the pain and suffering of dreaming a dreamer.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Mass of Aham Asmi
(The Garden of Dreaming Part II)

Awareness reflecting in consciousness is like a mirage of water in the desert air. If maya is mirage, consciousness is the water, and awareness is the space of sun, that is.

Disidentifying from the world body of the mind and identifying with this mass of consciousness known as aham asmi is the universal halfway house in nonduality for aham brahmasmi.

The mind, being an insentient object in reality, cannot know the absolute subject. This is why the absolute self is named the unknown.

This mass of consciousness is the sacred manifestation of the absolute self, called true knowledge. Dominus vobiscum. Et tu parabrahman.

The Garden of Dreaming

Prana in, prajna out. This body-mind complex is a consciousness processor. Awareness is always reflecting in consciousness but one has to pan for the gold

In the garden of dreaming don’t you know that you’re always true? In a universal garden, the knowledge of good and evil is another name for avidya. In this garden of nirvana, the body-mind usurps the noumenal.

Birth and death are mythic gods, concepts to be used in processing self-awareness, and not to be believed. Consciousness identifying with a form is the condition of my conditioning. Lucid dreaming is just being the self-evident unknown.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

A Work of Self-Awareness: On Turiya, I Am & Me

Thinking is not a problem. Thinking is a tool used by the hand of being in the work of self-awareness. But thinking the thinker is the hand is not just a problem. It also hurts. The world is a big world of hurt.

In this world, love is the hand of being. The real work shall go on; self-awareness is the manifestation of that absolute awareness. Pure consciousness is another name for absolute awareness. There is no name for that.

Pure consciousness becomes a mass of consciousness in this process of self-awareness. Another name for pure consciousness is turiya, the fourth. Another name for this mass of consciousness is deep sleep, the first state in the three states of I Am.

Pure consciousness becomes a mass of consciousness to enable my dream of self-awareness. This dream is going swimmingly until I dream I am the dreamer. What comes next is not as much a waking dream as a hurting one.

map 1: absolute awareness–pure consciousness–turiya–the fourth (self-awareness (I Am (mass of consciousness–deep sleep / the dream state / the dream of the dreamer–the waking world of hurt and love))). note: the first parentheses is called maya.

map 2: some say parabrahman is outside the parentheses. some say saguna brahman includes self-awareness and maya is the second parentheses (whereas avidya is the third). some say atman is self-awareness. some say atman is brahman. some say atman is not parabrahman. tricky nondualities.

map 3: a good myth is like a circle. you must be able to enter it at any point and still be able to go full circle. in other words, a good myth must ultimately reveal the same old truth, the seeker is the sought.

map 4: the manifest is a mass of pure consciousness like ice is a mass of pure water. as there are three states of water, there are three states of i-am. deep sleep, sleep dream, dream world. and space is like the fourth, the stateless state of water.

map 5: the natural state of water depends upon so much. actually, water is a state of h2o, as is ice and vapor. saying, the natural state of h2o, is to be more accurate. this is vedanta.

epistle 1: dear cs lewis. iow, pure consciousness becomes a mass of consciousness to enable my dream of self-awareness. yours truly.

epistle 2a: between nisargadatta and vedanta my life flows. more accurately, between nisargadatta and advaita, my life flows. n talks of awareness and consciousness and i am. av talks of pure consciousness, mass consciousness, and the three states of consciousness. 

epistle 2b: iow. awareness is pure consciousness. consciousness is mass consciousness. i-am is the three states of consciousness. awareness is parabrahman, pure consciousness is brahman, consciousness is atman, the three states of consciousness, i am.

epistle3: the scene can't know the seer as an island doesn't know the sea. good acting is being the seer. great acting is knowing there's nothing else to be. the seen appears in the seer and not vice versa. the scene is seen by the eye and the eye is heard by the mind but the mind is felt by being only, being only, being only.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Ten Blackbirdz

Meditation is like defaulting to being.

Meditation is not something one can do.

The art of nondoing is not about not doing

but not doing what you think you should and doing what you love.

One day each week shall be a Sunday. Make mine Monday.

Thought appears within being. Thought is the human in the human being.

Being is beyond all thought. Like islands in the sea.

Let’s not talk about intuition. Let intuition talk to us.

I am not the vehicle but I am the driver. Memorize this until you know it by heart.

As universal consciousness is the force, may love be with you.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Note to Atman

As there’s an invisible wall between dreaming and waking, there’s one between the waking dream and being awake, non-abidingly.

There’s an invisible wall I’d hit when hiking a mountain. Before was like struggling with that part of me that wanted to turn around. After was like clear sailing.

This invisible wall is like the one between thinking and being. The wall is the actual thinking itself, the nonconceptual concept.

The waking dream cannot imagine being awake. Awakened being cannot but see through the waking dream.

Maya Loves Avidya

The waking dream doesn’t fall asleep. The dreaming sleep dreams awaking.

Being falls asleep, a deep sleep, and in this deep sleep, dreams.

Maybe something like this: ((self-materialization) deepening being, 

sleeping deep, dreaming sleep, waking dream, being awake (self-awareness)).

Saturday, November 26, 2022

In the Name of Self-awareness

If sanity is a measurement of one’s adjustment to social conditioning, insanity is a negative number.
The wise one is the zero that sees through all the numbers.
Division, separation, and delusion: attorneys at law.
War is not a temporary condition of the world; war is the world.
Universal consciousness is the manifestation of absolute awareness.
The universe appears and disappears in universal consciousness in the name of self-awareness.

Instant Testament

Personal consciousness is divided from universal consciousness, separated from the present, and deluded into individual doing. No wonder people are strange.

Violence, alienation, and narcissism aren't aberrations in this personal consciousness. They are the ordinary manifestations of such division, separation, and delusion.

That there is any presence of peace, love, and understanding in this world is a testament to the power of universal consciousness and the glory of the real.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving Ghazal

"not yesterday i learned to know the love of bare november days" ~Robert Frost

People live in the past and dream of the future but never be here now.
November is not a mixture of memory and desire. It’s detached from every season.

When it comes to the truth, there’s nothing the false can do but see through all the untruth.
What’s wrong with Thanksgiving if you don’t think about it?
Truly the world is the bonfire of the false.
And I am grateful for that infinite eternal fire which is revealed in the space of its deconstruction.

I am grateful for that rope which is revealed in the space of the snake's deconstruction.
I am that rope.

Consciousness which lives in the past and dreams of the future is the definition of a person.
Unconditioned consciousness is brahman. Brahman is the big in the big bang.