Thursday, May 11, 2023

So Self-awareness Appears


Both the dream and the dreamer are dreams. Only one dream per dreamer survives the night, by surviving the dawn.

This focusing namarupa of the mind survives the crash into the self-luminous ground of satcitananda.

Maya may have no beginning, but it’s not eternal. Brahman is. So self-awareness appears in awareness.


Here's all we can say. Maya has no beginning. Self-awareness, self-realization, ends maya. Is then self-awareness the meaning of maya? Who can say?

This is bhakti advaita. Isvara is saguna brahman. Maya is isvara’s magic wand. The universe is maya’s intelligent illusion. Lila is isvara’s intent. Self-realization is the end of maya. Aham nirguna brahmasmi.

People are not numbers. They're names and forms. Names and forms are insentient concepts. Concepts are superimpositions engraved upon existence-being-presence, consciousness-intelligence-awareness, holistic bliss infinity. As the substrate gives sentience to Michelangelo's David.

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