Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Dreamstate Tractate Trifecta


The day dream appears to be so powerful, not for the mind’s performance (the hallucinating night dream is the mind at its best) but for the substrate upon which the mind’s names and forms are carved: existence-being, consciousness-intelligence, bliss-infinity.

Memory fuels the sleeping dream. Consciousness fuels the waking dream. The sleeping dream is basically names and forms. The waking dream is names, forms, being, intelligence, and bliss.

They say namarupa is the superimposition and satcitananda is the substrate. Thus the dreamstate is like a sleeping snake startled by the rope of reality.


The universe is the form of space and the name of time appearing in the unborn infinity of brahman.

The mind is living on borrowed sentience, and memory is living on that sentience of the mind. Sleeping, the mind still flickers, but memory is nearly unconscious.

In this current dream world, subsisting is being and money is knowledge. But desire is never bliss. Only unconditional love is.


In the unborn brahman that is I, a me is born. This is not sin city, it’s maya.

Desire is a new game every day! Love is game over.

Unconditional love is natural self-awareness.

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